Well, i value myself,.. my first and foremost responsibility is to take care of myself and my near and dear... that keeps me get going.. no big deal, right.
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.- Leo Tolstoy. Great things do not happen on an everyday basis, it takes lots of time and effort...Rome wasn't built in a day. You have to make choices. You can't get through a single day without making a choice. Just be ready, because each choice, each action, has a consequence,..finding solutions is an evolutionary process that takes place through trial and error, selection and imitation of successful solutions.
They say,... Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference... and I am a good listener, that's why I always to listen to myself and good songs.
You can't get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make... So, if you are looking for an argument or a quarrel with me.. I'll let you win, unopposed... to me, that's peace and i save my energy as well.
Life is easier when you mind your own business. A hard thing about business is minding your own, it is hard but not impossible... just keep trying.
Well, do not expect me to say something snappy all the time, all good things have limited supply, you know that, right,.. try to contribute some on your own.. i or other people might not notice, and that's ok.
In life, nobody gets paid for what is taught in schools... In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.. time and again lock-down has proved that the world can run without force-fed schools... anything that is not voluntary but forced do not work in the long run... yes, one year is a long time, considering the peoples need for food, medicine, fuel etc.
You do what works for you, i,ll do what works for me,.. i do not outsource, delegate or depend on any paymaster,.. i read the situation and act accordingly, on "what it is", not on some hypothetical "what it should be", btw i did not complain.. my way is the best way for me, you know what works for you, right..cool then.
The world continues to run, it doesn't stop for anyone. So, pick yourself up and carry on.. Just don't wait for fairies to come and clean your house. ok. Have fun then.
Just because i did not say something about you, or mentioned your name, doesn't mean you are insignificant or unimportant,... well, most people think that way, they need validation,.. i only notice what they earn with their own merit.. and merit doesn't require validation, prejudice or privilege.. it's openly proven to the world.
I do not complain, it is because i make my own decisions, since time immemorial, there are people who think the world will not run without them,... and the world keeps running.. no big deal.
When you are having a good time, you can do what you like or want. When time is not so good, you just focus on what you need. I am holding onto McDowell's No.1 brandy as companion in this good time...Now, you tell... Merriment, enjoyment are indispensable to human civilization,..Since the hunters and gatherers, they have been doing merriment in ways,.. first they go to hunt, then, roast the hunt and then dance around the fire.. still similar, chill then.
Take it easy, live a life, people always have something to say,.. they are just looking for attention.. nothing important as such.
So, you have no one to quarrel with, or no opponents.. you see, it is hard to mind your own business.. As they say, sometimes boring is better and sometimes boring is beautiful.. are you bored enough yet?.. patience.
So, you are unhappy not because you do not have enough,.. you are unhappy because other people are not envious of what you have or your achievements... there are lots of such people out there,.. how can anyone help them... happiness start with yourself, then only you can share with others... Just common sense not some protocol...so, stay cool. It is not about doing something very important or solving a really pressing problem.. it is or it was never the case, it is about something to show others.. that's why i don't pay attention... that's it, no big deal.
I have erased all the corrupt stuffs from my memory that was taught in schools,.. Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. Now i can think like real people, not like some brainwashed bookworm... i feel healthier and things are much better.. that is cool stuff.
Good, learning to do things on your own is good, you don't have to look at me or at anyone, ok. cool. I do what is good for myself, first,..don't you do the same for yourself?.. any doubt here,...you can tell me.
When i watch, i enjoy them fully,.. sports, movies, tv series etc,.. i am not a watching machine, people have their different choices in movies and sports,.. nobody asks how much ground work, practice, testing they did,.. i too do not tell anyone the same about me,.. if they appear in the major tournaments and leagues... they make cool movies/tv series,.. then they have been doing things right. People are expected to know well about their area/field of specialization. That's how interrelated specialization based world works.
Only the tricky times and not so good situations reveal who got the mettle, and who have been swimming naked all along... kind of time to time check and reminder, that,.. stupidity is not the ultimate sophistication... so, stay cool... Of course, you need to keep safe distance from the state funded armed agents, they are armed and dangerous ..they openly carry fire arms even in civilian areas, not a very civilized notion.. So, keep safe distance from the tax funded state agents,..rest of the things will be fine.
My level of maturity depends on who i,m with...you know what i mean.. Wanna beer, come join me,.. now, who says no to beer.. chill. When people tell me "You're going to regret that in the morning," I sleep in until noon,..that is what beer does.. cool stuff.
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday... now don't show your teeth shamelessly... Do not try to convince or persuade me for anything, i know to take care things,.. last time a guy came to convince me, "what i should do?".. a few days later i heard he was in some hospital down with tuberculosis... it is always better to learn to take care of your own shit than others... another guy also came to suggest me,.. then his daughter died,.. not seen since then.. i can go on with such examples if you insist.. ok.. stay chill...
Beautiful things attract us, and so the beautiful people, that is simple aesthetics.. the feel good nature. So, if you are not good looking, don't worry, you are not alone, majority of people are with you.
Remember what your daddy told you. Be precise in life. It can make all the difference.. Dom. No. No, no, no, no, no. Do y'all not understand? Clearly, y'all don't. Because if you did, you'd be pissing your pants like a normal person. ..Orbit!... That's outer space. That's another level. What we gonna do? Hijack a space shuttle? Put rockets on our backs?..... That's exactly what we're gonna do...What?!.
What happens when you test a theory over and over again only to come to the same result? A hypothesis becomes fact... But you're not actually suggesting that... I don't know, but when the improbable happens again and again, that's more than luck...Maybe we're not so normal...That's what I'm saying...We are not normal... Okay, um...just to clarify, are you two maybe suggesting that we're what, ...invincible? ...Maybe, Maybe.... Or maybe you're just a dumbass.
We do it ourselves..It's where we've been that got us this far... Because, what is given, can be taken away. So, do it yourselves,.. and that is the hard part, time consuming and whole lot of unanticipated groundwork.. but once you realize that, you'll never need to prove it to anyone, and no one can take that away.
No effort but good life, works for you, cool,.. that is what everyone is looking for, you are not alone... I was just asking, what is your complain then?.. People say, I act like I don't care. It's not an act.. ok.
You are not listening. Think about this. You can't have everything from nothing, you can't have your cake and eat it too...some people call it opportunity cost. So, I want you to know... someone out there cares, i don't, but someone does.
That is right, world is a big and interconnected market place, it is not their or our, we all use stuffs from everywhere.. either it is made by some Indian chutiyas(moron) or Chinese chutiyas or some other chutiyas.. if it is useful.. then it is all fine...do we care where fuel oil comes from.. boundaries are inaccurate and useless term used by the sarkari(state) chutiyas.. there is no our or their... that is why free market commodity money(neutral money) is the best... we are all interconnected and interdependent... you have anything better, you can tell me.
The economy is nothing more than the aggregation of all individuals transacting with one another,.. remove all the individuals,.. would there still be a thing called "the economy" remaining?.. What is feminine term for chutiya?.. i don't know, you find out.., but i can give you some hint,.. pretty face without brains are taken by ugly men with some money,.. that is the way it is.. rest you know.
I did't mean to offend anyone, facts are just facts.. i,ll teach in more clearer language, in case anyone find it difficult to understand.. so, stay cool, ok.
So, you are not good looking, at-least you can talk nice, that may compensate some, though not all. You have no time for love, your bosses are screwing you all the time.. that is why it is always better to learn to do things on your own... You need money/salary from them,.. they will not do it for free for you, if they do it for you, they will do you from front and back,.. nothing is free.. i did not hire the state thugs to rob from some other and pay me, what is the reason you come complaining then?.. you can chose different way of living.
Well, just do not come complaining, i have issue then,.. make choices by yourself and own it up, do not hire any third party and then blame them, that is just a self goal, only you will loss, not any other. ok.
Yeah, They are doing intercourse over the internet, i saw one of my nephew and some of his friends have done inter course(10+2) science with more than 80%, over the internet, without appearing any of the so called exam, just formality, and they are wasting money on such valueless stuffs.
Living a life of lies, don't they get suffocated.. ugh.. i need some fresh air to breath... All for no work but good life,.. all because of the free lunch and free money.. still not happy and always barking.. that is because, happiness comes from doing the right things honestly.
Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice...and that is the advantage of being experienced.
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.- DL,.. sleeping with a mosquito!, why,?.. Where all the women gone? .. so, you want it clean,.. same here, once penetrated not interested, ..clear dating rule, ...always be clear and precise,.. that saves time, money and effort. ok, chill.
Don't you understand, i am teaching stuffs to AI/ML coder kids, lets see how they learn and what they learn ...and auto suggest you folks... Elvis Presley once said, 'Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away.'.. sooner or later you have to face it. So, face it now, sooner the better.
People buy secondhand stuffs too, although i don't.. so, do not get disheartened,.. there are takers for low quality stuffs and secondhand stuffs too.. you know what i mean.. people do have different choices,.. see the benefits of free market., see the positive side.
No, no, no, don't think. That's my job... okay. People may be good at different things, but in thinking most people have their hard luck.
The first Axiom of Choice Theory - The only person whose behavior we can control is our own... so, first thing first... my behavior,.. they have invented nothing such ever. Time of invention is over at-least for now, after the likes of Newton, Einstein, etc... now it is just manipulating, tweaking, tricking,.. and lasts only for a day or two.. so nothing worthy, just wait for while, they disappear like smoke, and you will hear noise again...not worth my time, that is why good movies are for... I watched a good movie, that was fire,.. smoke is the byproduct of fire,..you already missed the point,.. now you come to put it out with your insignificant piss... that sounds like dysfunctional, useless systems around... party over then only you show up.. not impressed, do better.
Now, some homework for AI kids,.. KISS - keep it simple, silly. A pole in motion, produces lotion, A pole in a hole, produces new soul., the funny thing about humanity's hate for each other is stronger than its own self-preservation, bible uses force for good, islam uses force for good and so the others, they are all dead wrong ..because fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity... that is why my default choice is peace... have a life kiddos.
Same resources, same tools, still some people do it better,.. it doesn't matter what's under a hood. The only thing that matters is who's behind the wheel... i am talking about the cool folks,.. not about those who are wasting their life following some fool's order, controlled by salary... people just like me.. Money makes you free.. that is why it is important...want to protect your money from stealing, well, keep it in bitcoin and in some other valuable stuffs of your choice, not in shitcoins (usd, yuan, yen, gbp,.. etc), and related stuffs ...keep only some amount in your local tokens for groceries... things will be fine... How do you think i always have time for cool movies and other cool activities..
I am not a nice person?, i know. The world hate smart people. Less competent, louder voice... cliché.. ok, don't be disappointed, no AI lesson today.. chill.
That is what i am also saying, Arsenal, stop talking and start playing, focus on football,.. don't be just there to add up numbers..ok. it's a long season ahead.. rest of the guys look ok to me.
All we do is behave... so, behave yourselves,.. otherwise i will start to misbehave.. ok... 'Samajhdar ko ishara hi kaafi hai'.. means you do not play violin to a cow.. a few keywords are more impactful than 100k noisy sentences, that nobody wants to read..., So, behave..ok.
There is no beginning. There is no end. There is only becoming... So, you think you are better that, then do better than that... don't just say.. ok... what the world doesn't need is leaders and followers.. it only need people with common sense... everyone can flourish.
You can work for it or you can wish for it..Your choice... but there are no fairies.. ok. I can give people some talking points.. that's bread and butter for many people.. sometimes i feel its ok to help the needy.
The four most beautiful words in our common language: I told you so.. GV. All we can give another person is information... love is the truest information in the cosmos.
I did not create the river, i,m simply paddling the raft.. i make my ways.. people i did not need so far will not be needed in the future as well... so, chill.
Hmm.. Arsenal used to be a respectable name in football, but their recent years performances are not good. I don't know what is happening.. i believe they will work to regain their strength... as it is a continuous effort for every team. PSG is now star studded, that is what once Real Madrid looked like,.. lets see how they fair in the Champions League.
Make your own decisions,.. and that is the best way not to blame some other,.. Becoming a man/woman means making choices for yourself. Now ask yourselves... are you a man/woman enough. let me know.
Nah.. i did not say nothing, i have already given you walk over,.. so, go find some other opponent somewhere to quarrel with.. in case you are getting bored.. waiting is a wonderful thing, it makes lots of troubles go away.
You are bored, so?.. no, i can't help. And I do not annoy strangers all the time.. btw #EPL is on.. so you know.
One thing can make me look stupid,.. that is love,.. no other thing,, i do not know such thing as intelligent love... Loving someone means you overlook things they do may be totally uninteresting to you,.. you know.. still keep quiet and nod... love is not about having the same habit or hobby.. still you know...reasoning, logic doesn't seem to work.
I can annoy people, told you, i just don't do it all the time,.. you bore me, i,ll bore you back.. you may not, b'cose your boss, or some of your worshiped person may not like it.. i don't have any such.
Among La Liga, Serie A, EPL, Bundesliga... EPL looks more competitive now.. once upon time AC Milan was a very strong team,.. they had been going through rough phases for years.. now it looks regaining strength slowly... no one can take things for granted...need continuous effort to stay competitive... btw where is Jose Mourinho now, he is a interesting guy with interesting comments, like 'lose is not in my dictionary'.. fair to say, he had his time in Lampard, Drogba, Terry.. Chelsea period.
You see, the mind is a rebel. It is not a servant... you tell them not to, people like to do the opposite, .. i like you, little rebels.. i am just like you, only smarter and better looking, you know that.. ok, chill.
Useful stuffs are what regular people actually use,..anything useful, people will start using it and eventually appear in the market place.. those are the things that i pay for, just like everyone.. noise, slogans remains as they are,.. i do not buy them, just like everyone.
I am really thankful to a bunch of nobodies, who are hardworking and make things happen - Anonymous.
What?.. Kismat mouka deti hai, par mehnat chouka deti hai.. You mean,.. In Cricket hard work earns you a single run but luck earns you 4 or 6 runs... looks like folks are gearing up for IPL, is it half way or full league.. let me know.
As i told you,.. If you think you are better than that, then do better than that.. talk less and work more.
Ok folks, keep talking, it costs nothing to me... looking for conflict is not a sustainable livelihood,.. voluntary cooperation is... you want to destroy anything good on earth.. involve politicians, leaders, voters, followers and other state actors... wherever they go.. filth, poverty, disease, death, destruction, conflicts, war.. follows... barbarian model (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, American Presidents etc..)... thanks but no thanks.. failed models...time changes but results remain the same... keep trying.. nothing good happens.
Corporations are subsidiary of states, they do not have their own existence, and they are nothing different..
All these... good healthcare for all, good livelihood for all, good this for all, good that for all... these slogans, remain slogans.. they will never exist in the practical world... you can't believe anything about those people who have their primary intention to rule and control other people.. everything else is optional to them.... i prefer to keep safe distance from the voter/follower-politician/leader sector.. thanks but no thanks.
You are right... The world is full of Chaturs not Ranchos.. so, you know why things are so.. chill. Ok, so, you are thanking me for giving you some talking points... you are welcome.
A penalty is a cowardly way to score. - Pelé, ...people used to speak the truth.. the best thing about truth is.. it releases your burden... If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. - Mark Twain.. means, no burden.
You're pretty when outraged. #bitcoin.
buy and forget #bitcoin, Just buy whenever you like and whatever amount you can...and do your regular things.. check its price regularly in at-least every 10 years. ..do not daytrade,.. leave that to the likes of WallShit guys, and tech stuffs to the bitcoin tech guys. bitcoin is a kind of property, like a piece of land. The main thing is...no one (state or non state actors) can confiscate it...Just hodl, that is peace of mind. You may hear in the news media about pryckto, that is not about bitcoin. Bitcoin is universally honest ledger. And you don't have to be like Michael Slayer oops..Saylor, who wants to buy and keep all the bitcoins for himself.
Well, give them some break #Arsenal.. they missed their chance to earn some points, atleast a draw in the opening match itself,. with their current strength, they did not have much chances against the likes of ManCity, Chelsea anyway... they didn't play well defensively,.. analyse and approach as per the strength of your opponent team... you have to play defensively well against the teams with superior strength, and take chances of counter attacks whenever it look suitable... panicking and hurrying won't help.
That is what Chelsea did with their 10 men, When Liverpool thought,..we caught them off guard, now we can hit them hard,.. but Chelsea defended tactfully as per the situation demanded.
The art of scoring from the distance,.. you got it right, Son has that in him, rare stuff... Spurs off to a good start of the season... They have a good Son with them, from The land of the morning calm.
I know, not easy, ManU got their points only after lots of torture from The Wolverines, X-guys,..lots of chances still not in the net,.. but that was a fast and good match to watch.
Hmm.., chat less, work more,.. Gandhi said something like that,.. now Saylor is also saying something like that... ok guys, just chill.
You see, most people are good,..including me. Then occasionally they do something they know is bad. Some people are bad, and they struggle every day to keep it under control... Others… corrupt to the core and just don't give a damn, that would be like Nick Fury. But evil…Evil is a completely different creature, Evil believes bad is okay, its actions are justified. Violence divorced from conscience, no matter what toll it takes or who it takes it upon... mass murderers, dictators, like Hitler.. And that, my friends, can't be okay in a civilized world.
So, you are asking what Gandhi said about Wealth Without Work (not www,..okay).
Wealth Without Work refers to the practice of getting something for nothing... such as manipulating markets and assets, so you don't have to work or produce added value, just manipulate people and things.
The similarity between usd and garbage is that, i don't need them both... Is it a simple sentence,.. a compound or a complex sentence... tell me, okay.
Yes, people are different,.. you do not have to be like me or some other,.. and you are like you, that is written in your DNA... just don't beat the shit out of other people, ok.
People say, I'm condescending. That means I talk down to people.,.. easy guys, chill.
So, you have bicycle, now you want a motorbike,.. you have a motorbike, now you want a car,.. you have a car, now you want a plane... etc. etc... You can afford them with your own effort, there are no issues.
You think the cockroaches, the traders in the capital market, manipulate the market,.. no, it is the money printing press that manipulates the market,.. with no rules, no discipline, no science.. and keep the money supply changing with their own whims and fancy,.. political reasons may be,.. and the other banks borrow it and create money out of nothing, through lending. See, you need certain base rules and promises to build something credible and durable upon... you make mistakes, you go bankrupt,.. and you have to start from the scratch again..
Yes, that is why some people say,.. bitcoin is fuck you money,..and Bitcoin is a go fuck yourselves network.
I don't know about their kids, but most people love money unconditionally,.. may be, the evils, psycho killers etc. are some exceptions... Told you, my behavior depends on who i am talking to, and my maturity depends on who i am with... T&C apply.
I listen to lots of people, and learn from lots of people... there's no single or central source,.. not like any of those stooges, who are worthless themselves.. and look for some other gang of robbers (e.g some state thugs),..and think.. "well, i can't be better than those guys, but i can't bring them down by myself, but i can cheer those robbers to bring them down,".. losers mindset... have a life.
Hmm.. It is the words you don't say that i hear the loudest...so, don't think like losers,..ok, just chill.
Cool story dudes and dudettes, now go make me a sandwich.. then we,ll talk, ok.
Change is a process, not an event, you know that, right... I may disagree with lots of people,.. still, i respect their right to be stupid... people usually learn things that matter, the hard way,.. so be it,.. just do not come complaining.. no issues okay.
So, you ain't interested in looking good. You are only interested in being decent. Doing right is better than looking right... you think so,.. cool then, chill.
Well,.. that is oxymoron,.. people take their paycheck from some corrupt and incompetent politicians, and try to claim their decency,.. that is seriously funny stuff.
Ok folks, take part in the cool activities around. I,ll prefer beer instead,.. having fun is important, chill.
Yeah, beer is fine,.. what i was talking,.. what really matters.. is minimizing conflict within societies and the world at large,.. since time immemorial, lots of governing methods are tried, still conflict minimization in the societies are not upto the mark,.. when i look around, it doesn't look quite civilized yet.. that's the thing, ok, chill.
Do i by any chance look like a guy with a plan,.. but if you give me enough money, i can build roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, houses, hotels, etc... just like any other decent guys can do,.. it's only matter of money,.. there are lots of people who are willing to work,.. no special privileges required,..
The question is who will give that money or where the money will come from.. everyone is willing spend other peoples money(taxing, printing), but not a penny from their own money/salary.. and you expect such system to work, that benefits only certain parties at the expense of everyone else.
So, the untrusted middlemen.. the people i don't know & i don't want to know,.. whatever you want to do,.. do with your own money.. mind your own business.
Take it easy,..people know the difference between the genuine and pessimistic little shits.. let them remain stupid... what matters is the originals.
A day without smile is a wasted day,.. enjoy the journey, otherwise there is no point of all the arrangement, ..ok, chill.
People say,..total wealth of the world is around some 430 trillions in terms of usd, as usual you know that. To me, 1 sat + 1 cup of tea + 1 cup of coffee + 1 can of beer > 430 trillion ,.. i liked the inequalities chapter of math.
Top richest 1%, and bottom 100%,.. blah blah blah,.. these are language of media propaganda folks, btw ,will the top richest 1% attain immortality?,...no,.. they will die like any stray dog, nobody gives a shit... can they prevent accidents, prevent death, prevent disease, etc?... no,.. they are protected by the state, just to fund wars, conflict and all other illicit activities.
I don't make stupid people famous,.. i too have some code of conduct,.. btw, did you get offended when i called you stupid,.. i thought you already knew,.. just chill, ok.
I don't know,.. is she Tony Stank's daughter, sister, niece, or else?.. yeah the Lightning Labs gal,.. she speaks too fast,.. i find it difficult to keep up, and have to listen to her recorded stuffs in slow motion mode,.. rest... she seems doing awesome stuffs... but her speeches are still an issue.
Ok, you folks want me to listen,.. speak nice and clear,.. no haste, as if somebody is going to take away your turn to speak,.. you will have your turn, and you will have lots of time to speak. So, speak slow and clear., ok, chill.
So karma says, when she is angry you keep quiet and vice versa may not be the case...ok, got it, chill. No,.. i am a peace loving person. So, i always prefer minimum conflict zones in all walks of life..ok.
It doesn't matter what you want, once you get it, then you want something else... control yourselves folks,..limited resources,..or invent something extraordinary to compensate, ..unlimited energy source, how?.. It is about fair distribution, not equal distribution of limited resources.. people have different skills, different abilities and talents,.. so different earnings,.. not equal income or earnings. The strict limit of 21million bitcoins is all about that,.. fair distribution of limited resources... and no matter how powerful your mining machine may be, there will only be 21million bitcoins ever.. and everyone has to play by that rule,.. that's a fair proposition, not equal.
Yeah, people do absurd stuffs when their bosses talk about salary cut,.. It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it - Upton Sinclair,.. ok folks enjoy.
I must admit one thing, the wallshit folks, the cockroaches, the traders.. are not entirely useless people, whenever i think, i missed opportunity to buy some more bitcoin, they come and help. They're still cockroaches that eat dollar garbage. I mean it in a good way... ok, chill.
You are right...,you can give them free salary/money with your own bias, but you can't give them competence with your own bias,..and eventually that money will go to someone who is competent or hardworking. So, your issues are either due to lack of competence or unwilling to work at all.
So, if you want free fiat money, keep in touch with someone or some group of people who have access to free money,.. you don't have to be one of them.... the fiat money supply is kind of water pipeline, just handover your water container when they open the tap,.. you just have to be a friend of that person who opens the tap...no competence, no work required.
Even i am confused, what's going on folks?.. ECB stands for what?,.. is it England Cricket Board or European Central Bank... why use the same abbreviation,.. clear me up folks,..okay... i believe BCCI, IPL are about cricket, and about looking after the matters of cricket in India., they seem doing fairly good job... any issues?... unlike PIL (Public Interest Litigation), RTI (Right to Idiots...) ..etc.. are very very bad stuffs in India... Ok, folks,.. talk and settle...cool..
Yeah, the cricketers in India are rich, so?,.. that is because people love to watch cricket in India, i don't know about the other sports. Just like football in Europe and South America... so, what is your issue..
All great things and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning... you think so,.. ok, that sounds cool. Ok folks, have fun then.
Looks like all the matches are at the same time.. #EPL, ok.
Cristiano Ronaldo has now scored more goals in 45 minutes than Arsenal have in 315 minutes this season in the Premier League... at-least they have managed to pick up some points... seems rascals are everywhere.
But what is good is good, right folks.. I really hated the.. Ponting, Gilchrist, Hayden... McGrath, Brett Lee.. Aussie super team, for mercilessly destroying Indian bowling attacks,.. other teams also received the same treatment...very very competitive cricketers.. people say Don Bradman is the greatest.. but as a team, awesome strength of that team was unparalleled.. i don't know the current status of the Aussie Cricket Team...
So, going by evidence,..this year, 2021, one of the UEFA Europa League finalists, that is Man United, was from EPL,, and both of the UEFA Champions League finalists, that is Chelsea & Man City were from EPL,.. so, it looks like EPL maintains European dominance.. Now Ronaldo and Lukaku are also back to their childhood playground, EPL,..both looks like in sublime form and hitting the net,.. that make things much more interesting.
Hmm... they have something to say, they have something to write.. let them,.. just keep up your good work,.. sooner or later only the good work give results.. and that is what matters, chatting patting will continue.
Looks like good start of the group stage.. #UCL, not much surprising results, slight setbacks for ManU, Barca... going good.. Bayern, Juve, Chelsea and the others... ok... but don't relax too much,... Well begun is not half done.. tide can change at any time.. ok, chill.
Yes, everything in the practical world is a complex interplay,.. simple arithmetic could no longer help, that is why calculus arrived,..it was necessity.. otherwise people normally do not hammer their heads much.
You mean, the Best brains do not work for a bunch of crooks, if fact they do not work for anyone, say self employed... like satoshi.. ok... yes, rather use the time to enjoy..
Did i say something you didn't like ..,why are you praising your parents then?... grow up, and just chill... Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. - Mark Twain.. i still like folks, ok, enjoy.
You folks have been cool,.. what you want from me then,.. have fun.. ok.
As usual, most people are looking for free money,.. that is the story everywhere,.. nothing new. So, how is it going folks.,, all cool.
So, there are some unfinished businesses that has to be taken care of in UAE,.. better late than never.. #IPL.. ok cool.
Btw, i didn't know Hayden was a Science student back in his school days,.. there are some talks going on him joining PCB for the upcoming ICC M T20WC... So, new things seem to unravel every now and then..
Ok, those things can wait,.. now first things first, business first,.. now the task at hand is #IPL,.. so focus, guys.
Little dirty tricks doesn't work in Bitcoin network,.. they can't manipulate it,.. that's their only issue ..you have to work for it, it's not free.. all other stuffs, such as money printing, share, bonds..etc are manipulable and are manipulated.. those tricks doesn't work when it comes to bitcoin.. like or not everyone has to play by the same rule... no favoritism, no privilege... and that is what makes it different from the others...
It is beyond their capability,.. Satoshi outsmarted every bit of them... told you there are highly skilled and truly smart people in this world., you may not hear them often.
Yeah, Arsenal seems doing ok,.. it's only the beginning.. at lot to come.. meanwhile IPL action resumes today.. cool.
Bitcoin is money,.. everything else is garbage.. Satoshi is just smarter, learn to live with that.. swallow your false pride.. good for you.. ok chill.
Slow but steady start CSK,.. it will get faster as things proceed... meanwhile Chelsea keeps up winning momentum.. all cool.
Why should i or any smart fellow has to work for fiat money... people normally work for things that is not freely or easily available... If fools can get fiat money for free... you know.. what is the point, its free... yeah, i need fool ppl ...they are the source of my free fiat money.. i have no issues with them..
Hmm... valuables are not easy to produce.. easy come, easy go.. no big deal... So, stay cool and enjoy sports..
May be it was kiwi or aussie tour....it was kiwi i think.. Sehwag was hammering kiwi bowlers all around the park.. a little kiwi boy was sitting near the boundary line with a small board written on it.. "Se-wack!", .. style doesn't matter, you get runs, that is what matters.. nice cover drive may not always fetch run.. Sehwag style,.. either the ball will go outside or he will go outside... People say, nobody can copy Kumble's bowling style till date.
What a design... financial system is like a boat with multiple leaks and holes at the bottom,.. only way to keep it afloat is to keep pumping out the water... leave it as it is for a while it will sink!.. designed by geniuses.. You can't fix a system, that is faulty by design and broken from the start... you don't have debt, you're born in a system of debt... that is electronic debt-based fiat currency system.. all debt debt...no money.
You don't know any of the Indian company name.. that is because they don't do anything worth knowing.. most of them work as some kind state subsidiary, a few small startups here and there, a few dalals here and there doesn't make any difference... most importantly you have nothing new to learn from them.
Performers, deliverers,.. people who do the actual work.. are always in small numbers.. .to many managers, yes men, pultico-burucrats, loyalists.. these are not performers,.. taking things from somewhere/someone and giving it to some other is not work...that is parasitism.. or some kind of disguised unemployment.
Ignore them, they bark at one another all the time,..they don't bite one another.. no brain, no courage, no empathy... nation state thug heads.. barking is their habit.
Hmm.. only the performers make things work, and keep things get going... and that is what matters. That was really some batting performance.. non performing asses go screw yourselves.. i am enjoying IPL..
The time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time - PBKS.. meanwhile Aussie Women thrash Indian Women in the Great Barrier Reef opening ODI.. not a good start for the Indian Women Cricket team...
Businesses always find solutions.. just keep the uninvited and unwanted middlemen, the state thugs away.. they do not create problems, they are the problems... told you, i never needed them.. specialized people will do, what they can do,.. if the best doctors can't find cures.. then, that's all,..state thugs and crooks can't do anything.
Am i going to loss a penny?,.. no,.. then go take a walk... go, grab a cup tea.. like a good kid.. ok.. oh, you are busy with your chutiya boss... enjoy then.
Hmm.... Normally i do not teach people.. manners... occasionally it happens,..there used to be moral science subject in schools in earlier days.. Casabianca.. the obedient son,... Aaruni and Upamanyu...the obedient disciple.. etc.. stories.. folks may remember.... ok, babe, you think so,.. i love it.. say some more..
That was not quite a defendable total..SRH, they did try.. 150+ on the scoreboard atleast,.. then there is a game..
Hmm... The world is a big village, where bitcoin is the money... these small small local tokens created by narrow minded idiots are optional.. let them do whatever they want, nothing important... enjoy your hobbies.
No doubt, india produces awesome batting folks... but there is no fearsome spearhead bowlers till date.. like Wasim Akram, Allan Donald, McGrath, Brett Lee, Shane Bond etc... good, but no one that has dreaded batsmen as such.. Yeah, Shoaib Akhtar definitely terrorized Ganguly and many others...
Yeah,.. Marathi mulgi Smriti Mandhana ..me sangto tula... she can hit the ball straight and quick,..saw her at Trailblazers batting.. i don't how she does in other formats and elsewhere.
Hmm... If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants - Isaac Newton..
When you grow up and start valuing things... and realize that nothing is free, someones work is always involved.. that is professionalism.
Australian losers.. that was not a fair game.. that was not worth the time anyway... lol.. IPL is better.. that's why i always like professional sports,.. Football or Cricket...,more sports and less shitty stuffs.. shitty sense of nationalism..shitty decisions.
Ok,.. people who do not give a shit about nationalism...that is why bitcoin... means nation state is meaningless...separation of nation state and money.
I often hear people say.. 'I,ll go to US', 'I,ll go to Europe'....etc., but i have never heard anyone saying.. I,ll go to China.. they always look for attention and respect.. that. they don't get... that's their status.. it's source of cheap labors, that's all... and communist is not a flawed idea, it's a failed idea.. so, who cares...
I like to live in reality not in formality,.. try to look good in someothers eye from the mere surface is not reality, i left that long time ago... so chill.
Here@IPL DC on top, there@EPL ManUtd and Chealsea down... happens happens.. fight.. do better next time..
Punjab Kings plays and there is no thriller... doesn't happen, ..they don't like shortcuts, they like to take the long cuts.. Liverpool made even but not stopped.. happens happens...ok, cool... Nope, i never had such thought or willingness.. "i,ll go to Europe or US",..etc.. besides technologies have made places and people much nearer.. so, no need,.. chillax.
It's Sir Jadeja.. not Sir Viv Richards, sorry.. whoa!.. Arsenal and RCB... having fun idiots?.. ok, chill.
Yeah, i heard that.. now twitter is also eating lunch of the likes of Western Union and MoneyGram,.. as Lightning on the top of bitcoin is already eating their lunch in El Salvador... that's the way it is..
Just a gentle reminder,.. the money in your bank account is not your money, that is bank's property untill you withdraw it.. the paper money,..atleast that is yours... Why atleast?... because paper money can be demonetized,.. that recently happened in India. Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value : zero.
Hmm.. Getting it right is better than try to get it fast,.. iterate trial and error, but within finite time and resource., evetually you will get it right... cool... pride doesn't feed, faith makes you blind even with open eyes.. that is why beer is always better... just chill.
And the story remains the same,.. one guy's tumtum stolen, another guy's Rs.75k burgled from his shop, three led tube lights are stolen, tearing my glow billboard..:).. all done by local thieves,.. and cops are as usual useless,.. means your loss is yours only,..you are always on your own... regular stuff.
Bade Bade baatey karne se koi bada nahin ban jaata... means, talking big doesn't make anyone a great guy.. there are lots of small small steps, ups and downs involved,.. there is no shortcut or easy way.
Hmm... bitcoin works for every individual or entity,.. just not for parasitic middleman.. it's peer to peer,.. you have to do some work.. yeah work.. that is all.. so, chill... delegating to some chamcha/chamchi is not work.. you have to move your lazy ass,.. and do some work,.. e.g. you can make a sandwich for me.
Ok,..how is chatting patting going.. things are cool?.. tell me.. in 20 overs match, even a single player can take the game away, so not much to complain about team.. odi and test is different. Even in odi that happens, in 2003 world cup final Ponting single handedly took the game away from india,. Great peformers make the difference.
PBKS again! give me a break... ok, chill. Nah.. nothing from ads,. ppl usually buy or use different stuffs..:).. same here. ok chill.
So, you MI guys are late bloomers,..#IPL that is also ok.. just do not leave it for too late, things will be fine... So, PSG delivered stunner against Man City.. #UCL Messi strikes ...star performance... Real Madrid ...Really?.. is it a good idea to give managers a yellow or red card .. if they yell too much during the match in progress ? Just curious..
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn... really?.. you think so.. ok...lets see, who is kicking whose ass, and who is hammering whom.. #IPL, #UCL.
Yeah, twitter tells me everything i need to know,.. media propaganda is all about what their bosses/owners(political/corporate) direct them to do, so nothing important or reality.. it is internet guys, internet,.. twitter users are kind of independent individual publishers.. internet guys, internet, you know.
So, RCB is just 2 points away, to be among the serious contenders of #IPL.. not much room for sloppy workmanship...lets see.
#UCL..Bayern on a rampage, and so is Benfica and Zenit. Barca looks like in real trouble. Chiesa's(Juventus) clinical strike put Chelsea into point drought. Ronaldo again right on the money, with his last minute strike earns ManU a crucial 3 points. Other guys look doing relatively good.........Ok guys, just try to survive the group stage and make it to the round of 16.. because to be the best in Europe(Pro) is not an easy task, it is an uphill task.. so, you know. #UCL.
#IPL, CSK ka Chaska,.. they have made their strong statement on the pitch. So, what about you guys?.. not many matches left,.. so you know. #IPL.
#UEFA, Figo is right about 'beauty of football', small teams can beat favorites,.. big name and spending excessive money does not always guarantee to deliver better sporting experience,.. great teamwork and passion for the game does,...supported by sport loving audiences.. #UEFA.
#FIFA, whatever they say, involvement of US Government(DoJ) is not good for the Autonomy and Integrity of FIFA, and that is certainly not good for overall wellbeing of the sport,.. So, handle things with care. #FIFA.
When you are no longer good at anything or willing to do anything useful,.. you try to waste the rest of your life and time joining politics, or try to become a nationalist.. means you have no business on your own to mind... What is anything to understand here..or anything useful... it is easier face bullets than doing laborious productive work.. that is military, they are just parasites.. all they want is free money.. most people are looking for free money, what is new about that.
Now tell me, is my sandwich ready?.. just let me know when it is ready...ok.
A gentle reminder,.. There is no bank holiday on Bitcoin network,..infact there is no holidays,..it is open 365x24x60x60.... check you heartrate,.. life has no prescribed holidays.
#IPL, Ok guys,.. to me too, that did look like the ball touched the ground, only the catcher can tell,,.but PBKS is happy to take the 2 points. Now the question is.. Can DC stop MI, and will CSK be kind to RR, that will be unprofessional.. Yeah, i heard that,.. the weather and condition in UAE ground is unkind.. you guys will adapt and will play well.. see you on the pitch. #IPL.
Hmm.. so called indian nationals.. make money on indian soil and from indian people.. but buy a pricey apartment or property somewhere in Europe or US.. it is always been like that.. so, nobody buys nationalist nonsense.. face the market competition.. lets see how good you are..
Yeah, market competition.. lets see, how many of the indian nationals can earn a penny with their own merit.. not too many..,just empty vessels.
#IPL, so, how is the pitch,.. is it good, bad or ugly.. is the condition, hot & humid, hot & dry or else,.. ok folks, it will be fine. #IPL.
The simple truth about truth is that.. it is easy to say, 'i don't care',.. but the truth is.. everyone does, deep down. So, always speak the truth.. atleast here Gandhi and I are on the same page.
#EPL, Good to see Chelsea back on winning course, beating 10 men Southamton after their penalty kick equalizer.. they just took that numerical advantage and netted twice before the final whistle. Now the only team unbeaten so far is Liverpool, can Man City change that,.. lets see how they fair..#EPL.
You think so, "I think I'm like wine."- happy birthday Zlatan Ibrahimovic,.. cool and funny off the football pitch, ..but aggressive on the football pitch. #UEFA.
#IPL,From slow motion bowler dominated (DCvsMI) to fast and furiuos batter dominated (CSKvsRR), all variations,.. but it is a warning signal to the bowling department, if you are not prepared and adapt quickly as per the batters strength and weakness, you will be brutally hammered.. you have to come to the pitch leaving all your reputation and certificates at home.. some say, it is incredible premier league,.. but 'talent meets opportunity' suits better..#IPL.
It is not being chatty that makes you happy, it's being chatty with me makes you happy.. ok then, stay cool.
Hmm... some days are boring, and some matches are boring,.. happens, happens,.. but atleast try to play freely and openly.. when you have nothing to lose any more.. some teams will be at the bottom in every league.. that's part of the game.. so, chill.
Some never invented the wheel. Others keep trying to reinvent it...lol, well said.. @michael_saylor,.. but i respect their right to be stupid.. after all, it's a free world..
#EPL, clash of the titans,.. it's hot and happening in the middle.. Liverpool vs Man City.. so far 2 goals each,.. is there any late minute drama here... they say no, it's a draw.. thank you guys, great match!.. #EPL.
Hmm.. You can't change the past, but you can learn from it and avoid repeated stupidity... so, being cool is better...ok.
Beer is not an option, it is necessity,.. btw, who says no to beer.. atleast i don't know anyone..just chill.. bitcoin or beer?.. now you are crossing the line... they are complementary, that is the fine thing.. and that makes life much better.. so, you know.
Hmm.. The mere names of the Star players, Great players are important... and nobody becomes a great or a star player accidentally,.. lots of great performances for a long duration.. there are lots of good players, but only for a short duration.. Messi, Ronaldo, Bradman, Sachin, Dhoni etc.. are great performers for a long duration.. they did not earn their names in a few matches.. cool things do take time.
Yeah, the West Indians are indians.. they just live a little west,.. Christopher Columbus was not mistaken, he was intentional.. otherwise how can they be great cricketers.. names are indian type too, Ramnaresh Sarwan, Shivnarine Chanderpaul, Sunil Narine..
#IPL, So, Ponting's cavalry beats Fleming's cavalry in a nail biting thriller. DC again claimed the top spot, and that is quite advantageous,.. it is two consecutive defeats for CSK,.. not good at this stage, as the playoffs nearing,.. things to ponder and rectify asap... now the fourth spot is up for grab, let's see who can take that. #IPL.
Hmm.. in any sport the players are the main thing,.. as folks say, the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.. so you know... Yeah, i heard a quite ago, the Mittal guys bought some stakes in some football club, but who knows the name of that club.
#UEFA,.. Yeah, i heard that UEFA EURO winners will face CONMEBOL Copa América winners...kind of interesting... still have lots of time for that.. now folks look busy with upcoming... Women's Champions League and Nations League. #UEFA.
Good names and reputation works as a cushion in the 'not so good' days,.. but without performance and delivering results, you can't go ahead... that is the way it is..
#UWCL... Ok gals, You have made it to here, that itself is an achievement, so chill.. Just go out and play like Champions,.. you know the group stage is much tougher than the knockout stages,.. you have to work for every point.. go ahead with team spirit and passion for the game, you will do well.., good luck to all the teams.. @UWCL #UWCL.
#IPL, Hmm.. bowler dominated test match style slow motion game.. RR batting, looks like no mouka for chowka... still better than the boring ads in between the breaks.. have to turn off and turn on... looks like MI is keeping the game in their own hands.. so far so good, MI batting.. top gear,.. that's cool.. sharp finish!, job done for today..MI. #IPL.
Hmm... Good things come to those who go out and earn.. so, what are you waiting for, move your lazy ass..
First of all... many thanks to DAZN and YouTube for broadcasting UEFA Women's Champions League around the world... cool folks make things happen.
"What Bitcoin does is it demonetises the political class and empowers the productive class...that’s what better money does for people is it takes the people who are just rent-seeking in our political structure, and it says to them, ‘I’m sorry, but you don’t belong here because you don’t produce anything or create any net economic positive’." - Harry Sudock. ..we are just scratching the surface, it is just the beginning...
Sooner or later, all that do not create value, get erased... there is no such thing as good parasite..
#UWCL,.. Yeah, what i was talking.. Great going gals!, ..teams did not win this time, just take it easy. Group stage provides enough number of matches to improve and do better in case you lose a couple of matches.. for the newer teams, it will definitely be much more challenging than domestic leagues and derbies, you are playing against the worlds best teams and world class players. Congratulations the winners,.. Barca, Lyon, Hoffenheim and of course the equaivalent strength Benfica and Bayern, point shared.. cool. @UWCL #UWCL.
Hmm... will that buy me a can of beer?, no. ..So, why bother.. just chill. My words are your food, i thought it is beer.. ok, cool then... Maggi kha, Sandwich kha, Omelette kha, Butter Chicken kha,.. ya fir kuch aur kha... Dimag kyu?... Dimag khaane ki cheez thodi na hai.. just chill.
#IPL @IPL,.. Ok then, is there any mouka for chowka, anything like that...let,s see.. really? fire vs ice.. doesn't seem like ice, exactly.. a little sluggish though..SRH.. yeah, bowl well, field well,.. there is a game here for SRH, score is ok... can they take quick wickets.. if they let the RCB fire power take over, then game over.. looks like tight finish here.. and doesn't look easy finish here.. hoo hoo..finally it is SRH!.. #IPL
#UWCL, Slow matches today so far.. Juventus looks slightly faster so far.. Real Mardid is trying...and they scored their first goal!, Juventus also scored their first goal at the same time!.. Juve netted their second goal..!. its third goal for Juve ..go go...game is much faster now.. can Real Madrid score more..or an Equalizer from Kharkiv.. Juve sealed it.. it is 3-0 victory for Juventus, well done.. Victory for Real Madrid 1-0.. congratulations gals.. keep it up.. #UWCL.
Hmm.. Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. - John Ruskin..
#UEFA, it was too late in the night here.. i fell asleep, could not fully watch the Nations League's first semis.. just watched the starting minutes.. till Spain's 1-0 lead to Italy, and then Bonucci's unfortuate red card. I knew it will be very difficult to come back for Italy with 10 men against strong Spanish side,.. they are not just possession dominant side but their attacking game and goal scoring ability looked improved spectacularly.. Italy plays deep football with surprise counter attacks, and to hit the net from relatively longer distance is also part of their ability.. But, it was Spain's day.. Spain 2-1 Italy.. #UEFA.
#UWCL, @UWCL.. same here, could watch only the starting minutes.. i fell asleep,.. Chelsea looked dominant in the starting.. and strike first.. but Wolfsburg equalized soon after.. due to somewhat silly Chelsea messup, slowly the German Birds(Wolfsburg) held the ground, determined,.. they are tough nuts to crack.. and so is the result 3-3 draw. Same about Paris, they played better, but not dominant, they won 2-0 to Breidablik. We want to see and will see more counter attacks from the teams, as things progress,.. making it not easy for any of the teams. #UWCL.
Hmm.. It is always about people, not about machines.. so, need to keep things humane. There is no hell, it is only other people that can harm you.. thieves, robbers, voters, politicians and their slaves, cronies and their owned media crooks etc.. are harmful creatures.
Ok, do not overeat or overdrink,.. that disrupts life and learning process.. tea is always a good idea.
#IPL, @IPL, how things are going...looks slow.. is it not a batting pitch or the bowler are doing better?.. CSK batting,.. ad less, focus on the match.. no ads in between, in football matches, no interruption ..only in the halftime,.. so far so good PBKS.. good good.. PBKS.. we are already paying for subscription and data packs, data boosters to watch the match..so?.. can they restrict to low total.. looks like so, lets see.. Faf and Sir Jadeja.!.. ok, score, not a mountain.. Toh, match to banta hai baccha log... chalo dekhte hai... Good start PBKS batting.. wickets!, ok.. bindas khelne ka,.. darne ka nahi.. T20WC me bhi khelna hai, yaha se form leke jao, aur waha laga do..bas... Filhaal yaha ka kaam adhura hai.. focus.. kyuki darr ke aagey jeet hai... dekh lenge jo bhi result aaye,.. bas, bindas khelne ka... bola na,.. bindas khelne ka.. Klassic!.. fantastic.. PBKS prevails! #IPL.
#IPL, @IPL, ok, carry on guys,.. slow and steady.. KKR batting... scoreboard get going.. not bad, decent scoring pace.. decent total expected.. Hmm.. good total required,.. dimag satak gaya to RR ke bacche log bhi acche accho ko dho dalte hai... Good total to bowl for KKR and good total bat for RR. So, KKR looks eyeing for the 2 points right from the start... Ganga nahin Ganda.. go and check purity of the water.. it is real ganda... KKR looking to wrap up the match quickly.. good for them.. great performance in right time, almost in.. KKR, #IPL
Told you.. Some people think the world will not run without them,.. and the world keeps running., all fine. Just chill.
Can't afford a can of beer?,.. come sit with me, i,ll buy one for you .. don't worry, ok cool.
#UEFA, Looks like it is going to be a solid final,.. Spain vs France, Nations League. Belgium lost to France 0-1 in the FIFA2018WC semi finals too, same story here,..from 2-0 early lead to 3-2 defeat.. Spain vs France, sounds like solid contest in the final.. #UEFA.
Twitter did not kill media/propaganda.. internet did., it is internet, guys internet.. that is eating your lunch.. that is what happens to unproductive people.
Create value or perish.. that is the way it is,.. no one can help anyone here.. So, have a cup of tea.
Hmm... You can't clean dirt with dirty water, you need clean water... jo Ganga mein nahi milega..
#IPL, Btw, what is a "Mahila" doing in a Men's camp ..MI. Kuch bhi kaho SRH ke baare me.. par unka Mahila Malik dikhti acchi hai.. Yeah, Girlfriend is called Mahila Mitra.. ok, chill.. Chalo baccha log khol ke khelo.. just enjoy.. bindas khelne ka, darne ka nahin.. mere se bhi nahin,.. bas, bore nahi karneka.. Miracle.. sounds like, mera kal(aanewala).. sometimes it is not a bad idea make it happen.. Yeah, play to win.. that.s it.. great finish RCB!.. winning a difficult match is a great confidence booster.. SRH will not win, but they played much better today..#IPL.
You have to cross all the steps, junior levels, domestic leagues & derbies, qualifying rounds, personal & professional ups and downs etc.. that is what everyone has to do, there is no shortcuts.. then only you will appear in the pro & senior levels,.. if you have extraordinary talent and ability, that is an added advantage.. but everyone has to work hard to do well.
Let BCCI, UEFA,..Team Owners, Players.. do the brainstorming, experimentation, trial and error,.. there will be advantages and setback for all the teams.. why should i comment here, let them do their job. All we want is to watch.. Great matches, great contest, nail biting and nervy finish.. etc..ok, cool.
You think so,.. Gold is poor men's Bitcoin,.. i thought, Gold is old men's Bitcoin.. whatever, it is what it is... internet & wallet is much more convenient.
People will do whatever they want to.. So, when it comes to money, i prefer neutral things,.. that can't be manipulated or does not depend on anyone's opinion. 21milion bicoins, that is it, and it is publicly verifiable..
So, what is in it for me.... Hmm... poor doesn't mean honest,.. they can be chhichhora or chhichhori.. people say so, i think they are right.. nature is an great architect.
You want a litchi fruit drink.. have one..
Hmm.. whichever domain i work on, sometimes i may not find a solution the whole day,.. but i find a solution just before i wrap up the day,.. someway or my way i always find a solution and deliver results,.. and that is my speciality.
Even in the old way,.. out of 10 marks, most people may get 8 marks, but get the difficult 2 marks wrong,.. that is what catch my eyes, i will get the difficult 2 marks right and take 4-5 marks.. jo sab kar sakte hai yaroon kyu hum tum kare..
How to corrupt a system?.. keep rewarding the consistant non performers, it can have negative consequences.. e.g. it may demotivate the real performers .. misincentives do corrupt and destroy any system.. currently all the political systems have the same problems,.. not just political systems, it is applicalble to all the systems.
So, keep it simple,.. perform and deliver results, in a civilised way,.. that is the best way in the practical world.. so, no ego and all accountability... ok, cool.
Hmm... corporations have no plan, that's why they are part of the state plan, they have no existense on their own.. can be shutdown by state thugs,.. Bitcoin,..anyone can opt in and opt out, but no has the power to shut it shutown.. pata chal gayi aukat.. corporate crooks got it, you better do, ok.
#IPL, How is it going,.. harbari me garbari DC.. kya jaroorat thi.. btw, Sir Jadeja strikes.. fight re guys fight.. score kam hai abhi tak.. bowling aur fielding accha karna padega DC ke bhai log,.. ab Baby ko to bass pasand hai,.. log baag kehte hai ki CSK ko chase pasand hai.. Power played by CSK.. what is wrong CSK guys.. all on a sudden... game on then.. welcome to the final, CSK! superrb! #IPL.
Hmm... Doves, Mynas, Sparrows, etc. ..more comfortable living around us,..lots of trees and food for them and nobody tries to harm them here.. like in villages, jungles and sanctuaries.. Crows are shameless anyway.. they are always there.
#UEFA, Nations League,.. a win is a win, and it is important, not just a consolation prize for Italy, espicially against a top class team like Belgium. In the final it all happened in the second half. Spain played well, but not well enough to beat strong France.. at some points it looked like the Spanish boys are trying to manhandle the Strong Frenchmen.. France could have scored more then just 2-1 win. France was knocked out in the round of 16 by Switzerland in the EURO2020, but France still looks like a very strong team to be challenged by the other European teams.. #UEFA.
Hmm.. jo unhe pyar, care, aur paisa de,.. accha aisa chahiye, ok,.. to fir aise bolo na,.. cool then.
Really,..You can't be wise and in love at the same time,..ok,..who said i am wise, ..whatever,..chill.
..vo nahi jo vo hai,.. vo hai jo, vo nahi hai,.. koun sa vo hai, jo vo nahi hai,.. yeh deepika padu koun hai.. i need a cup tea.
Can't manage it's own household expenditures, but makes lots of empty big noise, then simply die... Apna ghar chala nahi paatey, par duniya ka kaam karne nikalte hai,.. aukat to kuch hai nahi, bas aise hi halla kar karke mar jaatey hai.. aatey rehte hai aisa. aur jaatey rehte hai aisa.
#IPL.. Jyada khush hone ki jaroorat nahi hai,.. "RCB ne KKR ko kutte ki tarah dho dho ke IPL se nikal diya"... ya fir, "KKR ne RCB ko kutte ki tarah dho dho ke IPL se nikal diya"... aisa kuch hone wala hai. DC ke paas ab bhi ek aur mouka hai, jo tum dono ke paas nahi hai. Accha..tumhare saath ab bhi devilliers hai, ok, i like that confidence... Play well, that's all,.. marketing, ads, promo.. can't help much, good products don't need perpetual marketing, people buy them anyway.. Jo darr gaya, woh ghar gaya.. Mein kaha dara raha hoon,.. bas acche se khelne ko bol raha hoon.. darr gaya na.. ok, chill guys, see you in action, good luck to both the teams..
Hmm.. ok start,.. not a runaway powerplay start so far..RCB,.. keeping wicket is good, can accelerate later, but score needs to get going.. Narine! Narine!.. Max&AB..let,s see, Narine! Narine!.. keeps his ball hidden.. low score or low scoring pitch.. looks like the score is not enough.. ab tera kya hoga kaliya.. chauka khayega ki chhaka.. hmm.. now kaliya is slowing things down.. koi to haarne wala hai.. mein kyu batao koun..Narine! Narine!., i said he keeps his ball hidden not his balls.. arey bhai har baar hero banne ki jaroorat nahi hote,.. target score thoda aur jyada hote to baat kuch aur thi.. but it is not over yet.. almost there KKR, so, KKR meets DC! #IPL.
Songs, stories, action and gunfights are already good in hindi movies.. but not the historical war movies,.. swordfight, spearfight,..etc.. in Baahubali, Panipat, Tanhaji, etc.. are not convincing like,. 300, Gladiator, Braveheart etc.
Hmm,... How do i know who does what, and who will do what,.. but "Mera Bharat Mahan" doesn't earn me a living, may be some section of people make their living with that,.. but it doesn't buy me a cup of tea.
Can't cope with market competition, can't handle peer pressure, just become a some kind of nationalist.. simple formula... losers are always like that.. and nobody buys them.. I prefer to buy a nice house in Paris, near Eiffel Tower, wooo.. so romantic..
I have no issues with any form of anything.. but i don't need lessons from anyone,.. what to respect and what not to, what to value and what not to.. but i do respect excellence in any domain, any form.
Kya,.. kuch kaam daam nahi hai aur, chalo ab rasta naapo..
LOL, The biggest loss making corporation in the world is the United States of America as a market participant,.. really very poor performance. The United States of America, shows losses of approximately 1,000 billion dollars per year on its balance sheet... they say it is due various corporate/company thievery, various wall street scams and state sector corruption.. you have designed it that way,.. so blame whom..
To be a Smartass you have to be Smart first, otherwise you are just an Ass..so you know.
Top companies profiting from war(organized mass murder),.. Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Raytheon... Military-industrial complex top profiteers... why war is so profitable,.. Guns, Bombs, Planes, Ships, etc. are very very expensive.. but death cost nothing,.. that is why these companies are so profitable...
What media?,..You can't or don't say anything against those who pays you salary.. whatever it is.. state or corporate funded media, nothing against bosses, So, nothing there..
Hmm... So you guys are busy giving blowjob to your bosses.. you think blowjob is better than no job, that is what most politicians believe,.. you too, ok then, have fun.
Yeah, it's money that rules,.. ignore the noise, ok cool.
Hmm,... I see what i want to see, not what the world want to show me.. i can see it much clearer by myself.. and it is simple.
I don't know how FIFA makes money. Only one major tournament i know is World Cup in every 4 years, any major events in between i don't know, and lots of good players retired in between that period. UEFA has lot in it's bag, in addition to their trademark EURO & Champions League,.. they run a lot of others.. Super Cup, Nations League..etc.. EPL looks make good money. Whatever, they know their business better,..I get to watch great matches, and that is real cool stuff to me.
#IPL,.. They say, chance never comes dobar in the crucial stages.. still DC got another, their overall team performace is great, most importantly their middle order is also firing. UAE leg is kind of turn around for KKR team, and more often someone from their team does excceptionally well with the bat or the ball or both to take the team home.. Therefore it is hard to predict,..who will have the upper hand, Ponting's cavalry or McCullum's cavalry, lets see..#IPL
#IPL,..How is it going guys.. all balanced till powerplay.. accelerator dabao DC..slow game and shitty ads,.. bad timing..if KKR guys com out and..dholai de dhana dhan, then what about the pitch.. can you defend it, no nonsense. You think so,Virat Coolie No.1 batsman,..ok..lets see, T20WC me dekh lena.Ok guys, jo haar gaya woh ghar gaya..ab agar Dhoni is IPL final me haar jaata hai toh yeh na bolna, MS Dhoni - The Unsold Story.. log baag kuch bhi bolte rehte hai.. ab tak toh KKR wale accha batting kar raha hai.. Sachin as a player accha tha, as a captain nahi, Dhoni as a captain best, captain cool... Good batting guys.. keep going.. strategic time waste, le lo.. keep going, rukne ka nahi.. dekha comfortable batting KKR boys kar raha hai, koi pressure nahi, aaram se.. boy doing men's job fantastic knock!.. still looks comfortable for KKR.. 1 1 run lega to bhi jeetega KKR.. woo! 6!.. jeetega re koi tension nahi.. kya ho raha hai yeh..! kya ho raha hai!.. no Phoenix in DC!.. it is KKR! into the final. #IPL
Durga Puja.. solid crowd here.. people are too busy taking photos and selfies around... kids toys and toys.
I left watching all kind of sports after college,.. cricket mainly till Sachin-Sehwag period.. then job sob took reasonable amount of time,.. realized i was wasting time to make money for stupid people.. not any more.. now i live my way..i have time for whatever..
#UWCL, Yeah, the girls will be in action tonight.. a little later... go girls go...know your opponents strength and weakness, i believe you know already.. German Birds (Wolfsburg) strike first! and second, third.. PSG strikes! PSG strikes second!, third.... first half dominated by Wolfsburg and PSG, 3-0 up each can the opponents fight back!.. no, Wolfsburg strikes again! and PSG strikes again! Dominant Wolfsburg another net!..fantastic stamina, girls...keep it up.. can't score against Wolfsburg and PSG, never mind, you are playing against the best teams.. PSG made it 5-0!.. final score, Wolfsburg 5-0. Servette, PSG 5-0 Kharkiv, great going girls! keep it up..,#UWCL.
Hmm.. I am a little cooler,.. you have a problem with that.. how so many people can't do little things by themselves.. actually they don't want to,.. just lazy.. ok, tea then.
Told you, I don't fix stupid, i just charge them a little higher than the regular people.. so, all cool.. kayde me rahoge to fayde me rahoge.. being stupid is costly.. so, you know.
My money is bitcoin,..ok, now they also have some kind of money, cheap papers, you can tear it and throw it aways,.. that you can't do with bitcoin.. i like real money.
No Beer only Juice,.. no, .. i take both, depends on the occasion... so, chill.
#UWCL, She plays Harder than she looks, so, don't be mistaken by her pretty look, Pernille Harder scored the winning goal for Chelsea. Juventus plays Italian style football, not an easy opponent for any other team.. final score Chelsea 2-1 Juventus... Real Madrid completely dominant against Breidablik.. another 5-0 scoreline.. Real Madrid 5-0 Breidablik... Yes, group stage is hard for everyone, teams have to work for every point,.. we, the audiences have the time inconvenience, time slot clash..etc. and that is ok. #UWCL
#UWCL, Another Barcelona brilliance expected?.. The reigning Champions plays classy football,.. possession, player coordination, passing accuracy and finish,..great team!,.. Bayern needs a win.. well, every team needs win... let,s see.
You think so,.. Lyon is the strongest among all the participant teams,.. is Benfica listening?,.. Hoffenheim looks good,..will they be too good for Arsenal....let,s see. @UWCL, #UWCL.
Indian entrepreneur?, there is no such thing.. Maa, Baap kisi sarkari daftar me kaam karta hoga... Faltu bakwas kyu... money printing press bas, aukat kuch nahi hai. Maybe there are CEOs, Directors and in other Senior positions in multinationals,.. they are not among the founders or original ideas.. Memorising or Quickly learning from books written by other people is not merit.. you are just copying, nothing new,.. that is why Covid cure is not clear,.. because it is not in their syllabus or textbooks.
Good players need good team, and need lots of support to win great titles. Lewandowski or MoSalah has faint chance to win any major international trophy with their national team,..but they can do well in clubs and win titles. Harry Kane has faint chance to win EPL title or Champions League with Spurs... etc.. to win a great trophy or great title, you need to get lots of things right.
#UWCL, Ok girls, getting ready.. ok, going good.. Bayern 2-0 up.. Barca getting tested.. is Barca nervous due to high expectation?.. don't carry the baggage of the title weight, like you have to do something extraordinary,.. just play your normal game Barca.. Bayern still maintains 2-0 lead.. credit to Koge, first half, Barca 0-0 Koge , Bayern2-0 Hacken... Barca strikes!.. woo!..Bayern 3-0 up. Bayern 4-0 up!, Barca 2-0 up.. Koge fighter girls!.. final score, Bayern 4-0 Hacken, Barca 2-0 Koge @UWCL #UWCL.
Hmm... Today is Durga Visarjan,.. looks like people drank too much last night and sleeping till noon, may be they had to wake up in the night several times to do lots of Mutra Visarjan... relatively calm surroudings.
Hmm... Mujhe to yeh acharya hota hai ki,.. koi ladki itni chat kaise kar sakti hai... cool & chatty ppl..
Hmm.. Michael Saylor is now just @saylor, keep it simple,.. Alyse Killeen, it is just @AlyseKilleen... ok, cool.
Hmm... The world is borderless and digitally governed,..bitcoin.. it is not about majority has to own bitcoin, it is the right people that own majority of bitcoin now,.. and later, that also doesn't matter.
A small group of state sector people make all the decisions about money right now, it is centralised,.. and there is no chance of change anything about that... so, useless.
Demonetization of the demons may take a little while,.. but the path is much clearer for the future generations.
#UWCL, Ok, you seems to be right about Lyon, they are good, but i have to watch their several matches to say anything.. cool here. In their last match Arsenal did push Barca back in the later stage of the match, so, Arsenal is a force to reckon, they can make agressive moves. Congratulations to all the winners, who took home their points., hope to see all the teams to do batter next time. #UWCL.
Hmm.. Why people call them shitcoins,.. because without referring to bitcoin nobody gives a shit,.. it is only by referring to bitcoin they are seen,.. they are all cetralised and could be shutdown. Bitcoin's CEO is not accessible to anyone.. So, the clear thing is,.. it is Bitcoin not Blockchain, it is Bitcoin not Crypto.
That is what separates the work of High calibre people from Low calibre people, they can only copy, can't do anything original... in hindi,.. kam dimag wala log.
#IPL,.. Ok folks, i believe you drank wine, made love and slept well yesterday,.. today we will have the final battle..IPL...
Ok, how is it going guys.. Arrey, Sallu bhai, zara shaadi wadi karlo, kahe ko rasta ruk ke khada hai.. bade aagey bade.... aisa nahi hai.. hum bhi bado ka thoda bahut izzat zaroor karte hai.. Aap ke saath wale to 2-3 shaadiya kar chuke hai.. Hmm.. bal vivah hum bhi support nahi karte..barabor bola..
Ok, ready guys.. koi halka nahi padna chahiye, dono tagda team hai.. CSK batting.. power batting, any KKR response?.. 50 runs in powerplay good start, CSK.. Narine strikes! 61-1 CSK. cracker! .. 180 kamse kam chahiye, bowling option kam hai CSK ke paas.. brilliant batting!...192. Chase me aayega maza.. KKR ready?.. apne hi andaaz mein batting karne ka.. ruk jaana nahi tu kahin... aasan to nahi hone wala phir bhi.. badiya powerplay 55-0... kuch jyada slow nahin hone dena.. opener jodi barkaraar.. Lord and Sir strikes!...Lord strikes again!.. arey shuruat to acchi mili hai..rlx, CSK back in business! still KKR can build on.. ek over mein 6x6 karke dikha.. araam se jeet jaoge..yehi to T20 hai.. kisi mein hai dum.. ya fir Dhoni magic.. Sir strikes!..twice!.. abhi bhi bol raha hoon 6x6 karke dikha, impossible nahi hai, logo ne kiya hai yeh kamaal... Dhoni magic works again..captain cool.. never mind, KKR.. jahan tak mujhe pata hai, final me ek hi team jeet te hai, do nahin.. my favorite no is 7.. bachpan se. .. Long road to home, no shortcuts!...CSK IPL Champions 2021!! Congratulations guys!!.. #IPL.
Folks, I don't trust children. They're here to replace us. - Stephen Colbert,.. but that is the law of nature, like or not,.. So, be cool.
People are busy looking for money,.. and that is business as usual.. your employers might be angry with you.. why you are not making more money for them, and making them richer, more powerful. etc etc... So, ignore the noise and enjoy.
Chor ke dadhi me tinka.. yeh to suna hi hoga.. aise hi log bhare pare hai is duniya mein.. so, chill. Ek to Chori, upar se Seenazori.. bhare pare hai.. so, be cool.
Most of their factories, production lines and cheap labors are in China, so, the corporate guys can't do much, overweight Americans are lazy. But you can't make a welfare living just by selling guns, bombs, planes etc.. you have to do something that is useful for people...no excuses... How the made in china, chinese symbols, labels etc.. end up inside the goods then. Is that what jobless people from imf, like Gita Go Peanut says,.. i told them to get a job,..better than beggary and donation...Big size, Pig size,..eat less, shit less..So, it is just money, money ignore the rest.
An evil spirit will only commune with an evil-doer. Those who commune with evil never win. Because, if they win nothing good will remain, infact nothing will remain.
So, do your hobby, do holidays wherever you want... just chill.
Abhi toh T20WC mein India ka match duur hai.. EPL point race resumes...ok, then..
#EPL Hmm.. Some folks have to work for a berth in Champions League, the table topper is safe,.. and some folks have to work and survive Relegation.. tough ask.. Reminder to other teams, now it is Liverpool's 8th unbeaten run these season,.. today it is a win already, only formality remains.. What about England's World Cup squad,.. well, don't try to be nice, go to the players that have the ability to deliver and can handle pressure matches.. and Liverpool's unbeaten streak continues, until someone can stop them...#EPL
They say, American guns are very much in demand in Afghanistan, and sells like hot cake, booming business.. internet tells, twitter tells,.. you can't hide.. your owned media chutiyas or chutiya medias can't hide.. now go and sleep with your tv news reporters... internet tells everything,.. I thought women can't keep/hide things because of Yudhistir's curse,.. but most men are no different..
#EPL, Leicester not very impressive so far this season.. ManUtd hit the net from distance!.. Stunning equalizer Leicester!,, ManU is generally a little slow, no swiftness seen so far this season.. fatigue due to too many matches?.. possible.. they are human, not machines.. fitness, both physical and mental required, no discount in both.. ok, keep going guys.. Leicester leads 2-1! ManU strikes back 2-2!.. whoa! Leicester 3-2!.. great match.. Leicester needs the point, technically..Leicester 4-2! point! Leicester earned the point.. deservingly, Leicester 4-2 ManUtd... all the matches at the same time, told you, that is an issue, i have only a pair of eyes, not too many....
Ok, here we go.. Chelsea vs Brentford.. Hmm.. Timo has the speed advantage, all he needs to learn is convert in the finishing line,.. give him some time, he will learn.. Brentford is looking good so far.. push hard guys, it is not going to be easy for both.. Chelsea strikes! clean hit!.. ordinary stuff chelsea, get it together..literally getting tested! Chelsea! keeper!.. Keeper saves the day.. Chelsea 1-0 Brentford.. #EPL
Cool then,.. how things are going,.. It is called beer effect... just lying around and not much talking.. no domino effect, no unintended consequences.. just chill.
They will do whatever necessary to stay in business,.. because when you starve, you go look for food,.. food will not come to you.. we are as basic as any other animal, so, chill... from where fuel will come from, chips will come from, this will come from, that will come from.. nobody gives a damn..no need..the world is borderless.
#EPL, Everton, West Ham.. not on the top, but do not Relegate,..that is also good.. still goalless, who will break the tie.. or a goalless draw?.. So, it is West Ham broke the ice!.. so, talking works.. don't be shy.. Everton you have 4 more minutes.. full point to West Ham, not shared, it is West Ham 1-0 Everton, full time.. sometimes sharing is not caring.. you think that doesn't work in football...ok.#EPL
Hmm.. You can not stand for others, if you can not stand for yourself first.. and opinion is not money, i wish it were.. to buy a cup of coffee.
#EPL,.. Newcastle strikes!.. barely started.. Spurs vs Newcastle.. Equalized!, good.. Kane pockets his first goal! ..Spurs 2-1 up.. what happened guys.. all on a sudden.. ok, play resumed.. could you replay the Sons goal, i missed.. take break then..ok guys.. halftime Spurs 3-1 Newcastle.. ok, all cool Spurs relaxed.. scored enough Spurs?.. bad to worse.. Newcastle RED CARD!.. 10>11, Newcastle scores..!, ok guys.. it is all good.. full time, Spurs 3-2 Newcastle. #EPL.
It is not just about their public images, it will impact their businesses in the real time,.. that is why, they will try to be good with their employees and overall.. that is why neutral money is so important... anything that is backed by fiat money is based on arbitrary opinion, there is no solid ground.
Why it doesn't, work?.. Corrupt and bureaucratic corporations are regulated by politically appointed even less accountable corrupt bureaucrates.., one thief is trying to guard another theif... LOL.
Human trafficking, weapon trafficking, drug trafficking etc.. happens, because there are borders, all you have to find is the right politicians or officials in charge and bribe them... that all happen under their watch..
Nothing useful for regular people like me, in financial terms... So, hatao yaar, mutter paneer pe dhyan do.. I am not a greedy person 15-20 bitcoin is enough for me,. but i won't mind if you guys give me more... ok cool.
I like good stuffs, not too many mountains of stuffs,..the things you own end up owning you.. tea then.. And what is that something, might be a good thing, let me know, ok.
Nah, sex doesn't sell.. otherwise all the sex workers, porn stars, whores etc. would be billionaires,.. sex is cheap, may be the fresh ones sells at a little higher price. Only thing that sells the most is the money.. to do anything, first you need money.
Sleep with women, make babies,..phir usko paal posh ke bada karo, padao likhao, darao dhamkao, fir us gadhe ko ghodi me bithao..etc. etc. regular people call it marriage, family etc. For rich people it is just another business deal,..no love, no honor.. some kind of merger and acquisition.
Hmm.. that is why beer is better.. what say, folks.. I like Sports,.. because nobody gives a shit about those, who tries to play victim to get attention.. want something, earn it.. playing victim is a trick, that doesn't work.
Nothing is easy,.. people think, their domain is tough for business,.. no sector, no domain is easy..there are challenges in every domain. no easy way out.. so, chill.. neutral money, guys neutral money,.. bitcoin can stand for itself, no opinion can change it, that's why i can stand for myself...cool.
Told you.. I see what i want see, not what the world want to show me.. i see it very clear...ok. Just because i am a little cooler, that should not be any issue to anyone, if it is, then i can't do much.. ok. chill... beer then.. people come and go beer stays..
#EPL, Arsenal may not be too near the Relegation zone, but fire is up in their ass, reality is not always very kind,..ArsenalVsCPalace.. Ok guys, it will be fine, still a long way to go, just try to improve things.. #EPL.
Hmm.. Lots of folks will be put out of traditional business, there will be noises on the streets, like or not, change is a natural phenomena.. happens for better.. read the situation and adjust yourself, b'cose the situation will not adjust to you.. practical stuff.. ok, cool.. Accha... kabhi kabhi aisa ho jaata hai kya, ok, ye to mujhe abhi pata chala.. toh,.. dal bati khao aur mast raho..aur kya chahiye life mein...
You will not do anything if you are too sure of everything,.. uncertainties keep you honest and practical.. that is natural world... If any of the team already knows who will win today, what is there to work for or play for... No Name to Big Name requires a lot of sweat, determination, focus and coordination...gifted are rare species and tiny population.. most people do really well with lots of hard work.
So, chat less and work more,..ok, cool then...You keep diversity, You keep all other things and all the wealth of the world,..i don't want a piece of those,.. I,ll keep just bitcoin..ok.
#EPL, Ok, ok,...You keep diversity, did i deny?, now do not get too much sentimental.. focus on the match in hand, i am slightly sleepy now,..i might wake up and watch the match, you never know, So, no excuses, play well.
Ok, so, point shared,..Arsenal 2-2 CPalace,.. cool then.. #EPL.
Hmm... I am kind of ok person, just do not bore me, be cool.. ok then..enjoy.
All you need is money,.. but a little chocolate every now and then doesn't hurt. So, keep it and buy your things,..how they do, what they do,..doesn't not matter.. Aam khao ped, gutli.. yeh sab mat gino. #bitcoin.
Manny (Manfred) is right.. When it comes money, there is no "we", there never was a "we". In fact, without money, it wouldn't even be a "you"!. #bitcoin.
Ellie : Manny, you can't choose between your kids.
Manfred : He's not my kid. He's not even my dog. If I had a dog, and that dog had a kid, and the dog's kid had a pet, that would be Sid.
#UCL, One of two matches is easy to decide, but too many matches late in the night, at the same time is an issue,.. it is too late in the night and too many matches at the same time.. that is group stage dilemma.., still ok. #UCL.
Separation of state and money is done, the only significant thing in centuries... rest,.. bli blu bla ble bluu blaa bllaa ...whatever, doesn't matter.. #bitcoin.
Most of the things are copy of the copy of the copy of the copy of the copy of the copy of ideas and stuffs, nothing original or new... so, why bother. Natural resources are given..not invented. Without Steel & Coal there is no Solar,.. the green nonsense ..,Solar, Hydro etc.. are dirtier than Coal,.. something from nothing is materialistically not possible,.. being stupid is a bad manner. Low IQ is never sexy... I didn't say, all the chutiyas are only in india,..chutiya aadmi, chutiya aurat,.. they are found everywhere in the world... none is better, none is a role model... So, i care to see only the best in the world, irrespective of country or location... and most importantly money without border #bitcoin.
Ok, tea then, chai piyo patte mat gino.. cool.
#UCL, I may not be able to watch all the matches, i may not know about most of the new teams, but if they can clear the group stage and reach to the knock out stages, they are no longer unknown teams.. so, that is what it takes,.. e.g. in earlier days i did not hear much about Benfica.. it was the Milans, RealM, Barca, Juve, Bayern, Deportivo etc.. were teams with name.. but now Benfica is a good name.., they have earned it.. so, earn it. How you do,..that is upto you. Most of the EPL teams are familiar by habit.. .#UCL
#UCL, How is it going guys.. ManCityVsCBrugge.. offside! ooh!, MCity!.. the other match Sporting scored! .. MCity possession, ok,.. Brugge guys are living on scraps.. not much possession.. but no score yet.. the other match Besiktas equalized.. is MCity offside team?.. the other match Sporting leads 2-1!
MCity scored! no offside this time.. MCity leads 1-0!.. MCity can you do some sharp attacks.. ok now Brugge trying that.. MCity looks a little slow.. to me, it looks so.. is it normal, folks.. Penalty! and scored! MCity 2-0! up.. wooo..Sporting leads 3-1! up just before the break..woo 3-2! Besiktas..no goal! 3-1 Besiktas.. halftime ManCity 2-0 CBrugge, Sporting 3-1 Besiktas.. i would like to see some more intensity from the ManCity attacking line.. ok, keep going guys.. that was some clever stuff from MCity.. this time Brugge offside.. MCity 3-0! up..very clever.. other part of the world, it is still Sporting 3-1 Besiktas.. offside again MCity.. MCity relaxed? no more clever stuff?..broadening the lead is not a bad idea, i think.. and they seem to agree! 4-0 up MCity!. Never mind CBrugge, ManCity is Champions of England, EPL, a bit heavy to handle.. that was good effort CBrugge.. CBrugge scores!.. MCity scores, and no offside..! it is 5-1 up MCity! that is massive !.. Sporting leads 4-1!.. final score, ManCity 5-1 CBrugge, Sporting 4-1 Besiktas.. all good.. @ChampionsLeague #UCL.
Ok then.. all cool,.. good things do not happen automatically, you have to go out and make it happen.. laziness is not good for business.
Maine to kisiko mana nahi kya, yaad mat karo,.. just pack your things and come home,..that;s all.
#UCL, I could watch only the starting minutes of some matches, none full time...it's too late in the night here, you know that..
Yeah i saw that, Griezmann was awarded a Red Card for trying Ibrahimovic's style.. Mbappe's opening goal was a beauty.. Looks like Real Madrid took the ManCity's game to their heart... and Inter Milan looks ok, while AC Milan doesn't.. and Ajax, the stone breaker looks solid.... Congratulations to all the winners,.. and the others, do better next time.. ok. #UCL.
Ok, Your views are your own, and so is mine,.. Now go take a walk and grab a cup of coffee.. #bitcoin.
No, internet can't do it.. You jerkoff somehere and some woman in Japan gets pregnant, that doesn't happen, you can't do everything over the internet. look around your physical surroundings and be practical,.. ok, chill.
Hmm..,i am much more me, when i am with tea.. sacchi mein, chai ki kasam. ok, cool then.
#UCL, Today it is not just Ronaldo,.. Barcelona too have to make the ball go in,.. how they do, that is up to them.. the point table doesn't look very pretty for them.... Our college seniors used to say,.. Do not jerkoff before the match,.. it will drain your stamina, rightly so,.. Now it is upto you guys to agree or disagree.. ok, cool then. #UCL.
Hmm...,The old dinosaurs should not feel threatened,.. you will go extinct anyway, that is the way it is.. just chill.
Funny side of the story,.. Barclays FA Women's Super League table topper is now Arsenal Women, Primera División table topper is now Barcelona Women, FC Barcelona Femení..
....Arsenal Men, Barelona Men.. what is going on.. tell me.
You think so,.. It's not ok to chat too much.. ok then, chill.
#UCL, How is it going guys.. Early goal!.. Salzburg.. looks like Barca keeping the ball, Spanish style high possession classic tiki taka...Jeventus plays Italy style, home factor.. sloppy stuff Barca.. Kyiv is good.. and Wulfsburg equalized! Salzburg 1-1 Wulfsburg so far,.. and they look like equal strength teams, not much dominance by any of them.. No goal yet, Barca, Kyiv.., make room to score, looks like all crowded.. clumsy stuff.. Barca scores! finally.. blemish gone a little bit, Barca?.. is that all you got, i thought better. is there no one else.. halftime Salzburg 1-1 Wulfsburg, Barcelona 1-0 Dynamo Kyiv,.. lots of effort required, Barca, make room and be quick on the finishing line.. yes, you have to make rooms, where apparently it looks like there is no room. So, create more opportunity on the finishing line and net it..
.Second half begins.. That was better effort.. need more of those, Barca... that was sloppy stuff Kyiv.. still Salzburg 1-1 Wulfsburg. Barca 1-0 lead is nowhere safe, Kyiv is good enough upset that.. attack is the best defense, in this kind of situation, just try to hold on may not work.. Salzburg 2-1 up!.., work hard and create chances..Barca.. or is it time for Kyiv to equalize.. minimum 10 minutes to make a difference.. Salzburg 3-1 up! comfortable.. wait it out or bore them out, it that so?.. lots of work, lots of improvement required..Barca.. Kyiv is good in their own right.. full time, Barcelona 1-0 Dynamo Kyiv Salzburg 3-1 Wulfsburg,.. earned the points, all good for now.. @ChampionsLeague #UCL.
You can watch me all day and never get bored,.. do i look like UCL, IPL or EPL,.. kuch bhi bologe.. chill maar.
Chalo, chai vai piyo, garam samosa, idli, dosa khao,..mast raho,.. aur kya chahiye life mein.. cool.. Accha Barf me mila hua Mangola bhi chahiye,..le lo, le lo,..Lady Diana.. aur kuch.. chill then.
Somebody asked me, why his bank passbook wore out so quickly and details are no longer legible,.. it is because they made of low quality materials, at cheap cost for the masses,.. good stuffs are not cheap.
Quality is not a good friend of Quantity.. As they say, Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don't expect it from cheap people.
Facebook is a $50 website, copied from the likes of Orkut and all.. we used to use,.. only Fiat money can value it to billion dollars.. Fiat money has no production cost. So, garbage can be valued to billions in terms of Fiat money.. no production cost, no value.
Dear, whoever, There is no we, and it is not about hope. Bitcoin says, go fuck yourselves losers.
#UCL, Hmm,.. before i fell asleep, it was 2 goals down, in the morning 3-2 win, ManUtd, ok. Chelsea was leading 2-0,.. and finally comfortable, 4-0 win.... Villarreal folks say,.. Old Boys won't give them chances like Young Boys.. ok. First half, there was no action, but later, Bayern was too good for Benfica. Zenit is the table topper of Russian Premier League, they are good, Juventus managed to score just one goal. Sevilla-Lille point shared.. Congratulations, all the winners, ciao.. #UCL.
Hmm.. Focus on quality, avoid nonsense, ignore the overeducated and underintelligent fools,.. keep things simple.., drink beer, wine or champaigne,..whatever you like,.. ok, just chill.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein.
Told you.., people will anyway do what they want to,.. and you can't control it and you can't make them unstupid. That is why,..when it comes to money, i prefer neutral things, #bitcoin.. that can't be manipulated or does not depend on anyone's opinion.. bitcoin keep people honest, why?.. because you don't know what will be its price tomorrow in terms of your local tokens/currencies,.. but the base rules remain the same, that, no one can change,. people keep it mainly because of self interest.. and that keeps me sane as well.
I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right. Ok, we are cool now, have fun then.
Hmm.. You think so, you chat a little more than you should,.. sounds ok to me,.. tea then.
I don't know the difference bewteen Futsal football and Basketball, ok Sweetie. We used to play football in rain, sweat and mud.. in school and college days, and that was great fun.., that is the football we are familiar of.. now folks are getting it in high quality pitches.. things improved, and technology helps a lot.
I called you a chutiya, is that offended you,.. i thought you already knew, just look around, lots of them are roaming around, you are not alone.. ok, chill then.
Foremost among basic human instincts is the reflex to survive.. Sab ganda hai par dhandha hai yeh.. aisa nahi hai ki logo ke paas gurda nahi hai.. baat gurde ki nahi hai, baat hai dhandhe ki,..it's business folks.
If you get money/salary for free, why will you work for anything.. or try anything. #bitcoin.
Told you,..most politicians believe,.. blowjob is better than no job.. and their employed, other low IQ people like central bankers, imf guys agree with them,... i am ok to keep bitcoin,.. traders often get screwed. Told you, it is not for the day traders,.. there are lots garbage for such activities. but bitcoin,..buy and forget, and do your things.. that's all.. cool then.
Great spirits have always faced violent opposition from mediocre minds.- Albert Einstein.
That is why beer is better than mediocre minds...always. Smart folks,.. you don't need to tell them much.. one can of beer and a few words do the job.
Hmm,.. I can do business with Airtel or Vi Sim,.. not with BSNL.. Jio and BSNL, ok for general purpose, but not for business purpose.. i am the user, i know what is good and what is not..
Ok, attention seekers,.. i,ll be a little bit busy doing nothing,.. when you get tired, i,ll be fresh again.. ok, enjoy.
Ok then, how things are going..all cool,..
Ok folks,.. How the qualifying rounds are going on for EURO and World Cup... Pro/Seniors, Under 19, Under 17.. all.. nobody will ask how did you qualify, but they will ask if you don't.. espicially those national teams, who usually qualify,.. like, Netherlands and Italy..
btw,.. take care of the underage (under 19, 17) fellows,.. i don't support child labor,..ok, things will be fine.
I was giving some thoughts about redesigning my billboard... nothing much at my end.
About the contents of the billboard,.. keeping cultural harmony in mind.
Pigs,.. and Americans are not allowed.
Small dicks,.. and Chinese are not allowed.
Chutiyas,.. and Indians are not allowed.
Anyone with bitcoin, espicially hot women with bitcoin most welcome.
what say,.. any suggestions folks,.. I am selective and quality conscious.
Folks are talking about Bitcoin ETF,.. is it good? how does it work?.., some people say,
1 bitcoin is always equal to 1 bitcoin..,1 bitcoin == 1 bitcoin is not equal to 1 bitcoin = 1 bitcoin. Take some responsibility folks,.. own bitcoin., then play around with the ETF.
Bayer Leverkusen CEO says, English Premier League's spending power is... 'Not good for us',
that is right,.. that is why neutral money is so important.. for fair and level playing fields.. we will talk about that later.. now there is EPL match going on..
#EPL Chelsea 1-0 up already..! looks like cakewalk, right folks.. told you it is cakewalk Chelsea 2-0! up... not much hard work for Chelsea today.. that is sometimes cool.. Guys, i also need a piece of that cake 3-0! ..all cool guys.. halftime, Chelsea 3-0 Norwich City... oh, what i missed guys..5-0! up and a RED CARD for Norwich City!.. what?,.. are you guys trying to kill them.. ohh just missed..!. yes, that is a clear penalty.. missed.. oh..did not miss.. never mind Mount, i am not calling you Penaldo.. ok.. 6-0! up, overwhelming!.. home boy Mason Mount hat trick!..7-0!.. now it is becoming a horror show for the Norwich folks.. final score, Chelsea 7-0 Norwich City..#EPL.
#EPL, Too many matches at same the time, again,.. Leeds vs Wolverine then.. Wolves leads 1-0 up.. Leeds do you care to equalize,, or just look like trying... looks like so, they are not interested in that, forget Leeds lead.. Wolverine try to net one more then..what say?.. halftime, Wolves 1-0 Leeds United.. second half ..looks like folks are trying.... It is not just for Leeds, but for Wolves as well..
'Tis a lesson you should heed,
Try, try again.
If at first, you don't succeed,
Try, try again.
Then your courage should appear,
For if you will persevere,
You will conquer, never fear,
Try, try again.
Once or twice, though you should fail,
Try, try again.
If you would at last prevail,
Try, try again.
..can Wolves hold their nerve.!, now, why will be he hurry.. he will walk like in the garden.. now do not miss the penalty, Leeds.! goal !.. now hold on for just 2 more minutes.. final score,.. Wolves 1-1 Leeds United, point shared, all good, guys #EPL.
#EPL, Ok then, here we go.. ManCity vs Brighton, ..oohhh what a save! Brighton.. ManCity!..goal!, and goal stands.. ManCity 1-0 up.. ManCity 2-0 up, much better attacking line!, ManCity toying now 3-0 up!.. Brighton, get your shit together, show some composure.. ManCity outplayed them in the first half.. Brighton what is your answer.. halftime, ManCity 3-0 Brighton... much better in the second half, Brighton.. so far better.., penalty,! atleast don't miss that.. goal!.. Brighton still will have to pay the price of their first half disadvantage.. ManCity just looks ok.with 4-1 scoreline!.. fulltime, ManCity 4-1 Brighton. #EPL.
Hmm...,Gandhi was a solution seeker of worldly problems,.. not a selfish and narrow minded politician like Nehru and Jinnah, or like any other politicians,.. they will disappear with the dissolution of nation state model,.. because it is not beneficial for anyone, other than themselves and their close friends,.. with decentralization, accelerated by internet.. the world is becoming a more fair and livable place.
I don't give a shit about you,.. your monetary value or any other value to me is zero.. not a cup of tea, ok. I need tea now.
Yeah, tea was good,.. Ronaldo or Salah?,.. as per current momentum, it looks like Salah has the upper hand.. , if ManUtd can change that, they will have their place among the top four.. it is upto them..
Hmm.. was talking about Bitcoin ETF,.. Valkyrie folks look kind of cool, lets see, how things progress.. chat with them, they will not bite you.., just chat.
Hmm.. Spurs can move up too, they have to pass the West Ham test.. and midtable battle between Leicester and Brentford..
Not all Americans are Pigs, there are lots of cool folks there too,..Pigs are found everywhere, and a Pig is a Pig... and there are lots of cattle roaming everywhere in the world. I,ll not waste my time to convert them to human.
PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain) is the term coined by Oldman Sex (aka Goldman Sachs) guys, and so is the BRICS., yes, it includes Indian chutiyas, rest you know.
Today is the opening T20WC match of our Men in Blue..., you win this,.. i,ll watch the next match.. prove something first.. we, cool here.
That is the point,.. do not trust, but verify,.. prove it,.. that is the way things work.
#EPL, How is it going guys.., Spurs vs West Ham then.. make it look like playing, guys.. not like walking in the park.. there, Leicester leads 1-0, nothing here so far.. hmm.. some action from West Ham.. some action from Spurs as well.., anyone like Hamburger?, no,.ok... if you do not ask, the answer is always no.. oh, that was a chance for Son.. very slow match.. that was some serious question by Kane, but no goal yet.. halftime, Spurs 0-0 West Ham, Leicester City 1-0 Brentford.
second half,.. somebody open the account.. do not just walk around.. still walking.. Brentford equalized!.. this guys look playing better.. Brentford and Leicester.. these guys really looks like playing!.. Leicester leads 2-1!,.. there, West Ham scores..!.. i am watching Brentford and Leicester for the remaining time.. playing better, one more goal will seal the deal for Leicester.. can Brentford equalize here.. and take home some points.. yeah, i don't want to see any of the team Relegate, but that happens, harsh, but necessary.. There should be no incentives for doing bad.. and give other guys chance..who want to do better.... Leicester looks home.. just 3 more minutes..Brentford good work btw, final score, Leicester City 2-1 Brentford, West Ham 1-0 Spurs. #EPL
#EPL, Hmm.. big names, big expectations.. natural.. it is Liverpool! scores!, yes, Liverpool is 3 on 3 in Champions League too, so far, and that is not an accident.. they are doing a great job.. Lets see, it is still early.. So far Liverpool 1-0 up.. too easy! Liverpool 2-0!.. still heat is on ManUtd.. any way into net before halftime, ManUtd.. Liverpool 3-0!, this is not looking good at all for ManUtd.. happens guys, it is a heated match going on here.. halftime, Liverpool 4-0 ManUtd... take it easy folks, cool head will help here.. second half.. Mo Salah Hat Trick!..Liverpool 5-0!.. Ronaldo offside, no goal..no consolation.. now down to 10 men! ManUtd.. Pogba walks.., but have to say,. lightning passes, lightning kicks and lightning goals, not lacklustre at all, Liverpool... going for more.. still atleast 15 more minutes.. others trying to save their asses, and they are trying kick their asses.. yeah, harsh.. non contest here.. they are just playing like true pro.. that's all.. and that is what they are expected to do.. it may hurt fans.. that is a different story.. there are loyal fans, no deniel about that, do not want to see things go down bad.. but Liverpool, absolutely brilliant today.., full time, Liverpool 5-0 ManUtd. #EPL.
It's money, guys money,.. just try to share your money/salary with others,.. then tell me, how nice you are.. tea then.
Tea is fine.. I am talking about your money/salary.. not about some others or some trillionaire or billionaire's money.., just about your money/salary ,.. ok.
So, who is a Chutiya... ek to beedi aur paan khareed ne ki aukat nahi hai,.. baaki kuch bhi bolega. Chal chutiye, kat le abhi..
Ok, so, these days beggars and donation seekers appear more, but customers are less,.. good luck..:)
So, the newer teams and low performers have to do all the 'gadha mazdoori' first,.. the better performers and established teams have to play only some selective matches.. T20WC. Chalo koi baat nahi, jaane do yeh match, apki baar New Zealand se behtar khelna.. ok, Boys in Blue.. #T20WorldCup.
Ab bass se kaam nahi chalega, Baby ko jeet pasand hai shayad,.. now, let him handle it.. humne to haath upar kar diya..
Bas chai garam chahiye,.. chai se jyada kitli garam hona to nahi chahiye.. ok, tea then.
Just one kiss on the forehead can make a baby!.., is it that easy, is that reason why India is No.1 in making babies., is that what they call sanskar.. point to ponder... You admit it!.. good lord..!
Now i,ll need more bitcoins, ok saylor,..no more talking, just give me a dozen bitcoins, not much.,ok, we cool here. I saw a twitter status, "Too many kids, not enough bitcoin!".. good lord..!
In fiat money system, there is no incentive for being productive, that is why it doesn't work. #bitcoin.
"Rich and Kind" not possible with fiat money,..but with bitcoin,.. because it is limited to 21 million coins, no inflationary theft, immutable, decentralized, censorship resistant, permissionless innovation, no counterparty risk, borderless and global, anti-fragile open source.. #bitcoin.
Ok folks, Live your hobby and just chill,.. things get better with time,.. we are designed to get attracted to the better, and move towards perfection..
Hmm.. how is chatting patting going.. all cool.
You can't unlove me, ok,.. did you try and who told you to do that btw.., have coffee and stay cool.
I don't buy manghadant kahaani,..irrational stuffs,.. only what i buy has value to me, ok, cool.
I don't need reason to love sex,.. that is man thing,.. to me,..all she has to be fresh and ready,.. yeah fresh,..you heard that right... Nah,.. non-fresh has no access to me,.. and a man is always fresh.
I am ok with other stuffs,.. secondhand gadget, laptop, bike, car or any other such stuffs,.. ok, cool... told you, no manghadant kahaani.. tea then.
Need more moral science lessons?,.. i am always happy to teach it for free,.. because it costs me nothing.
Yeah, i heard that Capitol incident,.. Pigs eat their own, Pig.. make no difference to a Pig... try to be a Human first,.. then only, you will be eligible to talk.,.. opinionated Pigs, kind of new,...ok, cool., but Pigs are not allowed here, don't feel bad, ok... I am selective and quality conscious, told you.
Ok, Attention seekers are too many, i am only one,.. don't worry,. keep trying, may be someday you might get my attention.. for now, just relax.. have a cup of coffee.
Hmm,.. People will anyway do whatever they want to, that is why i don't buy manghadant kahaani. So, make friendship with beer and just chill.. #bitcoin.
Ok then,.. how things are going.. all cool.
That is because dating is not love,.. love is love... and you are all cool in that matter, ok,.. tea then.
Giving me your heart was the best decision of your life,.. decision! what decision?!
Yeah, i remember that,.. You said,..you did not wanted to fall in love, not at all, but at some point you saw me, and holy shit!, you blew it!
You are actually right, i am perfect,.. and perfection supercedes everyone and everything,.. that's cool.
People say,.. The Indian version of Silicon Valley is Rose Valley,.. proud indian,.. Silly Con.., The Silicon Valley folks are Silly but Con, ok, cool.
Bitcoin market cap $1trillion in 12 years, nobody gives a shit who came second.. who reached Everest second.. nobody gives a shit.
Hmm.. Perfection supercedes everything..told you.
Tea was fine,.. be a mastikhor, not a haramkhor..ok, chill.
You can not buy things with share, bonds, gold etc.. they are not money,.. i am ok to buy and use their products and services, in case they suits me,.. but i don't give a shit about their shares, bonds etc.
Money, guys Money,.. unprofitable shit, Microsoft buyback shares worth $60 billion,etc... that is why share or such stuffs are worthless shit... they are not money.
They are neither smart, nor intelligent, nor honest,.. just some street pickpockets.., I don't give a shit what the indian chutiyas have to say,.. they don't know to how to copy, forget original.
Ok, beer then, want a can of beer, you can always join me,.. cool.
Ok,.. upcoming Super 12 T20WC matches,.. England vs Australia on 30th, and India vs New Zealand on 31st, looks like some heavyweight contest,.. is Pakistan really good this time?.. they beat India and then New Zealand!,.. are they really good or the other folks are just playing bad. What's up folks, show some calibre.. I believe keeping your talents hidden do not win matches, unleashing them will do. Yeah, i understand, winning the Trophy is the ultimate objective, for that you have start winning matches in the first place, you can't directly jump to final and win it.. so, start winning, ok. #ICCT20WorldCup,2021.
England played 2 won 2, Pakistan played 2 won 2, South Africa played 2 won 1
Sri Lanka played 1 won 1, Australia played 1 won 1, Afghanistan played 1 won 1,
India, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Scotland, West Indies played 1 or 2 but won none..
small number of matches, losing every match is costly. So, start winning folks..ok. #ICCT20WorldCup,2021.
#T20WorldCup, ok, Scotland vs Namibia,.. where is Namibia?, guys.. Just kidding.. 18 for 4 Scotland!, Make some run folks, score is too low so far,.. good shot!, Roy in great form, good news for England, Who is/are good news for India, rested enough, so what is the issue?.. Ok, atleast 100 runs, Scotland, possible, Six!.. and Wicket!, Namibia strikes back!, lucky no four! good shot, Six!, shot!! 4, Wicket!, still score ok.. 100 up for Scotland.. good. anything more is better.. Scotland total - 109, how they bowl?.. lets see.. No time for excuses, play for win, India... Scotland haarne wala hai!.. excuse me! Target for Namibia 110, ..1 run ok,.. fo fo fo four!.. London ke ghar me fir kya karta hai tu, Halke.. Namibia 11-0, no wicket 13 run, good for Namibia, bad for Scotland .. still no wicket, 16-0, four! some momentum..21-0, another 4!, .. net me accha kare ya na kare, match me accha karna padega,..India, .. still going good Namibia, Six!, 50-1, another wicket! 50-2, wicket! match balanced!, another wicket!, Scotland doing great!.. four!, closing the gap, Namibia,, Six! Namibia looking like home!, calm, no hurry.. bowling is good, looks like just 10-12 run short, Scotland.. Six! woo!.. wicket!.. its not over yet!, easy, easy..1 1 rotate strike.. 4! safe home now Namibia.. 2 runs for 2 points..! wicket..:) , still 1 run needed.., btw, well played Scotland, score is a little short.. its Namibia, the Winner! Congratulations!. @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
Hey, relax, relax.... first have some tea, ok.
How does that matter, you can't help anyone by robbing their money in the first place,.. anything tax/fiat funded is the same, nothing useful..
If my money or anything valuable gets stolen,.. i do not file complaint or anything,.. the cost is more and no chance of recovery,.. and unnecessary headache, time waste and all.... just useless.
Ok, You take my paper money and electronic fiat money,.. and just transfer me your bitcoin,..deal. I like it that way.. cool... No Natak, No Chutiyapa.
Go to a Bank, either overcrowded or some chutiyas are sitting there.. Go to some sarkari daftar, either blank or some ghuskhor and chutiyas are sitting there. Go to some school, college or univs, all chutiyas.. etc. etc., but Go to some smartphone shop or eatery,.. just nice experience.. that is why bitcoin.. No Natak, No Chutiyapa.
Ok, chai and samosa then,. wanna join.. i am cool with that..
Ok, Australia vs Sri Lanka today, both earned points already,.. sounds good contest..
ICC "Cricket for Good",.. ok, but the guys and gals have to play better cricket,.. that is the core to "Good for Cricket", like all other popular sports,..right folks,.. expecting a cracking match tonight,.. Australia vs Sri Lanka. #T20WorldCup.
Ok, folks, how things are going,.. all bindas..
Most people come complaining the same thing over and over again,.. no income, savings are drying up, only spending etc,.. just because you have no income, you can't stop spending, consuming/eating,.. nobody cares how your household runs.. and nobody is in a situationn to help either..
#T20WorldCup, ok, Australia vs Sri Lanka,.. lets see, how these boys play, Natioal Team is a different ball game,.. so, Sri Lanka bats.. no easy runs, first four! Sri Lanka.. another 4!, Aussie strikes!, but another 4!, no ball, free hit, 4!, ok guys, no mcgrath, no brett lee, you guys have to do it yourselves.. Six! Four!, 4 wide!.. 40-1.Sri Lanka, very confident .. no no still a four!, Jayasuriya style?.. 4!, powerplay 53-1, looks like good start.. Aussie non lethal?.. bit slowed down, and shitty ads,.. Aussie little bit pulled back.. oh, 4!..classy shot! 4!.. Wicket!, another wicket!.. wicket!.. derailed!, good start but not capitalised..Sri Lanka.. slip gap 4!, caught behind? yes.. Aussie though not lethal, doing good.. ,end of 13 overs 95-5 Sri Lanka.. Zampa! wicket taking and economical kid.., that 4 was necessary! 150 possible?.. something to bowl.. ohh.. no man's land.. Aussie giving nothing much now.. restricting sharply.. funny, still 4! that is what matters.. another 4!, Six!..big over for Sri Lanka!..another 4!, Wicket! 150, Sri Lanka?.. how is Sri Lankan bowling attack?.. decent total Sri Lanka -154,.. Aussies have to bat well.. lets see., Looks like good start Aussie.., is that they call straight drive.. 4!, Aussies usually like fast bowling than spin, Ponting used to say, his favorite bowlers are Indian fast bowlers.., and he proved it in 2003WC final.. Six! Four!.. Aussie solid start!,.. Six! Aussies are dealing with sixes at the moment!, 4!.. wicket guys wicket, otherwise it will slip away quickly..no ball,.. no wicket, Aussies in control..powerplay 63-0.., easy four!, breakthrough! wicket!, Aussie still in better shape.. trademark Maxi shot! 4!., Max out!, quick wickets will help Sri Lanka.. 4! in the gap 4!, Sri Lanka needs more wickets, ..but Assuies need to keep wickets.. No ball.. 11 overs 100 up for Aussies, looks like warner woke up finally, was taking nap, power nap or sleeping.. 50 for Warner.. but job not done yet.. Sloppy fielding..you can not stop them without taking wickets,.Sri Lanka.. safe home or ferrari home Aussies?..from here.. Ferrari!..is better for run rate.. Ausiess home with Ferrari!, Congratulations @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup.
Hmm... I smiled because i knew,.. Shakespeare told you that, ok. You need some coffee now and i know that.
I make you super happy,.. how, ..i have not done anything yet.. You need some more coffee now, i know that..ok.
Where there is love there is life,.. Gandhi told you so,.. ok, chat less and stay cool.
Yeah, they are always looking for money, from the morning.. paisa, paisa.. paisa chahiye paisa.. that is all..
Dost fail ho jaye toh dukh hota hai; Lekin dost first aa jaye toh zyada dukh hota hai.., Yeah, that is your problem... Woh to tere mathe pe likha hua hai,.. Chutiya,.. yakeen nahi aata, aina dekh lo bas.
You think so,.. Afghanistan vs Pakistan ke match ko halke me na le,.. me kaha halke me le raha hoon,. .mein to West Indies vs Bangladesh ko bhi halke mein nahi le raha. All i am saying is.. I am ok with orange juice, no thanks to byjus.,.. we cool here, chill.
Among them all, only the best, the prettiest gals gets my attention,..always been,.. now you know why you are not getting,.. because, there is no such thing as second best.
Ok, ok, got that, but ICC Men's T20 World Cup,2021, is not it too long.. #T20WorldCup looks better.
#T20WorldCup, so, West Indies vs Bangladesh,.. West Indians are the defending Champion,.. how can anyone take them Halka,.. who am i to dare that,.. ok, boys don't get scared.. you can bat.. 4!..told you can bat, WI.. ..haan, Bangladesh kaha halka hai, now they look like making WI halka.. Bangladesh strikes, Wicket!, another Wicket!,.. kya? Bangladesh jeetnewala hai! kya bolta hai baba Laxman.. four!, West Indies 29-2, powerplay, not a good start.. dropped!, not this time! easy catch!, UAE not favorable ground for West Indies?. or Bangladesh just playing better.., Dwayne bravo, playing.. Yeah, heard that,.. DK, Twins, Bravo!.., dekha,.. mein kisiko halka leta hi nahi.. see, Bangladesh not halka..., hota hai, hota hai.. Wicket!, looking like kids WI.. dropped!, no misfielding guys.. four!... Six! Six!.. purana form wapis?, Six!, Wicket!..Wicket!.. still ok score WI..,..Wicket!, .. hmm,. you find people around you shitty,.. because you know them.... another Six!..Six,,, Six! , West Indies, 142.. can they defend it, lets see.., oh.. Bangladesh,.. 21-1 already, Wicket!, Bangladesh 29-2, powerplay.., excatly same as WI., someone has to go for big shots, Bangladesh.. now or later.. 4!, shot! 4!, 55-2, 10 overs.., required run rate climbing up.. keep in check guys.. shot! 4! Wicket!.. 4!, wide and 4!, 4!, bahut badiya Bangladesh.. just need to accelerate slightly.. in the gap 4!, no Wicket!, WI strikes back!, who can lead from here, Bangladesh ?, required run rate climbing up guys.. yes! four!.. big hits or wicket, which way.. oh, no wides .. clever shot 4!.. going down to the wire?.. somebody has to find the boundary.. four!, somebody do something.. Six.!., Wicket!.. West Indies defended it!.. woo!, West Indies wins!.. @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
Saylor says he personally hodl 17,732 BTC, that is lots of money and so power,.. did saylor kill or even try to harm a mosquito!. i doubt that. .. "Rich and Kind", "Powerful and Innocent".. possible with bitcoin. #bitcoin.
#T20WorldCup, ok, Afghanistan vs Pakistan.., Afghanistan lost 2 wickets already!.. Six!, in the gap 4!,.. Wicket!.. high intensity match!.., keep wickets guys.. this guys look good.. Six!,.. Wicket!,.. i can't say much without watching the full match.., four!, everything is happening so fast!.. free hit!, run flow is good,.. looks like fall of wicket is faster.. 4!, whatever, these guys are fast and good.., but need to keep wicket,.. 4!, another 4! Wicket!.. how is Pakistan with bat.? they look good in bowling and fielding department.. Afghanistan losing too many quick wickets,..that is not good., hmm.. a partnership required.. Six!, gone! another Wicket!, will Afghanistan bat the 20 overs..looks like in hurry.. real hurry 4!, run rate only 6, that speaks something.. 4!, Afghanistan 86-6, 14 overs.. shot! 4!.. score still low.. 50 from 5 overs?, Senior Afridi attending.., four!, score still looks little low.. 140-150 is ok., no easy run.. Six! .four!, do something in this over.. otherwise score will be too low.., badiya fielding!, another four!, big over, it was needed.! free hit!,.. lucky four!, partnership working, another four!, four!, great!, no ball! Afghanistan - 147, decent total, fighting total,.. .lets see, how Pakistan does with bat..
Ok, looks like not much in hurry.. 4!, Wicket!, easy easy.. don't give wickets early.. risky four! Six!, good recovery.., good with ball,.. but wickets will make the difference.. four!.. how Afghanistan approaches this?.. Pakistan keep wicket and scoreboard get going..that will do., but how about Afghanistan?, have to take wickets and save runs,..no easy runs.. four!, that eases the run rate pressure.. good partnership so far.. four!.. oh.. no misfield guys.., Pakistan looks comfortable, run rate still under ccontrol, wickets in hand.. four!.. Afghanistan,..wickets guys wickets..no other way.. Rashid! ok.. not out! oh lucky! review worked.. what about this time? Wicket!, Afghanistan back in business?.. four!, another four!, fo fo fo four!.., wickets guys wickets..no other way.. no ball!.. still runs flowing..no pressure on Pakistan.. wicket! Rashid strikes!.. still need wickets.. check the required run rate..nearing 10 per over.. ok.. no hurry.. 4!, Maaraa! Six!.. dropped! ..Pakistan eying 3rd straight win!, Wicket!, 18 ball se 26 run.. patlun gili to nahi ho raha hai na.. handle the pressure guys.. Wicket!.. 12 me se 24! that is a Six!, and that is another Six!, and that is another Six! and and that is winning Six!, fantastic batting! 3 on 3 Pakistan!, Congratulations! ..@T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
Hmm...,Pehle chai to pee le, fir chat karna.. ok.
Rumi, Shakespeare and others are already telling you that,.. thats ok na,.. what you want from me then.., just stay cool.
More than anyone,.. that means you already loved someone..,.some truth here..i am ok with that,.. But two equally pretty and smart girls are becoming good friends is a myth.
You can't stop the sun from shining., clouds come and go.
Losers always take side with the losers,..and they are always crowded and noisy, ..winners are calm,.. distinct.
You may change your location, job, country, nationality.. elect, select/employ.. whatever,.. you will remain an Indian Chutiya,.. once Chutiya always a Chutiya.
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. - Mark Twain.. ok, tea then.
Ok then, cool and chatty people, ..chat less and stay cool.
Is South Africa interested in winning any major International trophy, like World Cup,.. this time around or business as usual. Yeah,..England and Australia both has something to show already,.. i am talking about South Africa,.. and Kiwis also.. #T20WorldCup
Yeah i know, World Class but not masterclass will do,.. btw your words sound familiar.. i just don't want repeat who uses such words.. i believe you already know. ..ok then, what South Africa folks have to say.. business as usual or something different, this time around.., about Sri Lanka.?. no, you can't take them Halka, i saw someone bat like Jayasuriya style, on the other day..
Ladies and Gentlemen, here is a lesson for you.. "Don’t reinvent the wheel and don’t be someone you’re not.", - by Warner the Great,..i believe, you folks have note it down, ok... but i have a small complain to make here,..Play like real Competitor with England,.I have no issues,.. you respect them outside of the pitch..,may be for some other reason,.. I noticed that in..The Ashes.. somewhere in Michael Vaughan's time.., outside of the pitch, that is ok,.. but not when you are playing against them.. play like real Competitor,..not like friendly.. ok, we clear here.. #T20WorldCup
#T20WorldCup, ok, South Africa vs Sri Lanka.., ok, South Africa, there is no need to annoy Quinton's Cock.. focus on the Game rather... ok, Sri Lanka bats.. four!, four!, Wicket!.. Six!, another 4.. and 4!, slow pace match.. Six!, Six!.. that is run out! that is bad!, caught and bowled!.. bach gaya!, great save!.. 4!. another caught and bowled!.. score still low.., Six!.. how am i aware of things?, because i watch matches.. Wicket!,. i am not a drawing room analyst.. watching is believing... so focus on the match, not on other people's Cock... 94-5, 15 overs.. four!, another four!, four!.. Wicket!,.. score still low.. 150? Wicket!.. 4!, Wicket!,.. Sri Lanka inning -142... ok, shitty ads break,.. lets see how SA bats..
Ok, looks like good start, South Afria.. Wicket!.. caught and bowled!.., inside the line. overthrow 4!, oh, got another life.. making it look too hard to bat, SA, Out!.. slowing down.. 4!.. required run rate creeping up.. 4!, ...4! and Wicket!, SA struggling.. Six!.. Wicket! .. Hat Trick! .., Sri Lanka kicking ass!, no big over yet for SA,... Six!,.. last over 15 runs needed.. 1, Six!, Six! .. almost there SA!, winning four!, it is South Africa, the winner! @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
#T20WorldCup, ok, England vs Australia.. Aussie lost 1 Wicket already.. another Wicket!, Solid start England.. .. Australia 15-3! .. What's up boys...scared.. try to build a partnership.. Wicket!, 4!, keep going guys.. 4!.. Australia, 49-4 .. Wicket! .. looking like kids, Australia, folks look like still mourning.. 4!, annother 4! .. under 100 score? kids .. Six!, Six!.. >100 possible.. England winning? baba Laxman?.. Wicket!,.. Six!.. 100+ score!, Six! .. nah.. let baba Laxman predict ..not me.. Wicket! another Wicket!, no hat trick.. halwa hai kya.. kisi ere gere ko thodi na milega.. maana score kam hai.. Kya pata, bowling mein kuch miracle kare.. still, let baba Laxman predict.. Six!.. Australia - 125
Ok, Roy ,Six!, easy for England.. no wicket so far, .. Six!.. making it look like easy to bat. England, was too difficult for Australia... 4!, Six! another Six! .. powerplay England overpowers! .. 66-0., Wicket!,.. 4! another 4!..4!.. halwa for England... Six!.. too easy!.. 4!.. Wicket!, all relaxed.. Six!.. Six! too easy! Six! too strong England batting!.. four! .. non contest! 3 on 3 England!, Congratulations! @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
#EPL, Ok, How is it going guys?.. ok, scores look ok.. Man City 1 red card, well done.. Chelsea 3-0!. now... nothing before half time!, Newcastle is no match to Chelsea..not overstating....toying now.. Chelsea.. Liverpool unbeaten again?.. CPalace thumps 10 men ManCity 2-0!.. all good!
Ok,.. Spurs vs ManUtd.. no score yet.. ohh..offside.. Ronaldo! Goal!.. eventful. so far!.. halftime,.. ManUtd 1-0 Spurs..
..hmm.. you have to convert the half chances.. is one goal enough?.. Cavani! Goal!, ManUtd 2-0 up..!, that is cushion.. btw, good job Ronaldo..bygone is bygone.. this is good response, ManUtd..,just need to keep Spurs at bay from here.. good job Cavani.., ManUtd 3-0! up.. good goal kid!. final score, ManUtd 3-0 Spurs. Congratulations guys.. #EPL
Ok,.. how is chatting patting going, .. all good..
Ok, Chai pee, Chai pee,... haan.. too much chat is not for good health.
Hmm... That is an issue,.. i can't stop anyone from chatting from a distance,... but from near i can do something to their lips to keep them quiet.. so you know.
Ok then,.. for the time being,.. chat less and stay cool..., You think so,.. sometimes i good,.. other time i am just better, ok.
Folks have something to say,.. let them,.. i am just cool with what you have to say.. ok, we cool here.
I know,.. kids mostly call their parents when they need money.., that is law of nature,.. nothing unusual.
Songs are usually good,.. but good quality bitcoin podcasts and interviews are slightly better...espicially where nice and smart gals are involved.
If I have seen further than others, it is by listening to podcasts and standing upon the shoulders of giants.- Isaac Newton.
Losers don't have any problem with bitcoin, They don't have bitoin, that is their only problem... can't afford.. Folks have been telling you,... you can start as small as with 100 bucks..ok.
Told you,.. there is no such thing as our money/salary.., and nobody gives a damn... how your household runs...
Ok, like mango juice,.. sounds cool to me. and Afghan Jalebi.. sounds tasty..what say folks..
#T20WorldCup, ..Afghanistan vs Namibia, ok folks .. 4! & 6! for Afghanistan already.. ohh.. no man's land.. 4!.. anothet 4! ..4!.. 4! .. Hmm.. Super 12 match, England vs Australia was one sided.. can not say heavyweight clash... good start Afghanistan .. 4! Six!.. Powerplay Afghanistan 50-0, first Wicket! four!.. Wicket!, drinks break.. ok guys, thoda accelerate kar do.. fumbling, four! huge Six!.. Wicket!, four! .. hmm... thanda thanda cool cool, usne sunga bhi nahi hai, woh tel.... 97-3 - 14 .. Six!.., ok, accelerate guys.. leg before? Out! .. four! . another leg before? ..not out!.. four!, Afghan Jalebi.. wide!, good over so far for Afghanistan .. four! ..no chutiya ads.. fo fo fo four!, Six! four! ..Wicket!, four!,.. four!, Afghanistan - 160, good total.. innings break,.. time for some chutiya ads.... lets see how Namibia bats..
Ok, not good start Namibia... 33-3,.. 6.3 overs.. Rashid!.. aaram se jeet raha hai Afghanistan? .. Wicket!, ..4!.. need big overs Namibia.. Wicket!, another Wicket! ..relaxed Afghanistan,.. Wicket! ..4!, oh missed.. all fine? .. caught and bowled! easy.. it will take some time to buid up a solid squad, Namibia.. Afghanistan is already good, they can only do better from here.. Wicket!,.. 4!..4!.. 4 points! Afghanistan.. ok, Afghanistan is lifting their standard.. convincing Victory! @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
What to think, what to buy, how to behave, how to jerk off, at which angle to jerk off.. don't those propaganda chutiyas get tired of such shits.., people usually do all the shitty stuffs, and you can't do anything about that.. now go and jerk off.. and feel lighter..
#T20WorldCup, ok, India vs New Zealand.. ek wicket gaya bhi!, India.. bhaari par rah hai? Kiwis bowling.. four!, another four!, Six!. .. four!.. darne ka nahi!..Wicket!..record ko maaro goli.. just another match. kaheka tension...accha khelna hai aur jeetna hai.. Wicket!. ..yeh mat karo. woh mat karo, aise mat karo, waise mat karo, kuch mat karo.. kya bolta hai baba Laxman, aaj fir se haarne wala hai?.. India.. Wicket!.. New Zealand se to haarte rehte hai..koun si nayi baat hai.. marketing karne se kuch nahi hota.., arrey koi to khelo.. time pass chal raha hai kya.. kuch to run banao.. itna boring match ho gaya.. Wicket!.. kal ka England vs Australia jaisa lag raha hai, Australia ka inning jaisa .. New Zealand bowling ko khel nahi paate aksar.. dekha hai kahin baar.. Kiwis in control.. koi tension nahin.. baba Laxman, bindas.. 4! , bowling good as always Kiwis.. four!.. Wicket!..another Wicket!.. 4! , Six! Sir Jadeja! ..India - 110.. time for chutiya ads.. break..
Ok, bowling ok.. wicket le lo.. jaldi se.. top order ko uda do, bas.. four! another four!... 4!, Wicket!, score itna kam hai, bowler kitna kar sakta hai.., accha to kar raha hai.. lekin wicket to lena padega.. Six! 4!.. 4!.. kal ka England vs Australia repeat ho raha hai.. Six!, looking hurry to wrap up Kiwis?.. 4!.., aaj EPL me bhi kuch khaas match nahi..:).. Leeds United won! good.. safer from Relegation.... Six! ..Four! another Four!.. low expectation low sorrow.. Mujhme himmat hai, Lekin tum chutiya ho..:).. itna kam score, ..ye New Zealand hai.. Papua new guinea nahi..Wicket!.. 4!, New Zealand still giving lots of respect, which the Indians do not deserve.. 4!, 2 points for New Zealand!, Congratulations! @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
#EPL, West Ham vs Aston Villa.. West Ham 1-0 up.. Villa equalized!.. it was looking like so.. they were asking.. Villa desparately need points.. Goal! West Ham doubled!, West Ham 2-1 up! .. 2 more minutes! before half time... so, it is halftime, West Ham 2-1 Aston Villa.
Villa RED CARD!... bad to worse.! Villa.. need damage control approach.. West Ham might not sit back.... Villa looks like attacking!,, wounded lions! Villa.. doesn't look like 1 man advantage, West Ham. ..win from here West Ham sits among top 4.., Villa just denies Relegation zone.., so far looks like so.. so far it is West Ham looks kind not Villa. .. easy guys easy.. Goal! West Ham 3-1! up.. so, 11 men!.. West Ham 4-1! up .. it can get worse for Villa .. told them to do damage control.. 4 more minnutes... final score, West Ham 4-1 Aston Villa.. So, West Ham does sit among top 4!. Congratulations guys! @premierleague #EPL.
Hmm.. so, you don't get bored of me,.. i am designed that way.., and you are all good in your own rights.
You think so,.. it is not always about money or material stuffs.. ok,.. sugarcoating my absence with material gifts is not ok.. point noted.
You love me like a fat kid loves cake, ..ok... i am not fat, but i also love cake, ok.
To all the Fat kids, the baby Elephants,.. eat Cake,.. and have a nice day.
Yeah, Tea is fine,.. chat less, and just cool around... ok.
EPL has language advantage,.. it is not that the other leagues do not have the high standard.. most people around the world understand and speak English, other than any other language.. whatever the historical reasons may be.. that is the way it is..
Vaughan has a point, the Indian players look good at home, not good.. outside and overseas,.. used to hear complaint about the pitch, at perth it is very difficult play,.. dry and bouncy.. need to play in other places too... major sports are not online stuff, .. they are soil/ground stuff...
Ab chutiya bolta hoon to bura manta hai,.. Chutiya jaisa harkat karega to chutiya hi bolega.. Ghar me sher dikhne se kuch nahi hota, jab bahar chutiya dikhte ho..
It is about the Best in the world.. not about the best in a pond...
Jab log hi chutiye hai.. sab chutiya hi hoga,.. chutiya neta, chutiya adalati, chutiya babu, desi company chutiyas aur inke chutiya naukar... ab ek movie hi bana lo,.. "Hum sab chutiye hai".. dekhne bahut saare chutiye pahunch jayenge.. what an idea Sir ji..:)..
If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders., that is why #bitcoin.
Tea is good at anytime,.. but beer is better with childhood friends.. cool.
England looks strong, Sri Lanka has the fighting spirit.., that sounds like a real contest., #Super12 #T20WorldCup
#T20WorldCup, ok, England vs Sri Lanka,.. Wicket!, England 15-1, 2 overs. 4! ..4! .. bit slow start, England,.. 4! ..Wicket!.. another Wicket!.. good bowling Sri Lanka.. poor start England.. today is a new day.. still slow.. what you ate yesterday turned to shit, you can't eat it again today.. everyday is different.. not out, review lost.. still slow, England.. Sri Lanka squeezing them!.. England 47-3 after 10 overs.. 4! .. no easy runs for England.. score low so far.. 4!.. 6!.. aur Bhajji bhai, zara batao kya haal.. sab mast.. Morgan, do something lad.. 4!.. Six!.. Buttler! Six! .. Six!.. 105-3, 15 overs.. England, ..we looking at 150?.. Morgan, Six! good lad.!.. we looking at 150, right?.. Six!.. another Six! Buttler!.. 4!.. Six! Morgan!..Wicket!.. good job Morgan.. 4! Buttler!..Six!.. "CENTURY for Jos Buttler!" .. England - 163, good total bowl at..
Let's see, how Sri Lanka does with bat..
Ok, Wicket! and 14- 1, 2 overs already.. 4!..another 4!, Wicket!, 4!... another Wicket!.. 4!. Powerplay,.. 40-3... Six!... dropped! no!.. Wicket!. 4!, Six!.. 4!, Wicket!.. 4!, Six!, 4!... runs flowing.. Six!., Four!, 4! ...Wicket!.. another Wicket!..this makes difference? ..4!.. Wicket! is a dot ball too!.. another Wicket!.. no stopping them! Wicket! Sri Lanka all out!.., Victory for England, and a Century, Congratulations! @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
Hmm.. Aur bhi chatter box, chai vai piyo.. chill raho..
Ok, Dr. Seuss told you so,.. he can't fix insomnia or any such thing,.. keep away,.. things will be fine.
Hmm.. Although i am not fat but i might get angry, if you touch my cake at the breakfast table,.. be careful there, ok... in that sense i might seem dangerous...you can say so.
Still, i am mostly harmless,.. Doves also dare to sit next to me.. kind of good enough proof... cool.
Ok, we cool here,.. can go for another round of tea..
Yes, whenever i get bad money (aka fiat money), i convert it to or buy good money (aka bitcoin),.. regular stuff, just like tea.. cool., i like good quality stuff..
Well, ..They may look like usual daily wage laborer.. even they also prefer expensive foreign liquor in the evening..., i may settle for beer though.,.. see, people do care about their standard.
Yeah, a Matric fail guy deals with tractors, and he says, people mostly prefer Massey Ferguson tractors,.. and the name doesn't sound like desi.
Ok, cool then,.. is it Ox fart or Ox ford?.. anyone?.. exfarts or media chutiyas...care to tell..
Ok then,.. Looks like todays matches are almost one sided.. Nah, i am not taking Bangladesh halka, na baba na.. #Super12 #T20WorldCup.
Yeah, I love to watch, UEFA Champions League,.. but the point table doesn't look good for lots of teams,.. and folks might aware of the same.., How does it matter if anyone is kind, the point table doesn't look kind.. the point table never looks kind.. #UCL.
#T20WorldCup., ok, South Africa vs Bangladesh.. , bit slow start with bat, Bangladesh.. no wicket either.. Wicket!, another Wicket!.. Rabada!.. another Wicket!.. wide, wide!,.. Powerplay done, Bangladesh, 28-3. .. not much happening.. batting department, bowling department.. nothing much..itna sannata kyu hai bhai.. Wicket!.. Wicket!.. Wicket!.. 45-6!, 11.3.. Four!.. Wicket!.. Four!.. direct hit Out!,.. Six! .. 100+?.. Caught!.. 84 all out!
Innings break...
South Africa 3 Wickets! already.. Four!.. Six!,.. South Africa improve your run rate, try to wrap as quick as possible.... Six!, .. 4!.. one bounce 4!.. Wicket!, better run rate.. 4!.. 2 points, Victory for South Africa!, Congratulations guys!.. @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup.
Hmm.. Garbages come and go, Bitcoin stays...and gets Stronger and Stronger.., cool stuff.. tea then.
There is no such thing as Bitcoiners or Bitcoin Leaders.. the only reason i prefer it... now go fuck yourselves..
#T20WorldCup, ok, so, Pakistan vs Namibia.. oh, Maiden Over!.. Pakistan bats.. slow start.., score guys score, too slow.. are they bowling that good?.. 4!.. 13-0, 4 overs.. 4!.. no leg before..! ..4!.., 4! ..bowling is good,.. no wicket,.. still slow start, Powerplay, 29-0.. any comment on pitch, guys?.. difficult to bat?.. baaki logo ko rehne do, Bhajji bhai zara batao.. pitch kaisa hai?.. still slow score rate.. too many dot balls, yes.. boundary dried up, no single or double either.. needs to get going guys.. 4!.. 4!.. another 4!, Six!.. 4!.. now looks like batting!.. 4!.. yes, Inzamam ul Haq was very difficult to out!.. out hi nahi hota.. run out was better option.., Six!.. 100-0, 13 overs.. misfield 4!.. Wicket!.. we are looking at 150+?.. Caught behind!.. 4!.. accelerate guys.. 4!.. another 4!.. 4!.. another 4!.. 150+, let Namibia fight!.. that is the hard way to learn,.. hard way is the only way people actually learn.. ..4!.. Six!.. 4!. Six!.. 4!.. 4!.. 4!.. big over, big total - 189!..
Innings Break..
Ok, Namibia, this is the chance to learn,.. nobody really learns in net practice,.. but playing in the real match against stonger teams.. in challenging situations.. So, go out and play well.. cool.
Ok, Namibia,.. Wicket!.. 8-1.. 2 overs.. 4!... 4!,.. Six!.. Powerplay, 34-1.. 4!.. Six!.. Wicket!.. Six!.. 4!.. dropped!.. 4!.. 4!.. Wicket!.. 4!.. Wicket!.. 4!.. 101-4, 15 overs.. 4!.. Wicket!.. Six!.. decent performance Namibia... it will improve, just play more.. Six!.. 4!.. no ball!.. 4 straight win for Pakistan!..Congratulations guys!.. @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup.
#UCL, Chelsea vs Malmo,.. Wolfsburg vs Salzburg, .. just 7 minutes, Wolfsburg 1-0 up already!.. sloppy work there Chelsea.. defense breaching so easily.. Malmo looks doing good.., oh.. that was a real question!.. needs to ask more, Chelsea.. create more chances like that!.. Malmo, Swedish league table topper.. did good in Europa League too,.. but this is Champions League!.. no goal so far.., Salzburg equalised!.. any chance before halftime, Chelsea?..no.., halftime, Chelsea 0-0 Malmo, Wolfsburg 1-1 Salzburg..
Passing accuracy not good.. Chelsea.. now that is something! Chelsea 1-0 up!.. it is coming, needs to create more chances.. there Wolfsburg 2-1 up!.., no Lukaku, no issue.., overdependence on any specific player is not good for any team... its about team. They say, N'Golo Kante can play from any position, super player or super human?.. 1 more goal cushion required guys.., no more appetite? 1 goal enough?.. ok folks look so.. 1 goal and call it a day?.. Malmo asking...no careless back pass!.. oh, you missed that? .. final score, Chelsea 1-0 Malmo, Wolfsburg 2-1 Salzburg.. Earned points, that is good enough.. ok guys.@ChampionsLeague #UCL.
Hmm.. Mein mere jaisa hoon, Qainat jaisa nahi.. chai piyo.. ok.
Mein Qainat jaisa nahi hoon, aur isme galti hai?, kaisa galti hai bhi.., chai pee lo,..chai se ye sab thik ho jaata hai..
Mein Charles Dickens jaisa nahi hoon,.. aur isme bhi galti hai!..,lagta hai chai me dudh aur chini kum hai, tabhi aisa lagta hai..
Bola na, manghadant kahaani pe dhyan na diya kar,.. sab normal lagega.. ok.
That is why, chat less and chai more...cool.
#UCL,..Ok, so Bayern and Juventus are through to round of 16,.. welcome guys... same issue here at my end, too late in the night.. so, Bayern and Juventus guys can go for a beach holiday for the time being.. but the other guys still have to labor.,. Lewandowski's hatrick still makes lots of pros look like kids. Told you, it is not just Chiesa but Morata can score too, i saw it in the EURO, folks say too much about his form.., Ronaldo again right on the money.. Singlehandedly...folks can do more assists... Ok, ok, got it, Bayern folks have Bundesliga duty, but they still can relax a bit,..while Juventus folks can't relax at all in their Serie A duty.. there is a real issue here for Juventus folks..
Predictions about tonight's matches?,.. no, no guys,.. i am very bad in prediction, that is why i don't like predictions.., let them happen on their own course.., all i hope is that,.. nobody gets a Red Card,.. ok. cool.
UCL win gives Barcelona 'peace and stability',..like to hear such news sometimes. cool.
still, Barcelona folks can't relax at all in their La Liga duty.. Barcelona folks too have some real issues here in La Liga.. so, take care of things.
Told you, the similarity between usd and garbage is that, i don't need them both, I stand clear.
Yeah, you can vote or promote a tapori or taporan into something,.. but they remain taporis and taporans,.. my definition of tapori may not be as same as you.. and i decide who is a tapori and who is not. ok.
Opinion is not money. So, it has zero monetary value,..ok, we cool here.
My money is bitcoin. So, i don't have to give a shit what they do.. ok, we cool here.
Ok, tea then,.. you take care..
Ok then,.. Look like folks are ready. New Zealad vs Scotland #Super12 #T20WorldCup.
#T20WorldCup, ok, New Zealad vs Scotland,.. reminder, Scotland should not look like kids in front of the Kiwis.. rest will be ok.
New Zealad , first 4!.., wide and 4!.. 4!..4!...another 4!.. Kiwis in comfort.. leg before? Out!, Wicket!.. 4!.. Six!.. Powerplay, 52-2. ..Wicket!.. runs dried up.. Six!, Six!.. Six! .. 50 for Guptill!.. 4!.. dropped!. Six!.. 170+?.. Six! .. Soild! Six!.. Guptill on Fire!.. aisa kya?, Rajiv G(b)hatia.:).. ok.. Six!.. change the bat, but bat better.., kya bolta hai, aaj shaam ko balatkar hone wala hai..!, kiska?.. no, Slog over slow over!.. Out!.. Wicket!. Guptill missed Century!.. New Zealad -172.
Innings Break..
Ok, Scotland, just bat like Men not like Kids.. ok..ciao.
Well well.. good start Scotland... Wicket!..21-1, 4!.. Having fun Boult..chill.. Maiden over..!.. 4!.. 4!...4!..woo!. 4!, 4x4 + 4!.. big over Scotland.. Powerplay, 48-1., Six!, Six!.. Wicket!..
Hmm, yehi hota hai Olympics me bhi, halla zyada medal kam, ya milta hi nahi.. India.. kam se kam cricket me to thik thak tha.. ab woh bhi nahi lag raha.., galti se ekat bronz bhi mil jaata hai to aisa halla karta hai, jaise duniya jeet liya.. koi bina naam wala country bhi gold jeet ta hai Olympics me..
Halla kam kare, Khelna shuru kare..
need to accelerate Scotland.. Wicket!.. 4!.., Six!.. 100 up for Scotland.. Wicket!... no leg before.. Wicket!... Six!.. 4!.. 4!.. Scotland playing well.. not expected to outdo the Kiwis right away.. but they are doing better.. Six!..
Ok, Kiwis registered another Victory, 4 points!,..Congratulations guys!.. @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup.
Mujhe to neend aa raha hai..bhai log.. zara utha dena..,aaj thoda beer zyada ho gaya.. ok...fir raat ko UCL dekhna hai..
#T20WorldCup, ok, India vs Afghanistan, India 91-0, 11 overs gone,.. looks like good start.. try to win it folks...my Hotstar subscription just expired and i am in no mood to re-subsribe now.. ok, do well.
Ok, India wins, first 2 points, good job, Congratulations guys!.. @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup.
#UCL, Two Red Cards!.. Atletico and Dortmund.., Real Madrid won, Milan just a draw....ok., Now Liverpool 2-0 up,.. looks easy home against 10 men Atletico Madrid.. Suarez goal denied.., Dortmund 10 men but no issue, 1-0 up! Against Ajax so far.. ManCity 3-1 up against Brugge!, Inter 2-0 up against Sheriff... Sporting 4-0 up against Besiktas!, PSG 2-1 against Leipzig, ok.. so far that is the way things are... indeed 2 Red Cards again.. So, Liverpool.. looks home from here, Lets see how ManCity boys are doing.. whoa, Ajax equalised..!.. Inter extends lead 3-0! up.... So, it started with Foden, then Mahrez, and then Sterling.. for ManCity,.. oh what a save Brugge!.. ok, ManCity looks to settle for 3-1 and call it a day.. no, they say no, another goal! ManCity 4-1!, Jesus Christ!.. 90+2 minute goal..!.., Earned points, that is it, Good job guys... all the winners, Congrats.. and they say, Liverpool and Ajax have made it to the round of 16!.. Welcome guys! @ChampionsLeague #UCL.
Ok then,.. how chatty people are doing... all cool.
Ok, to,.. chai vai ho gaya,.. chill raho..
Hmm,.. BTC hai to, har din Diwali hai... Happy Diwali.. oops, 1 BTC ~ 50 LAC (in INR),.. doing ok, but can do much better,.. still, i am cool with that.
Ok folks, have fun then..
You are right, I never need to go to any fiat based institutions or organizations.. (companies, offices, edu, or any other).. for any useful things.. aam hai to ped ginne ka koi matlab nahi hota.. right folks..
Cool people think so,.. everyone was born for a reason; to be chatty is yours.. kind of ok.
Ok folks, as i already told you, my Hotstar subscription just expired and i am in no mood to renew now... but i,ll track the scores online,.. anyone makes it to the semi finals,..i,ll see you there.. and then we,ll have a talk.. ok. #T20WorldCup.
Yeah,..and they are always looking for money... poisa, poisa,..poisa chahiye poisa.. business as usual.
Chalo, chill maro, pataka chataka phudo.. have fun.
#T20WorldCup. Australia vs Bangladesh,.. woo! looks like the Aussies are trampling Bangladesh, 58-5, 10 overs gone... Bangladesh 73 all out!..in 15 overs.. Innings Break.
Aussies 23-0, 3 overs.. good chance to improve run rate.. as per the Aussies are concerned.., Aussies wrap up the day early!, 6 points!..and now they are ahead of South Africa due to improved run rate..Congratulations guys! #Super12 #T20WorldCup
fyi,.. i have lighted mombatti, agarbatti and all.., Diwali celebration.. btw, i am only scared of the bigger bombs not patakas..
Accha hai kya,.. yeh to bahut hi high funda hai,.. You can't convice people, etc. etc.., mere to sar ke uppar se ja raha hai... chai pee leta hoon... Hmm.. yeh hui na domestic goddess wali baat.., People who grew up with you are struggling with their boring and shitty formality based life... no sparks, nothing left for them anymore.. tum to abhi bhi bilkul Gabru jawan jaisa bindas hai.. not bad.. boring jitna der se aye, life itna hi behtar maana jaata hai.. Baccha paida karne me itna jaldbazi kyu,.. waise tu is maamle me yeh des No.1 hai, baaki kisi me ho ya na ho. Ji haan, bored people are harmful,.. they are more intereted in padosi's or other people's affair, because they have no affairs left of their own.. so, say no to bore.. just chill... yes, the only reason the stupid formality based people did not like Princess Diana, is because she loved.. and the morons do not understand that.. so, chill. Yes, pretty face without brains are taken by ugly men with some money, that is old story.. ignore,.. just chill.
#T20WorldCup, Sri Lanka vs West Indies,.. Powerplay gone, Sri Lanka, 48-1, ok start.. Sri Lanka 82-1, 10 overs gone.. decent score.., the bigger the score the better for Sri Lanka,.. can not underestimate West Indies batting prowess.. Just because they are not at their best so far,.. doesn't mean they do not have it in them.. this is really good batting from Sri Lanka - 189!..
...Innings Break....
Play like the best with the bat.. West Indies,.. not much to think, just go out and let the bat talk.., i,ll check the score at the end of powerplay..
Ok, so it is Sri Lankan story so far.. West Indies, 59-3, 8 overs gone.. So, Sri Lanka looks easy home.. so, Hotstar subscription not necessary till semi finals.. actually 169 is not a bad score, just not as good as 189.. So, it is Sri Lanka's day.. the winner, Congratulations!.. #Super12 #T20WorldCup
Hmm.. that is because, nobody wanted to waste their time on the gals, the best ones.. that were into me.., guys knew it is waste of their time,.. nobody came even near second in my area of influence in that matter.. so, i,m always relaxed.. but the other guys had to work hard on the leftovers.., see i,m chill.
Yeah,. tea is ok,...how things are going...,all cool.
Ok, ...make you mad but happy,.. that is Euphoria.. sounds cool... mad at me now?.. i mean, are you happy now.. i recommend tea now.. cool.
Ok, take your time to express yourself, express love.. i mean express fully,.. i am just lazing around,.. cool.
Haaa ha,..kyu nahi, sab saste mein nipta na chahti hai.. badi chalak hai,.. cheap flight ticket dhundne ki aadat jo hai.. domestic goddess wali baat hai lekin..
Ok, A real woman can do it by herself, but a real man wouldn't let her..,ok,.. i did not play Unreal Tournament, guys used to play, i am not a video game freak..
Ok, want express more feelings.. take your time.. cool.
Ok, chat less and chill more.. tea then..
Maine kab maana kiya,.. sab log aise hi hai,.. want free fiat money/salary from dirty public offices/schools/hospitals,.. and spend it on expesnsive nice house/car ..private schools/hospitals.. sab log aisa hi hai, maine kaha maana kiya..,. na, i always avoid,.. they sit there without taking bath, without brush their teeth, with dirty cloths.. na na, i avoid.. i prefer cleanliness.
Ok, ha... everything is just business as usual.. so, do whatever you want to.., we cool here.
Tapori log hai,.. inko acche bure ka kaha antar pata hota hai.. bas halla karte rehte hai.. paan khao aur thuko bas,.. aur kya, yehi life hai.
Chalo koi acchi movie dhundte hai....Cruella!, sounds funky.., i love BitTorrent., what would i do without it.. no subscription.. nothing required.. works like god!
What works for me matter,..work for others or not,.. doesn't not matter.. i like to keep things simple.
#T20WorldCup, ok, New Zealand vs Namibia, Kiwis, 46-2, 7 overs gone, now somebody has to play like a Captain.. Kiwis, 62-2, 10 overs gone,. now somebody has to play with Captain's strike rate..
Ok, this is a good total - 163! , as per Kiwis bowling and fielding strength is concerned.
Innings Break..
As per Namibia is concerned,.. Somebody has to bat like Something!, to chase the total down!.
Ok, Namibia, 92-4, 16 overs gone.. I know it is Kiwis again,.. still Namibia can do better.., run rate will get better for the Kiwis..that is something.., So, Kiwis, the winner!. good job. #Super12 #T20WorldCup
Bitcoin works for me,.. that is why it matters,..work for others or not,.. doesn't matter.. i like to keep things simple.
Hmm.. things get better for me,.. and that is what matters,.. get better for others or not,.. doesn't matter.. i like to keep things simple.
You folks have nothing,.. that i,ll ever need or want,.. so, no monkey dancing... chill.
Cool,.. have fun then..
Logic,..sense! ..what logic,..what sense.!,..do chaar peg maar to nahi li!. Bola na, coffee walon ko coffee me hi rehna chahiye.. adventure nahi karne ka.., guys say lots of things,.. they say, taylor swift will age like wine,.well, i have not tasted swiftheart ,so, can't say anything.. guys say so.. let them.. cool.
#T20WorldCup, ok, India vs Scotland,.. Scotland, 32-4, 8 overs gone.., good start for Scotland, with India's point of view.. Scotland 85 all out!
Innings Break..
Ok, so what is the plan.. boys.. So, that is the plan, POWERPLAY! 82-2, India,.. yeh hui na kuch khaas baat.. 6.3 over 89!. yeh kaam ki baat hai., run rate improved.., well done boys..Victory with improved run rate!..very much needed!,.Congrats!.baaki dekh lenge, ok. #Super12 #T20WorldCup
Ok then,.. chat less and stay cool...
Hmm.. So, you have found that,.. that is really a cool thing you have found,.. tea then.
You mean chasing is loving,.. chai pee lo..ok.
Hmm...,Chai,.. chai pee lo, as soon as possible.. thanda ho jayega nahi to.. ok.
Good,.. tea is done,.. now that is impressive.. that is what chill gals do,.. ok.
Hmm.. BTC price is so stable these days,.. was looking to buy at lower price.,.. looks like the fuckers are getting it slowly.. ok.,.. Nah,.. i have nothing other to buy online.
Hmm, i buy what i want to, not what anyone tells me to,.. and i don't buy anything that appear in ads, promos, and in other marketing noises.. just like most people..
Hmm.., what we were talking,.. chase and love,..
Coming to boy's hostel and pretending to meet friends is not silliness to me,.. and i certainly do not call that chasing.. that is love to me.., you were always true to yourself.. i am proud of that.. no doubt, cool here..
True to themselves is the hardest thing people ever do.. and that is the most important thing to do..
Ok, Chalo,.. is baat pe chai to banta hai.. cool.
Oo.., poor fellows,.. no one can allure me to anything, unless i think so,.. and no one has do anything when i think so,.. but i recommend tea for all folks.. cool.
But i do care about quality, and preferences.. and these too has to be decided by me only.., what is good quality and what is not... but tea is for all. ok, cool.
#T20WorldCup, ok, so, Australia vs West Indies,.. cakewalk for Aussies, or is there any surprise or twist.. ok, West Indies, 70-4, 9.3 overs gone,.. so, it looks like Aussies are in advantage.., West Indies - 157, and that is a decent total to field and bowl..
....Innings Break......
Ok, Australia 71-1, 8 overs gone, without taking wickets West Indies looks like in disadvantageus situation.. looks like Aussies on cruise!, 116-1, 12.2 overs gone.. So, Aussies easy Victory!.. congrats!
#Super12 #T20WorldCup
That is because, Men's Champions League appears on JioTV, and Women's Champions League appears on YouTube.. much cooler to watch..
All this military, academia, cronies, or any fiat funded institutions, organization fellows are not fools or idiots, they are all aware of the bad things or the truths.. they just do not want to work or take responsibility, and want to transfer the responsilty to someone..or something,.. that is tax based state,.. they all want is free money, good life but no productive work or responsibility..,nobody is responsible to maintain their lifestyle.. they all are looking for easy way to make a good living.. it is all about bad incentives.
That is why people like me respond to nonfuckwithable incentives.. #bitcoin.
Bitcoin stands, not because it is good or nice,.. they all tried to hack it .. but it has proved to be capable of withstanding against those forces.. it is not about being nice or something.. it is about the ability to stand against the bad forces..
Hmm.. chat less and stay cool.. still chatting, ok, cool then.
#EPL, So, it is another bad day for ManUtd again, lost to ManCity 2-0.. another minimum 20 minutes of play, Chelsea 1-0 up against Burnley, CPalace 1-0 up against Wolves.. Norwich City! 2-1 up against Brentford.. ok, that is the story so far.. Burnley equalised!... CPalace 2-0! up against Wolves., Ok, so, scores remain the same.. earned some points, guys.. good. #EPL.
#T20WorldCup, ok, so, South Africa vs England.. ok, looks like a little bit slow start, South Africa 49-1, 7 overs gone. South Africa 73-1, 10 overs gone.. bigger the score the better South Africa,.. so far England doesn't look kind to their opponents with the bat.. ok, that is something!, South Africa - 189!, that is a handsome total to field and bowl,.. lets see how England responds with bat!..
......Innings Break......
Ok, England 59-2, 6.2 overs gone.. Somebody needs to step up from England side..it is not gonna be an easy chase.. England 81-2, 10 overs gone.. from here it looks like South Africans have the upper hand, unless somebody from England side does something extraordinary with bat... woo! chase on! 145-4, 16.2 overs gone..., whoa!, it is SouDafrica!.. Rabada got hatrick!, no question!, he is a good kid.!, So, it is Victory for South Africa!, Congrats! #Super12 #T20WorldCup.
Hmm,.. chai acchi hai.., aur sunao,.. kya chal raha hai life me.. all cool.
Hmm,.. chai bahut acchi hai,.. chai ke liye saala kuch bhi karega.. cool then.
I did not say you were the first one to chase me,.. what i am saying is.. you may not be the last one to chase me,..ok,.. so, stay chill.
That is right,... not everyone has the patience to chase for long duration.., they get tired.. and give up.., so chill.
I don't give up on anyone.. i stay in my firmness.. that is the way i am.. ok, cool.
Ok,.. about bitcoin,.. most of the people commenting today will not be alive in the long run to comment, and i,ll also be long gone.. but it will continue.., ok, cool.
Ok, cool,.. have fun then....
Ok, i like to have tea and then take a nice nap ..rather than manghadant kahaani.., have fun, ok.
#T20WorldCup. ok, ..New Zealand vs Afghanistan,.. Afghanistan batting looks rattled!, 19-2, 5 overs gone.. looks like Kiwi bowling attack is too hot to handle for Afghanistan.! 36-3, end of 8th over.., ok, slight recovery, still doesn't look enough.. 91-4, 15 overs gone.. ok, Afghanistan total - 124,.. what say?, easy task for the Kiwis.. let's see.
------Innings Break......
Hmm.. New Zealand, 70-2 , 12 overs gone,.. looks like Kiwis are ahead,.. so, the unintended consequence of Kiwis win today means, Team India is fucked!, 101-2, 15 overs gone.., that was easy,.. Victory for New Zealand..!, so, the last 4 confirmed!.., some formalities remain,.. and that is ok...#Super12 #T20WorldCup.
What is Pig Elites!,.. where these guys get such terms, creative? ok.. Elite Pigs,?, whatever.. cool., Dhat teri ki!.., tum bhi creative!.. ok.
Hmm.., koi kisise kam thodi samajhte hai,.. bhale hi beedi khareed ne ki aukat na ho.., baaki log unse behtar bhi to hai nahi.. to, kyu nahi samjhega aisa, ..apni marzi..., open world.
Ok, Liverpool vs West Ham,.. can West Ham change Liverpool's unbeaten EPL run so far.., what say guys..
OK, how chatty people are doing.. all cool... ok, cool ppl think so.. i am cool with that..
#EPL, so far 35 minutes gone.. Leicester 1-1 Leeds, Everton 0-0 Spurs, Arsenal 0-0 Watford,.. ok, Halftime, same scoreline. Look who is talking.. Arsenal 1-0 up!.. looks like award ceremony is going on!, Everton and Watford awarded, 1 RED CARD! each.. , so, final score,..Leicester 1-1 Leeds, Arsenal 1-0 Watford, Everton 0-0 Spurs.. managed to get some points, good. #EPL
#T20WorldCup. ok, Pakistan vs Scotland,.. do not play it like formality, guys.. espicially Scotland,.. have fun playing and primarily as learning process.., cool. Ok, slow start with bat, Pakistan 35-0, Powerplay gone.. decent bowling effort from Scotland.. 10 overs gone, Pakistan 60-2, still slow with bat.. 15 overs gone, Pakistan 112-3, score improved ..that is a big total, Pakistan -189!,.. ok, Scotland, do not think about this total, just go out and bat well,.. your bat and the ball.. cool.
-----Innings Break......
Ok, Powerplay gone.. Scotland 24-1,.. do not look at the scoreboard,.. just focus on batting.. 41-2, 10 overs gone,.. ignore the scoreboard, just focus on batting.. ok, try to make atleast 120 runs.. set some minimum.. and then above.. ok... 117 then... but for Pakistan, 10/10.! Best in the Super 12 table.! Congrats.. #Super12 #T20WorldCup.
#EPL, ok, Liverpool vs West Ham,,.. early goal!.. West Ham 1-0 up!,.. Liverpool equalised!.., halftime, Liverpool 1-1 West Ham.,... West Ham 2-1 up!.. whoa!.. West Ham 3-1 up!...., final score, West Ham 3-2 Liverpool.., full points!,..Congratulations guys! #EPL.
Hmm.., chat less, and stay cool, ok.
Hmm.., tea was ok, ..how cool activities are going,.. all good.
Hmm..,so, you are looking for someone to annoy, love, chill.. at the same time.., found?.. or no luck yet.. keep trying.. ok, cool.
Ok,.. had tea or not, .. those things will be ok.. cool.
Ok, that sounds like lots of cool stuffs,.. looks like it is my nap time,.. have fun then..
Hmm.. I can not give attention to all the attention seekers,.. so, i checked the BTC price on Exodus Wallet and some Indian Wallets.., and it looks like the Fuckers are ahead of the Pigs.., that is cool.
Ok, not sleepy like me... then just cool around.. ok, cool.
Hmm,.. what they do is what i say, not what they try to show.., and things work as per deeds, not as per words.. ok, chill... even the ugliest men look for pretty brides.., that is the way it is,.. deeds, not words, ok, cool.
Ok,.. chai bina kya jeena.. cool.
Yeah,.. i always celebrate by buying a small amount (say, 1k local token, INR) ..when BTC hits high and looks very sexy,.. ok, cool.
Nah.., I don't bother other's girlfriend or wife,.. told you, no secondhand in that matter.., see, i am cool.
Hmm,... deeds not words,.. ok, cool.
Ok, Some Bigger Pigs say something and the piglets follow,.. that is not quite the case with the Fuckers, ..ok cool.
But the fact remains the same,.. koi kisise kam nahi samajhta,.. aur kyu samjhega, apni marzi.., it is open world... ok, cool.
Hmm.., it is open world,.. that is why i like open field games.., football, cricket etc.., ok, cool.
BOLD! prediction! what is that?... no, i don't do predictions,..ok, you guys can do that,.. i enjoy live match performance the most,.. we cool here... still, if you insist, i,ll say, teams who score more goals will win..,i do not like draw matches at all..,guys,.. i say no to draw.. ok... Players to watch..?, see, if i name someone, you guys might not like it.. espicially in gals game. Probably, you guys already know my favorite players.. so you do the guesswork... ok, cool. #UWCL.
#T20WorldCup.. ok, so it is India vs Namibia... looks ok, Namibia 32-0, 4.2 overs gone.., no, that is not good, Namibia 42-3, 8 overs gone, try to make some more runs guys.. 62-4, 11 overs gone,.. 120+ anything is ok.. 93-6, 15 overs gone,.. so, Namibia - 132, i say it is a decent score to field and bowl.
-----Innings Break-----
Ok, boys, it looks like UAE pitches are good for batting.., India bats.. 17-0, 2 overs gone.. 63-0, 7 overs gone,.. ok, so, pitch is good for batting., 87-1, 10 overs gone., good batting pitch.. Yeah, i know, international duty is sometimes a bit boring,.. because only a few countries do well.. in terms of results.. resources and experience bias.., that is why pro league games are better place to learn., but concetration in certain geographical location is also not good, when all the playing nations are seen as a whole.. more spread is better..
Ok, so, UAE is good for batting,..India wins!.. i believe Australia, New Zealand, England etc.. pitches will also be good for batting.., we cool here.. btw, good job, Congrats boys!..
Hope to see again, Namibia, play more in different formats, leagues and locations.. the best way to improve games and gain experience..ok, ciao. #Super12 #T20WorldCup
Hmm.., chat less, stay cool..ok... now, who told you that.. chat less and chill more, ok.
Yeah.., that is beautiful,.. but first tea,. ok, cool.
I also don't care how they make it,.. but i want my tea good,.. no more, no less in milk and sugar...ok.
Hmm.. not much chat at tea time, ok, cool.
Ok, i did not say weird, ..just chat a little less,.. that's all i am saying.. rest is fine,.. cool..
So, you discovered that,.. i thought Columbus did,.. what else have you discovered.., anything weird...anything cool.. tell me, i am feeling a little sleepy now, ok.
Hmm...,You have no bitcoin,.. that is why you guys have to continue with your shitty jobs.., tea then., and those jobs will get increasingly shittier and shittier with time.., have tea, ok,.. it looks like some 4% Piglets have already got that,.. i am not aware of the Fuckers though..,.ok,. whatever,.. tea is good.
Told you,.. i don't make prediction, let them play,.. we will find out as the matches commence,.. yeah, if i name favorite players, you folks might start making random comments,.. that could also be reason,.. so nah.., just chill, #UWCL.
Ok, .. patience guys patience.. cool.
Hmm.. so, how cool activities are going.., ok, how chatting patting are going.. tell me., ok, cool people think so,...chill.
Ok then,.. chat less and chill more.., not tired of chatting patting,..ok, cool then..
Hmm.. DAZN is really a fantastic idea,..on demand sports streaming service that works without a cable or satellite dish.,.. just curious, could it be implemeted for all other sports.., i mean, sports without interruption.. that sounds really cool.
Yes, plug and play, opt in and opt out.., that is flexibility.. rigidity is not an option., i pick and choose my liking.., that is the way forward... whatever the domain may be.. it is about flexibility.. ok, cool... ...and fuck the CEOs and so called Leaders,..whatever.., it is about the problem solvers and innovators... no clown heads.., core innovators can manage things,. doesn't require management fellows separately, ..but not vice-versa...
#UWCL, Ok, the gals will be in action,...ok girls,.. just chill. #UWCL.
Hmm,.. chat less and stay cool...ok.
#UWCL, Ok, here we go,.. SERVETTE vs CHELSEA, KHARKIV vs BREIÐABLIK ..Chelsea already in swift move!.. Chelsea strikes!.. Breidablik and Kharkiv ..move swift gals... Fran Kirby strikes!, Chelsea 2-0! up.. Sam Kerr strikes!, Chelsea 3-0!..and 4-0! Servette fight gals! .. Breidablik and Kharkiv even game so far no goal yet.., Kirby whoa! 5-0!, ..Breidablik vs Kharkiv, still no goal.., who makes the first break.., corner kick, but still no goal..oww..Kharkiv asking!.. 6-0! Chelsea! ..Servette fight, ...Breidablik vs Kharkiv, anyone scoring before halftime?.. Chelsea can go for holiday, after halftime?.. it is halftime, Chelsea 6-0 Servette, Breidablik 0-0 Kharkiv..
How many Chelsea?!.. Chelsea 7-0!.. no Harder, no issue.., Breidablik vs Kharkiv still nil nil.., well Chelsea winning anyway.., so Breidablik vs Kharkiv then.. trying trying ..it will come.. somebody will score.., Chelsea playing in energy saving mode now?.., Breidablik and Kharkiv working hard, just finishing is not good ..both sides.., Chelsea enough score for the day?.. Breidablik and Kharkiv, no easy goal here.., still no easy goal here.., so final score, Chelsea 7-0 Servette, Breidablik 0-0 Kharkiv.., @UWCL.#UWCL.
Hmm... Gd Morning,.. started cool activities yet,...i mean, after tea.
Hmm.., I don't undestand French,.. i don't understand, Deutsch and Español either,.. ok babe,.. cool.
Cool people think so,.. ok, ok, I got that,... have tea, stay chill.
#UWCL, Although Chelsea earned full points,...both Breidablik and Kharkiv too earned some points,.. that is good,.... not late, it is too late here for the next matches, 1:30AM in the night, eyes close automatically,.. first matches at 11:30 PM, itself is already late,..but that is ok.,.. Juventus vs Wolfsburg(German Birds) was great contest from the starting.., first Juventus goal and then beautiful long distance equalizer from the German Birds!.., i watched till that.., Paris and Real Madrid, yet to score..looks like "Hala Madrid!" did not work,.. but i could not understand a thing.. what the commentators where saying in Deutsch and Español..:),.. but what the players were doing on the pitch was understood.., so, finally it was Juventus 2-2 Wolfsburg, equal strength, equal point.., thanks to the penultimate minute equalizer from Juventus. and Paris 4-0 Real Madrid,.. bad day with one own goal from Real Madrid,.. do better next time, ok. #UWCL
Hmm.. Anyone willing to sell me their BTC at 50LAC or Below, INR price rate.. anyone.. just raise your hand..
Hmm,.. Bitcoin works beacuse it has no Leader, CEO or some Clown Head,.. the sun, the moon, oceans, mountains etc.. also have no leaders, but still works or continue to exist, aren't they..
Hmm,.. That is why tea and cake is all you need,.. ok, cool ,.. anything most of the Piglets or Fuckers say, i just ignore then,.. they are just copy of someone or something..
Hmm,.. don't do this, don't do that, don't do like this, don't do like that,.. be careful, secure,., do this way, do that way.. But all they want is...to put all others at risk and want "FREE MONEY" for themselves and try to hide in corrupt and dirty places,.. that is why Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a creation of High IQ people,.. to protect the stupid people from the morons,..looks like some 4% piglets have already got that.. tea is good.
So, deeds, not words.. ok, cool.. have tea then.
Ok, so, how cool activities are going.., full swing... ok.
Ok then,.. all cool,..
#T20WorldCup, ok, its Semi final today,.. England vs New Zealand,.. no prediction, ok,.. live action only.. #Semi-final-1 #T20WorldCup
#UWCL,Ok,.. the gals will be in action,. a little late in the night, cool then.. and no prediction, ok #UWCL.
Ok, what cool people are busy with then.., any cool stuffs..
#T20WorldCup,.. Just because England has already won a major International Trophy (ICC, ODI, World Cup-2019 Winner), Kiwis should be more favored,.. no. It is entirely a new and different competition on a different day. So, battle for it, guys,..no favorites.. ok.
Ok, all the best guys..
Kiwis bowl...
Going good England.., kya bolta hai Bhajji bhai.. 37-0, 5 overs gone.. Wicket!, Caught or Not!.. ok, they got him.., aisa kya baba Laxman,.. ho sakta hai.. Powerplay gone, 40-1. England., good shot! 4, Buttler.. LBW?! Buttler Out!, 2 wickets slowing down the match.., Lets see, what Moeen and Malan do.., bowling is good.. Malan 4!.., 67-2, 10 overs gone, bit slow with bat.. but bowling is good., That was nice..:),. Moeen 4!..., ok, i am logging out guys, and tracking the score on the Internet..:).., 115-2, 15 overs gone.. Kiwis can bat, so England need a good total on the board., Malan did ok, but score is not good guys.., folks say, there is some weakness in the England's bowling department,.. ok,.. you guys hear that.. Livingstone Six!.., Livingstone Out!, 160+ plus is ok score, but Kiwis can bat.., ok, it is Moeen not Moin Half Century!, ..doesn't talk much, that is ok, but his bat talks,.. that is what matters..., England - 166, good total field and bowl... Let's see, how the Kiwis respond with bat.
Innings Break..
Guptill gone!.. poor 4 runs.., No need mention, but somebody has to play like captain today..Kiwis.., was that so scary, i just said play like a captain, not like a god..ok,. now lost 2 wickets.., 18-2, 4 overs gone.. Not a good start from the Kiwis..somebody step up.., no power in Kiwis Powerplay, 36-2,.. but England's bowling is going good.,. required run rate creeping to 10 per over.. within less than 8 overs., Somebody has to step up from Kiwis side.., 58-2, 10 overs gone.., wickets in hand, still Kiwis are good.. just need to accelerate a little.. 80-2, 12 overs gone.., Wicket!..,107-3, 15 overs gone.., just 5 overs guys, to make all the difference.. Wicket!, turning the heat on!,.34 runs in18 balls is quite possible..!, can Neesham and Mitchell do it for the Kiwis!, Wicket!, Six!.. Six!, Kiwis almost there!.. SUPERB! Kiwis! Victory!, Kiwis, the First Finalist of ICC Men's T20 World Cup, 2021, Congratulations!.. #Semi-final-1 @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
#UWCL, ok, here we go!.. BARCELONA VS. HOFFENHEIM, Barca scores!, HB KØGE VS. ARSENAL moving!, Barca 1-0! up..consistent pressure from barca..!, Penalty saved! Arsenal missed penalty.. woo..! babe Alexia strikes! .. Barca 2-0! up.. Arsenal putting pressure..! Barca relentless! Arsenal strikes! , Arsenal 1-0! up.. easy easy.. Barca 3-0! up .. slipped from the keeper., that was a chance barca...Hoffenheim.,try hard.. Koge did ok.., Halftime,.. Barcelona 3-0 Hoffenheim, Arsenal 1-0 HB Koge..
Second half begins.., Bonmati hit the post!.. just missed.., Koge not giving Arsenal much free room.. woo Koge.. Movement here, still on first half lead, Barca.. Arsenal strikes! 2-0! up.., Barca not relaxing though.. Arsenal! 3-0! up.. Koge strikes!, ..missed from close range Barca.. Barca this time! hit the net!, Barca 4-0! up,.. Koge got 1 goal.., Hoffenheim nil.., Bonmati call it a day, ok.., Barca on relaxed mode? 4 goals will do..or want more.. Arsenal! 4-1! up.. Anna Patten!, ..Alexia!..ooh just missed..Arsenal! 5-1! up,.. tired gals?, just a few more minutes.. then all relax..ok... It is all good gals.., final score, Barcelona 4-0 Hoffenheim, Arsenal 5-1 HB Koge.. @UWCL #UWCL
Hmm.. chat less and stay cool, ok.
Hmm.., woh sab to theek hai, ..lekin chai pee liya ki nahi, ..woh bata.. ok.
That is what i am saying,..all you need is tea,..then do other cool stuffs..
Hmm.. Cool people think so,..definitely maybe so.. ok.., chai bahut badiya banaya hai...maza aa gaya.
Hmm.., see, now nobody is willing to sell their BTC below 52LAC, INR rate.., deeds not words..ok.
Ok, for Kids and Beginners,.. you can start with a small amout of Rs.100.. with Yono Lite SBI app and ZebPay app,..they look ok to me,.. and they do not appear on commercial ads too.., and these folks look ok,.. easy to use,.. start with a small amount and try out.. chill.
He who works all day has no time to make money. - John D. Rockefeller on #Bitcoin, bulls eye saylor..:)
Ok, chai vai pee lo, aur chill raho.., fir chatting patting karna hai karo..ok, cool.
#UWCL, Barca good as usual,.. Arsenal is good,.. and they deserve their points. So, Bayern could not build on their relatively early lead.., and finally they lost to Lyon 2-1. Hacken was looking better with the possesion from the beginning, and they were playing more on the Benfica half.., they beat Benfica. So, final score, Lyon 2-1 Bayern, Hacken 1-0 Benfica,.. So, only Servette and Koge.. not earned any point yet,.. do better next time..ok. #YouPlayStrong #UWCL
None of them have bowled, both Hayden and Langer.., so, don't listen to them,.. stay cool. #T20WorldCup.
Cool then,.. chat less and just chill, ok.
Ok then,.. don't waste your time folks, i don't buy random stuffs,.. i usually buy bitcoin and beer,.. ok, cool.
Yeah, Tea of course,.. does that require any mention., Portfolio?,.. what is that, new kind of Polio.. whatever,.. i don't need that.. ok, cool.
Ok then, just stay chill.,
Fiat Money and related stuffs will keep coming,.. i don't have to bother, just like everyone,.. they have no limit, .. but bitcoin has a limit, so you know.. tea then.
#T20WorldCup, ok, How is chatting patting going, guys.. all cool. #Semi-final-2 @T20WorldCup. #T20WorldCup.
Ok,..now who is this e e cummings..,
Let the work speak,.. that is how things work.. deeds, not words, i see the deeds only,.. folks, attention seekers etc.. always have something say,..and that is ok., more marketing, ads, promo etc.. less in everything,.. users, customers, subscribers, profit, value..,etc., so, stay cool.
Yeah, i was just asking who is this e e cummings.., cool ppl haven't tell me yet,..why is e e..
#T20WorldCup,.ok, so, Australia vs Pakistan,.. getting ready, guys.., time to talk over, it is time for action,.. and no prediction, no favorites.. as always.. just let it happen.. Ok, so the Aussies choose to bowl, ..btw, what was it, Head or Tail, Finch..com'n you can tell..,
So, Pakistan bats first.. Missed!, high catch!.. thoda halka start nahi lag raha? Pakistan ka batting.. 4!.., theek hai phir bhi, 27-0, 3.2 overs.. Six! Rizwan!... aur kaisa hai baba Laxama.. sab bindas.. ok start, Pakistan.. 38 runs no wicket..5 overs.. 4!, Rizwan!, Powerplay, 47 runs, no wicket.. 4! in gap! Babar!.. looks comfortable with bat.. mera bhi wohi maan na hai.. haan na bhajji bhai.. lekin run thoda kam lag raha hai.. Caught! Warner!, Zampa..! 71-1, 10 overs gone.., good over! batting!.. chalo, maze se dekho, bhajji bhai chill maro, . mujhe bakwas ads nahi jhelna,:).. to mein,.. internet se hi score track karta hoon..,cool., Score slowing down.. do something guys.. 4!.. 160+ banana padega bhai log.. halke me mat le.., Aussies can bat.. Six!.. yaha se thik thak pitai karne se nahi hoga, accha khaasa pitai karna padega.. bahut dheema ho gaya.. Six!, bahut din baad!, 4!.. Six! Rizwan!, wicket hai abhi, ghuma bat!, Wicket!.. Six! Zaman!, 170+?, ..4!, Wicket!.. no runs! but Wicket!, bowlers doing good job.. Six!, that is Half Century Six! for Zaman!.. Pakistan - 176, good total to field and bowl, let's see how Aussies do with bat..
......Innings Break.....
Aussies! 1-1!, Wow!, Aussies, what's up! bat not talking.. no, not yet 13-1, 3 overs gone.. 6! .. 4! Warner!..4!.. good over for the Aussies.. Six!,..4!, Powerplay, 52-1., good.. Wicket!..4!, need to build a partnership, Aussies.. Six! Warner!, Wicket! Smith gone! .. 4!.. 89-3, 10 overs gone.. required run rate creeping up above 10.. Wicket!.. Stoinis is the last recognised batter in the Aussie camp now?.. that is not good.. 4! .. someone has to go hyper with bat.., otherwise mission final impossible..for the Aussies.. 4!.. just 4 overs in between final spot.. 4!, Six! 4! Stoinis!.. woo! heating up! Six! Wade! .4!.. Six!.. 8 balls 12 runs!... Six!.. Winning SiX!, it is AUSTRALIA! into the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2021 Final!. So, Australia meets New Zealand on Sunday, 14th November, 2021 for the Final Match!..Congratulatins! #Semi-final-2 @T20WorldCup. #T20WorldCup.
Hmm.. chat less, stay cool.. ok..
Hmm,...tea was made for me.., tell me then,.. how is it going.. all cool.
I am not a Subway or McDonald's fan,.. you are.. sometimes McD is ok,.. but i prefer garama garam Chole Bhature, and tea.. ok, cool.
Ok then.. time for cool activities,..right,.. ok.
Yeah, you can say that.., ZebPay or Such Other Accounts are your Savings Account,.. while SBI or Such Other Accounts are your daily expenditure,.. grocery, sabji bhaji Account. So, just pick up your Smartphone,.. ZebPay app and Yono Lite SBI app ..and just chill., ok, cool.
Hmm.., Always buy bitcoin at your breakfast table.. and do your things rest of the day. ok, cool.
Ok, so, Saylor was on CNBC, that is why Bloombark!, competition haan .:), peer pressure,.. that is why bitcoin.. ok, chill.
Make no difference,.. whom they elect or select,.. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders.,.. garbage in, garbage out..., that is why #bitcoin, and chill.
Ok, have fun with your shitty jobs,.. folks,..ok, cool.
Cool then,.. chat less and chill more..ok.
Hmm.., No Time To Chat.. 007 says so,.. so you know.. Let,s see what 007 does this time.. ok., cool.
Just sleeping together is not love, 007 too says so, and do so,.. Love is something very different,.. it is like air, you can't see it, but you can feel it,...right... ok, cool.
That is why,.. chat less and chill more..ok.
Hmm,... chatting patting done.., stay cool., ok.
Hmm,.. coffee?.. ok,.. mere liye special chai,.. ok..cool.
Hmm.. I am kind of a slightly lazy person,.. i only do what i love to,.. just like cool people..ok.
Haila, Juhi Chawla!..,toh, life mein sab bindas..,IPL mein milenge,.. btw Happy birthday behenji, chill raho.
Ok,.. how cool activities are going.. all cool.
M says, ..The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time..cool.. I am also M, i am MM.
All noise, no nothing,.. this military noises are nothing,.. they are not killing each other... they are just passive consumers,.. eating and shitting,.. wasting scarce resources for nothing..waste.
Hmm.., 007 did love,.. and his daughter will grow up to become a SuperBabe!..,like father, like daughter.. cool.
Ok then.. all cool stuffs,.. no other stuffs.. ok, cool., tea then..
I am not Anti everything,.,.like those random noisy people,.. I am just Anti Chutiya.., ok, cool.
Hmm.., tea is good.. really good.., how cool people are doing, chilling around..ok.
Ok, cool then...
Ok, so Ray Dalio's economic machine no longer works.., what happened, tyre punctured.?, you can tell me..
Hmm,...so, Steve Job's Apple's Tim Cock also owns BTC, and Fakebook's Zark Muckerberg no longer talking about Rusting Libra.., Bitcoin is High Calibre people's stuff,.. not some Silicon kids stuff.., that sets the intellectual levels apart, guys.. ok, cool.
....Ohh shit!.. Did i just made these two guys famous, unintentionally..,shit happens, guys.
Ok, so, Peter Thiel's PayPal's ..Alone Muck, says so,..ohh no!,.. i just made another guy famous,. unintentionally!.., ok ok, it's ok, guys.
Ok then,.. chatting patting done.. all cool.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool.. ok.
Ok then,.. how things are going...all cool.
Ok, so, what are you exploring these days,.. or just lazing around..tell me.
Hmm,.. Accumulate some bitcoin first, then we will talk about Private Key, Control and Self Custody..etc.. kind of stuffs..,but first accumulate some,.. worth of a few thousands, a few lacs.., then we will talk..get through the basics first, setting up, buying.. etc. #bitcoin.
Ok, how chatting patting going.. all cool.
Yeah,..you can spend time on zero monetary value stuff,.. but for that first you need some money.. ok.
You have free money source,.. then you have nothing to do,.. but that makes people dumb, unable tackle any real world problem.., you have go to some other for every little thing.., so, learn things.., ok, cool.
You should be able to swim when you are thrown into the open waters,.. otherwise people will make you run for some money/salary, in entire life.. you will never have a life,.. just a running horse on a daily basis and nothing.. ok, cool.
Haan, wohi hai,..kuch samajhme nahi aata,,..bas muh utha ke chale aate hai,..sab gadhe hai.., paisa to dena padega mujhe,.. jabtak nahi sudharega...
There is a saying.., Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know., ok, cool.
#T20WorldCup, How is it going, guys,.. feeling like Final!,,,finally.., ok then, stay cool. #Final @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
Ok,,,how chatting patting going...cool., what... all cool or not,, tell me.
#T20WorldCup, ICCMen'sT20WC Winners so far,.. India, Pakistan, England, West Indies(2), Sri Lanka,.. did i miss any of the big names.. , probably Daniel Vittori can tell.., South Africans are different species, when it come World Cup kind of thing..
That is what i am saying, both New Zealand and Australia are beginners, when it comes to T20 World Cup final in terms of winning not in terms of reaching to the final.. that is all i am saying,.. therefore,.. no prediction, no favorites,.. only live action!..
#Final @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
Ok, Saylor at it again,.. "
You only get to play God once. #Bitcoin
" :).. but they can play Dog many times. :).. lol.. guess who are "they" here.., wrong guess,.. they mean, the G20 losers..,you definitely guessed it wrong.., it's ok.
#T20WorldCup,ok, we are talking about T20 final here.., New Zealand vs Australia..
Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the ICC Men's T20 World Cup final, 2021..
Ok, So, Finch calls Heads, and it's Heads,.. Australia chose to bowl first..,so, it begins..
Ok,.. accha.. isko relay kehte hai kya bhajji hai.., Let's see what Guptill and Mitchell does here.. 4!.. Six!.. why Maxwell now!..so early.. Hmm.. Powerplay has to be fast runs.., Caught behind!, Mitchell gone!.. Ok, here comes the Captain himself..good.., too slow guys too slow run rate.., single se nahi hoga.. baba Laxman, aisa nahi lagta aapko.., Kane 4!:), 4!.., score rate still low.., now run rate slowly improving.. Zampa strikes! Guptill gone..!, Six!, Six!.. Kane can hit Sixes..!, 100 up for the Kiwis!.., now it is time build on it and fast..., 6! & 4! good over.., see, you need 170+ .. 4!... 4!.. He Kane hit Six!.. fo fo fo.. Four!..4!.. 22 runs BIG over!, hmm.. what does in the Final, that matters.., Rawalpindi Express!.. Wicket!.. 4!, this is Captain's day!.. Out!, Captain Out!, good over for Australia!.. 150 up for the Kiwis.. minimum 20 runs..from here., Six!..4!.. still, Aussies can bat!, so New Zealand - 172, it is a good score.., now it depends on how the bowlers and fielders do,..and Let's see how the Aussies respond with bat..!
Innings Break..
Ok, Looks like Warner again.! 4,4!.., 4!.. Wicket!.. Captain Out!.. in great mood Marsh!.. 4, 4, Six!., Warner Six!.. Kiwis need wickets.. big hitters can change the game quickly!.. Powerplay, 43-1., Partnership going good..,Aussies.., need wickets Kiwis!..,otherwise no stopping them.., 4,4, Six!.., 82-1, 10 overs gone..., Six!, SiX,.. told you, without taking wickets no stopping them.. Trent Bowled!, Warner Out!.., Aussies making it too easy.., Aussies are making it cakewalk..woo!..,Aussies,,it was not suppose to be this easy..!, unable to pick up wickets and slow things down..told you,..Kiwis. 11 runs from 12 balls..!, Four!.. celebration starting at Aussie camp..:), Winning FOUR!.. It is Australia! the ICC Men's T20 World Cup, 2021, Winners!, Congratulations!,.. the new T20 World Champions!, AUSTRALIA! #Final @T20WorldCup #T20WorldCup
If you can't make money without printing it,.. you don't understand anything..:) #bitcoin.
Even the dumbest fellows have lots of printed money..,how are you better than them.. level haan level..,it is like i am with the prettiest,.. and you can keep all the average and ugly..ok, :)
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool.. ok...
Hmm..,chai ho gaya,.. time for chill stuffs,.. explore places,..or just stare into the space, and lazy around,.. whatever, ok, cool.
Ok,.. so, chatting patting is sometimes just better.. cool.
Hmm.., You can't keep the Australians away from the limelight for long time when it comes to Cricket., they are consistently good throughout, since the time of legend like Don Bradman, not just for some occasion,.. i too did not expect much from them in this T20WC tournament,.. but they are here,.. and they won convincingly in the end., T20 World Champion, Australia.
Hmm,.. cool things do happen, and cool people make them happen..cool.
What is the best thing about Free Market,.. it is "kaam karke khaana hai", not like managerial top down .."kisiko kaam karwake khaana hai",.. very simple,..kaam karke khao,. .everything will be fine.,, people can organize among themselves,.. no big deal..ok, cool.
Ok then,.. how is chatting patting going,.. all cool., chai then.. ok.
Yes,.. the B Grads can find a job in B Grade movies,..:),.. i never need such piece of papers,.. any comments from exfarts and media chutiyas..:) .., anyone..it's ok.
I do not need to subscribe Hotstar anymore,:).. i found an way around from the shitty ads, promo, marketing stuffs,.. shitty ads, promo etc. are easy way and shortcuts to make money.., no shortcuts,.. ok, cool.
Ok then,..how chatty ppl are doing.. all cool.
Hmm.., the Low IQ people always need help from the High IQ people,.. not the other way around, kids..,ok, cool.
Nah, no TV...ok,.. Remember these Golden words from a wise man.. If you want to change the world, do it when you are a bachelor.. After marriage you can't even change the TV Channel..,see,.. i am peace loving person, you know that,.. ok.
Ok then, tell me, how things are going..,all cool.
If you do the right things, you will sleep peacefully in the night..,that is the best thing about doing the right things.., peace of mind,.. ok, cool.
Ok then, chat less and stay cool,..ok.
Hmm,.. all chai nasta done,.. tell me., lunch?.., ok, cool then.
Ok, how chatting patting going.. all cool.
Hmm,.. Jo dus paise ka kaam nahi karta, dus paise ki akal nahi,.. aise logo ko dus dus hazaar ka suit pehena ne se kuch nahi hota.., free money,.. no value creation..,just waste..ok.
Ok, chai vai pee lo aur chill raho..ok, cool.
Dhat Burbak ka bol raha hai tu..:).., chal jaake mere liye chai bana..,kuch tips dunga, ok. cool.
Chalo tapori log, paan khaoo, thuko aur chill maro.. bas kya..
Toh, cool ppl, Aati kya Khandala..nachenge gaayenge, ghumenge phirenge aish karenge aur kya..Ei..kya bolti tu..
Hmm,.. Looks like it is a good day to buy a nice amount of bitcoin,..looks like the Fuckers are shedding.. i was waiting.. let's see, ok. Any noise in the Piglets world..,how the Piglets are doing..let's see. Now, China's NDRC also wants mine bitcoin, now who will help those morons,..:), dickheads, dickheads..:)..LOL..
Hmm,.. Told you, I too, do not give up on the weak students,..the slow learners..,ok, cool..
#UWCL,.. How is it going gals..,all fit and kicking?..,a few familiar faces were absent it the last matches..,i believe they will be back in action tomorrow and next.., stay fit, stay chill..ok. #YouPlayStrong #UWCL.
#UWCL, Is there too much schedule pressure for your Derbies, Pro-League duty and International Qualifying Round duty. Yeah i heard that,.. Italy(Men), gone into somewhat complicated play-offs..:).. for upcoming WC, there is pressure, you see..
Ok, then,,.. stay focused for the tomorrow's match.. #UWCL
Ok then, chat less and stay cool,..ok.
Hmm,.. How is Chai time manoranjan going,..all cool.
Ok, cool people think so,.. i,ll go for another round of special chai then.., you wanna go for another round of hot chocolate.. tell me.
Hmm,..I am ok with the attention seekers,..but i usually pay attention to the people, who are into core stuffs.., Michael Saylor
@saylor, Elizabeth Stark
@starkness, Alyse Killeen
@AlyseKilleen,..etc., at least they are clean with what they do.. , Anything the Indians do is not on original ideas,.. copy of copy,..so ignore,..ok, cool.
They may not like to go to their dusty factories and godowns,..but they need to go,.. that is China, there are lebels,..made in china,.. i don't have any factories or godowns there,..so i never need to go,.. ok, cool.
Russia is economically not important for most folks,.. so, they are not very much in spotlight...
Good or Bad somebody holds the world's fiat reserve currency,.. so, they manage to stay in the spotlight, so you know. ok, cool.
Toh,..Kya bolti tu, cool ppl.. how cool activities are going..all cool., Accha.. aisa kya.. cool ppl.
Hmm..,toh..chai vai pee ke, chill marna jaroori hai.. aisa kya.., ok, cool then.
#UWCL, ok, then,.. how things are going gals,.. Sarah Zadrazil OR Danielle Van de Donk,.. are you asking me?..god question.., give me some time,.ok. Now, i kind of have a notion,..is 'Babe of the Match' more accurate than 'Player of the Match' ..,your views, what say folks.., chat less, give your views,.. then stay chill, ok. @UWCL #UWCL
Ok, so, Netherlands qualified for WC22. People say, Messi and Co,..too qualified for WC22,..cool., Yeah, yeah.., Ronaldo and Co,..too gone into complicated play-offs alongside Italy and all..
Hmm,.. too much chat is not good,...that's why, chat less and stay cool.. ok.,.. so, you love to be on the net,.. that sounds cool to me..ok.
#UWCL,ok gals, chat less and stay focused,.. cool.,..what?, i said chat less, not to go to sleep,.. well, i may sleep now and wake up to watch,.. you may not be able do that, but i can,.. ok, chill. @UWCL #UWCL
Ok then, chat less and stay cool.. ok.,..... i only said,..chat less,..not to go to sleep,..ok, cool.
#UWCL, Ok, gals, ready!.. i am good.., You all look good too,!.. very well then.. go go go!..Hoffenheim vs Barcelona, Benfica vs Hacken,.. Benfica scores!..early lead!.. , Barca raiding..!, yellow card Benfica captain, careful!, there was a real chance for Hoffenheim! .. Hacken given a yellow now!.. Hoffenheim doing better tonight.., Alexia header missed!,.. there was another close chance for Barca! , that was danger close!..Hoffenheim survived!.. Bonmati!. missed!.. Hermoso! Missed!.. Penalty! Alexia scored!, she doesn't miss that!.. Barcelona(41min) 1-0 up!.., it is Halfttime, Barcelona 1-0 Hoffenheim, Benfica 1-0 Hacken,.. Hoffenheim still did much better, let's see in the seconnd half..
THERE IS ONLY ONE CROWN!..,i like that..:).., ok, that was the first group stage goal for Benfia..well then..you have to start someday..today!..ok.., No, she doesn't miss much from the spot!, Alexia..
Second half begins.. , Super header! Irene!,Barca 2-0 up!.. Bonmati! Goal!, pocket Dynamite!,, Barca 3-0 up!, ..close conntest, still no score this half, Benfica and Hacken..another yellow card for Benfica!.. offside Hoffenheim ..another yellow card for Benfica!, no goals, only yellow cards..:), close chance Barca!.. Penalty for Hacken!, Hacken scored!. Hacken equalised!.. great saves, Hoffenheim keeper!.. time running out..need a tie-breaker! Benfica and Hacken.., Hoffenheim keeper doing great job.., no goal, offside!.. should have scored for tiebreaker, Hacken!.. Marta! scored!, Barca 4-0 up!, too good Barca!.. Ana-Maria!..Goal!, Barca 5-0 up!, Benfica! Catarina scored!, Benfica 2-1!, Barca way too good!, ..final score, Barcelona 5-0 Hoffenheim, Benfica 2-1 Hacken,.. Conngratlations!, the Winners! @UWCL #UWCL
Hmm,..,so, loving start with tea,..ok, cool.
Ok,..you don't think so,.. love start with tea,..tell me then..., so, chat less and chai more..cool.
And then, it is good to start cool activities,.. ok.,
Chat less and shaanti rakh,.. om shaanti om..ok, cool..
Chai to hona hi tha.., toh, isme harz kya hai.. ok, cool.
Hmm.. bachpan sab aisa hi hota hai,..,bachpan me, school me, sabko sab aata hai,.. bada hone ke baad pata chalta hai ki, kuch nahi aata hai,.. aur aisa kuch nahi hota hai.. sab PAISA hota hai..bas., ok cool.
Whichever way they play, i always beat them,..end of the day it is people,.. most people are roaming around with low iq,.. So, if you make things difficult for them,.. they will look for people like me for help,.. if things are made too easy, it will become corrupt and disintegrated in no time.., So, either way people like me always win. ok, so chill.
Told you, i don't waste my time trying to convert cattle to human.. ok, cool., hmm.. tea is good..
Hmm,.. they come and go,.. garbage in, garbage out,..they will come and go.., bitcoin stays, so chill.
All those related to fiat money, gets paid in fiat money etc.. will be eradicated like any malware along with fiat money malware,.. ok, so chill.
Hmm,.. tea is good,.. ok chill.
#UWCL, So, Barcelona is the first team through to the next round, quarter-finals, anyone had any doubt.., Bayern beats Lyon Lyon Lyon!...,Kumagai gave them the taste, but Zadrazil has more reasons to smile.., Benfica Benfica! late win!,.. Arsenal wins, and it was practice match for Koge.., ..Welcome to UEFA Women’s Champions League quarter-finals, Barcelona!.. Let's see, who else can join Barcelona tonight for the quarter-finals.. #UWCL
Ok,..tea is the secret of my energy.., cool ppl tell.. cooler than the coolest ppl, tell me..
Ok then,.. chat less and chill more..cool.
#UWCL, Yeah,.. Sarah Zadrazil(Bayern) got 31.9% likes, Danielle Van de Donk(Lyon) got 68.1% likes.., looks like they did not play Danielle,.. things look like so.. i don't know, folks,.., i only say, stay fit and stay chill,..nothing much, ok, cool.., Now, do not ask me about tonight's match, Juventus vs Wolfsburg,.. ok, no prediction, no favorites.., but i like the playing styles of both of them though,...do not ask me about tonight's Chelsea, Real Madrid, Paris etc.. matches too.. Stay fit and Stay chill,.. ok, cool. @UWCL #UWCL
Cool then,.. chat less and tea more..ok.
#UEFA, ok, so, you guys are doing things,.. UEFA's Executive "Master for International Players" programme,.. that is the way you guys care about football,.. what?, i too care about football, don't i?.., MIP is the way to respect football,.. don't i respect?..,btw, you guys look cool, but i am slightly cooler,.. let's keep it that way,..ok, cool. #UEFA
#UWCL, Ok, gals, things will be fine,. see you in action... i might get some sleep,.. it worked yesterday,..2 hours nap.. didn't you notice,.. just Stay fit and Stay chill, ok, cool.. @UWCL #UWCL
Ok then,.. chat less and stay cool..
#UWCL, Ok then,.. gals, ready for action.. here we go!, Wolfsburg vs Juventus, and Breidablik vs Kharkiv.., German Birds are flying fast..!,, Breidablik chance missed!.. ok, Juventus gal, take care..she'll be fine.., Juventus! close!.. ohh, it is raining at Kópavogsvöllur.., half an hour played, no goal yet.., who will score first.. Birds in Green or Birds in Black..before half time,. Kharkiv scored! Goal!.. on Icelandic land!.. it is halftime, Wolfsburg 0-0 Juventus, Breidablik 0-1 Kharkiv,
..is it going to be late drama again for Wolfsburg vs Juventus..lets see, in the second half..
second half begins at Kópavogsvöllur stadium and at Wolfsburg stadium as well..Juventus! missed!,.. Juventus! Goal!..ohh no! it is an own goal from Wolfsburg !.., now the burden,.. coming from behind.., home team no way in at Kópavogsvöllur.., Wolfsburg have 30 more minutes to make a difference.., Juventus, one goal lead ok?.. Kharkiv! Goal!.. Kharkiv 2-0 up!.. Wolfsburg do something, time is running out.. Juventus putting pressure.. time running out.. 4 more minutes for Wolfsburg, Kharkiv having a good night, and so is Juventus.. Juventus sealed it! Goal!..,both the home teams lost tonight! it is Victory for Juventus!, it is Victory for Kharkiv! @UWCL #UWCL
Hmm,.. chai,.. phir baat karte hai..ok.,.. phir se ek baar pee lo.. ok, cool.
Hmm,.. hot chocolate le lo, ya coffee le lo,.. phir baat karte hai,.. ok,
What say,.. cool ppl,.. how cool activities are going.. all cool.
Hmm,.. told you,..I am just like other people,..only smarter and better looking, ..that is the way it is,..i can't help, in case anyone has any issue with that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,.. told you,.. Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai...
Cool then,..chat less and, just stay chill..ok.
Hmm, i was napping,..and in my dreams i found out that, Cleopetra's third egg is not in Egypt, it is in Argentina!,. btw, All's fair in love and eggs.., owwp,.. I need tea now,..ok.
#UWCL, Ok, So, Paris through to the quarter-finals to join Barelona, two teams so far.., Chelsea did good, added points to their tally. Kharkiv, Breidablik, Servette, Koge..and even Real Madrid is getting experience of playing in the Champions League, not serious contenders yet though,..still, not too many teams get to play,.. they maybe doing great or even champions in their local leagues ..it is always good to play among the best teams.., Yeah, there was no English commentary for the Chelsea vs Servette match yesterday for the first 5 minutes,.. French cut in,., folks were also asking about the same,..later it was back in English again.. ok, cool. @UWCL #UWCL
Hmm.. how cool activities are going,..tell me,.. all cool., A man is not where he lives, but where he loves!, ..baba Ranchoddas told you that..,ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..got it, just do not pay much attention to manghadant kahaaniyaan,..ok,.. stay chill., only the best attracts my interest,.. ok, so, chill.
Ok then,.. chat less and stay cool.., see, still chatting, i often say chat less,..that is something people usually do not listen,.. it is an open and free world..,so you know,..so, stay chatty, stay chill..ok.
Hmm,.. so, things have been cool..ok then.
chatty chatty jaanam hum dil apna tere liye laaye,
socho socho duniya mein kyon aaye..,.. ok, cool.
By the way,.. cool ppl looks better when chat less.. and still cool.
#EPL, Ok, so,..Gerrard back in action,.. Lampard,.. any comment about that?..it's ok to say somehing,..,Yeah,.. i saw that, Reece James was there to cheer his sister's debut for Chelsea vs Servette, UWCL match..,I was just asking,..is Lauren coming to today's Chelsea vs Leicester City match..,i am just asking,.you stay focused for the match, ok. .nope,..no prediction,..folks, ok we cool here,.. @premierleague #EPL
#EPL, Ok, that is ok,.. but yellow outfit is way too bright..,not quite sporty.., that's ok,... Rudiger! Chelsea! Goal!.. still in Leicester territory!, told you, Kante can play from any position, he can score from any position.. Leicester,.. don't be lacklustre.., what? want to give them a penalty..2 goals not enough, careful there, Leicester..ok, it is halftime,..Chelsea 2-0 Leicester City
..Yes, that was a top save from Schmeichel.!, yeah,.. Chelsea bit slow so far in the second half.., ok, Pulisic is back..that is good.., Havertz call it a day,.. great save Mandy!,.,ok, Pulisic and Ziyech come in for Havertz and Mount.., this time Pulisic! doesn't miss!.. Chelsea 3-0 up!.., offside!..it could have been another! for Chelsea.., ok, Tielemans off duty today.., 3 more minutes, 3 goals ok for Chelsea today.., that's it,..full time,..Chelsea 3-0 Leicester City..,3 more points, Congratulations! @premierleague #EPL
Hmm, chat less and stay cool,..ok.
Hmm,.. done with tea and all, ok.
Hmm,...i am done with tea, bought bitcoin on my breakfast table,.. now chatting patting..ok.
Hmm,.. i don't fix people,..otherwise who will give me fiat money all the time to buy bitcoin,..i need them,.. ok, cool.
Hmm,..ok then, how cool activities are going,..tell me.
Hmm,.. now, you are right, ..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai,.. ok, cool.
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life,.. unless he's/she's your love.. Steve Jobs.
Ok, then,.. I was just napping,.. you can tell me now, whatever it is,,ok, i need tea now..
#EPL, Ok, let's not enter into ManUtd folk's privacy right now,.. things seem a little sensitive at the moment..,let's not add fuel to fire, ok.. So, Gerrard started with a winning note, good for him and good for Villa, it looked like business as usual for Villa until final 10 minutes.. but ended good.. Good wins for Norwich and Wolves, while Burnley-CPalace and Brentford-Newcastle point shared..,But i will not call any of Arteta or Klopp.. childish or immature,..they were just taking football seriously, that's all,..let Arsenal folks ponder and improve themselves, so that they can do better in the upcoming matches.. ok, cool.
Ok, so, Let's see how ManCity boys fair with Everton boys..,ok, cool.
Ok, cool people think so,.. ok, ok,...i got that..
That is why people resort to hide things, cover ups, propagonda..etc.. because they can never deliver what they promise,.. otherwise there is nothing to hide,.. that is why merit basis result oriented is the best way,. that is the way things work for people.,. no, I was not talking about the Indian Chutiyas or the Fuckers,..they do not understand anything such..they only know how to make large number of babies.., Yeah,.. the Covishield shots running around here and there is not devoloped by the Indian Chutiyas..,as usual..,they don't understand anything which is slightly new..so you know,..ok.
So, i like to keep things simple,..i,ll keep my billboard very simple.
Pigs and Americans not allowed
Small dicks and Chinese not allowed
Chutiyas and Indians not allowed,
...rest will be allowed...
See,.very simple, ok cool., why they are called Pigs?..,because, Pigs can't and don't differentiate anything between good and bad,.. they eat everything, their own,..including human shit.., now got it, ok.
Ok, so, ignore them,..and do your cool activities..ok.,.. Any doubt there, i,ll elaborate, ok, cool.
#EPL,.. Ok, how is it going, ManCity and Everton boys,.. all good.., ok, slow start so far, both sides, ohh, Foden! missed!..,hmm..,fitness is about healtcare, football folks need to invest in healtcare facilities of their own,.. training faicilities, academy etc, will not be enough.., still slow pace match.., if you can keep the penalty area under siege for a while,..goals will come.., chance missed! City!, Pickford busy!, raid continuously..goals will come.., right decision!, that was not much there.., well, don't look for penalty, guys..,,play well, goals will come.., Everton resilient, doing ok so far.. Sterling! Goal!.., ManCity 1-0 up! just before halftime.., it is halftime, ManCity 1-0 Everton....
Ok, second half begins,.. hit the net like rocket!..told you, goals are coming.., ok, Foden calls it a day,.., Hmm,.. Champions Leagues in 2 days..stay fit,..ok.., ohh,,chances!..,ok, things are bit slow now, that is ok..,Everton trying to push, 1 goal maybe..,15 more minutes to go, can Everton do something!, Pickford beats Sterling! Hmm., International dominance shifted to European top teams,..South Americans are lagging now,..not like the times of Pele, Maradona, Ronaldo(original) now,. football development and investment required, talent needs nurturing. ..Man City! Goal!.. ManCity 3-0 up!, just 5 minutes to go, then extra time..,in FIFAWC tournament, a lot are just adding to the numbers..:), only a few teams dominates, always..,and that is the boring aspect such tournaments.., ok, it is full time, ManCity 3-0 Everton., 3 points clear for Man City!, Congratulations! @premierleague #EPL
Hmm, chat less and stay cool,...ok, cool., ok, chatty people are still chatting,..well then..stay cool.
Hmm..,mere liye chai theek hai, tum batao,.. ok cool.
Ok then.. chatting patting chalu rakho, ok.
Ok, give them some salary and keep them busy with shitty stuffs.. and keep them running all the time,.. Yeh salary bhi badi ajeeb cheez hai..
God does not care about our mathematical difficulties, he integrates empirically.. AE,.. results, not the methods that matter.
Hmm,.. how cool activities are going.., first class,.. ok, cool.
#EPL, Hmm,..The first half was all about Leeds United and the second half was all Spurs.. and Spurs came out to be slightly better,.. final score, Spurs 2-1 Leeds United,.. Spurs doing ok,.. Leeds just 2 points ahead of Burnley now.. work to do there, Leeds. Ok, he is Conte,..btw, i knew Kante only, little mixed up,...ok, cool. #EPL
Ok, I have no one to complain or make fun of, because, #Bitcoin

has no clownhead to complain or make fun of,.. amazing thing!,.. i do not complain about the Sun or the Moon too.., you guys have fun, ok, cool.
I can't complain why it is raining here, now,..,why now, why this rain doesn't listen to me, stupid rain, ..but I can have a hot cup of tea now,.. so, no complain about this rain,..ok, cool.
Ok then,.. how chatting patting are going, all cool.
Hmm, chat less and stay cool,..ok.,..still chatting,..cool ppl,..not yet to wrap up..ok., not sleepy yet,..chat less and stay cool, ok.
Hmm,.. chai is ok, you tell..
Hmm,.. morning is when i get up,,..i don't know about the others..,good morning.
Ok, tell me then,.. how things are going.. all cool.
Hmm,.. they are kept busy with shitty stuffs,..that is why they have no time to care about other good things., say, UEFA Champions League,... i have time..ok, cool.
Ok, You do it in football, that will be called a handball, can be a yellow card if you do it intentionally,.., but that is not football to me and to others, ok NFL folks..
"The toughest part of getting to the top of the ladder, is getting through the crowd at the bottom." - Odell Beckham Jr, @obj, ..didn't know, he is an object oriented programmer alongside playing in the NFL..,ok, cool.
Christian Pulisic(Chelsea), John Brooks(Wolfsburg), Tyler Adams(Leipzig) etc.. are football players, as per i know, ok.
Manuhe Manuhar Babe!.. that is very right!,..Bhupen Da and Mausami Sahariya..
Hmm,.. today is more important for most of the folks,.. because you can't leave it for the final day of the Group Stage matches.., it's always a bad idea to leave it for final day,.. you guys know that, right.. #UCL.
#UCL, Ok, folks,.. No Prediction, No Favourites,.. Stay Fit, Stay Chill...ok, cool., Hmm,..clear the hang over from what happended in the EPL last week or so. ok, ManUtd folks need to enter the pitch with fresh minds., Things will be find, ok,,cool., Xavi and then Xabi!..,Yeah, folks told me that,.. Xabi Alonso(football guy) is not a relative to Fernando Alonso(F1 guy), otherwise, i used to think so.. @ChampionsLeague #UCL
Ok then,.how chatting patting are going...,ok, so, you wanna make tea,..that is good.., you know how tea is made,..right..,so, you wanna make the last tea of the day,..i am ok with that., i am glad to know that, you made the best tea of the day,..ok then, stay cool.
#UCL, Ok, ready folks,.. how is it going.., Villareal vs Manchester United,.. Bayern vs Dynamo Kyiv,.. Bayern realxed and so,..still play to win..ok,.. ManUtd and Villareal..7 points each,. Ronaldo! close!, ..Villareal! shot!, testing each other in quick succession.!, So, Lewandowski got 1!, Villareal making most of the charges now.., still, slow match so far..,ohh,.Villareal!..close!, still not precise enough to score..,still looks like small turf players..not like open water big fishes.., Bayern can relax, not ManUtd and Villareal..,he tripped himself, looks like so.., now two players down..still no goal.., Bayern 2-0 up!,.. anything before halftime..Villareal and ManUtd..,no, nothing.., it is halftime, Villareal 0-0 ManUtd,.. Bayern 2-0 Dynamo Kyiv..
Second half begins..., Villareal! very close!, still no goal.., Bayern relax,.. ok..,looks like Villareal may score..they are asking.., Kyiv! Goal!,.. Lewandowski! just missed!, not won yet..Kyiv asking.., ok Muller,.. going good there.., Ronaldo! Goal!..another just Missed Ronaldo!.. ManUtd 1-0 up!..,that 1 goal will do?.. ManUtd! Goal!, Sancho!.., ManUtd 2-0 up!, sealed it!.. 3 mins exira.., it is full time, ManUtd 2-0 Villareal, Bayern 2-1 Dynamo Kyiv, Manchester United through to the round of 16!, Congratulations! @ChampionsLeague #UCL
Hmm,.. chai,..haan chahiye,..cake, haan,.. ok.
Ok, so, chatting patting chalu.. ok, cool.
Yes, i am predictable, i only buy bitcoin,.. and so you are.. you buy fiat shitcoins(USD, GBP, EURO.. etc..), stocks or bonds.. ok, cool.
I am done tea, bought bitcoin..,.now i have time for all other cool stuffs..
Ok,.,fiat money,.. most people get it everyday, inluding me,. so, no big deal, ok cool.
I have a lot of fiat money. I will continue to have more still. It's like a lizard tail. Cut it off, the damn thing just grows back. I work, it grows. I sleep, it grows...ok, cool.
Told you, I don't need USD,..some people need it,.. not me., ok cool.
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines..., Emerson.
"Kaam karke khao" kuch nahi hota,..,"kaam karwake khaane" walo ka everyday problem rehta hai..
Toh, tum apna kaam karo,.. mein zara chill marta hoon..ok, cool.
#UCL,Ok, so, Chealsea joins the party, Welcome to the round of 16!, i fell asleep just after Chelsea scored their first goal,.. yeah, it is too late in the night here.. goal scorers, Chalobah,..Reece James, Odoi, Warner.., told you,.. give Warner some time, he is just not a runner,.he can score as well., Sevilla and Lille are winners,.. good,.. others are draw,.ok. #UCL.
Hmm,..how cool activities are going..all cool.,..
Hmm,.. I know Harry Maguire, who is Jerry Maguire, cool ppl, tell me..ok.
Attention seekers alert!,.. i have movies to watch,.. and there is Champions League tonight, so you know,..basically i,ll have not much time for other stuffs, ok, cool...
Baseball Players and Staff of Australia’s Perth Heat to be Paid in Bitcoin,.. that is smart stuff folks,.. tea on that, ok cool.,..
Their unproductive and stupid paid slaves give me fiat money,.. their salary accounts are refilled every month, automatically,.. and no,..they will not kill their slaves, otherwise who will do their shitty ground work..so, it is always there in their salary accounts ,so, chill.
Hmm,.. Tea is good,..ok cool.
#UCL, Ok, so, How is it going guys.., ManCity and Paris, point table looks interesting.., Point table is interesting for Sporting and Dortmud too.., Now, Group D point table is nothing less interesting, Real Madrid, Inter and Sheriff.., yes, Porto and Athletico too... ok, cool. #UCL.
Everyone is talking about bitcoin..,awesome thing!, isn't it?,..otherwise who will care. #bitcoin, super sexy!!,..Just $1Trillion market cap,..as they say,..it is still small,..but the idea is not., it is amazing, isn't it.
#UCL,Ok, folks, No Prediction, No Favorites,.. Stay Fit, Stay Chill,..ok, cool..., i might sleep for a while, usually works for me..,ok. #UCL
Ok then,.. how cool people are doing.. chatting patting.. all cool,.. chat less, stay cool..
#UCL, Ok, how is it going guys,..,I have just freshened up,.washed my face and all,..good now, so, how is it going.. Inter vs Shakhtar, and Ajax vs Besiktas..,. Ok, so, Perisic plays for Inter these days.. Perisic, no goal, offside!, Besiktas 1-0 up!, Ajax just relaxed..ok,..but Inter can't relax.., Persic, long shot!, Ok, Fernando is from Brazil, good.., so close! keeper!, easy easy.. Luka Mudric is Real Madrid guy these days..ok, close chances but no goal yet..Inter vs Shakhtar..anyone before halftime.. Besiktas leads 1-0,.. it is halftime.. Inter 0-0 Shakhtar, Ajax 0-1 Besiktas..
Second half begins..., Ajax equalized!, very lively!, still no goal, Inter.., Inter! no Goal!..,Inter, it is coming, just keep asking.. Inter! Goal!..hit like rocket!.., Second for Dzeko!, Inter 2-0 up!.. Ajax 2-1 up!.. 2 goals will do for Inter?.. 15 minutes to go.. ok, 2 fresh legs for Inter.., Perisic still going good.., that was close! Shakhtar!, another close chance! missed.! Shakhtar!, so, Inter looking home.. posession and kill the time..ok.., Perisic calls it a day..ok.., extra 3 minutes.., it is ok, next time Shakhtar.., it is full time, Inter 2-0 Shakhtar, Ajax 2-1 Besiktas., Inter, Congratulations! @ChampionsLeague #UCL
Hmm,.. started chatting patting already,.. tea then..ok.
Ok then,.. chai done,.. how cool activities are going, tell me..
That is right,.. in case anyone can hack into your system and can corrupt or steal info,.. it means those fellows are of Higher Calibre than you,.. High Calibre people can hack into systems develoved by Low Calibre people, not the other way around,.. it means, somebody is just better than you,.. it is simple.. ok, cool.
Whatever the Indian Chutiyas(The Fuckers) and their Chutiya Netas do, let them do,..I never voted them, i don't know any of them,.. anything they do has nothing do with me.., and I did not voluntariry agree to provide them..free food and water and lodging..,those who voted them, elected,or selected them,.. they are free to provide such stuffs with their own money., ok. cool.
Hmm,..ok, any good movie, suggest folks..
#UCL, Manchester City beat Paris in the pick of Wednesday night's UEFA Champions League games, though both sides are now through to the last 16. Inter, Real Madrid and Sporting CP also booked their spots in the knockout stage, leaving five berths still to be filled on Matchday 6...,who are the late five, we will find out..,btw, Welcome to the round of 16, folks.. #UCL.
Cool activities are going good..,ok then, nap is a good idea,.. sometimes nap becomes more than a nap, and that is ok.
Hmm,..chatting patting going cool, ok then.
Ok, Ek samajhdar Ladka, aur Ek pagal si Ladki,...kya hote hai,.., there is no remedy for love, but to love more,.. Aww mela baby.. hote hai kya.. ok.
Hmm,..chat less and stay chill,..ok., cool ppl,..is that so,.ok.., cool ppl think so,..ok., aww, is that so,.ok...aww, cool ppl are still chatting,..aww..,aww cool ppl..,chat less, stay cool,..ok.
Ok then,.. chai is ok,.. tell me then,..all cool.
Hmm,..toh, mela baby ne chai nasta kar liya,..ok, then.
Ok, ok,..chatting patting and cool activities are ok, cool..
What is the point of saving,.. when their tax funded salary accounts are automatically refilled every month..:)..,there is an unlimited money printing press behind all those,..so, who cares...just chill.
Just Chill, Chill, Just Chill..
Soniya Dil Se Mila De..
Just Chill, Chill, Just Chill..
Bairiyaan Dil Se Mila De.., ok, cool.
Just Chill, Chill, Just Chill..
Just Chill, Chill, Just Chill..
Just Chill, Chill, Just Chill....
Just Chill, Chill, Just Chill..,
.....Tune Pyaar Kyun Kiya...ab bhoogato.....
Just Chill, Chill, Just Chill..
Just Chill, Chill, Just Chill..,ok, cool
Just check their salary accounts,..every month,..that tells everything,.. If nothing make sense, just follow their tax funded salary accounts,.. ok, cool.
I usually get fiat money from such tax funded salary accounts,..ok cool,.. tea then.
Just Chill, Chill, Just Chill..,ok, cool.
Ok, chatting pattinng going good,.. ok, cool., so, mela baby likes chatting patting, ok.
Hmm, People do not cut their own legs,..that is why their tax funded salary accounts,.. Told you, Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, sab PAISA hota hai..,ok, cool.
Hmm, People do not cut the legs of their slaves as well,.. otherwise they,ll have to do their own dirty and shitty works in the ground level,..to make noise, academia, running propagonda, ,and such other dirty works,..,so, they give the lower level slaves some tax money/salary and keep them alive,..i get fiat money from them as well,.. ok, cool.
There is no such thing as Business, Entrepreneur, Market, Merit, etc..,only taxing, fiat printing, burucracy, manipulation, propagonda..etc.., sab PAISA hota hai..,ok, cool.
Only #bitcoin

,.. no, no USDT, :), no problem with the name,..but it is just fiat money in disguise, it is same as fiat money, there is a fiat money here also, you might have heard, INR, just like USD, GBP, EURO,..etc, So, what is the point, fiat is fiat., no thanks, ok, cool.
Everyody gets fiat money everyday,.. So, that is as usual, ok, cool.
Hmm,.. Tea is good,..really good., ok, cool.
Ok then,..busy with chatting patting,..cool., aww,..cool ppl think so,..ok, is that so,..cool.
Hmm,.. cool ppl, chat less and stay cool..ok., see, still chatting, cool ppl do not get tired or something.., normally i rest before i get tired..,cool ppl's idea, and i usually do that way, ok, cool.
Hmm,...want to look at me and smile, at tea time,..ok.
So, things are going cool,.. ok then.., chatting patting going cool, ok..
Nah,.. no holidays, no national or bank holiday, 24x7x365,.. life has no holiday..taking break is a diferent thing..
Hmm,.. one more round of tea then..,easy kids,.. it is more than government garbage, have a life, ok, cool.
Wonder what they teach in schools,.. completely erased their thinking capacity.. stupid parents and their dump kids, stupid parents and their dump kids,..all over.
Told you,..a dog in a rich fellows mansion is safe and secure,..otherwise they can be normal people,..ok, cool.
Ok, chatting patting going cool, ok..nap time then, ok..
Ok,..So, Arsenal has slightly lighter opponent today..is that so, Arteta can take things easy today.. #EPL
I usually use Dell laptop with copy version of Windows,& Linux. Samsung and other Handset, and all other Electronics hardware,.. written made in china,..,someone from Indian money printing press worker can tell,..is the printing machine, made in china,. just confirm, ok. Software can be downloded and copied but not hardware..I do not make money, using any made in india products just like most people..,No, i am not going to pay for copy version of Windows, just like everyone..,Yeah, printed Notes' qualities are bad, and damages easily,..that is why i am asking the printer is made in china or not.
See, the world is borderless, otherwise how made in china stuffs end up in India..,all cool.
Hmm,..only name, no money,..that is the issue with fifa..they are getting it now..,ok cool
Nothing ever goes away until it has taught you what you need to know...ok.
Hmm, tea is good..,cool ppl are busy with chatting patting..ok, cool.
More bad news for ManUtd,..they,ll have to face Chelsea challenge this weekend..:).. #EPL
#EPL, Ok, so, Arsenal vs Newcastle,..how is it going..,slightly relaxed day for Arteta, ok, cool. All 4 of the EPL teams have qualified for the UCL round of 16, so, they too can relax on that part for the time being and now they can focus on EPL..ok. Some wrestling there..Arsenal looks like walking.. ohh, Missed!..hustling bustling..got a set piece., Odegaard! good shot!.. yeah, somebody score a goal.., why not Newcastle try first, Arsenal seems not interested, so far.., great shot! and great save!, Newcastle trying first.!, take care there..,ohh, happening there!, in the Newcastle Box!,..anyone before halftime., a few blank fires from Arsenal, and none of them on the target.... Ok, it is halftime, Arsenal 0-0 Newcastle.
Ok, how is Second half going.., Arsenal! Goal!, Saka delivered!, Arsenal 1-0 up!,.. ok, is he good to carry on.., ok, who is coming in for Saka.., Arsenal! Goal!, this time Martinelli!, Arsenal 2-0 up!, Goal Diggers..:), what is that..:), ok, ok.. Aubameyang tried.., ok, Aubameyang calls it a day.. 10 minutes to extra time.., any answer from Newcastle, looks no, so far.. Arsenal looking easy home..,Martinelli! is he good.., 4 minutes extra time..,
3 Matches next, Liverpool vs Southampton, Norwich vs Wolves, CPalace vs Villa,... then later,.. Leeds vs Brighton...
So, Victory for Arsenal!.. Arsenal 2-0 Newcastle!, 3 points!, Congratulations! @premierleague #EPL
Hmm,..how chatting patting going, all cool.,..cool ppl,..chat less and stay cool, ok.
Hmm,.. coffee pee lo.,chat baad me..ok.
Hmm,..you love me more than coffee.. toh, prove karo,..ok.
Ok then,.. chatting patting karo fir,...chill.
Hmm,..i love to watch foolball, that is why i say about it,.. but nobody needs comment from indian media chutiyas about football,..they do not watch football or any other sport.., ok, cool.
Ok cool,.. tea is good..,
Hmm,.. Software stuffs, computer programming etc.. anyone can learn from anywhere, and can work from anywhere,.. that is not the case with hardware stuffs,..i like mechanical, electrical and electonics stuffs,.. that needs some place and material, you can't download them.,..ok.
Nobody buys them,..nobody buys worse and costlier,..while cheaper and better stuffs are already available in the market., it is that simple, ok.
Hmm,..to dig oil or run an imported refinery machine, you do not need education or college degree, 2-3 months practical training is enough.., natural resources are monopolised by the state thugs and crooks,..and behave as if they invented them..,so, i have no say in that..ok.
Hmm, yaha akal ki baat ho raha hai, tereko samajh me nahi ayega..,ok, cool.
Cool then,.. how chatting patting going,...all chill.
Hmm,..chai pee lo,.. woh jo bhi hai,..sab theek ho jaata hai..ok cool.
#EPL, Ok, so, how is it going guys..,btw, West Ham is the only team that could beat Liverpool so far this season,..Liverpool is too strong.., can anyone stop them,.,can Chelsea or ManCity stop them,.. that is to be seen.. #EPL.
Yeah, whatever those people are saying,.. i,ll never need a penny from them, they are that important., ok, chill., ..i can not even download my tea, you see,.. ok, cool.
Ok, cool ppl, how chatting patting are going..,all cool.
#EPL,That is ok, too much snow or something..,ok. So, ManCity vs West Ham will play.. 3rd vs 4th not much difference..btw, Gerrard is going good for Villa, 2 played, 2 won..that is good..
ManCity, Offside..:), again,..no goal..:), celebration short lived..:),.. ok, rain and downy flake there,..ok., ManCity is asking, West Ham not much answering..,football is fun in rain actually..,what say guys,.. i loved to play..,someone has to score, might be coming, ..and it came! ManCity! Goal!, Gundogan!, another chance! missed!, ManCity!, 5 minutes to halftime, West Ham, want to answer..,ManCity still asking.., Brentford 1-0 up!, Leicester City 3-1 up!..before halftime....1 extra minute.., ok, it halftime time,.. ManCity 1-0 West Ham, Brentford 1-0 Everton, Leicester City 3-1 Watford..,
Snow stopped, good..,hmm..ground staff folks are man of the match.. Second half begins..no serious question so far, ManCity and West Ham..,ohh, that was something..Jesus!,.. great save btw! West Ham!, first yellow card!, Leicester 4-2 up!,..someone need to ask..,1 more or equalize..City or West Ham..keep trying, guys.. 15 minutes to extra time..Sterling calls it a day.,ok..,ManCity! Goal!.. 3 points sure now!, another, no, that is offside :), so, 2 goals will do.., West Ham! Goal!.. full time, ManCity 2-1 West Ham, Brentford 1-0 Everton, Leicester City 4-2 Watford,.., all the Winners! Congratulations!.. #EPL
Hmm,.. chat less, and stay cool,..cool ppl...ok.
Hmm,..chai,..ho gaya na,.. ok, then.
Hmm,.. tea is the greatest joy,.. ok..cool., being chatty is ok,..and i am ok with that..
Hmm.,..some ppl,..cool ppl,.. may like coffee, i am ok with that, and i am ok with tea,..ok, cool.
There was something bad going on in South Korea, Samsung folks,..that is the reason they are not working on improving Samsung Smartphones and their battery,..other folks, MI, Vivo etc..are improving their battery life and overall,..,so, mind your business first, ok.
Hmm,..to mind your own business is hard but quite beneficial actually,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Stomachs are full, and nothing important to do,..so, sniff around other peoples' business and other affairs,..,some people call that, marginal utility theory,..in play.. ok, cool.
Announce it, FREE, the queue will be long and the place will be dirty, Announce it, FEE, the queue will be short, and the place will be clean, people do respond to their incentives .ok, cool.
That is why tea is always a good idea,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..how is chatting patting going..all cool.
Hmm,..aisi baat hai ka, toh, aisa bolo na..,ok.,cool ppl,..chat less and chill more,..ok.
Ok then,..things are going cool, ok.
Told you, i do not undersand French, ok..,so, in English pls, ok, cool.
Hmm,..ppl doesn't seem to listen, i do not undersand French, so, in English pls, ok.
Yeah, I heard that,..Dude Messi and Babe Alexia, won 2021 Ballon d'Or Award,..what i am saying is that i do not understand either French or Spanish,..so, in English pls, ok, cool.
Hmm,..tea on that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..how things are going..,all cool.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.
Ok then,..tea and nasta done,.. done or not, tell me..
Hmm,..Now, who is that,..unknown or anonymous,..seems take much funda,s from.. ok,..tea.
Ok, take less funda and babe!ja chill more, ok, cool.
Ok, chat less and chai more,..ok., told you not much funda from anon or unknown,..chatting patting is ok. one more round of tea then nap time, ok, cool.
Ok, so, World Cup qualifications for girls are going cool,..,there are some unusual scorelines!,.. England 20-0 Latvia!, @Lionesses,.. Spain 8-0 Escocia,.. @SeFutbolFem score still looks respectable.. ,is Escocia same as Scotland,..what is in the name, see the work,.. US Women 1-1 Australia Women, there is catch here, @USWNT played Soccer while @TheMatildas played Football..,ok, then,..btw, as i told you, nobody asks how did you qualify, but they will ask if you don't,.. just keep that in mind,..ok, cool. #FWWC
#EPL, The timing is unusal for tonights EPL matches 1am again! till friday similar schedule,..i don't know why is that,..yesterday i slept, i,ll try tonight,.. Leeds United looks like trying to escape from the Relegation quicksand!,.. Watford and Southamton has to work harder now..ok. #EPL.
Ok then, tea on that..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..chatting patting going good,..cool.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.
Hmm,..toh, chai, coffee, kiya liya..,jo bhi hai, le liya na..ok.
Ok then,..so, things are cool..ok.
Ok, ok,..so, chatting patting are going good,..,ok, cool.
Ok then,..so, South Korea, Samsung folks,..what i was asking is that, are you done with the useless stuffs that were going on there,.. and back in business again,..improving smart phones, making chips, and improving battery etc.. let me know., ok.
Asus came up with nice looking laptops, looks slightly pricey though,..Dell and HP is ok to me, I usually use Dell,...battery is not upto the mark, needs improvement, and heating up slightly quickly is also an issue, that needs to take care, rest looks ok, cool.
Medical Science and Healthcare Systems in the hands of political people is a death sentense for many.
As you know,..Medical Science and Healthcare Systems are in terribly in wrong hands,. in the hands of politically/tax funed institutions and people, whose priorities and interests are totally different. Medical Science and Core Healthcare Systems has a focused job, ''find a cure for all the known deadly diseases".., that is all,..rest Paramedics can handle,..ok.
So, the people who believe in doing the right things and believe in merit basis,..have to do the right things for a better tomorrow..,ok.
Hmm,..No one can fake death,..no amount of noise, propagonda can change anything about death,.. death is the end, no one can reason about death,.. i,ll not mourn much about dying at old age..,even if they are my parents,.. but not the youth,..who could be saved, who haven't lived their life yet, and want to live.. nothing is more devastating than that..
Hmm,..chai is ok,..how things are going..all cool.
Ok, things are boring without me,..do i look like,..what.., tell me, ok.
Hmm,..Responsibility is for the Mediocre,..Venom the alien says so,..may be, he/she is right..,chill then.
Ok then, chat less and chai more,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..that is right,..India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc..are not different countries or people,..same chutiyas with different names,..so you know..ok.
Tea is good..,really good..
Hmm,.. When their tax funded salary accounts are refilled,..they are very active in the first 10-15 days of the month,..,after salary is spent,..and then come looking for Rs.500-600, .."poisa ekdum nai".. all chutiyas, ok.
Told you, Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab POISA hota hai,..ok, cool.
Ok so, chat less and chai more,.. cool.
Ok then,.. how chatting patting are going,..,all cool.
Hmm,.. chat less and stay cool,..ok.
Ok then,.. how was the tea or coffee,..tell me..ok.
Ok, tea was good,. so, chatting patting going good.., ok.
Hmm,..,i do not take much,..just extract some percent from tax funded salary accounts and other such free money accounts, before they spend them all on some random stuffs,...,they come and give me actually,..so, ok, cool.
Ok, now they can continue with their things,..whatever those things may be, ok, cool.
Ok, tea is done,..and so, love is between more chatty and less chatty ppl,..sounds interesting., ok, cool.
Hmm,..chat less and chill more,..ok.
Hmm,..nap was good,..a little more than a nap,..now i need tea,..ok, cool.
Ok then, tea was good,. so, how is chatting patting going.., all cool.
#EPL, How is it going guys,..Chelsea vs West Ham,..,Chelsea folks were not at their best touch in the last couple of matches..how about today,. Top three on the points table... Liverpool->ManCity->Chelsea=>31->32->33,..,any sloppiness among them,..the other races ahead,.. Some chances from both the sides, still no "too close" chances so far.., Chelsea! Goal!, Thiago Silva!, good response from West Ham right away!..Chelsea still raiding!.. 33 minutes played Chelsea 1-0 up!.., No.1 vs No.4 on the points table so far..,no!, that is a big mistake! Penalty!, Goal! West Ham equalised!,..defense line not doing good, Chelsea..,cushion Goal!, Mount strikes just before halftime!, Chelsea 2-1 up!, 2 extra minutes.., it is halftime, Chelsea 2-1 West Ham..
Ok, how is second half going..guys.., West Ham! Goal!.,that was a great Goal!, Chelsea 2-2 West Ham at the moment!, 58 minutes played..,any service from Lukaku,..anything on the money..,Ziyech calls it a day, Odoi comes in..,push hard, keep raiding!.., 10 minutes to extra time..,need a tiebreaker..comeon guys!..West Ham! Goal!,great goal that was!.woo!.. 4 extra minutes to make a difference..,Chelsea not being serious since last couple of matches paying the price...., final score, Chelsea 2-3 West Ham, 3 points for West Ham, Congratulations! #EPL.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool, ok.
Hmm,..how is tea, how is thee..,all cool.
Ok, so,..things are going cool,.. ok then.
So, chatting patting going cool,. ok.,ok.
Ok, ok,.. got it,...nap is always a good idea,..after lunch,..ok.
Hmm,..nap was just as good as always,...now tea is a good idea,..ok.
Leisure is a valuable good, i prefer leisure over labor,..ok, now tea..
I do not stop anyone from labor,..like someone making tea for me,..i am just telling about what i value, ok., i like to drink tea but i do not make it,.ok.
Hmm, tea is good,.. so, how cool ppl are doing..,all cool..,chatting patting,..going cool., tripped in love or fell in love,., btw, your legs ok,..tell me., walk carefully, ok.
Hmm,..chat less and chill more,..things will be fine, ok, cool.
Ok, folks,..,You do things seriously, meritocratically,..you will be taken seriously,.. doing monkey dance every now and then just to get attention, interfering other peoples' business and affairs, free money..etc.. i do not take them seriously, just like any regular people,..ok.
#EPL, Ok, Ladies and Gentlemen,..an important announcement, Newcastle United has registered their first EPL Victory!, they achieved that feat at 15th match! of this season, bravo and congrats! Things change fast!, Now top 3 on the points table, Chelsea->Liverpool->ManCity->=>33->34->35!.. #EPL.
#EPL, How is it going guys,.., ManUtd vs CPalace, Leeds vs Brentford, Spurs vs Norwich..ok,..,do not play slow, ok, guys.. always try to take the game to the opponents half,..if possible, take it to around their penalty area..ok, do not experiment too much in your half..,Ok, Spurs 1-0 up!.. and Leeds 1-0 up!, ManUtd and CPalace anyone?.. 30 minutes played..,anyone before halftime..,ManUtd or CPalace? 1 minute more..nope.., it is halftime, Leeds 1-0 Brentford, Spurs 1-0 Norwich, ManUtd 0-0 CPalace
Second half, and Brentford equalised.!, Spurs still leads 1-0, still no goal ManUtd and CPalace.., Brentford leads! 2-1!, Spurs 2-0 up!.., ManUtd and CPalace deadlock..,what about CPalace score first.., what say Vieira..that was a close chance! CPalace!. Spurs extends leads..3-0!, ManUtd! Goal!.., ManUtd 1-0 up!,.. 10 minutes to respond CPalace..,then additional minutes.. 5 more minutes.., can CPalace and Leeds equalise.. Leeds equalised!, not CPalace!.. full time, Leeds 2-2 Brentford, Spurs 3-0 Norwich, ManUtd 1-0 CPalace. #EPL.
Hmm, chat less and stay cool,..ok., cool ppl,..,chat less..,stay cool, ok.
Hmm,..tea is done,.. how cool activities are going,.. all cool.
Ok then,.. chatting patting going cool,..ok.
Hmm,..,I take care of the "tax and money printing press funded" salary accounts and other such free money accounts,.. you folks do intelligent things, work hard, do good things, bad things,..whatever.. i don't have any issue,,ok, cool.
Ok, keep the chatting patting going,.. ok cool.
All those so called billionaires work on the same principle,..they see..the state can print money, can tax the populace and can monopolise resources by monopoly of violence ..,that is all,.. that is why tax funded salary accounts are always full, always refilled,.. nothing to do with smart, intelligent and hardworking folks,.. ok, cool.
Ok, afternoon tea is good,..really good..
Hmm,..really,..things are going cool for you then,..ok.
Ok then,..chatting patting going good,..ok.
Hmm,..tripped or fell,..tell me, ok, cool ppl..,walk carefully, ok.,things are going cool,..ok.
#EPL, Odd timing again, 1:30AM!, i am not an owl, ok folks, play well, Everton vs Arsenal.. i,ll try to wake up.. let's see. #EPL
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.,yet to wrap chatting patting,..chat less, ok.
Hmm,..,chai nasta done, ..how things are,..all cool.
Ok,..,time for cool activities then,..ok.
Hmm,..chatting patting karna bhi jaroori ho jaata hai,..ok, cool then.
Ok then,.. chat less and chill more,..ok.
In every country there are two kinds of people,..one kind of people pay tax, and other kind of people recieve and live off that tax,.. and keep talking accordingly,..,most people want to be on the tax recievers side,..so, those people are slightly louder,..ok.
I like to be on the recievers side,.. that's why i like to take care of the tax funded salary accounts..and other such free money accounts,..,there is no such thing as inflation in tax funded accounts,.. they just keep increasing their own salaries,..putting all the burdens to the tax payers,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..time for my afternoon tea..
Ok then..,how cool activities are going,..all cool.
Ok, so,..chatting patting going good,..ok.
#UCL,..How is it going guys,..who are the late bloomers.,.. it is always better late than never,.ok., Yeah, there are lots of permutations, combinations and probability stuffs are going on there..,most applied real world application in math than anything else..,.that needs some thinking,..,2x3 - 8/5x6 + 9x7 - 4x7 =?,..,you can do such stuffs fast,..you will get a job in India..,that can be done using cheapest mobile phone calculators,.. they are looking for horses,..not thinking fellows..,things in real world are nothing like that, they are uncertain, ok..cool. #UCL.
#UCL.. Ok guys, No prediction, No favorites,..Stay fit and Stay chill,.. ok. #UCL
Ok, so,..things are going cool,..ok., chat less and stay cool, ok.
#UCL.. Ok guys,..,let the games begin, ok, ManCity vs Leipzig, Paris vs CBrugge.., Mbappe! Goal!..early lead for Paris.!, second Goal!, Mbappe!..that was quick..!, 2 goals within first 10 minutes!..Paris.., ok, lets see ManCity and Leipzig boys are doing.., ok, De Bruyne, how is it going..,any offside so far, guys..Leipzig making movement!, ..De Bruyne! missed!, not easy for both of them.., Grealish!, missed!.., Leipzig! Goal!,..told you not easy for ManCity!, another chance! missed! Leipzig.., they are good to stay for Europa League..Leipzig.. 30 minutes played.. Paris 2-0 up!, Leipzig 1-0 up!, still no way in for ManCity.., great save! City keeper!, PSG 3-0 up!..this time Messi!,.. any response before halftime, ManCity.. nope,.. it is halftime, Paris 3-0 CBrugge, Leipzig 1-0 ManCity
Ok, Second half going not much..so far..,no chance to equalize..ManCity, but offside.., 60 minutes played, PSG still on 3-0 lead.., no equalizer for ManCity.., PSG looks comfortable, not much to hurry..,Di Maria! that was close!.., CBrugge! Goal!., Donnarumma..no chance there!,, 2 fresh legs for Paris..,still no hurry, Paris..,Mbappe! still attacking.!..looking for the 3rd.., Leipzig 2-0 up!,..whoa!, penalty for Messi! ..,Messi!Goal!, 2 for Mbappe, 2 for Messi!..,PSG can go for holiday now..comfotable 4-1 lead.., ManCity! Goal!, Mahrez!..,easy easy..guys..RED CARD!, Walker!, can ManCity equalize with 10 men!, ManCity not looking good.. De Bruyne! missed..,can ManCity equalize..2 minutes to extra time.., is Leipzig handing them a defeat here.. ManCity.. looks like so..3 more minutes to make difference..,Leipzig good for Europa League, it is full time, final score Paris 4-1 CBrugge, Leipzig 2-1 ManCity, ..ok guys, it is all good. #UCL
Hmm,..mornin, morning,..chai nasta, done.. tell me.
Hmm,.. pehle chai,..fir chat, ok..cool.
Ok, so,.. cool activities are going good,..ok.
There is no incentive in the world that can match with,.. "free money/salary and free lunch for lifetime",.., facing bullets & bombs, killing, insults, wrongdoing, etc., .nothing can match that incentive or misincentive,..and people do respond to that incentive,.. ok, so, chill.
Now, you folks can talk, ok, cool..
That is right, even the Indian Chutiyas can understand that,.. howsoever Chutiyas they may be..ok.
Ok, that is why things are so,..ok.,so, chill.
Ok, so,..how chatting patting are going,..all cool.
#UCL, Among all of them played yesterday, only Atletico Madrid made to the round of 16,..ok, so, Leipzig, Porto, Dorrtmund and Sheriff confirmed for UEFA Europa League group stage.., that is also ok...,some more permutations, combinations and probability for tonights matches.. let's see.. #UCL
Ok, tea is a the best idea, cool then., how chatting patting going, all cool..
I don't know,...they are trying improve cricket in india by naming and renaming the cricket stadiums with the name of dead or old and about to die politicians,..i don't know how is working out.. ok., Yeah, they too used to yell,..now they are dead, and that is the end of them,.. naming cricket stadiums, making a statue of them.. is something i don't mind,.. they do not yell any more..ok.
Hmm,..tea is good, really good, ok., chatting patting going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..how chatting patting going,..cool ppl,..is that so,..cool ppl..,is that really so,..chill ppl..ok then, chat less and chill more..ok.
#UCL, Ok, folks, do some permutations and combinations on Group G, let's see how good you are,.. Group E and Group F looks easy, Group H is clear already,..ok. #UCL
#UCL..Ok guys,..same,.. No prediction, No favorites,..Stay fit and Stay chill,.. ok.,see you action.. #UCL
#UCL, Ok, so proceedings are going ok, Chelsea 1-0 up!, Juventus 1-0 up!.., 30 minutes played.. ok,.,so far...,Yeah, qualified for the next round,..but is that the way Chelsea gonna play.., it is halftime, Chelsea 1-2 Zenit, Juventus 1-0 Malmo,.. not concvincing at all from Chelsea,.. Jventus looks doing ok..
Let's see how they play in the second half.. Second half begins.., looks like Zenit is making the move again.., Juventus looks slowing,..not on target.. Malmo making moves here.., still managing 1-0 lead Juventus.. Malmo may equalize.., Chelsea equalised!..2-2..!, Juventus looks trying.. 1-0 is not enough..,20 minutes to extra time,..Juventus leads 1-0, Chelsea on 2-2 with Zenit.., Juventus not sealed as group leader yet..they look trying.. Malmo looks resilient..,so, who will be the group leader, 15 more minutes.., Juventus or Chelsea..,Zenit plays in the UEFA Europa League..ok,..,10 minutes to go..,well, need a tiebreaker, Chelsea! goal!,..Warner on the money!..just need to hold now..,things stand this way, Chelsea wins the group.. 6 added minutes.., Zenit equalised!, Juventus wins the Group H!,..,no cakewalk for anyone, btw,. it is full time, Juventus 1-0 Malmo, Chelsea 3-3 Zenit..,good work, guys.. #UCL
#UCL, The final set of group stage matches coming up,.. these matches decide who will make it to the last 16, and who will play in the Europa League group stage...#UCL
Hmm,.. chat less and stay cool..ok.
Hmm,..Aur bhi chatter box,..chai nasta kar liya na,..fir theek hai...
Hmm,.. avoid much funda from anon or unknown,.. things will be all cool,..ok.
Ok then, chat less and chill more..ok.
Hmm,..toh,.. chatting patting karna jaroori hai,..ok,.. ok then.
Hmm,..toh,.. chai coffee peena bhi jaroori hota hai,..ok, cool then.
And things remain the same..
"...This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks... Yeah,..The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope."..
....nothing changes in this front,.. it is same in every country... that is why always chill.. ok, cool.
To all those smart, intelligent and hardworking people,...no offense.
One man with a gun can control 100 without one. - Vladimir Lenin
That is the way the world still works,..the same old barbarian style,.. ok, so, chill.
To all those oversmart, intelligent and hardworking people,..
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. - Mao
So long as the state exists there is no freedom. When there is freedom, there will be no state. - Vladimir Lenin
That is the way the world still works,.. the same old barbarian style,.. ok, so, chill.
Hmm,...time for my afternoon tea,., and then nice nap, ok, cool.
Hmm,..how chatting patting going, all cool.
Ok, ok,.. cool ppl think so,..i got that, ok..
#UEFA, Hmm,..There is an issue with the slot clash,.,Boys matches, UCL, and Gals matches, UWCL..in the group stage,.. that is an issue,.. i missed matches,..Gals Matchday 5, Wolfsburg vs Servette, and Paris vs Kharkiv,..,yesterday was a clash too, UCL and UWCL,.. today again, rescheduled Villarreal vs Atalanta and UWCL.. #UEFA
#UWCL, Juventus gals are resilient, they litterally frustrated Chelsea gals yesterday, ..not easy,.. even though they managed to win the Vitality FA Cup final quite easily.. Real Madrid gals could do better at rainy snowy chilly Kópavogsvöllur, against Breidablik.., still one of either Wolfsburg or Juventus' place in the Quarter-finals will be decided on the final group stage matches, Matchday 6,.. Quarter-finals probables on Matchday 5 - Arsenal, Bayern, Lyon #UWCL
#UCL,The rescheduled match that was postponed due to heavy snow, Villarreal vs Atalanta will happen today. The winner will be last one to progress to the round of 16, and the other will play in the group stage of Europa League,..let's see, who goes where. .#UCL.
#UCL..Ok guys,..No prediction, No favorites,..Stay fit and Stay chill,.. ok.,see you action. #UCL
#UWCL..Ok gals,..same,.. No prediction, No favorites,..Stay fit and Stay chill,.. ok.,see you action. #UWCL
Ok,.. cool ppl think so,..then chat less and do so,.. ok..cool,.. the best thing is to chat,..chat then, ok.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.
#UWCL, How is it going gals,.., Bayern vs Häcken, Hoffenheim vs HB Køge, ..HB Køge 1-0 up!..ok, keep going gals.., snowy rain at Gothenburg, Hisingen Arena..,clear sky at Capelli Sport Stadion.. Penalty!, Hoffenheim equalised!.. 30 minutes played,.. Bayern 0-0 Häcken, Hoffenheim 1-1 HB Køge, Häcken strikes! Stina! ...Penalty! Hoffenheim!, Goal! Nicole Billa strikes twice!. Vivane! equalised! Bayern!, second for Bayern! Damnjanovic!../it is halftime, Bayern 2-1 Häcken, Hoffenheim 2-1 HB Køge..
Second half begins..
Bayern looks like pushing harder.. Damnjanovic! second Goal!, Bayern 3-1 up!. Hoffenheim still 2-1 up.. Køge looking for an equaliser.., still snowy rain at Gothenburg, Hisingen Arena..
Barcelona vs Arsenal begins.., Bayern! Goal!.Linda, Bayern 4-1 up! in control.., tried! no score so far Barca vs Arsenal, Hoffenheim still 2-1.. Bonmati! Goal!, intercepted a poor pass and hit! Pocket dynamite! Barca 1-0 up!, Häcken looking no return from here.., Bayern 5-1 up!.. Barca! Goal! Hermoso!, 30 minutes played, Barca 2-0 Arsenal.. , Bayern 5-1 up and looking easy home..,Hoffenheim 2-1 and home.., full time, Bayern 5-1 Häcken, Hoffenheim 2-1 HB Køge.
Arsenal, any answer here..before half time.., 2 more minutes to answer Bonmati and Hermoso.. great Goal! Rolfö!, it is halftime at Emirates Stadium, Barcelona 3-0 Arsenal..
#UCL, Villarreal vs Atalanta, Villarreal 1-0 up!.. Villarreal 2-0 up!..Capoue! scored just before halftime!,.. it is halftime, Villarreal 2-0 Atalanta, second for Danjuma! Villarreal 3-0 up!, woo, Atalanta! goals!, can they turn it around in 10 minutes to go..! , is Villarreal progressing to the round of 16.. yes!
final score, Villarreal 3-2 Atalanta,.. it is Victory for Villarreal!, Congratulations! #UCL.
Hmm,..pehle chai,.. fir, hello hi,..ok.
Ok, Morning is when i wake up and have a nice cup of chai,.. now hi,..
So,.. how chatting patting going,.. all cool.
Ok, any issue with my definition of good morning.. tell me., i have no issue, ok, cool.
and cool ppl have no issue, then, that's all, ok.
Ok, ok,..chat less and chill more..ok.
Ok, chatty ppl also work, that is some kind of miracle,..i thought chatty ppl only chat..ok.
It is amazing what ppl can do,..when they do not need a job job,..do only work they love..and chill.
As they say,.. Your salary is a bribe to make you forget your dreams,..the things you love to do,..ok,
i keep some money only to buy regular stuffs and contingency purpose..,not to pay salary or control other ppl,..ok, cool.
Hmm,.. now is my time for afternoon tea, you know that, ok, cool.
Ok,..how chatting patting going,..all chill..
There are people who explain things clearly, about jobs,.. no hocus pocus..
"You know how I define the economic and social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class. Keep 'em showing up at those jobs." - George Carlin
Hmm,.. tea is good...,really good.., ok, cool.
#UWCL, Hmm, Barca and Lyon,..marching with comprehensive victories.., clean record on the points table so far for Barca and Paris,.. let's see, if they can maintain that on the final group stage games, Matchday 6,.. They say, Lyon and Bayern are through to the Quarter finals,.. that is good.. #UWCL
#UCL, All the Group stage matches are played,..Congratulations to all the teams who have made it to the round of 16,..and also to all teams who have made it to the Europa League group stages,.. see you all in the next round, ok guys. #UCL
Ok then,..chatting patting going cool, great..
Everyone is good with everyone,.. then what is the issue,..i don't see any issue..,what is the issue folks..,i don't see any issue at all..ok, cool.,..i am good to take care of the tax funded salary accounts,..it is noise proof,..ok folks.,. people say, i am a guaranteed persona!.., i might be something worthy for them., i don't know folks, what have they seen in me!..,but i take that as a compliment..ok, cool.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool, ok.
Hmm,..a little busy with tea,.., take your time..ok, cool.
Hmm,..told you to take your time,.. are you taking the whole day.. ,i am ok that too,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,. You were born in Uganda studied in Pondicherry, so little Slow in Hindi.., to slowly pado na; jaldi kisko hai.. ok, cool.,..chai coffee jo bhi..slowly pee lo,..koi jaldi nahi,..ok.
Ok then,.. time for.chatting patting and cool activites,..ok., koi jaldbaji nahi, take your time, ok, cool.
Hmm,..how chatting patting going,..all cool.
I do not stop anyone from taking a nap or power nap,..,those are good things actucally, ok,.. supposed to be better than busy doing nothing,.. ok, cool.
Hmm, tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
But you can't go back to 1992 ¡oh no!
No, you can't go back to 1992 ¡oh no!
Everything expires
Everyone is trying
Harder than I can explain
Everything is televised
Everyone is divided
Looking for the golden days....
...ok, so, chill.
#EPL, How is it going, guys,.. ManCity vs Wolves.. last time Wolves gave their everything, just could not score a goal,..today is a new day for both the teams,..so, start afresh..ok. So, play going on in Wolves half..,oh, now playing in ManCity's penalty area.., 10 minutes played, no early breakthrough.., ManCity with Lions share of possession so far , unsurprisingly.., some experiment in the Wolves penalty area!, I always say, avoid experiment in the penalty area, clear the ball right away..ok., looks like Traoré is falling more frequently.., more collision there..careful guys.. 10 minutes to halftime..,is it drizzling there, guys.., ManCity still raiding.., give Traoré some break, guys.. so, frequently fouled!,.. 7 added minutes,..no! RED CARD!..that is really bad for Wolves!, Wolves down to 10 men!, ManCity at advantage!. It is halftime at Etihad Stadium,.. ManCity 0-0 Wolves
Second half begins.., ManCity guys are on the move right away, without wasting time.. too many corners for ManCity..,giving no breathing space to Wolves.!, ohh, close!, great save!, ok, Foden in for Gündoğan., a goal for ManCity!, i was having dinner.., So, Sterling got that penalty!.. 10 minutes to go, ManCity 1-0 up!,.. ManCity looking to extend their lead on the points table..4 added minutes..,there is a late charge of black shirts!,.. it is full time, ManCity 1-0 Wolves.. #EPL.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool..ok.
Hmm,.. Morning,..Chai Parva done,..,tell me.
Ok, chai parva samapta,..fir theek hai,.. good for cool activities then,.. ok, cool.
Really,..time for such cool ideas then, i ok with that too, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..cool activities are better,.. ok, chat less and chill then.
Hmm,.. looks like funda session going on,..but i need tea now, ok..,otherwise my mind won't mind anything..ok, cool.
Ok then,..how chatting patting going,..all cool.
Ok,.. cool ppl think so, ok, ok,..i kinda got that..ok.
#EPL, How is it going guys,.. all fit and chill,.. West Ham vs Burnley, and Leicester City vs Newcastle,..ok. So, Spurs and Burnley each lags one match to the others,..that Snow disrupted one..ok. Looks like Burnley making some early moves..,that was shot! missed..West Ham.., a corner for Leicester, free kick for Leicester from a good position, missed! just above the bar!, 20 minutes played, no score yet.., Hello, Mr. Southgate, how things are going.. in FIFAWC22 front.. Oh, great save! West Ham! raiding!. 30 miutes played and no goal yet,, oh, his he good! the keeper..ok, he can continue.., Leicester! Goal!, Tielemans provides the lead!, Leicester 1-0 up!.,2 added minutes. It is halftime, Leicester City 1-0 Newcastle, West Ham 0-0 Burnley.
Second half begins, West Ham looks like trying,.. Leicester doubled their lead! Daka scored!, Leicester 2-0 up!, so far Burney managed to neutralise all the West Ham attacks,..can they do that till the end.., 20 minutes to go.. Gerrard attending, good.. good gesture or checking the opponent teams..:),.. Tielemans second goal!, Leicester 3-0 up!, can Burnely hold..or even a winner.. what say West Ham folks!,.. fourth goal came from Maddison! Leicester 4-0 up!.. looking like Cavalry vs Halberdier!.. time running out.., goalless draw.. West Ham & Burnley, full time,..Leicester City 4-0 Newcastle, West Ham 0-0 Burnley. #EPL
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool..ok.
Ok,.. how after tea activities are going,.. all cool.
Hmm,..chatting patting going good,..ok then.
Of couse lots of merits and talents are there,.. as long as money printing and taxation at the gun point is there,.. we will not see full potential of people,..,that is only possible in a voluntary co-operation based free society.
I get money without work, why should i work,.. work or labor is no fun,..cool activities are fun..ok.
I have no incentives to work,..i get money anyway,..,so,..,i have lots of time for cool stuffs,..ok.
Freinds who loved to listen me sing, they came to visit me for specific songs,..that is my Prize, i never needed to prove it to anyone, that i sing beautifully.. ok.
In case, cool ppl think, i am their home,..cool ppl should come home..,home can't go, right.., ok, cool.
Ok,..chat less and chill more..ok, cool.
Hmm,..how things are going,..all cool., ok, not much funda from anon/unknown,.. things will be fine, ok,cool.
Ok then,..chatting patting going cool, ok.
#UCL, UEFA Champions League round of 16 draw done,..so, who will kick whose ass in this round. #UCL
#UWCL, Whatever they say, and whatever the results are #YouPlayStrong, in the final Group stage matches, Matchday 6,.., already made it to the next round, so what,..still a lot to play,.. ok, gals #UWCL.
Really,.. chat has to be two sided, otherwise that is not chat,.. definition me kya rakha hai,.. jo kaam aasan kare, waqt bachaye,..wo machine hai..ok.
Ok then,..chat less and chill more..ok, cool.
#UCL, Ok, some error occured at the draw,..take you time folks,..round of 16 matches will start from mid feb-2022, still 2 months to go. So, take your time and redo it properly..ok. #UCL
Ok, so,..things are going cool, ok.
Ok then,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.
Hmm,..tea is ok,..how things are going,..all cool.
Ok,..chatting patting going cool, ok.
Hmm, everything is going fine,.ok.,chill then.,i have some cool stuffs to busy with..ok, cool.
Hmm,.. nap was good, as always,.. now it is all about a nice cup of tea to make things better.. ok, cool.
Ok,.. Market fools,..there is not market,..,money can be printed and printing is the easiest form of taxation..rather than pretending to other form of taxation,..and then distribute to the tax funded salary accounts,..ok, cool.
Inflation, recession, financial issues etc.. are only for those.. who do not have a tax funded salary account, ok.
Penis Buy! & Penis Sell!..,ok, ok.. it is Panic, Panic ok,.. but the meaning is the same, that is just an impulse not a rational human action,.. Wall Street and other such cocroaches got that, right, ok.
This country was bought and sold and paid for a long time ago...ok, so, have a cup of tea and chill.
So, everything is as usual,.. tea is good,.. ok,..so chill.
Ok then,..chatting patting going cool, ok.
Really, cool ppl think so,..ok ,ok.., sometimes my scheduled alarm clock does not ring,.. that is why i missed some football matches,..ok., i,ll schedule the alarm clock tonight again, lets see then, ok.
I don't know why folks set odd timing of the football matches,..,but i,ll try and schedule my alarm clock, ok.
Ok then,..chat less and stay cool,..ok., cool ppl..,stay cool, ok.
Hmm,..,morning,.. tea or coffee,..,tell me, ok.
Ok,.. chatting patting already started,..ok, cool.
Ok then,..chat less and chill more..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,things are going cool, ok then.
Ok,,..btw, who is anonymous/unknown,..taking less funda is better..,i guess so..ok.
Ok, anonymous told you so, ok,.., he/she may be right..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,.. unknown told you so, ok,.., he/she may be right..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..may be, i need tea now, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, ok,..may be i got that,.. chat less and chill more, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Sergio Aguero has announced his retirement,..wishing him a healthy and great life ahead.. Hope he will contribute some his time in football development, whereever the place he finds suitable and whichever the role he finds suitable.
#UWCL, Ok gals,.. all fit and kicking,.. ready for the final Group stage matches, Matchday 6,..i believe so.. #UWCL.
Ok, lets see, how the gals are doing at the domestic/local leagues..
Teams playing in the UEFA Women’s Champions League and their relative current Domestic/Local League Standings.
French Professional Women's Football
Division 1 Féminine
Top 3 teams on the points table (11 matches played, Session,2021/22)
Lyon - 33
Paris - 30
Paris FC - 22
Spanish Professional Women's Football
Primera División
Top 3 teams on the points table (13 matches played, Session,2021/22)
Barcelona - 39
Real Sociedad -28
Atl. Madrid – 25
**Real Madrid(9th) – 17
English Professional Women's Football
Barclays FA Women's Super League
Top 3 teams on the points table (9 matches played, Session,2021/22)
Arsenal - 25
Chelsea - 21
Spurs - 17
German Professional Women's Football
Top 3 teams on the points table (11 matches played, Session,2021/22)
Wolfsburg - 26
Bayern - 25
Hoffenheim - 24
Iceland Professional Women's Football
Úrvalsdeild kvenna
Top 3 teams on the points table (18 matches played, Session,2021/22)
Valur - 45
Breidablik - 36
Thróttur reykjavík - 29
Swedish Professional Women's Football
Top 3 teams on the points table (22 matches played, Session,2021/22)
Rosengård - 57
Häcken - 47
Kristianstads - 35
Danish Professional Women's Football
Top 3 teams on the points table (14 matches played, Session,2021/22)
HB Køge - 38
Fortuna Hjørring (Asso) - 33
Brøndby - 25
Italian Professional Women's Football
Serie A
Top 3 teams on the points table (11 matches played, Session,2021/22)
Juventus - 33
Roma - 25
Sassuolo - 25
Ukrainian Professional Women's Football
Ukrainian Women's Premier League
Top 3 teams on the points table (10 matches played, Session,2021/22)
Zhytlobud-2 Kharkiv - 30
Zhytlobud-1 Kharkiv - 27
Kryvbas - 22
Swiss Professional Women's Football
Super League, Nationalliga A
Top 3 teams on the points table (9 matches played, Session,2021/22)
Zürich - 22
Servette - 21
Grasshoppers - 19
Portuguese Professional Women's Football
1a Divisão Women, Campeonato Nacional Feminino
(Play-off, Session,2021/22)
Sporting CP, Played 2, Points – 6
Torreense, Played 2, Points - 6
Benfica, Played 1, Points - 3
So far looks all ok to me,..let's look forward for better days..ok.
#UWCL..Ok Gals,..No prediction, No favorites,..Stay Fit and Stay Chill,..
Ok, See you in Action! #UWCL
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.
#UWCL, How is it going folks,..ready gals..,ok, we are good to go..,So far, not much close chances, 10 minutes played, no goals yet.. Lyon vs Häcken, Bayern vs Benfica,..no scores yet..no easy goals here.. a yellow card for Bayern, good...looks like Lyon trying..,no easy goals here for anyone..Bayern! Goal!, Benfica mistake got punished!, another Goal! Bayern!,..Bayern on charge!.. there was a chance for Lyon.. 30 minutes played.. Bayern 2-0 up!., Lyon vs Häcken no goal yet.. Lyon! Goal!,. yellow card for Lyon.. Benfica gal, take care.. 3 added minutes..Bayern Benfica. It is halftime, Bayern 2-0 Benfica, Lyon 1-0 Häcken
Second half, 2 more goals for Bayern, 1 more goal for Lyon, already!, in the second half they are quick! Bayern 4-0 up!, Lyon 2-0 up!.., oh, that was close!, Lyon!, 20 minutes go.., Häcken, Benfica wanna score any.., Lyon! Goal!, too casual Häcken!,, another goal! Lyon!. Bayern wanna score more.. 10 minutes to go.. Lyon 4-0 up!., Bayern still 4-0 up!, Lyon the group Winner!. It is full time, Bayern 4-0 Benfica, Lyon 4-0 Häcken,.. that was all good. #UWCL
Hmm,..tea coffee,..all done, ok..
Hmm,..tea comes to me,.. actually, they bring it me, ok, cool.
Ok then,.. chatting patting going cool, ok.
Hmm,..chat less and chill more,..ok.
Hmm,..the tax funded salary accounts will be refilled next month,..and then next month,.. every month,.. 100% guaranteed.., who cares what they do,.. that is how things are.. ok, cool.
I get some % percent of them, that is the point,..otherwise no point,..ok.
Ok, so,.. things are going cool, ok.
Ok, so,.. chatting patting going great, ok. cool., so, you are getting the recipes right,.. that is good..ok
Hmm,..evening tea is also good,..ok, cool.
#UWCL, How is it going folks,..final set matches of the Group stage of this season,..,ok, gals,.. all fit and kicking,..Yeah, Hoffenheim gals have scare the hell out of the gooners, ..that is right, although they have made it to the quarter finals,.. the gooners still need to ponder. they are still not out of the woods.. Barca maintains their clean record 6 on 6, there was not much doubt in that.., let's see if Paris can do so.., Now, it looks like some real permutations and combinations going on in Group A. Group B is clear though. Ok, lets see, how things will go tonight.. #UWCL
#UWCL, Ok Gals, Stay Fit and Stay Chill,..No prediction, No favorites,.. Ok, See you in Action! #UWCL
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.
#UWCL, Ok then, let the games begin,..ready gals.. Paris vs Breidablik, Real Madrid vs Kharkiv, just go out and play well, ok. gals., high energy games, Paris! Goal! within 10 minutes.. high energy, RMA and Kharkiv..no goal yet.. Paris 1-0 up!.. Paris given a Yellow Card!.. Real Madrid! Goal! a set piece best utilised.. Real Madrid 1-0 up, 20 minutes played.. not much close chances now,.. looks like charging again, Paris and Real Madrid..,not giving easy gift though.. cracker from Real Madrid! Goal!, effort from Kharkiv, Paris! Second Goal!, it is Half time, Real Madrid 2-0 Kharkiv, Paris 2-0 Breidablik
Second half begins.. Paris! the 3rd Goal!,.. that was close Real Madrid!.. fresh leg for Kharkiv.. 2 fresh legs for Paris.. that is 4th Goal! Paris!, 20 minutes to go,.. fresh leg for Real Madrid.. fresh leg for Breidablik as well..ok, take care, Kharkiv gal..easy gals easy.. a bit heating up..,better half for Kharkiv actually....avoiding goals..,10 minutes to go.. Breidablik conceded 4 goals..Kharkiv 2 so far.. no reply from both...another yellow card for Breidablik!. Penalty! Goal!, that is 5th for Paris!, so, it is clean record for Paris 6 on 6..great! 1 minute to extra time.., 4 added minutes.. 3rd Goal! Real Madrid!. 6th! goal! Paris!, It is full time, Paris 6-0 Breidablik, Real Madrid 3-0 Kharkiv.. it is all good.. #UWCL
Hmm,..things are going cool, ok.
Ok, so,..chatting patting going good,..ok.
Ok, cool ppl think so, ok..chat less and stay cool, ok.
You want to change bad fellows to good fellows,..,just give them free money,.. 99.9% of them will become good fellows..,ok, cool. When a fellow looks like a good, well behaved and calm fellow,..that is a regular free money recieving fellow, ok cool.
Some of them make noise every now and then,..when they smell their free money source is in some kind of perceived threat..,ok, cool.
Ok, to,.. Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, sab Paisa hota hai..ok.
Hmm, tea is good,,.real good..
#UWCL, I knew it, it would be a great Matchday 6! I knew it.., German Birds (Wolfsburg) vs Blues (Chelsea), Juventus vs Servette..,. It was a great treat to watch how the German Birds played yesterday..., while Juventus delivered when needed..as they have done so far.. It was not that the Blues did not get chances, just could not convert the chances, not at their best touches though,..Servette too missed chances, Tabea Waßmuth being the top scorer so far from the German Birds is a great delight to watch,.. whenever she gets a good pass, it looks like she will score a goal every time.., makes difficult goals look easy.. great stuff!
The Quarter finalists..
Barcelona (ESP, holders), Lyon (FRA), Paris Saint-Germain (FRA), Wolfsburg (GER), Arsenal (ENG), Bayern München (GER), Juventus (ITA), Real Madrid (ESP).. to all the teams, Congratulations!
Ok, so, the Quarter final draw is on Monday, 20-12-2021, good.
Stay fit.. and stay in form through improving the Domestic league and Derby performances.. See you all in the next round. #UWCL
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.
Hmm,.. tea is good,..ok cool then..
Ok, cool ppl,.. chatting patting going good,..ok.
Hmm,.. i have been cool, you tell, ok.. all cool.
Hmm,.. my nap has been cool,..now i need tea, you tell,..ok, all cool.
Ok, so,.. chatting patting going good,..that's cool.
Hmm,..that is incentive,..i get a nice cup of tea, and she gets paid,.. and can run her tea stall,.. mutually beneficial..
You can't work properly under socialism, because there is no incentive..
You might have heard, once upon a time there was something call, USSR (Soviet Socialist Rep),..no longer exist..
Grigory Yavlinksy wrote a report on collapse of the Soviet Union (USSR)..
..... workers in state mines were so unproductive. The people don't want to work. The people have no incentives. The economy inside which the people have no incentives, have no future. So you can do two things: take a gun and put this gun to his head like it was at the Stalin's time, or you have to give him incentives. Because he wants to improve the life of his family, and he can't.....
All tax funded salary accounts are based on Socialist idea., that is 100% free salary guarantee, that has no future.
Locals here (Assam), refer to them as 'Sakori' in hindi Naukri,.. means,.. your name is registered in a tax funded institution or organization with 100% free salary guarantee..,if you work in any private company or any private organization,..that is not a 'Sakori'.. means no salary guarantee...,so, they only talk about 'Sakori'. According them, if you do not have a 'Sakori', you are a major time loser.. .that is all low level burucracy.. with zero value creation.
Hmm,..things are like so, ok, tea is good,.. ok, cool.
So,.. chatting patting going cool,..ok.
Really,..is that so,..cool ppl think so,..ok, ok., that's why chat less, ok.
Ok, wanna chat,.. chat then,..,if not tired yet,..ok, cool.
Ok, you have the map of tiny perfect things,.., running in loop or what..,stay cool, ok.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok...
Hmm,..tea coffee all done,..tell me, ok.
Ok, so,..chatting patting already started,..ok.
Ok, usko sukoon kehte hai kya,..ok, got it, ok.
Ok, ok,..got it, ok....chat less and chill more, ok.
Ok, so,..how chatting patting going,..all cool.
I am not talking about #bitcoin
, but the damn thing is not going down to zero, as per many of the free money funded exfarts say.., i don't know why is that so.
You keep giving them,..free money, food, water, lodging,..nothing changes,.. free money funded cattle never improve, ok.
OK, EPL matches coming up...
#EPL, How is it going guys.. Chelsea vs Wolves, ManCity vs Newcastle.., Gunners are improving actually, that is good.., is that fog or snow, guys..,looks foggy..,, ManCity stikes! Goal!..against Newcastle is cakewalk, right.., Blues yet to get back to form..or what.., What is about Lukaku,..out of form or injury issues..,if not injury issues,..nobody gets back their form sitting on the bench..,but spending some time on the pitch.. Wolves! Goal!..oh,! no, offside!..very late flag though.., 20 minutes played,.. ManCity 1-0 Newcastle, Chelsea 0-0 Wolves,.. ManCity added another goal!, ManCity 2-0 up!,..anyone before halftime.., It is halftime, ManCity 2-0 Newcastle, Chelsea 0-0 Wolves.
Second half begins,..ManCity already hem in!..ok, Blues also making some moves.., Mahrez adds the 3rd! for ManCity.., well, then Wolves wanna score.., ok, looks like Traoré is getting ready.., Pulisic! close!, 10 minutes to go, time running out.., ManCity 3-0 up.. Blues or Wolves, anybody wanna score.. Sterling! scored the 4th for ManCity!.., 3 added minutes.., It is fulltime, ManCity 4-0 Newcastle, Chelsea 0-0 Wolves. #EPL
Hmm,.. tea is ok, you tell,..how things are, all cool..
Ok, so, chatting patting going cool, ok.
Hmm.., pata hai, bhut ziddi hai,.. chat less, chill more, ok.
Hmm,.. chatting patting karna zaroori hai,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,You give, one group of people free money/salary and other group of people only after productive work,..labor, etc.. which group they will want to be,..simple question.
Hmm,.. Tea is good,..just answer the question..ok, cool.
I was not asking the Indian Chutiyas,..ok, people with some mind can tell, ok.
Ok,..Money has to be earned,.. not printed,.., how can a person earn money,..who do not have a money printing press or do not have a direct access to the printing press.
They have to..Work, labor,..provide some goods and services other people find value, or willing to pay for,,ok.
Nothing changes till money can be printed so easily or created so easily, ok.
There can be,.. no Foundation, no Business, no Markets, no Civilization,,till money can be printed so easily or created so easily, ok.
Hmm,.. tea is good,.hadh se zyada..ok, cool.
Ok, chatting patting going good, ok, cool.
#UWCL, Who is against who, in the quarter final..,ok, looks good to me,..quarter final opponents,.. now semi finals..
Quarter-final draw:
Bayern v Paris
Juventus v Lyon
Arsenal v Wolfsburg
Real Madrid v Barcelona
**Real Madrid, just don't get scared, ok.
**Yeah,..say fast, PSG sounds like, Paris Danger Man!
Semi-final draw:
Real Madrid/Barcelona v Arsenal/Wolfsburg
Juventus/Lyon v Bayern/Paris
---Looks good to me. Ok, see you all then..
Ok then,..how chatting patting are.. all cool.
Ok, These days, Jack Dorsey is working on something more important, #bitcoin
, that is really good. Btw, people need some money ( bitcoin
) first,.. spending. ( Lightning
, Casa, Strike ) is always easy,.. why anyone wants to spend bitcoin for day to day use,..bitcoin is a savings technology,.. those who are spending bitcoin ( Lightning
) on a day to day basis, their traditional banking system is already dead!.
Hmm,..chatting patting going cool.. ok then.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.
Hmm,.. chai coffee, all done..,how cool activities are going,..all cool.
Ok, so..chatting patting going good.. ok.
Hmm,..a nap always a good idea,..ok, cool ppl busy with cool activities,..ok cool.
Ok, so,..how chatting patting going.. all cool.
Ok, ok,...i got that, ok,.. ok, ok..got that..
Ok then,..chat less and stay cool,..ok., cool ppl, stay cool, ok.
Hmm,..,chai coffee done,..,need something else,..tell me, ok.
Hmm, not much,..tax funded salary accounts will auto refill in a week or so,.. You guys work hard..ok...all the noise remains the same..ok, cool... yeah, the 'Sakori' bank accounts here, auto refill every month, and i get some % from them, that is the point, ok.
Ok,.. the rest, business as usual, ok, cool.
Hmm,..5*7 - 6/9 + 3*7 - 8(3 + 5*9) = ?, ask the IBM guys,..they also make money selling such test/exam software to tax funded bank/govt. I am not saying,..TCS, Infosys kind of companies only make money that way..,everybody wants free money,.. actually most companies have no marketable products other that living on printing press, tax money.
Ok,.. everyone is looking for free money, business as usual, ok, cool.
Ok, tea is good, really good, ok.
Ok, so..chatting patting going good.. ok.
Hmm,..so, things are going cool, ok.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok, cool ppl,..stay cool, ok.
Hmm,..,chai or coffee, tell me, ok.
Ok,..chatting patting going cool.. ok.
Ok, you guys are working hard, good,.. i am slightly lazy, ok, cool.
Hmm,..the free money, salary accounts auto refilling is in a week, ok,.. you guys work hard, ok, cool.
Ok, then, we will talk, ok,.. be a good citizen, work hard, ok.
Why you should work hard,..
A regular tax funded public school teacher gets paid Rs.50-60k per month.
A private school teacher gets paid Rs.6-8k per month..for teaching the same shits..
All the stuffs are freely available and downloadable from the internet,..or available at a few bucks from the nearby book stalls,.. but they are all the same shits..nothing useful.
Now you why the private school teachers are desperate to get into the dirty public schools from the much cleaner private schools,..tax funded free salary is unaffected by lockdown and all.., while private schools are primarily run by collecting fee from the students. Normally, public school teachers send their own kids to the cleaner private schools,.. but they want free salary from public schools, just like everyone.
Ok, Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, sab PAISA hota hai, ok.
Hmm,.. tea is good, really good, ok, cool.
Dismatle the money printing press,.. they will all appear on the streets,...selling Vegetables, Fish, Fruits and Chana etc.. on the roadsides,.. they are nothing without the money printing press.
I need Chana now,..hai Chana, Chana,..where is he today,..atleast, these people are creating some values.
There is no idea, i am the idea.., shutdown all the man made systems,..i stand strong on my feet..ok.
Hmm,.. tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
Ok so,.. how chatting patting going,.. all cool.
Ok, so, things are going cool, ok.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool, ok.
Ok, so, how things are going,... all cool.
Ok, ok,..so, things are going cool, ok.
Ok, so, you guys are working hard,.. ok, that is good,..ok.
Hmm,..fyi,..free money, salary accounts auto refilling is in a week, ok.
Hmm,.. tea is good,..you tell, ok, cool.
Hmm, i like hard working people,..but i don't like to work at all, but like free money just like everyone.. just one week to go for free salary accounts auto refilling, ok.
Ok, tea is fine, ok, cool.
I want to work, but i get free money from free money/salary getting people,.. i have no reason to work,.. you see the logic, right,..ok, cool.
Hmm,.. tea is really good, and cake is very tasty,..yum,.. ok, cool.
Hmm,.. chat less and stay cool,.. ok.
Hmm,..how things are going, all cool.
Ok so,.. chatting patting going cool,..,ok.
Yeah, I heard that,..,Jack Dorsey has some issues with Babe3! (aka Web3), but has no issues with Babe1(Web1) and Babe2(Web2), me neither.., Dorsey has Marked Web3 as Underrated Sin!.., what is this Babe3!(Web33!) anyway, guys,.. is Babe3!(Web333!) worth knowing or just waste of time, tell me, ok, cool.
How is Holiday going on guys,.btw,.. i am ok with tea,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..other than chatting patting,..how things are going, all cool.
Hmm,..ok,..chat less and stay cool,..ok., stay cool,..ok.
Hmm,..gd morning,.. chai coffee done,..tell me, ok.
Ok so,..basically you wanna chat, chat then,..i did not stop anyone..,ok, cool.
I am just asking tea, coffee done or not,..ok, cool.
Ok so,.. chat less and chill more, cool.
I can not stop what people think or believe, i can't even stop what i think,..there is no on/off button, ok, cool.
In case anyone has found on/off button for what to think and what not to think,..kindly inform me, that will be highly helpful, ok, cool.
Hmm, tea is good, really good, ok.
Ok,.. chat less and chill more, ok, cool.
Hmm,..A few days to go for free salary accounts auto refilling, ok,.. and the noise continues, all business as usual..ok, cool.
I need tea now, ok, cool.
Ok, so..chatting patting going good,..ok, cool.
#EPL, How is it going guys,..,good to go for the matches,. Christmas
for us.,.. any issues, let me know, ok, cool.
, people say, it is Boxing Day!,
what is that..
Ok, how chatting patting going,..all cool.
Ok,..super happy!, how,.. i have not done anything yet,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool, ok.., stay cool, ok.
#EPL,Ok Guys,.. Christmas
for us,..may be,.. but not friendly matches,..they will count,.. so you know. ManCity vs Leicester City, Spurs vs CPalace, Norwich City vs Arsenal, West Ham vs Southamton.. De Bruyne strikes!.. Saka strikes!, ManCity and Arsenal are 1-0 up! within 10 minutes of play.. Southamton 1-0 up! within 10 minutes.., no wreslting and boxing, guys.. Penalty! for ManCity, Mahrez! Goal!, ManCity 2-0 up!, that was close! Leicester.., Gündoğan! 3rd goal for ManCity!, another Penalty! Sterling! Goal!,
ManCity 4-0 up! within 25 minutes.. Leicester! come on!.. looks like a little calm now,.. no,, Spurs scored twice! in quick successions!, Kane! and then Lucas Moura!, Spurs 2-0 up!, Red CARD! for Zaha! bad to worse for CPalace! down to 10 men!,.. yeah, they are having chances just not taking, Leicester.. woo! Gunners also 2-0 up! thanks to Teirney.. It is halftime, ManCity 4-0 Leicester City, Spurs 2-0 CPalace, Arsenal 2-0 Norwich City, Southamton 1-0 West Ham Second half begins.. West Ham equalised!, nice goal! Maddison! Leicester!, another Goal! Lookman! Leicester!,.. Southamton takes the lead again! 2-1 up!, ho ho ho! Leicester got their 3rd Goal!, Game on!, .. West Ham equalised! again!, Saka's second Goal! for Gunners!,.. Laporte! Goal! ManCity 5-3 up!, Arsenal 3-0 up!, 20 minutes to go.. Southamton takes the lead again! 3-2 up!, Son scored the 3rd Goal! for Spurs!.. it's been a Goal Fest day! so far.., looks like Arsenal and Spurs, sealing the deal for the day already.., time running out for Leicester and West Ham,.. Gunners 4-0 up!, ManCity! 6th Goal!, Sterling!, that will do for ManCity.., Southamton desparately needs the point.. Gunners added their 5th Goal!., West Ham still fighting.. Southamton denies them!
It is full time!,.. ManCity 6-3 Leicester City, Spurs 3-0 CPalace, Arsenal 5-0 Norwich City, Southamton 3-2 West Ham. #EPL
Hmm,.. Morning.., tea, coffee done,.. ok.
Hmm, first Chai,.. then chatting patting, ok, cool.
Ok, so, chatting patting going cool, that's great...
I need a nice cup of tea now,.. that is Economics.
How much tea other people need or the world need.. that is not Economics.
Give regular free money to 10 people out 100 million people...
Why not regular free money for 100 people,
Why not regular free money for 1000 people,
Why not regular free money for 100,000 people then,.. why not..
That is the free fiat money system,..that is why, everyone is looking for free money..
Hmm, tea is good, really good..,ok, cool.
Hmm, so, things are going cool,..ok.
Ok, too late! night match again,..,i,ll still try,..ok. #EPL
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,...ok., stay cool, ok.
Hmm,.. Morning,..,tell me, how is tea/coffee, ok.
Ok, so, how is chatting patting going,.. all cool.
"....if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets." - Steve Jobs.
Ok,.,i love nice tea, ok.
Not easy to face the market competition,.. there are competitions from the likes of Samsung, Dell, HP, MI, Vivo etc.. ok,..it is never easy to face the market competion and stay profitable,..ok, cool.
That is why everyone, companies etc.. are trying to hide in the state machinery..to escape from the market competition..
Hmm,.. tea is nice, really nice, ok.
In fiat system, central banks create new money electronically with a keystroke of lendger entry,.. and give that money to the bankers.. so that they can lend it to the other entities with interest,.. that way they create new money from nothing!..
It is really hard to resist something,..when you can create everything out of nothing!..
In fiat money system, death is money, money is death, debt is death!, that is why you always hear war, conflicts, poverty, disease, death everywhere..,civilised!
Now you can give me a list of Companies,.. that are actually making money selling some goods and services to real people..other than parasitically living on the state money printing press...
Atleast, you can give me one profitable indian company name,..i will make a note..,what are they selling to real people to make money..ok, cool.
Hmm, tea time, ok, cool.
No, you can not buy oil from Middle East or Elsewhere with your fiat money,.. you need USD for that,..so, why not directly embrace USD rather..and swallow your false pride.
Hmm, tea is really nice, ok, cool.
Ok, so, chatting patting going cool,.. ok.
#EPL, How is it going guys,.. good to go,..let me know, ok, cool.. #EPL
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.
#EPL,Ok Guys,.. Christmas
season matches,..play well, I am just enjoying, chatting less..ok, let's start the matches then..ok, cool. #EPL.
Hmm.. tea/coffee done.. how things are going,..all cool.
Ok, so,..how is chatting patting going,.. all cool.
Ok, is that so, that is kind of cool, ok..
Ok, ok,..is that so,..ok, i kinda got that, ok.
Ok,.. fyi, free money salary accounts auto refilling almost there, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. chat less and chill more,..ok.
There is no "we", especially when in comes to "money",.. there is no such things as "our salary"..ok,.. even the free salary getting people will not agree with that, ok, cool.
Ok, tea is nice, really nice,..ok, cool.
Ok, i have no issue what people believe, but there are consequences of choices, just do not come complaining later,.. because i do not complain about my believe to anyone, i own it up,.. ok cool.
Now what you want,.. tea or coffee, tell me, ok.
Yeah, i sing, i play,.. because i love to,.,.. did any bird sing or dance for audiences, she doesn't mind,.. that is her self expression,.. i sing, i play,.. that is my self expression,.. ok, chill.
Hmm, chatting patting is just sort of self expression,.. ok, cool.
Hmm,..chat less and stay cool,..ok..
Hmm.. tea/coffee done..how chatting patting going,..all cool.
Ok, is that so,.. kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Really, is that so,.. that's kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Hmm, you love someone or something, you take them seriously,.. you always try to protect, preserve and improve it,.. just like, you love your loved ones and family etc..ok.
When,..you love football or any other sport, you will take it seriously,..try to preserve it, improve it,..and most importantly you will try to play better,...ok. When you love songs, you will sing it from your heart..,and you will love to listen and preserve the songs you love,..ok, cool.
Ok,..just like i love to have nice tea everyday,..ok, cool.
Ok, then,.. how things are going,.. all cool.
Ok, then,..chat less and stay cool,..ok.
Ok, so,.. tea was good,..ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,.. really,..ok, ok, i kinda got that,...ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so.. things are going cool, ok.
It doesn't matter what you want, once you get it, then you want something else,..no one can give anyone what they want,..,all you can give them is freedom to choose..,ok, cool
Ok, i choose tea, ok, cool.,..and tea is good, really good,.. ok, cool.
Ok, you don't want tea,.. now you are trying to choose between coffee and hot chocolate,..upto you, ok,.. i have no issues,.. i am ok with tea,.. ok, cool.
Hmm, tea is nice, ok, cool.
Can you tell me about any major conflict/dispute,.. where money is not the source or cause,..other stuffs we can talk, ok,..from individuals to any other man made entities.., tell me, ok, cool.
Hmm, tea is good, ok, cool.
Hmm,.. A country or nation state,.. where one group of people print money and their direct beneficiaries,.. other group of people work to earn that money,..that is the only "we" and "they", ok, cool.
Hmm, tea is nice, ha,.. ok, cool.
Ok then,.. chatting patting going good,..ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..so you wanna chat more,..chat then,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, i was boring this year, 2021,.. i,ll try be less boring next year, 2022..ok, cool.
Do i look like a guy, who cares about other peoples'... praise, approval, reward, like..etc.
I do, what i like to do, and feel like the right thing to do,..ok.
I don't need anyone to promote me,.. and so, no one can demote me.
I do, what i love to do, and feel like the right thing to do,..ok.
Do i, by any chance look like a guy cares, in case others dislike me, disagree with me,
Do i, look like one,... but I still respect their right,.. their right to be stupid.
I am the own source of my energy,.. my own source of inspiration.
Ok, folks, so, stay cool,.. and have lots of fun, ok, enjoy..