Happy New Year, Everyone!...Welcome to 2022.
There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart. - JA
Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. - DL
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. - MT
Hmm, ok, so be nice..,do not complain much, ok.
#EPL, How is it going guys, play well, ok,... i,ll chat less and enjoy the match.. #EPL
Hmm, The purpose of life is to thrive,.. not just chatting. So, chat less and enjoy, ok.
Ok, Those are your goals,..why are you waiting then,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
How many of you can make your own stand.
There is a saying in hindi,..Jab geedar ki maut aati hai, to woh shahar ki taraf bhagta hai..
You want to help someone, donate to a good cause, philanthropy,..etc. ..do with your own hard earned money.
Let's see, who are the nice fellows,.. who want to do good for other people with their own money/salary..ok, cool.
Ok, Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab Paisa hota hai..
Ok, folks, just do not come crying and complaining like little children,..ok, cool.
Ok, nice & good guys,..when is "our salary" coming?,..you all have big hearts, right.
Ok, nice guys, you all will share your salary with "us" ok,.. let me know,..ok, cool.
There is no such things as private or public sector, ..when money production source is only one. There can be no sector or specialization, when money production source is only one,..they can produce any unknown amounts, can change the rules, can change the goal post with their own whims and fancy,.. no one can have a base or foundation., ok, cool.
Knowledge base is the same,.. all the public and private schools teach from the same text books., colleges and universites are not different,.. anyone can buy any book, and most importantly unlimited internet rescouces are available for free.
If you or your loved one is suffering from an incurable disease,..no answer from medical science yet. And if you happen to know there is a cure developed in a private medical laboratory, that is not formally approved,..won't you try to access that treatment,..you will die anyway.. why not you will try that. It is not about public or private, formal or informal, black market or white market.., what is useful, helpful, that will be used...,there are lots of diseases known from since long time, has no cure yet,.. accident is a different thing. So, knowlede base is not improving,.. other things can be hidden, faked or covered up, but not death. So, stagnation of knowlegde base is clearly visible from the medical science progress.
#EPL, How is it going guys,..keep close eye on the points table,..things are not looking very good on the points table,..you guys know that, right. So, Play well,..ok,..i,ll chat less and enjoy the matches. #EPL
Ok,..Talk it out, Sort it out, Fix it, guys Fix it,.. sometimes it is ok to behave like Adults, rather than behaving like little Children,.. ok, cool.
You do well you go up, you do bad you go down,..but the rules have to be same for all,..you make lots of mistakes, you have to start from the scratch..ok, cool.,..when nothing works, you go back to the market,.. so, neutral money and the free market is the ultimate decider.,..with neutral money.. you cannot do bailout, favoritism kind of biased stuffs, ok, cool..,yeah, #Bitcoin
is a kind of neutral money,..it doesn't matter how much bitcoin other people in the world own,.. they cannot own my portion of #Bitcoin
,ok, cool.

Hmm,.. I like less drama and suspense in my financial network...ok, cool. #Bitcoin

I like nice drama and suspense thriller movies btw,.. that is a different story,.. ok, cool.
Hmm, I like action adventure movies more, btw,..suggest some good movies, folks..ok.
Hmm, I see how they Act,.. not what they say, believe or think,.. ok, cool.
Yes, that is right,..Love is not something you can just Say. Love is something you Do, with all your heart.,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..those are your goals,..now the question is, what are doing to achieve your goals,..,waiting for what,..tell me,.. ok, cool.
Yeah,..whenever time schedule is suitable,. i want to watch all the popular domestic leagues and derbies, of both boys and gals football,..now, the question is, do they have the broadcasting rights, that is flexible to watch. This year major international actions in football are also scheduled,..commencing after Boys and Gals UEFA Champions League,.. Gals UEFA EURO, 2022 ..and Boys FIFAWC, 2022...great!.
Ok, ok,..so,..those are your goals,..i was just asking, what are you doing to achieve your goals, ok, cool. Ok, ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok,..ok, i kinda got that, stay cool, ok.
Is that so,..My child..,Christmas
is love in Action, Every time we Love, Every time we Give, it's Christmas!
..ok, cool.
Hmm,..I started to sing without understanding the meaning,..Arts are different language to express do not always require meaning or understanding,..primarily self expression, to enjoy, feel good or bad or just to chill.," jile le jile le ayo ayo jile le", ..what does that literally mean,.. just chill, ok, cool.
Hmm,..To be alive human have to act,..they can not be in perpetual inaction,.. "Karm karo par fal ki ichha/chinta na karo",..that is the Bhagavad Gita way of saying,..things are uncertain, there are unforseeable consequences of action,. but human must act to be alive, and there are uncertain consequences of the same. So,you can only hope, you do good, results will be good,..but there is no certainty about anything,..there are externalities, accidents,.etc...again these are uncertainties, ok, cool.
Ok, so, read the surroundings and act accordingly,..and try to save your own asses from getting screwed unnecessarily,..you folks got that,.. ok, cool.
Hmm,..When the money source is corrupt, everything related that is outright corrupt,. so, there is nothing to discuss about that,.. in any corrupt system, everyone is not disadvantaged, one group will always be at advantage at the expense of the rest, everyone doesn't lose, otherwise that system will collapse in no time,..certain groups are always benefitting., they are always rallying with that.. ok, cool.
Hmm,..i buy goods and services of my liking only,..irrespective of the company, institution, organization.. etc..,no other things, other then the usable end products available in the markets,..how they made it, where it came from, etc.. are none of my concern,.. ok, cool.
Hmm,..only the final products matter, crossing all the stages of,..why, how, where, etc... that is the basics of economics. Everywhere in the world, property and economic freedom are correlated with improved quality of life, health and life expectancy..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Exactly in what language you smile, laugh, wink or grin,... tell me,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..you don't care,..you just smile, laugh, cry, grin or blabber.,..ok,..ok, that is cool.
Hmm,..In the practical world,..if you do not need money from anyone, you need nothing from them,.. ok,..,you have no quarrel or disagreement with anyone,.. ok,..even if they can do barter with one another,..for say, 1 apple for 2 bananas,..both of them will still prefer, money..,you buy stocks, bonds, reciepts etc..with money,..and you will sell them for money, because they are not money..,finally money, ok,..,final goods and services of your choice voluntarily exchanged with neutral money,..that is the final settlement, ok, cool.
Default base of funtioning world is free market and neutral money,..rest are just specific choice setup,..but when they do not work, finally they have to fall back to the market, so, the default option is market, ok, cool.
Anything that is useful or important,..that will come to the market anyway,.,if you do not take initiative, i or someone will take initiative,..there has to be option,..knowledge base is the same..,ok. 1 kilogram is 1 kilogram and 1 metre is 1 metre etc.. everywhere in the world,..money has to be of the same, then only you can measure, otherwise measuring or calculation is not possible,..do not trust me or anyone but verify yourselves, that is how things work, with proof, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Those are your goals,..why waiting then,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Ok, i was just asking, what cool ppl are doing to achieve those goal,..i was just asking that, ok, cool. Ok, ok, so, things are going cool, ok.
Hmm, so, whichever language you like,..smile, laugh, wink or grin,..that way,.. ok, cool.
Hmm, Things doesn't seem go away until it has taught people what they need to know.
Btw,..It looks like free money salary accounts auto refilling are done, they seem active, ok, cool...,yeah, that is beneficial for me,..that is why,..ok, cool.
Ok, so you are wasting your time,..and working on a book,..Democracy - The Dog that Died,...inspired by HH Hoppe's book..,ok. Democracy failed faster than all other foms, Monarchy, Aristocracy, Oligarchy.. etc.. that was expected, ok, cool., Just like Monarchy is now only for ceremonial purpose, whereever it is, Democracy is also just for ceremonial purpose,.. Practicality is always something else,.. you know that, right,.. ok.
Ok, Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab Paisa hota hai..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..I am not lazy, i have no incentive to busy laboring,..i get money anyway.. that is why i am always cosy, ok,... told you,..if you do not need money from anyone, you need nothing from them.,ok,.. and what i do for pastimes, people are surprised, "how you do those things so easily!!", people ask me to teach them, so that they can use it in their fulltime jobs,..just my pastimes activities., ok, it seems i kind of do good things actually,.. ok,..yeah, money can be printed,..there is no need to earn,..see, i don't have any reason to work,..ok, cool.
Really, If you judge/vote/like/rate people,..you have no time to love them,..is that so,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,Ok, ok, i kinda got that, ok, cool.,..ok, chat less and stay awesome then, ok, cool., ok, ok, chat less and stay fantabulous then, ok, cool.
Hmm,.,I am back,..nope,..i never left.., may be i was out for a cup of tea, ok,., macaroni, what is that,..tell me, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Whatever i need to know, that is already available over the internet or i can buy a book, anything that is usable that is already available in the market,..so,..i do not need to learn anything from any specific person, company, institution, organization, etc..ok. How people apply those knowedge to convert natural or other resources to meet the end mean or end product that is important..,that is where the scarce resources are required.. human time, capital, mental and physical labor etc. ok, cool.
When money can be printed, i have no reason to labor, ok. When everyone will work for money, then i will also work for money.,..till then, you know, just chill.
Hmm,..,I am talking about the useful stuffs,..but not the complex and complicated useless bookish stuffs,..some peole call them 'mental gymnastics' of academia, complex and complicated and used nowhere in humanly useful stuffs, encryption is a complex but useful application for practical purpose..ok, cool.
Physical training and outdoor activities are cool stuffs, but not the useless mental gymnastics,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..i kinda got that, ok, i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..tea is my language to say, good morning, ok, cool.
Hmm,..In case you want to warm yourself using your furniture and wooden house as firewood, you can do that,..ok,..but then you will have no house or furniture anymore. See, everything can't come from nothing,.. ok, cool.
Ok, do your things,..just do not come complaining, ok, that is all i am saying, ok, cool.
Ok,..You hate nothing about me,..then again say, "10 things i hate about you!", you are so confused!,. what is exatly going on,..tell me,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, Those are your goals,..why are you waiting then, go achieve your goals,
Ok,.. Is that so, i kinda got that, ok,.. I don't have to do anything, this money thing is like a lizard tail, this funny money thing just grows back, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, Those are your goals,..Jerry Maguire told you so,..go achieve your goals.
Hmm,..i kinda got that, ok, i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, things are going cool, ok.
Hmm,.,there was a poem in nursery,..
"Sukh nai sukh nai kato dharoar
Anu matra sukh nai siro rugiyar..."
meaning..,an indebted person and a person suffering from chronic disease has little or no happiness or merriment in life.
So, No Debt meaning Happiness,
No Chronic Disease meaning Happiness..,ok, cool.
Ok,..,Want to do something and want to be happy,.. 'generate cash/profit yourself' and do your things,.. No, Investors, VC's, Loans, etc.., I am telling, just in case you want to be happy, ok, cool.
Ok, In case you are suffering from some chronic disease,..search for the best treatment availale,.. if avaiable, otherwise, just 'ram bharose', ok, cool.
Hmm,..so, you guys just learned something useful,..that is good,.,you guys are smart.
Ok, cool ppl think so, ok, that is kinda cool, ok.
Hmm,..those are not important,..,anyone who are not generating cash/profit by themselves are not important,..they directly or indirectly live off of the state apparatus and bloated bureaucracy,..live off the money printing press actually,.. they are not important for all practical purpose,..all important goods and services will be in the market anyway..,ok, cool.
There is no such thing as good parasite,..you do not need parasites,..state is a parasite, in all practical measures, ok, cool.
Ok, so, ..generate cash/profit yourselves and do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..cool ppl think so, kinda sounds cool, ok., that is kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..,thinking is ok,..but no mental gymnastics,..,physical training and outdoor activities are cool stuffs, ok.,. that's kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..i kinda got that, ok,...i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,...I loved tea, i do now and i will.. all the time, ok, cool.
Hmm,...I don't need favorable or suitable conditions to love tea,..i just do,..ok, cool.
Hmm...,The function of people is to live, not just to chat,..just chill,.. ok, cool.
Hmm,..,People who can generate cash/profit in any conditions are called entrepreneur,. they do not depend on the amount of money in circulation, unit of money, inflation, etc..,they can make money,..say, Rs.10,000 to Rs.10,000 + Rs.2,000(profit) in 2 days,..,ok, cool.
Those so called big businesses and corporations, primarily survive on easy money from the state money printing press,..that is not that simple,..that way they are involved in favor, politics, debt, owe,. etc,..they have lots of internal problems due to their big sizes. ,so, they are slow and inefficient.,..ok, cool.
Peoples' need, requirement, want, preferences etc.. are heterogeneous, and there is no way to predict that,.. that is why Market not privilege favor based Capitalism,..ok, it is Market not Capitalism that works, ok, cool.
In a free market and neutral money system, without state money printing press protection, people like me will run down the favor based inefficient businesses, like swift cavalry runs down weak infantry,.. ok, cool.
Ok, so,..have a nice cup of tea and stay chill, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,cool ppl think so,..to me, nice cup of tea is better than attention,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..cool ppl think so, ok, that is kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..technology, tools etc,..are kids play stuffs,..when money can be printed,..ok.
Some people worked hard and bought their house and car,..Some people just printed money and bought their house and car,..which side they will prefer, tell me,..ok, cool.
Hmm, so,..to me, nice cup of tea is better than attention,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..do your things, you feel right, just do not come complaining,..ok, there is no such thing as free lunch, and certainly there is no such thing as our salary/money,..ok.
Ok, is that so,..that is kinda cool, ok..that kinda sounds cool, ok,..that's all,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..is that so,..i kinda got that, ok,..
Hmm,...Most people do not like financially independent people, because most of them are under financial slavery some way or other,.. debt ridden, loan repayment, return favor, job, owe, etc.. but not me.., that is why, i am cool,...ok, cool.
Hmm,..Now you know why, i am always cool, got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..i kinda got that, ok,..ok, i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..i kinda got that, ok,...ok, i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning with tea is Good Morning, ok, cool.
Hmm,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.,..wanna chat with me only, not with anyone else,..ok, cool.
Ok, what you wanna chat then, tell me, ok.,..ok, so, it doesn't matter, the topic doesn't matter,...just wanna chat, kinda got that,...ok, cool..ok, ok, i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,It is not about what it should be, ok,...things that can pass the brutal market test and come out.. those are the only things that matter,..no whims and fancy, ok, cool.
Hmm, A debt based system, where everyone is in huge debt is a highly fragile system, there will be boom and bust every now and then,..there can be no stability. Say, the countries with highest external debt, US followed by UK in terms of USD are 2.29×1013 and 9.019×1012 respectively,..India, 13th, 5.713×1011 ,that is a very very dangerous culture created by fiat money system,..the consequences are high fragility, boom and bust every now and then, etc...and there is no chance of stability per se, ok, cool.
Hmm,..I like sports and outdoor activities, no mental gymnastics or a logical pastime,
So, The academia are developing a mathematical model on,..how to fuck!,..ok.,..let's see how it goes, ok, cool.
Ok then, let's see how things go,..tea is always a good idea,...ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Valuable goods are wealth. Say, a nice cup of tea, ok. Profit people can make,..but they are not Savings,..storing value somewhere to maintain purchasing power for long time is Savings,..a debt ridden system like, state apparatus is a threat to everyones' Savings,..so keep away from them,..that is why separtion of state and money is one of the most important thing to protect your Savings,...ok, cool.
Things you buy and use has hardly anything to do with majority of people use them or not,..,you do not buy goods and services because majority of people buy them,..,you buy things of your own choice,..and you can buy them as a minority also,..so, majority-minority theory doesn't work on your spending, things you buy,.. ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok, ok, that kinda sounds really cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok..ok, i kinda sorta got that,..ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..tea is good,..you just knew it from me,..really, that is cool, ok.
Ok, so, things are going cool, ok, that is good,..ok.,ok, that's kinda cool, ok.
Hmm,..No one has infinite resouces,..when they look like so,..be sure they are swirling into deep debt!,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I rarely lend people,..but i check myself their ability to repay,..still i do not prefer to lend big amounts,..small amount, ok,..some people come up with...."could you lend me Rs.5,000, it is very urgent!,..i will return it within 4-5 days with Rs.5,000 + Rs.500(interest)",.., when i find it ok, they can repay,..and they have nothing to cover their bare ass for the time being,..i lend them.., but still at my own risk,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..No debt, means a kind of bliss, ok, cool.
Ok, so, do your things,..there are consequences of every action,..just do not come complaining, ok,..but tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I have no issues dealing with any kind of people,..,i just keep away from the negative externalities,.. such as,..any state and other such related zero value creating institution and people,..their economic value to me is 0 to Negative,..rest are all fine, but tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..All those debt ridden, 0 to Negative value,..state/govt, banks, companies, instituitions, organizations and people etc.. are Negative Externalities,..rest are all fine,..but tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..Despite all those so called tax based welfare bureaucracy,..I give beggars something, who come to the doorstep.. is not that a kind of charity,..i guess so,..rest are all fine,..but tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..There is a saying in assamese,.. "Ati Bhakti Chorar Lakshan",..,you find the meaning, ok,..rest are all fine,..but tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab paisa hota hai,..rest are all fine,..but tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
Fiat Billionaires: "Aaj mere paas Building hain,..Property hai,..Bank balance hai,..Bangla hai,..Gaadi hai...kya hai tumhare paas..hai kya hai tumhare pass?"
Me : "Mere paas #Bitcoin

.....everything can be created more, ok,..rest are all fine,..but tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Told you,..amount of money in the circulation doesn't matter, the entire financial system can be run on 1 #Bitcoin

100,000,000 Satoshi = 1 BTC, if you set the value of a Sat,..say, 1 Satoshi = $100 Billion or In any such fiat currency. Divisibility,Fungibility,Portability,Durability,Acceptability,Uniformity,Limited in Supply ..all the properties are there, ok, cool.
Some people say,..1 #Bitcoin
= 1 #Bitcoin
and 1 Satoshi = 1Satoshi, ..everywhere in the world, ok,...rest are all fine,..but tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.

Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool..ok..ok, that kinda sounds really cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok...,ok, i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool..ok, got that, ok, cool
Ok, so, things are going cool, ok....is that so, that kinda sounds cool, ok.,ok.
Ok, so, those are your goals,..why are you waiting then,..go achieve your goals,..ok.
Ok, i kinda got that,..but Love is not something you can just say. Love is something you do, with all your heart,..what are you doing then,.. ok, cool.
Hmm,..what i was asking is that,..what cool ppl are doing to achieve those goals, ok, cool.
Ok, so, things doesn't seem to work forcefully,..say, for some reason, if i beat the shit out of the one who makes nice tea for me,..i,ll not get a nice cup tea in the first place, ok,. secondly, i,ll have to take all the discomfort of making tea by myself,..along with doing all other things...,and i might not make good tea by myself,..,ok, so, peaceful cooperation seems more beneficial for both,...ok, cool.
Ok, i have no issues with the experts,..the only thing is, i have nothing to learn from them,.. ok, cool., i like to make things work,..and i know how to make things work, ok, cool.
Ok, so, things are going cool, ok...ok, ok, is that so, kinda sounds cool, ok...
Hmm,..,Anyone who can be voted in can be voted out, anyone that that can be appointed or hired can be fired,..anyone dependend on specific money printing press is not independent,..remove the money printing press, nobody will shit on them,..,they are not powerful in any sense..,"pass the brutal market test and stay relavant,.. no specific person or idea",..that is important, ok, cool.
As they say, when nothing works,.."let the market decide", ok, it is the market, ok, cool.
Ok, Told you,..all those nice time things are just good time specific set up,..in not so good time, they all have to fall back to the market,..because, directly or indirectly they are all market results,..ok, cool.
As they say,..you can't Taper a Ponzie Scheme,.it is Market, dudes and dudettes, Market, ok, cool. ok,..as i told you,..tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
As they say,...the cronies and the crooks.. all are dependent on ponzie scheme,..they have no legs of their own to stand,..ok,..as i told you,..tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
As they say,..,you need standards, like, metre, kilogram, to measure, ok..you can't measure anything on a basis of ponzie scheme,..ponzie scheme is not a basis or standard,..as i told you,..tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
As they say,..ponzie on another ponzie, and another ponzie on that ponzie,..goes till infinity,..noboby ever reaches to infinity,..so, the buck stops here..ok,.. as i always tell you,..tea is always a good idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool..,ok..ok, that kinda sounds really cool, ok.
Ok,..,When i shit tomorrow,..i,ll give some of my shit to all of your national leaders, world leaders, etc..i,ll give them some shit, so that they can take it with their breakfast and blood pressure tablets..ok, cool..yeah those old men need bp tablets, ok, you know that right, pale guy, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool..ok, that kinda sounds really cool, ok..
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok..,ok, i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..so, things are going cool, ok then.
Ok, so,.. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. doing cool, ok then.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool...ok..is that so,..that kinda sounds really cool...ok.
Ok, so, those are your goals,..why are you waiting then?,..go achieve your goals,..ok.
Ok, so,..it doesn't matter in which language you smile or laugh,..you just do, ok, cool.
Ok, I didn't mean to offend anyone, they just got a bonus...ok, cool.
Hmm,..I have not said anything yet,..i,ll teach slowly, it seems, some can't get it fast..ok.
Ok, First repay your debt, first,..starting with your,..whatever you call it,.. national/govt/external debt, first,..because dharua(debt-ridden) is a slave,..first get rid of debt slavery,..then talk about national and such related stuffs,..then may be you will be eligible to talk about other stuffs,..ok, cool.
Ok, whoever is/are incharge of your nation/govt,..ask them to repay external debt, first, ok, cool.
Ok, so, those are your goals,..ok.,so, what are you doing to achieve your goals, tell me.
Ok, that was all i asking, ok,..what are you doing to achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so, ok, that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Ok,..i kinda got that, ok.,..ok, i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..is that so,..things are going cool then, ok..ok..
Hmm,..,people are happy with lots of things, others might not,..source of happiness is subjective,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,It seems some people are happy with chatting and just cooling around, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok, ok, stay busy with cool activities, ok.
Ok,..,I have issues with those so called government, state and all,..,what i am saying is that,..they are not important for me, for all practical purpose, ok, that is all i am saying,..same as those so called experts, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, i got that..but it is time for me chill,..because EPL matches are coming up, ok.
#EPL, Ok, Let's see how the Blues handle ManCity pressure and stay in the course, race to the top, ok, let's see, ok, cool.
Start the game Already!,..Start the game Already!,..from AOE.
Looks like it is ManCity! again,..any answer from the Blues.. 15 Minutes to make a difference.. it is ManCity again!,..13 points clearance from the rest, great!
Rest of the today's Matches commencing shortly, ok, cool.
Ok, tell me then, who will be the one,., tell me, ok.
Ok,..is that so,..i kinda got that, ok.,chat less,..ok, i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..you mean, things are cool, ok.. that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..Really,..you think so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that really kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..,things are better for them, when ppl chat less, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Less chat is better than more chat,..ok, that's all i was saying, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Stop pretending and Start living,..,some people call that freed market capitalism,.. i,ll teach slowly,..don't worry,.. ok,..there are lots of too slow people out there, i get that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,What i was saying is that,..less chat is better than more chat,..ok, that's all i was saying, ok, cool.
Ok,..yes, EPL matches are coming up,..that may be a reason, just chill...ok.
#EPL,..Ok, let's see, how they fair,...Liverpool vs Brentford and, West Ham vs Leeds United, ok, let,s see..,Leeds looks hungrier than West Ham!,..Liverpool looks much more ok than Brentford!..,let,s see, if they can maintain the leads..ok, lets's see..,Just needs to hang on to the lead..Leeds!, Liverpool looks comfortably home.. It is Leeds! and Liverpool!..the winners! #EPL
Ok,..is that so,..i kinda got that, ok,..ok, i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..see, tea is always a better idea,..have tea and chill, ok..
Ok, Just have tea,..chat less,..things are all good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,cool ppl think so,..cold tea is old tea,..i don't drink cold tea,..,my tea just turned cold, while i was just busy with titbits,..not good,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Considering all the known assets on the planet.. commodities, metals, fiat money, real estate, stocks, bonds etc.. #Bitcoin
is the best.,..others are all based on fiat money system, that has no base, earlier used to backed by gold,..there was some base then,..now nothing, #Bitcoin
is a base layer money, digital gold, anyone can build on that rock solid foundation.

Ok, so, Those are your goals, why waiting then, have tea, then go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Let's see, who are teams that have the balls to reach the Semi-finals,..i,ll start from the Semi-finals and then the Final!, Africa Cup of Nations, ok, cool. #AFCON2021.
Hmm,..,There is no such things as fintech, when it comes to money production or money sources, technologies are just transportation vehicles and accounting tools, they are not source of money production,.. the state money printing presses are doing that. #Bitcoin
is money production source separated from the state, digital form of gold.,people can issue paper money against digital gold, #Bitcoin

Ok, so, Those are your goals,..why not just have tea,..and then go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..just have tea,..and then go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I am ok with their usable end products,..goods or services,..but none of their financial products,..,only some fiat money and #Bitcoin
.,ok. cool.

Hmm,..Now, some people say they do not like economics,..,economics is not about being liked,..it is about reality, how things really are,..i,ll teach by examples. and.,make things clear.,ok.
"Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach." - Albert Einstein.
Now,..what they teach in the traditional educational instituitions.. is not economics,..that is just a teaching job.,..they will not get paid for teaching real economics there, ok, cool...
The world doesn't work on a basis of some lab rat experiment in a small room or some mathematical model...lab is just a lab,..how the real world works..that is what matters, ok, cool.
Why Mona Lisa painting is so expensive or valuable,..that has no known use case as such,..tell me, ok, cool.
Don't worry, you will get it slowly,..there are lots of donkeys roaming around here and there, ok, cool.
Hmm,..but tea is always a good idea, ok,..cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,.. i kinda got that ok, cool..,really,..is that so, kinda sounds cool, ok..
Ok,..Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder,..,nice try almost, about Mona Lisa..,but so much money value just for beauty...Naa,..that is the point,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,...i kinda got that, ok... ok, i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool..,kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Tea is the secred recipe of good morning..ok, cool.
Ok,..Good coffee is also cool recipe of good morning, ok, cool.
Hmm,..For me, wow!, it is a nice cup tea, ok, cool.
Ok,..For cool ppl may be, wow!, it is a nice cup of coffee or hot chocolate, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,For some people,..wow!, What a Masterpiece of Painting!, about Mona Lisa!,..it is only one original piece,..,The Mona Lisa hangs behind bulletproof glass in a gallery of the Louvre Museum in Paris, where it has been a part of the museum's collection since 1804.
...People value it Subjectively,..i.e. Masterpiece of Painting!, not as a objective utility thing, ok.
...Only one original piece,..so, it is Scarce,..people will not value (in money value or else) its replica or copy hanging elsewhere,..ok.
...It is valuable, that is why people are protecting and preserving it,..Say, museum, bulletproof glass etc., ok.
Ok,..you can find more examples of other such valuable things,....i am just giving a starting point, ok.
Hmm..,Tea is always a good idea, for me, ok, cool.
Hmm,.. I,ll come to that later, ok...
...Paper money or Electronic money issued by central bank's today is by its very nature an inflationary form of money, and that is so, because it can only be produced by violation of property rights...ok.
...,you can have a state or a functioning economy,..not both,..be clear about that,..do not make hue and cry about that, ok, cool.
Ok,..that is why i always say,..tea is the better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..just have coffee,..and then go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Hmm,..So, it looks like defending champions, Algeria, not off to a good start, 2nd (Senegal) and 3rd (Nigeria) with ok start, 4th(Tunisia) not ok start, (of 2019 tournament), highest winning nation (7 times) Egypt and second highest winning nation Cameroon(5 times) off to a ok start,..let's see, who are teams that have the balls to reach the Semi-finals!,..ok, Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you know,.. tea is the better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..really,..is that so,..kinda sounds cool, ok.., that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..is that so, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool.
Hmm,.. Yeah, that is right,..if you leave them to their own,..you can safely say, they are nobodys,..ok, yeah, those so called politicians and such related people. So, you can't make somebody out of nobody,.. just like you can't make something out of nothing,..ok.
..Ok, so, keep some basic stuffs in check,.. things will be fine, ok, cool.
Hmm.. Told you,..I have not said anything much yet,..i,ll teach, slowly, it seems some can't get it fast, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok. ,ok, i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool..,kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,A nice cup of morning tea is good gesture to me,..ok, cool.
Ok,..Really,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.,..ok, that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok..cool.
Ok, so..,you are saying something about opportunity cost...,ok,.. that is not an opportunity exactly, ok, cool.
As they say,.. How much of human life is lost in waiting., ok, cool,..,Some want to have it all and be a Mother,..and Some want to have it all and be a Father,..at the same time, ok. Now the question is...do they have it all, ok, cool.
Yes,..that is the point,..There ain't no such thing as a free lunch,...another way to say,..it is not possible to get something for nothing, you must forego something, ok, cool.
Ok,..so, you think those military, marine guys are tough guys,..nope,..they just need money,..They believe state provides free money,..no need to do anything laborious work and all,.. not exactly so, ok..
They might get killed in conflicts,..or accidents, that more likey in dealing with guns and explosives,..
..and while they are out at posting,..,in many cases other men fuck their wives or their wives fuck other men back at home,..another man raise their children,..that just do not happen to US marines,..it happens everywhere,..,i know a SSB guy,..while he was out posting somewhere,..his wife had affair and then ran away with another man...not quite pleasing experiences, you see...etc. etc.
..such is opportunity cost,..,.you can find more examples, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..tea is a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..why waiting then, just have coffee,..and then go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..kinda sounds cool, ok....,..
Ok,..No.. embo jembo mini munu,.. ok,..come to the point, what is really going on,..,and who are paying the price,..somebody has to pay the price.. ok,..cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,.. just have coffee,..and then go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Hmm, No.. embo jembo mini munu,.. ok,..come to the point, who is screwing who,.. who is screwing and who is getting screwed,. end of the day somebody has to pay the price, ok, cool.
Ok, You think so,.. economics is a distasteful discipline,..i told you earlier,..it is not about being liked,.it is what it is, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..you think so,..kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok, that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm.. btw,..I have not said anything much yet,..i,ll teach, slowly,.., ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok...,ok, i kinda sorta got that,..ok..,kinda got that,..ok,.. got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..first tea,..then do your things,..but first tea, ok, cool.
Ok,..first tea or coffee,..then do your things,..do not come complaining,..just chill, ok.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..why don't you just have coffee,..and then go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..One more day to go, and only a few remaining spots to grab for Round of 16. Teams who have already booked their place are not surprising,..most are regular teams,..let's see, who are teams that have the balls to grab the remaining Round of 16 spots!..,ok,. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok, that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Hmm,..there is only,..one physics, one chemistry, one economics,..etc. etc,..
Some people do some mental gymnastics and indugle in fantasies in the name economics,..are not economics,..because they can't make us understand about the real world happenings, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..you want to make an estimate on joblessness...
Just put the state money printing press out of business or remove it. Without any surprise, most of the people with traditional jobs, will be jobless, ok, cool.
Most of the traditional jobs are not about creating value for customers or real people,..but being loyal around the state money printing press, ok, cool.
Most people are always looking for the easiest way to make money,..So, what is the easiest way to make money,..
It is not being,..intelligent, smart, hardworking, creative, genious etc..
The easiest way to make money is to print money,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool..
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..just have coffee,..and then go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..i kinda got that ok, cool..
Hmm,..,In real economy, with neutral money,...you will not get easy money re-supply from money printing press, in case you make bad desicions, wrong guess, etc...you will go bankrupt straight,.. that is the only way to improve accountability, result oriented, innovation, better desicion making etc..,ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..i kinda got that ok, cool..
Hmm,..If you don't need money from anyone,..you need nothing from anyone, ok, cool.
There are different ways people express their need for money,.. printing, tax, wages, salary, donation, beggary etc..ok.,..and beggars are not choosers, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..i kinda got that ok, cool.,.ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..ditch coffee,..just go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,.i kinda got that ok, cool..,ok,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea is better than morning chat,..tea is more than chat,..ok, cool.
Ok,..Tea is more than chat, ok, cool.
Hmm,..reminder,..i don't make money with made in india products, just like most people,..ok, cool.
Hmm,.,Making money is the most important and the most purposeful act of people,..ok.
Hmm,.,Most people are looking for money everyday, ok,..maybe they need it, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Most people are purposefully looking for the easiest way to make money, ok.
Hmm,..The easiest way to make money is to print money, others are laborious, ok, cool.
Hmm,..People act purposefully, but they don't act like any textbook definition, ok, cool.
Ok, so see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Reigning Champions, Algeria, out of the tournament!, no place in the Round of 16. As folks have been saying,..Anyone can get Unlucky!. All the teams that made it to the Round of 16, well done. Let's see who are teams that have the balls to survive the next round,.ok,.. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..really,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok..,that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Hmm,...,told you,..leisure is a valuable good,..,most people prefer leisure over labor,..see, people love the easier way,..me too,..ok, cool.
Some factual stuff...
. "What's the biggest and most dangerous financial bubble? Sovereign debt issued by profligate governments. And unlike stocks or corporate debt, government bond bubbles harm millions of ordinary people when they burst..."
But who will pay the debt,..An ignorant demagogue might say something like this..."We will pay,.."we" incurred it for "us" and "we" all will have to pay for "our" sake."..,etc. etc.
There is no clear definition of "we",..that is why nobody is personally liable and nobody will pay,..but when i say "i", that is distinct, ok,...there is no solution for "we" matters,..so ignore,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you know,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,.ok,..is that so,..i kinda got that, ok cool..,ok,..i kinda got that, ok cool..
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..tea is it,..tea is my best thing,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..everything is simple,..just start with a nice cup of tea,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,first, learn to generate some cash,..some profit margin,..in any condition,..then you understand some things, ok,..cool.
Hmm,..then,..you can do all your,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe,..stuffs, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,chai more and chat less,..make things just better, ok, cool.
Ok,..so your,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe,..stuffs are going cool, ok..
Hmm,..i have no reason to love tea,..but i do, ok,..things are cool as such, ok, cool.
Ok so,..The proceedings will continue,..,looks like some people will have to work harder to stay relavant in EPL. Let's see how folks handle their situation,..coming up EPL clashes, ok..cool.
Everton, Leeds, Brentford, Aston Villa, Southamton..,all of them have no room for sloppiness, are playing today,..,no disrespect for Newcastle, btw,..,ManUtd's fight for a place among top 4 continues,..let's see, ok, cool.
#EPL, Today, it start with Aston Villa vs Everton,..then the other games,..and ends with ManCity vs Southamton,.. ok,..let's see,
So far only shirt tearing,..,none hitting the net though,..,not giving much room to one another..so far.. Anyone, before halftime?..Goal!,.. It is halftime, Aston Villa 1-0 Everton.
Ok folks, some cool words from Tony Bellew.., Fail To Prepare, Prepare To Fail!.. point!, ok, cool.
Everton trying,..need more than trying.. time running out..,ok, things are getting a bit hot in the middle.. but time is running out for Everton. It is full-time, Aston Villa 1-0 Everton! #EPL
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..first tea,..then another cup of tea,..then chat, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Anytime is tea time,.. and tea time is always good time, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,People are always roaming around with some problems,...help them solve those problems,..they will pay, willingly or unwillingly,..,if there are no problems, then do nothing,.. that is the basis of a functioning society, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Important people are working, and unimportant people are talking,..that is the difference bewteen important and unimportant people of a society,.. ok, cool.
Ok,..so your,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe,..stuffs are going cool, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,When a bad entrepreneur goes out of business, A better entrepreneur just takes over,..,things are not lost,..societies benefit from the better entrepreneurs,.. ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..have coffee,..and then go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Hmm, All you need is a nice cup of tea,.. tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Now, all i want is a nice cup of tea,..,you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,KO round begins,..,it is all about Total energies,..,let's see who are teams that will get lucky and who will be unlucky..ok, Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so,..Gunfight at the OK Corral continues in the EPL clashes today,..,let's see who kicks who,..no room for sloppiness,..or will be overtaken at any point, ok. #EPL.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,.ok,..is that so,..i kinda got that, ok cool.
#EPL,..,There is no room for mistakes, ok folks,..three parallel matches to start with, Liverpool vs CPalace, Arsenal vs Burnley, Leicester City vs Brighton.,..then ends with Spurs vs Blues.,ok, let's see how things go..
How is it going, folks..,ok, so, the tall guy from Liverpool scores first, with a header,..rest nil-nil..so far,. looks like folks are trying and working,. goals will come..just keep trying, ok.. Another goal for Liverpool!, so easy!.. Palace folks, do something..,Looks like Burnley is taking more chances than the Gunners..,ok, is Brighton taking more chances than Leicester... It is halftime, Liverpool 2-0 CPalace, Arsenal 0-0 Burnley, Leicester City 0-0 Brighton. #EPL
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok cool.,.ok, i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Have a nice cup of tea, first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok,..so, tea was good, ok, cool.
Ok,..so your,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe,..stuffs are going cool, ok..
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Ok, so..,Important people are working, and Unimportant people are talking, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..so, things are going cool, ok,..chat less and chai more.., ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Important thing everywhere,..are the profit making businesses, serving real people,..ok,.. that require ability to predict future profitability better than the others.,that is not a matter of certainty,..fixed income, fixed salary, fixed profit, security, certainty, etc..are just jokes in the real world scenarios,...in the practical and dynamic world such things do not exist, ok.
You have to minus all the possible bad actors, such as robbers, crooks, politicians, burucrates, state sector unprofitables, etc.. you have to decide matters, after removing all such negatives things, ok, cool.
Ok, so. No investment is safe forever. Those who do not use their property in serving the consumers in the most efficient way are doomed to failure. There is no room left for people who would like to enjoy their fortunes in idleness and thoughtlessness. The proprietors must aim to invest their funds in such a way that principal and yield are at least not impaired., ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ownership of the means of production is not a privilege, but a social liability. They have to arrange their own security. Capitalists and landowners are compelled to employ their property for the best possible satisfaction of the consumers. If they are slow and inept in the performance of their duties, they are penalized by losses. If they do not learn the lesson and do not reform their conduct of affairs, they lose their wealth.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..first coffee,..and then go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..The Eagles of Carthage(Tunisia) and Burkina Faso,..just got lucky for the time being,..now who are teams that will get unlucky today, lets see, ok,.. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok, that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..Andreas Antonopoulos on #Bitcoin
sometimes back,..seems he made sense..

"..what most people don't realize I think is that in the beginning at least crypto will crash hard and the reason it will crash hard is because a lot of the venture capital, corporates investments and private investment from individuals that is based on cheap money and disposable income and excess cash and portfolios..etc.. like in every other part of the economy will dry up right when people get scared when there is a recession like that they pull back their investments and they're gonna pull back from crypto too...."
- Andreas M. Antonopoulos, seems make sense, ok, cool.
"The future is disorder. A door like this has cracked open five or six times since we got up on our hind legs. It is the best possible time to be alive, when almost everything you thought you knew is wrong."
- Tom Stoppard, Arcadia.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok cool..,ok, i kinda sorta got that, ok cool.
Hmm,..Morning is tea,.. say hello, ok, cool.
Ok,.so, tea is going good, ok cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Hmm,..People are fickle, weird and unique,..they are not wise and unbiased,..that is why things are so, ok, cool.
Hmm,..All the human nature and human behavior that make things such,.. ok, cool.
Hmm,..You do not or can't have a market in the isolation,..,markets are interaction among people, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..shutdown all the tax funded/state funded institutions/organiations,..,nothing happens to public at large,..except those who are taking salary from those institution/organization,..,that is why they are optional,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool..ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so,..Cameroon and Gambia,..just got lucky to be among the last 8,..now who are teams that will get unlucky today, lets see, ok,.. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok, then, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, really,..is that so,..shopping frees people from all the uncool stuffs,.. ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..first have coffee,..and go on shopping then, ok, cool.
Hmm,..The money in your bank accounts are not your money,..some people call it 'illegal tender law',.. so, unless you can withdraw,.. that is not your money,..,keep your money in banks at your own risk,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so..,Important people are working, and Unimportant people are talking, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always the better idea, ok,..rest are all optional, ok, cool.
Ok, so, small heads can't bear much of stuffs all at one time,..that's why i give them break, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Important people are busy with tea,..other people are fickle, weird and not needed, ok, cool.
Ok, kiddos,..You don't need money from anyone, You need nothing from them,..simple and clear, ok, cool.
Ok,..so your,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe,..stuffs are going cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, tea is going good, ok cool.
Hmm,..,Important people are busy with tea, and unimportant people, just do not matter,
Hmm,..,The world is borderless and digitally governed,..,means, most people do not make money with made in india products, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Sadio Mané and Edouard Mendy won, Senegal in the last 8!, rough collisons and 2 red cards, tough match!..Morocco too just got lucky to be among the last 8,..now, let's see, if Mo Salah and company get lucky today, against the boys from Didier Drogba's land,...then the last match for a place among the last 8, Mali against Equatorial Guinea,.. let's see, ok,. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Yeah, i saw the Binance Assist of the Day...,it is all about Total Energies, ok, cool.. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Ok, so, tea is going good, ok cool.,..ok, so, things are going cool, ok..
Ok, folks, let the unimportant people talk,..you just focus on your total energy for the upcoming matches, ok, cool,.. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, kiddos,..You don't need money from anyone, You need nothing from them, ok, cool.
Ok,..so your,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe,..stuffs are going cool, ok.
Ok, so, tea is going good, ok cool.
Ok, folks, you just focus on your total energy for the upcoming matches,..you folks need to have balls full of energy to make an impact on the pitch,..ok, cool,.. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok...
Ok, folks, let the unimportant people talk,..you guys just focus on your total energy for the upcoming matches, last, 8, 4, 3, 2, then 1! ..ok, cool,.. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, Important people are busy with tea,..other people are fickle, weird and unimportant, ok, cool.
Ok, so, both Egypt and Ivory Coast teams look strong,., so, no prediction, no favorites,.. the same goes to Mali and Equatorial Guinea, see you in action, ok.. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that ok, cool..ok,.i kinda sorta got that, ok, i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is the best tea,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,You think, you have better idea than tea,..tell me then, ok, cool.
Btw,..free money salary accounts auto refilling almost there, ok,...,yeah, that is beneficial for me,..that is why,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..free money is the better money,...ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..you folks work hard,..free money is the better money for me, ok, cool.
Ok,..so, get a free money salary account,..then you can chill, ok, cool.
Ok,..so then,..do your,...eeny, meeny, miny, moe,..stuffs, ok, cool.
Ok, as folks say,..Of all 36 ways to get out of trouble, the best way is - to have a free money salary account., ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, what,..,even if they are "dig a hole and fill that hole" jobs,.. your lives will pass in dirty places, dirty offices, dirty schools/colleges/univs, dirty hospitals, dirty quarters etc..,but they will print/tax and pay you,..for creating zero value for real people,..,so what,..you,ll get free salary,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Important people are busy with tea, and unimportant people, just do not matter., ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Those are your goals,..why be like a 'gadhi', then, just go achieve your goals.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool..
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok...,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, After full time and extra time long battle, none could break the shield,..so, finally it came down to penalty shootout,.. both Egypt and Equatorial Guinea somehow managed to get a place among the last 8 that way,..ok, so, Quarter-finals begin on 29th of Jan,2022, ok, cool.. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok,..Important people are busy with tea,..other people are fickle, weird and unimportant.
Ok, so, Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea is always good tea,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..ok,..Afternoon tea is also good tea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, things are going cool, ok..
Hmm,..,I like Binance Assists of the Round,..i,ll like to keep some #Bitcoin
on Binance, ok, cool.

I prefer to keep only a small amount of #Bitcoin
in indian wallets,..,state sector workers, such as money printing press workers can sniff around, i don't like it. I prefer 12 word seed phrase wallets and hardware wallets.,..people say, likes of exodus wallet and bitpie wallet are good, they provide private key, ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, things are going cool, ok..
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I like Binance Assists of the Round,..i,ll like to keep some #Bitcoin
on Binance, ok, and it's gonna be really cracking Quarter-finals, ok, Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.

Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..Important people are busy with tea,..other people are fickle, weird and unimportant.
Ok, ok, so, tea is going cool, ok..,.. ok, so, tea is going great, ok, cool.
Ok, Important people = #Bitcoin
+ tea,..other people are fickle, weird and attention seekers, self-proclaimed fickle bitcoiners,..,but Saylor@saylor and Alyse Killeen @AlyseKilleen look ok, cool.

Hmm,..,I like Binance Assist of the Day,..i,ll like to keep some #Bitcoin
on Binance, ok, and it's gonna be really cracking Quarter-finals, ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.

Ok, ok,..i kinda got that ok, cool..,ok..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea makes everything better,..so, first tea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so,.. eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. stuffs are going cool, ok then..
Ok, so,..Those are your goals,..don't be like a 'gadhi', then, just go achieve your goals.
Ok, so,..what gadhii is?, ok..,hey, relax relax,..that means not that bad, ok, cool.
Ok,when a gal loves,she becomes a 'gadhii', when a man loves, he becomes a 'gadhaa'
Ok, so, you see, things are evenly poised here, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, It's Quarter final first day, it is all about total energies,..it's gonna be all about cracking matches, ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Btw,..free money salary accounts auto refilling almost there, ok,..and, that is beneficial for me,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai, ok, cool.
Ok,..really,..there is only one kind of love,..there are a thousand irritations!,..ok, cool.
Ok, that is why i always say,..tea is always the better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Tsamina mina, eh eh
Waka waka, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa..
--- Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok...ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Hmm,..,So, Battle for a place in the Semi final begins, first Cameroon vs Gambia, then Burkina Faso vs Tunisia, ..it is all about total energies,..Give your best shots!, boys,.. Reaching to the Semi finals, to be among the last 4, is an important milestone. See you in Action, ok, cool,. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea first, then, you know,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..It is all about a nice cup of tea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,that's why chat less and tea more, ok, cool.
Ok,..,Teams that play better, win, that is the way football is, you see..,that is why Cameroon and Burkina Faso are in the Semi finals, ok. You have to build better teams,..better players,.ok., you may win couple of matches here and there, by luck,..but if you want to go far, want to win tournaments,..you need to build strong teams,..that takes time and effort,..that is the way football is,.. ok, cool... Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok,.so, Lampard is back in business, back in action,..that is good. Some people say, lots of credit goes to him for his work in laying out the groundwork to build Chelsea's current status. I,would like to see him do well for Everton too, ok, cool. #EPL.
Ok, so, that is the way football is,.. ok, cool.
Ok, so, You guys want a place in the Semi finals, just play better than your opponent teams, ok,..that is the way football is,.. ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool..
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Ok,..really, is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so,..Battle for a place in the Semi finals continues,..first Egypt vs Morocco, and then Senegal vs Equatorial Guinea,..Just give your best shots!, boys,..results will follow. I believe, you guys will treat us with great performances!, ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Tea first, then do your things,..ok, cool.
Ok,..First tea, then chat less, ok, cool.,..wanna chat,..chat then,..but first tea, ok, cool.
Hmm, It is all about as they are, rather than as they "should" be, no whims and fancy.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, The Science of Exchanges,..some people like Richard Whately calls it Catallactics
The Science of Exchanges is all about the way the free market system reaches exchange ratios and prices. It aims to analyse all actions based on monetary calculation and trace the formation of prices back to the point where an agent makes his or her choices. It explains prices as they are, rather than as they "should" be.
The Science of Exchanges is not about value judgements,..but all about being exact, empirical, and of universal validity,.. no whims and fancy,..ok, cool.
As folks say,..Bitcoin is not a Company, It's not an Organization, Bitcoin is a Standard. It's a Protocol.
Ok, #Bitcoin
has value, because Market say so,..that is why #Bitcoin
is free market money, it is not for consumption purpose,..money is not a consumption good, but used for exchanges.

Btw,..free money salary accounts auto refilling almost there, ok,.,and that comes freely from money printing press,..ok, cool.
Ok, no work, value creation for real people required,..just whims and fancy.. and just print and distribute freely, ok cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool..
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Ok, so,..Egypt,..Mo Salah and company,... Senegal,..Sadio Mané, Edouard Mendy and company booked their place in the Semi finals!,..told you, teams that play better, win!. Teams that could not make it to the last 4, never mind guys, it's tough, next time, prepare better,..ok,..that is the way football is,.. ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so,..That is the way football is,..it is all about Total Energies,..and Binance assist of the Round,..all the folks, Continental, Prudential, Orange,..and the last 4!.. Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Egypt and Senegal, well done,..see you all in the Semi finals,..ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool..,tea is always a better idea, ok.
Ok, really,..is that so,.. ok, ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that ok, cool..,..ok, ok,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea first, then do your things,.. ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Ok,..but first tea, then do your things,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok,..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..,Sometimes i do not bore other people,..other time that seems ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..Spending and talent nurturing is important,..on training facilities, academies, medical facilities etc..,but you can't build a sport culture with mere spending money, overspending doesn't help,..China tried to build football culture with big government spending,..,seems did not work out,..without some inborn raw talent, genuine love and passion for football,..you can't create a football culture,..,it's like, you can't make somebody out of nobody,..,valid for any sport, ok. So far, Japan and South Korea are the only two major Asian footballing nation, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Ok,..Just being attention seekers do not help,..without some inborn raw talent, genuine love and passion ,ok,..,talent and passion only will take far ahead, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, Any specific institution, organization,..,company, government, non profit etc,..,are not personally important for me,..i will never need money from them,..they are personally important for those who need money/salary from them,..ok,..,but goods and services provided by them of my liking is ok,..rest are optional, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Whatever,..but first tea,...ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Ok, so, tea is going good,..,chat less and tea more,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so,..tea is going cool, ok....02-02-2022, is kinda cool day, ok.
Ok, so, Some people say, although Senegal and Burkina Faso are big names in African Football,.. they have never won the Cup of Nations. Now, why folks are saying things like that,..is bit of a surprise,.ok, cool.. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, Now you why,.. you always need a nice cup of tea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,..ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, It is all about the fantastic 4!,..,It's time for Semi-final-1, Senegal vs Burkina Faso. Some people say, now it is all about Total Enegies and Binance Assist,..,let's see who will be the first team to make it to the Final!,.. Africa Cup of Nations, #Semi-final-1 @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that ok, cool..ok,.i kinda sorta got that ok, cool..,kinda got that, ok.
Ok, chat less and stay cool, ok.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is nice tea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..so, tea is going cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..really,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..,Profit making entrepreneurs/businesses matter,..,they stand by themselves,..rest are just scared little kids,..just doing,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. stuffs, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, It is all about the fantastic 4!. Ok, so, we eventually found out that the first finalist is Senegal,..told you, the teams that play better, normally win, ok,..that is what just happened for Senegal...Yeah, it is was all calm till 70th minute,..then all happeneded!.. @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so,..Some people say, it is all about TOTAL ENERGIES of the team,. that is right, ok. Now, why key players matter,..because they can contribute in different ways,..You see, Sadio Mané's valuable contribution to the team to win a crucial match,..Sadio Mané made the BINANCE, Assist of the Day!, and got his 1XBET, Goal of the Day!,..Edouard Mendy made his CONTINENTAL, Save of the Day!,..,so, you see, why great players are called great player,..it is their ability to make valuable contribution to the team, ok. So, the first Finalist is Senegal, great!, ok, cool... @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, Now the question is, who will challenge Senegal in the final,..Egypt or Cameroon, two titans of African Football!. It's time for Semi-final-2, Egypt vs Cameroon..,You can't take any of them for granted, ok. Let's see who will be the team to make it to the Final and challenge Senegal!,.. Africa Cup of Nations, #Semi-final-2 @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, That is why always have a nice cup of tea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok. really,..is that so, sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first, ok,..then you know,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Btw,..It looks like free money salary accounts auto refilling are done, they seem active, ok,...,and yeah, that is beneficial for me too,..that is why,..ok, cool.
Ok, no work, nothing to deliver,..just free money, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..
Hmm,..Ability to run untiringly for atleast 2 hours is not a very easy thing to do,..,lots of matches demand that level of stamina and fitness,..,that is a real football thing, no kids stuffs, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,People do not value it, that's it..that is why states/govts are not profitable, otherwise people will buy/pay for their services,..,that is why they survive by taxing/robbing other people, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,People value.. nice house, nice car, properties,..and other nice stuffs,..,that's why they pay for them,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,...The twentieth-century nation-state, with all its pretensions, will starve to death as its tax revenues decline. Giving different names/terms, such as,..communism, socialism, state,..etc..make no difference,.becasuse they are all the same,..,and nobody value them other than the nobodys, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, That is also right,..,winning a match through penalty shootout, without taking a penalty shot is called Mo Salah, ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Preventing two penalty shots in a raw from scoring, in the penalty shootout, Egypt's goalkeeper Mohamed Abou Gabal becomes the penalty sweetheart of the Egyptian team. People say, that way Egypt becomes victorious and reaches the Final!, ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..Told you, there is no idea, i am the idea, ok..my ideas always work for me,
Ok so, you folks do all the..eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. stuffs, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Tea or Coffee first, ok,..then you know,.. ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok,..really,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..have a nice cup of coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok.
Ok, so,..it is all about Total Weirdness..,ok, cool.
We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness - and call it love - true love.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool,..really..chattier means happier, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,..ok,..that kinda sounds cool..
Ok, so,..,Now, It is all about the fantastic 4!,..,it is all about Total Energies of the 4 teams!,.. normally, the 3rd position is better than the 4th position,..,what is more important is winning a match at this stage,..You folks have worked hard to get through the laborious group stage, then knockout stage..all through to the Semis. You will have to wait for another 2 years for the next Cup of Nations tournament, and again will have to go through the same,..that is a tough ask. So, make the most of the current tournament,.. Play to Win!, ok,.., Cameroon vs Burkina Faso,..,give your best shots!, ok, guys, cool. Africa Cup of Nations, @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea first, ok,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, so, tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok,..,Some people are Coffeeholic, some are Teaholic, some are Alcoholic, some are Twitterholic..,and some are YouTuboholic, ok. So, people are as they are, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..just have a cup of coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok.
Hmm,..,No, I do not know, what national currencies they use,..,but the players and the football teams are more interesting to know,..ok. Say,..Ahmed Musa plays for Nigeria national team and Turkish Süper Lig club, Fatih Karagümrük,..last time he played well in the FIFAWC,2018 from Nigeria national team,..that is way he is known to me,..,to me Football is their Identity,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,.A big Thank You!, to YouTube for broadcasting the Cup of Nations, making it hassle free to watch for worldwide football fans, including me,.. ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so,..Vincent Aboubakar and company made their statement,..why the Indomitable Lions from Cameroon can't be taken lightly at any stage. Burkina Faso, though started great with 3-0 lead,..lost their momentum in the last stages, but Cameroon did not give up..a classic turnaround,..,3-0 down! till 70th minute,..,leveled 3-3, through remarable Vincent Aboubakar's double strike,..then 5-3 penalty Victory..Bravo!.., Africa Cup of Nations @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..why tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, funky life is cool,..ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, You guys are keeping the best for the last!, go for the gold!..ok,..that is also ok,. cool., Africa Cup of Nations @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so,..Some people say, The Final is all about,..The Lions of Teranga vs The Pharaohs,..,it is not Tirangaa, that is a Hindi movie, ok,..,Some people say, it is all about Team Egypt vs Team Senegal, ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations #Final @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..a nice Cup of tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, now, things are like this, in major internationals..ok.
Best of Europe, UEFA EURO,2020 winner is Italy,..key people,..Giorgio Chiellini, Leonardo Bonucci..et al.
Best of South America, CONMEBOL Copa América,2021 winner is Argentina,..key people,..Lionel Messi, Ángel Di María...et al.
Best of the World, FIFA World Cup, 2018 winner is France,..,key people,..Antoine Griezmann, Paul Pogba..et al.
Best of Africa, CAF Africa Cup of Nations, 2021 - to be decided.
Ok, so, you see,..having a nice Cup of tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, now, Some people say, the Final is all about Team Egypt vs Team Senegal, Some people say, it is all about Sadio Mané vs Mohamed Salah,..Some people say,..it is all about Mohamed Salah, Mohamed Abou Gabal et al. vs Sadio Mané, Edouard Mendy et al. Some people also say, it is all about Liverpool man vs Liverpool man,.. they are all right, in their own right, ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations #Final @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..having a nice Cup of tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Let's thank all the sponsors one more time,..TotalEnergies, Umbro, Binance, TikTok, Visa, Orange, 1XBET, Continental,...,for their partnership with Football. and YouTue for broadcasting worldwide for all the football fans,..ok, cool. Africa Cup of Nations #Final @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..a nice Cup of tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Final it is, play it like Final!, lest wait for another 2 years,..,who knows about the future. Team Egypt, Team Senegal, all the best,.. See you in Action!, ok. Africa Cup of Nations #Final @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Ok, so, you see,..having a nice Cup of tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Ok, so far it looks like Senegal playing and Egypt walking..Only the goalkeeper Mohamed Abou Gabal looks like playing from Egypt side.,what is going on guys..show some intensity..,just 10 minutes go, show some urgency guys!, No breakthrough, so, it goes to the extra time,..find a decider, guys, find a tiebreaker!, now, 8 minutes to penalty shootout..,is that the way you guys want to decide it..so be it!, now, it is on the shoulders of the two goalkeepers, Edouard Mendy and Mohamed Abou Gabal!..
Senegal the African Champions, for the first time ever!, Congratulations, guys!
Africa Cup of Nations #Final @CAF_Online #AFCON2021.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first,..,then you know,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.,..ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, told you, teams that play better, normally win,..,that is what just happened for Team Senegal,..,that is the way football is,..all you have to do is to play better than your opponent team,..you need to keep improving, your stamina, passing accuracy, assist accuracy, ability to convert in the finishing line, etc. If you do not have dissapointments, heartbreaks, etc...you never tried anything new, you never took any risk,..,that is not the way anyone can improve or make progress,..,that is not the way any human society can make progress.. that is the way football is too,..,you have to improve, do better next time,..,that is the way football is, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see, Team Senegal,..having a nice Cup of tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..really,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok,..kinda got that, ok.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first,..then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, so,... tea is going good,..,ok, cool.
Ok, really,..is that so,...nice cup of tea is great,..ok, that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..,Don't know, what these banking cartels, banking burucracies want to achieve,..,they want xerox papers, when they go to piss and take a shit,..,i don't know,..so, inefficient, cumbersome and timewasting, ok.
Ok, so, you see, a nice cup tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Interbank ATM Card support is not so frictionless as they say,..they do not support one anothers ATM card in many cases,..and there are different hidden charges and taxes involved, ok,..so, inefficient, cumbersome and wasteful, ok.
Ok, so, you see, tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,European Champion, South American Champion, African Champion, and World Champion,.., all of them are different,..,they have different difficulty level and challenges,..,depend on conditions and situation of the places,..team strength and performance at that specific periods matter,..France is the World Champion, the winner of FIFA World Cup, 2018, but they are not the European Champion, UEFA EURO,2020 winner is Italy,..they are in the same Continent, Europe, ok. France could not even reach to the Quarter finals, was knocked out in the round of 16 by Team Switzerland,. Xherdan Shaqiri, Yann Sommer, Granit Xhaka..et al.,.ok. So, you see, they all have different difficulty level and challenges, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see, a nice cup tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.,..ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..that means, tea is going good, ok cool.,.ok,..so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok,..i kinda got that, ok.
Hmm,..Morning tea first,..then morning chat, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..how is tea going for domestic goddess, tell me, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..so, what i was talking about banking,..,some random people, whom you don't know, can freeze your bank account and lock your money for some arbitrary reason, with their own whims and fancy, consequently you will not be able to withdraw, when you need it urgently..,they don't know what is urgent for you,..even if you can withdraw with an ATM Card, they will cut hidden charges and taxes,..,ultimately you, the account holder will suffer the consequences, not some other,..,ok, so, keep your money in banks at your own risk,..that is all i was saying, ok, cool.
Ok,..but, things are not always that bad,..you can buy #Bitcoin
using bank accounts ,..in case you don't know how to mine bitcoin,.,or have no equipment to mine bitcoin or do not want to take the headache of mining,..ok, cool.

One of the most important thing about #Bitcoin
is,..they can't form cartels,..,even a solo miner can beat a cartel, if they try to form one,..they will learn their lesson in the hard way, ok, cool.

The killer application of #Bitcoin
, is..on-chain transactions from wallet to wallet, address to address, at minimum transaction fee,..though hard to achieve,..Lightning is good, but on-chain transactions are much better,..and to avoid bitcoin dust is important.

On-chain transactions are much better, because,..once verified and confirmed on the blockchain, on-chain transactions cannot be reversed unless the majority of the network’s hashing power agrees to do so, making on-chain transactions more reliable and fraud-resistant., ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see, a nice cup tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, we are talking about the oceans,..not about the frogs, who are feeling big in their own small ponds..,whales may be big creatures of the oceans, but they do not rule the oceans,..and there are whale poachers, also. So, you see, there are no rulers of the oceans,..i have never met poseidon,..nobody has,.. ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see, a nice cup tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok..,ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Ok, so, funky life is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..kids will be kids,..ok,..there are lots of troubled and confused kids, ok, cool.
Ok, told those kids,..firstly, learn to make profit,.. then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, bitcoin is just better form of money,..but you can make profit with any money, ok.
Ok, some kids say, they understand economics, then again ask for donation, ok, kids.
Ok, some kids are writting books about bitcoin then selling it for fiat money,ok, kids.
Ok, kids will be kids, ok, cool.
Ok, kids,..firstly, learn to make profit,.. then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see, tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first,..then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.,.ok, that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, FIFA Club World Cup, 2021 is underway, 7 Teams from 6 confederations, number of participant teams look small, it's been quite a while, since, 2000, but good to have The Competition. #FIFA
Ok, so, Things are getting better and better for ManCity,..looks like rest of the folks are sweating much more,..and will have to sweat much more in the upcoming matches,..ok, folks, play well then, 1:15AM IST is not quite suitable timing for me. See you folks on saturday Matches, ok, cool. #EPL.
Ok, so, you see, tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Some kids make noise when #Bitcoin
price goes up in terms of their local fiat money, the same kids make noise when #Bitcoin
price goes down in terms of their local fiat money.

For the time being, I count my sat counts only.
Ok, so,..Some kids hope, some fiat billionaires will come in and push up the #Bitcoin
price,..the same kids will cry when those fiat billionaires withdraw and #Bitcoin
price goes down.

They did not become billionaires by serving people with great products,..most of them became billionaires by exploiting the state machinery, privilege provided by the state machinery with money printing and taxation,..they are cronies, not entrepreneurs.
I know how to make profit helping other people, solving some of their small little real life problems,..some people call that entrepreneurship.
The invention of #Bitcoin
,cannot be uninvented. It creates the possibilities for decentralized organization on a scale never before seen on this planet.

is money of the people, the crowd, every individual..so, believe in yourselves a little more.

Ok, i believe kids got some stuffs, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see, a nice cup of tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,there is no such thing as our money/salary,..and there is no such thing as free lunch,..simple and useful stuffs, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,lockdowns were profitable for me,..next time if they pull another shit like that,.. i,ll double my profit,...,simply because whatever the situation or condition is..people need to eat,.. ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see, tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.,..ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, Important people are busy with tea,..other people are fickle, weird and unimportant, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, What i was asking is,..,to move some bigger volume of #Bitcoin
from wallet to wallet, on-chain at a minimum cost is the killer application of #Bitcoin
,..micropayment,..people are already doing that off-chain with Lightning and all,..,Are you folks working on that,..,don't just beat around the bush,..ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see, tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, You think so,..you folks are smarter, that is why Stacking Sats,..other people are stacking shits, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.,.,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, you see, tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. stuffs are going good, ok cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
#EPL, Ok, so, how is it going guys,..,Man Utd vs Southamton,.. ok, United got their first goal!, in the name of Sancho!, i believe it did not taste good for Southamton folks,..what are they doing about that, what is their answer..,but Man Utd folks look pretty ok with relatively early goal lead..ok, cool.. but Southampton folks want to say something,..not making their point yet..any answer before halftime. ..ohh,.that is offside!, no reward for Pogba..Ok, it is halftime, Man United 1-0 Southamton.
As folks say,..You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending., ok, cool.
Second half begins,..Southamton strikes!, Adams give them the equalizer..great!.,.try to tear other peoples' t-shirt is not a good idea,..Shaw might know that..ok, cool..,another 30 minutes to go, in normal time....so far, Man United 1-1 Southamton.,ok.., ohh,..no reward there either,..Ronaldo offside! 15 minutes to get winner.. time running out!..,no winner yet.. 5 added minutes..,Ok, so, point shared. It is fulltime, Man United 1-1 Southamton., that's ok. #EPL.
Hmm,..,really,..is that so,.that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea first,..then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..So, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so..You are not a jealous type, "but what is mine is mine, no further arguments.", ok.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok.. is that so,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.
"Oh, you foolish Alice!" she said again, "how can you learn lessons in here? Why, there’s hardly room for you, and no room at all for any lesson-books!" - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to."
"I don’t much care where -"
"Then it doesn’t matter which way you go." - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool..
"But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad." "How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..It’s true that things are Beautiful when they Work. Art is Function. - GB
Hmm, These days people are using mobile wallets,..,Google pay, Phonepe, Bhim etc.,..small store owners are also using them to accept payment...that is all ok,..what is not ok is, even though Internet Banking and Mobile Banking, UPI etc..promise 24x7 service,..they don't work that way in real time in many a time. There are frequent bank server issues, outages etc. So, people can't pay/transfer with those wallets,..in those scenarios, they are useless..,and we are back to square one again. Banking softwares are developed and maintained by Tech companies,..there are bugs in those softwares, virurses are in their computers/servers, they are prone to hacking, hackers can target specific computers/severs,. that is the reason net banking and mobile banking fail to deliver so frequently. Banking softwares are maintained by IT companies. so, there are huge maintainance cost involved in that. They are inefficient, cumbersome, and huge cost involved.
Ok, so,..retail banking, retail payment,..big problems, big cost..,As one of my brother in law, a state govt employee, says, Bhoogle pay (he means Google pay), doesn't work when needed, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,...told you,..High calibre people can hack into systems developed by Low calibre people,..not the other way around, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL,..,Team Everton did really good,..the players gifted Lampard with convincing victory and 3 points!,. ManCity rampage continues, they bulldozed Norwich City!, Brighton played well, earned their 3 points!, Brentford and Crystal Palace had to share their points,..ok, then,.. Let,s see how folks will play today, ok, cool. #EPL
Ok, ok..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.,..ok,.that kinda sounds cool, ok.
#EPL, Wolves look hungry!, good,..,ok, play well folks. I,ll chat less and enjoy the matches, ok, cool. Newcastle made their point. Villa folks, Spurs folks, wanna make your points, then go ahead.., Liverpool and Burnley have not made their points yet,..,ok, Fabinho made his point!..good.
It is halftime, Wolves 2-0 Spurs, Villa 0-1 Newcastle, Liverpool 1-0 Burnley,.. it is half of the story, it will continue in the second half.. ok, cool.
So, second begins...,time is running out, looks like no points for Spurs, Villa and Burnley.., It is fulltime,.. Wolves 2-0 Spurs, Villa 0-1 Newcastle, Liverpool 1-0 Burnley.,ok then. #EPL
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok.,.i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first,..then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
"A large rose tree stood near the entrance of the garden: the roses on it were white, but there were three gardeners at it, busily painting them red. This Alice thought a very curious thing…" - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
...meaning,.. Money, after all, does not grow on trees., ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..If you say intelligent things about love,..that is not about love,..if societies largely approve or like it, that is not love,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
"And what an ignorant little girl she’ll think me for asking! No, it’ll never do to ask: perhaps I shall see it written up somewhere." - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
...ignorance is bliss,..don't ask, don't pry..ok.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. stuffs are going cool, ok.
Ok,..Really..is that so,.. beth pearson told you so,..that kinda sounds cool, btw, ok.
Ok,.so, Love may have a definition, but for me love means you,..ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.,..ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,ok,.i kinda sorta got that, i kinda got that, ok.
Ok, i kinda got that, ok,..chat less and stay cool..ok.,.stay cool,..ok.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..so,..tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,do your things and do not come complaining, ok, cool.
Ok,.. that is the way you become a real man/woman, ok, cool.
Ok,..really, you think so,..We are born of love,..love is our mother,..ok, ..but i thought of something else.,ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Things that appear in the news media, ads etc. are not important,..and rich, famous people do not love, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Things they say 'giving it for free',...are not free,..somebody is paying the price of that,..,there is no such thing as free lunch,..somebody has to pay, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Living things are inherently difficult to understand,..economics also is a living thing,..and to live implies both imperfection and change.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..so,..tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.,.ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok,..value is subjective but not arbitrary, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL, Ok, so, folks are saying, there will be action,..Man United vs Brighton,..,at 1:45AM IST!,..who knows, i may wake up and watch,..So, play well, folks,..ok, cool. #EPL
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Tea first,..with cake is ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Where there is chatty people, there is chat,..ok,..not entirely surprising and unexpected, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Everybody starts from somewhere,..,there is no need bind them there,..,let them explore and find other ways,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool., ok,. i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..so, things are going cool, ok then.
Ok ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,We are here for instant partial removal of uneasiness as long as alive. As soon as one want is satisfied, new wants spring up and ask for satisfaction.,So, there is no full satisfaction.
Whatever a man may have achieved in the course of his pilgrimage, he must one day pass away and abandon all that he has built. Each instant can become his last.
Ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,.That is why free money salary accounts are better,..,pass the burden, uneasiness etc. to some other,..just other than yourself,..they are autorefilled every month, no need to deliver anything, just pretent like doing something, ok,..free money/salary is better money..,ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.,ok,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea first,.. then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.,so,..,who are 'they' here,..some people say politicians and such people kind of people make the laws, rules etc..,but some politicians are also saying 'they',..who are 'they' here,..who are they blaming here,..,clear me up, folks, ok, cool.
Ok,..so,..,who are taking the shots,..who are 'they',..who are destroying this money thing,..who are 'they' here,..who are taking the shots, tell me, ok, cool.
Ok,..so,..Normally most people are looking for free money/salary,..,So, if everyone is working for money, then i don't see any major issues anywhere..,those who are getting free money/salary are taking the shots,..is that what you all mean,..tell me, ok, cool.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant americans...", makes more sense,..and things seem same everywhere.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..I do not have a money printing press. I am neither a free money/salary recipient nor a welfare recipient,..,no connetion with so called well connected people,..so, i am not a free money reciever,. ,looks like, i earn money, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Tea activies first,..then other things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Cool activities are going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
#UCL,.Ok, so,..,Things looks really good for Man City boys so far, they just toyed Sporting!,..It looks like Inter played well, yet nothing to show, but Liverpool came up with 2 goals somehow!,.. Bayern just survived Salzburg scare for the time being,..,PSG just edged passed Real Madrid in the last minutes,..it looked like real battle between them, Real Madrid might come back in the second leg, who knows,..,second leg might be tougher for those who have no goal differences, single goal difference,..opponent teams may come back better,..So, let's see, ok, cool. #UCL
As folks say,..Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. The ladder of success is never crowded at the top...go the extra mile it's never crowded,..,sounds like folks say it right sometimes, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,When things become profession,..people take them seriously,..that is why regular professional league football is important, such as EPL, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga etc,..,Internationals are great, but they are occasional, they have to be occasional. So, regular professional football is important for sustained development and preservation of football culture, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL, Ok, so, folks say, today is Matchday 26,..and action will start with, West Ham vs Newcastle, ..then rest of the maches follow,.. and ends with Man City vs Spurs,..,let's see, ok, cool. #EPL
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL, Ok, so,..things are going good,..In the first half,...West Ham 1-1 Newcastle,..ok, ok,..that was good effort from both the sides, ok,..now, let's see how the second half unfolds, ok, cool.
Ok, 6 more minutes to go,..no winner yet,..3 points is always better than shared point, 1..,you will realize that when things progess further,..anyone,..a winner goal?,..or settle for shared points?,
Ok, so, points shared,..It is full time,..West Ham 1-1 Newcastle. #EPL
Ok, ok,..is that so..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..ok,.i kinda sorta got that,.i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Tea or Coffee,..whatever,..but first,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,All you need is money,..,rest of the stuffs you can get from it, ok, cool.
Ok, so..,the sooner you understand that,..lesser you will have to run for it, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
"My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that." - The Queen of Hearts.
...ok, it is not the money that always make people run,..,it is inflation, the destruction of money/savings,..that actually make people run faster.., ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Told you, any specific institution, organization or company etc..are not personally important for me,..,i,ll never need them to make money,..,in case their goods or services are of my liking, that is ok,..rest are optional, ok, cool.
I watch football, because i love to watch,..,how much money they are making is none of my concern,.., leave those to media morons and other such people, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,What is the least transaction fee so far to move 1 BTC from one address to another, on-chain,..simple question, that is what i was asking, #Bitcoin
, not to beat around the bush,..,ok, cool.

Mining is creation of money, anyone can do, anywhere in the world, but no specific person or group has monopoly on it,..,transportation of that money on-chain to anywhere in the world at a least cost is important,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,i prefer #Bitcoin
as payment, if somebody prefers fiat money/paper money, ..i,ll give them that,..,but #Bitcoin
remains #Bitcoin
, no convert back to fiat banks,.., i accept #Bitcoin
as payment,..that is what money does, that is why #Bitcoin
is money,..ok, cool.

Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
I believe that is enough for the kids today, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Europe is more conducive for football,..may be,..,but talent, passion, and dedication etc.. seems there,..,South America and Africa seem to have talent, passion etc.. there,..they have to develop regular professional league football by themselves.,ok, cool.
#EPL,Ok, so, There was a Spurs surprise for ManCity boys,..that is good,..that is good for Spurs boys,. Let,s see, how the folks display their skills today.., ManUtd, Leeds, Wolves and Leicester, ok, cool. #EPL
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so..that kinda sounds cool, ok.,.ok,.i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..so, evening tea is going good, ok then.
#EPL, Ok, so,..Leeds and Man Utd boys will kick off first,..then Wolves and Leicester,..,so, it is Leeds vs Man Utd, then,..so be it, ok,..No Room for Sloppiness,..see, you in Action!,.ok.
Expected better from Leeds boys..,but Maguire and Bruno,..right on the money,..It is halftime Man Utd 2-0 Leeds Utd. Let's see, how the second half plays out,..what the Leeds boys have in their pockets, ok.
Hmm,..it looks like Leeds are back in business!, 2-2,..,still 25 more minutes to go.., Man Utd 3-2! up with 20 minutes to go!..,still have some time for Leeds to save 1 point..,that's it!..Man Utd sealed it, 4-2 up!. It is full time,..Man Utd 4-2 Leeds Utd. #EPL
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok,.i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..really..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, so,..tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Most people are looking for a good life,..without work,..,keep trying, if that works. ok, cool.
Hmm,..,When you go out and serve people,..with some work,..things usually work, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,.ok,..is that so,...i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. stuffs are going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..People are fickle, weird and unique,..they are not wise and unbiased.., ok, cool.
Ok, so,..People will anyway do, what they want to,..,so, you do what you want to, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai.
Hmm,..,Free Money/Salary accounts are autorefilled every month,..without fail,..rest of the people have to earn it..,ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai.,ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Free Money/Salary recievers are vocal,..and busy wasting money,..,rest of the people have to work to earn money,..,ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai.,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Free Money/Salary recievers never pay a penny in tax,..if you pay free money to someone, every month, till death, there is no meaning of tax,..so, they never pay a penny in tax,..,ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai.,ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt. - Herbert Hoover (1936).
Hmm,..,there is no such thing as free lunch,..there are debts,..huge debts,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,for me, importance of any specific institution or organization is - zero, ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..really,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
#UCL,..Ok, so,..There will be actions tonight,..at 1:30AM IST!,..,ok, lets see..#UCL
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..have a cup of coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Hmm, Binance app is cool like Binance Assist,..It is Binance Lite actually,..ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tonight is all about Chelsea vs LOSC, and Juventus vs Villarreal, Round of 16 Leg 1.
Let's check their respective current League Standings..
Chelsea, EPL,..current position, 3rd, matches played, 25, session 2021-22, doing good.
LOSC, Ligue 1,..current position, 11th, matches played,25,session 2021-22, doing bad.
Villarreal, La Liga,..current position, 6th, matches played,25,session 2021-22, doing ok.
Juventus, Serie A,..current position, 4th, matches played,26,session 2021-22, doing good.
...Ok, Let's see how they display their skills and their current forms tonight, ok, cool.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first,..,then do your things,...ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..really,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Some people's chats are worth melting for,..,Aristotle composed that, ok, cool.
Ok,..forget the rest,..why,..it seems locality is kind of a tricky business, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Most parents try to control their kids,..try to mould them the way the parents want,..,so you see,..willing to control other people is a natural instinct,..,most of such parents fail,..,and tell those sad stories to their relatives and other people in the locality,..,those parents also did something similar to their parents,..ok, cool.
Ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..really,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
#UCL,..Hmm,..,told you, Round of 16 is a tricky business,..,your might break your 2nd leg, if you are not watchful and well prepared, ok. Chelsea still going good,..,let's see what LOSC can do in the second leg,..,Juventus could not build on their first minute goal,..Villarreal hold them,..,second leg can go either way,..ok, cool. #UCL
#UCL,..Tonights actions look interesting,..Man Utd vs Athletico Madrid, and Ajax vs Benfica,..,beating Ronaldo seems kind of a interesting idea for some players,..maybe.
Ok, so,..let's check their respective current League Standings..
Man Utd, EPL,..current position, 4th, matches played, 26, session 2021-22, doing good.
Athletico, La Liga,..current position,5th, matches played,25, session 2021-22, doing ok.
Ajax, Eredivisie,..current position,1st!, matches played,23,session 2021-22, doing good.
Benfica, Primeira Liga,..current position, 3rd, matches played, 23, session 2021-22, doing good.
looks ok...now, How they perform tonight is a different story altogether,..,let's see, what they have got, ok. #UCL
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,so, tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first,..,then do your things,...ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,so, tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Free money salary accounts auto refilling within a week or so,..but folks say upi wallets/banking systems are not working ..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai.,ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,People are always looking for free money, nice car, nice house, properties and other nice stuffs all the time,..,they seem to want/need them,..but they want them for free, without work,..,that is why they are always looking for free money, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai.,ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,No work but a Good life,..,that is what people are always looking for and they will always look for the same,..,after all who wants to or likes to work,..,let's see, if that works forever, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai.,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..It is always about Money, and It will always be about Money,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,so, tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok,..really,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..,so, coffee is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok,..so, Things are all balanced in Champions League,..,scorelines, Ajax 2-2 Benfica and Man Utd 1-1 Athletico Madrid,.. Ok, so, the second leg will decide who will go ahead,..ok, cool. #UCL
Ok,..so,..It looks like things are a bit hotter in EPL,..,Burnley with 3 points,.CPalace with Zaha's double and 3 points,..So, It look like Salah and Mane regained their strength from exhausting recent Africa Cup of Nations campaign,.., both came up with double score!, 3 points with big score!, Liverpool 6-0 Leeds United..,. See, you folks in the weekends, ok, cool. #EPL
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.,.funky life is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,so, tea is going good,..ok, cool.,.ok,..so, coffee is going good,..ok, cool.
Hmm, It seems, kids still don't get it,..nation state model,..is a FAILED model, ok, cool.
Ok,..Yes, Tea is a better model,..so you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. stuffs are going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..People are fickle, weird and unique,..they are not wise and unbiased.., ok, cool.
Ok,..People will anyway do, what they want to,..,so, you do what you want to, ok, cool.
Ok,..When the parasite (state) gets bigger than the host (productive people, tax base),
.then all kind of problems arsies,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..so,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. stuffs are going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,When the 'Money' gets corrupted beyond repair,..,then all kind of problem arises.
Ok,..The Romans said it is about Money, and It will always be about Money,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok,.i kinda sorta got that,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, babe,..,i kinda got that, ok babe,..coffee then,.. ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..who said that,..Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Beth Pearson or Unknown,..tell me, ok.
Ok, so, Anonymous said that,..now who is that,..tell me, ok, cool.
Ok,..,so, tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,.Ok, ok,so, coffee is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..,No tax no war,..,tax makes war possible,..,if they are not getting killed, they are just burden, wasting scarce resources,..and no one is responsible to maintain their lifestyle..,they are not required, in a civilised world.
Why just skirmish, why not full scale nuclear war,..,let's see,..who's got the guts and balls.
No brain, No courage, No empathy,..,that's all those state thugs, crooks and their cronies.
What is not required, can not stay relavant, they can't stay in business,..they are not needed.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,No work but a Good life,..doesn't work,..keep trying,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..so,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. stuffs are going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,so, coffee is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, No leaders, No problems...,people will self organize,..that's best.
Ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,
..and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,i kinda got that,..ok, cool..
Hmm,..The #Bitcoin
network will be better and healthier, if the americans got off it,..and live in their dollar,..ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,i kinda got that,..ok, cool..,ok,..,i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Tea first, yes tea first...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm, so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,is that so,...,i kinda got that,..,have tea and just chill,..ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.,.is that funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..have a cup of coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..why waiting then, just go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..Free fiat money salary accounts auto refilling within a week or so,..but folks say fiat banking systems/upi wallets are still not working or very irregular..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai.,ok, cool.
Chutiya bhai chutiya india chutiya..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, so, Those are your goals,..nice cup of coffee,..go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
#EPL Both Spurs and Leeds lost their last matches, and both need a win,..let's see who will win today, ok,..Spurs vs Leeds...,Spurs strikes within 10 minutes!.. and the Second comes within 15 minutes!, Spurs on a roll!, Kane delivers!, Spurs too quick to 3-0 up!..,It looks like the first half belongs to Spurs boys...Leeds under pressure..,1 added minute..ok,..,let's see, if Leeds can recover in the second half, It is half time, Spurs 3-0 Leeds.
Ohh,..Leeds just escaped another goal,!,..still no goal for Leeds..,another 20 minutes to go,..,so, Spurs looks to seal 3 points, quite easily..Son made it 4-0!.., It is full time, Spurs 4-0 Leeds. #EPL
Btw, Welcome back Christian Eriksen,..and good luck for today's comeback match at Brentford. #EPL
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..,i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,.ok,..,i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea first,..then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I heard that,..when the time came, the American Cowards and the so called NATO Cowards fled,..lol.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
A man who runs, eventually finds he's got no place to go,..nowhere, ok.
Ok, so, the cowards have no place to go, they keep running for safety, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Chutiya, chutiya,...hai hai hai,...Chutiya, chutiya..lol,lol, lol.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, so,..Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..have a cup of coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
#EPL, Ok, so,..Today is all about West Ham and Wolves,..,no overlapping matches today, that is good actually, ok.,.They look equivalent in strength and both have the ambition to go up,...Teams that play better normally go up,..that is the way football is,..ok, cool. #EPL
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..a nice cup of coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
An entrepreneur is a risk taker, problem solver, take chances,..,you can't train an entrepreneur,..,they are nothing like politicians, burucrates, manangers...etc.,.who put other people at risk, not themselves,..that is the difference, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..a nice cup of coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
#EPL, Ok, so,..How is it going guys,..West Ham and Wolves,..,West Ham has no wins in the last 2 matches,..while Wolves lost their last 2 matches,..ok. Let's see who will play better today, ok. #EPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#EPL, Ok, so,..Start the game already!,..West Ham vs Wolves,..,No Room for Sloppiness,..,ok then.. Here we go...,looks like a bit slow start..,no goals yet..,Looks like West Ham creating more chances..but no goal yet..10 minutes to half time..somebody wanna score..ohh..just missed! Rice!,..scrambles in the Wolves box!, but no goal yet..,Wolves just missed! this time.,..they are equivalent so far.., It is half time, West Ham 0-0 Wolves.
..West Ham..strikes!..,it looked like it was coming!..,West Ham 1-0 up!.. ohh!,..that was close from Wolves...,still 30 minutes for Wolves to find an equalier..,West Ham creating more chances again..West Ham looks hurry for the second!,..,10 more minutes for Wolves to find an equalier or West Ham can find the second and seal!..,time is running out.. 3 added minutes..,West Ham almost home..,It is West Ham then.., It is full time, ..West Ham 1-0 Wolves. #EPL
Ok, ok,..,i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,.ok,..,i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea/coffee first,..then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Free fiat money salary accounts auto refilling within a week or so,...ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai.,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,All that are money printing press/tax funded are free money recievers and free food eaters..,it is not just the politico-burucrates are looking for free food and free money,..,anything that is non profit making are the same,..,becasue, there is no such thing as free lunch..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab PAISA hota hai.,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, Anyone wants to get rich in The #Bitcoin
economy has to serve people with goods and services and make profit,..there is no bailouts or welfare in the The #Bitcoin
economy,.. you have to increase productivity,..If you can get a kilo rice/flour for 5 bucks,. you don't need 500 bucks,.. same holds for other stuffs,.. increase the productivity,.no welfare needed, no inflation.. you don't eat money, ok cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, If you are lazy in The #Bitcoin
economy, you'll have to spend your #Bitcoin
., like in any other economy,..you will need stuffs to live, ok..and If you make bad decisions in The #Bitcoin
economy,..,you will loose your #Bitcoin
,and you'll have to earn it again ..,but The #Bitcoin
monetary policy is solid and unalterable, ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,There are Traders, Speculators, etc,..of #Bitcoin
,ok,..such actors will always be there, they can do that,..,they are just like cockroaches,..do not add or create value to The #Bitcoin
network,.. they are just mercenaries not #Bitcoin
Citizen like Michael Saylor. So, they do not matter, atleast in the longer term..,ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Really, is that so,..,The goal is to laugh forever with someone you take serious!, ok, cool
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..,That is really great deed from Binance,..#Binance is donating $10 million to help the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, @Binance,..,#BinanceAssist, keep it up guys, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool..
Ok, ok, so,..Coffee is going good, ok, cool..
Ok, ok,..,is that so,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,.ok,..ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea first,..then do your things, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,..,I know that, ok,..a life without tea is no life at all,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,We are human first, then, we are other,..human needs human, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm, Leave nature to it's doing,..don't try to convert it to a zoo,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,..ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Tea is going good,..tell me then, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.,..
Ok,..,Hello then,..,so, coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Told you, any specific institution, organization or company etc..are not personally important for me,..,i,ll never need them to make money,..,.they have specific group interest, specific group benefits,..,like monopolies,..,they are not unbiased, neutral or universal,..,you can't trust monopolies, ok, cool.
Ok, so, You make choices,..and there are conseuences of those choices,..Do your things and do not come complaining,..,When you own up the conseuences of your choices, then you become a real man/woman. Once you spent your time, that is gone forever,..you can't roll that back or get that back, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
is not an institution, organization, company or an individual,..,still anyone can get on to it,...individuals, institutions, organizations, companies etc,..,but no one has monopoly on it, ok, cool.

Making #Bitcoin
legal tender do not make much difference,..It is incorruptible money,..,that is the basis of universal property rights of the individuals.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, so,..Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Three things cannot be long hidden - the sun, the moon and the truth. - Buddha.
Ok, so, you see,..Tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool..
Hmm,..,legal tender is much more worse than monopoly,..,you are forcing/coercing someone to accept/use it,..,that is antithetical to free market and individual liberty,..,let there be competing currencies..,like or not bitcoin is also reality and fiat is also reality, ok.
Btw, The protection of Life, Liberty and Property..are only on paper not in practice,..,you know that, right.. ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool..,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first,..then do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, having tea is funky life,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, #Bitcoin
is pure monetary technology, and do not adjust for anyone,..,rest are,..fiats and other cryptos are like rube goldberg machine,..lots of this, that, and so, so, so,..features,..ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Hot Wallet, Cold Wallet, Hardare Wallet, Exchanges, Seed phase,..,ultimately some company/comapies are making and hosting those things,.., #Bitcoin
is decentralized,..but the wallets and exchanges are not,..,tell me, where is the consensus based wallet, that is same for everyone and everythere in the world but not owned by any speciffic company/companies,..,consensus based and not dependent on any specific company/companies is self custody, ok, cool.

Ok, so, #Binance and #BinanceAssist look good for me, so far,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, so, That is why Dominic Frisby says,..,'London rapes you!",..that is what all cities are,..,they rape people, ok. Cities are highly resource consuming and resource strained places,..,contrary to popular believe,..that cities are commercial and innovation hub, ..,they are not,..they are sucking resources all the the time and contribute least,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,Hello then,..,so, coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. All i was asking is that,..,where is the consensus based wallet/wallets,..which is/are not dependent on any specific company/companies,..,with a seed phrase and encryption key..,you forget or lose that seed pharse and key,..you lost your #Bitcoin
forever,..,that is the true self custody, ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,.so,...How good, they say,..those company/companies maybe, In case those specific companies go down, go bankrupt or some rogue seizure happens,..,the BTCs hold by those specific companies/wallets will be at risk, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,Don't get scared, i am just giving a scenario, ok,..,The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning tea first,..then do your things,..ok, cool.
Ok,..so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,...that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so,..,Told you #Bitcoin
is a giant creature of the oceans,..,while the fiats are just fiats,..such as usd, gbp, euro, renminbi etc. are frogs in ponds,..they can't survive in the natural adversities of high seas, open waters,..,ok, cool.

A fiat can be at best a national currency,..,can never be a true global reserve currency, ok,..,that is why russian central bank foreign reserves in usd, sdr etc..can be blocked, ..that is not possible in #Bitcoin

All those fiat printing press aka central banks are political tools and they are all the same,,as the gvbs (gramin vinash bank).
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,You know my first rule,.right. I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don't believe anything the governments tell me, nothing, Zero.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
"The most expensive purchase you ever make in your life is your government, and uh, over the course of your life assuming you live a legally abiding life ...roughly 50% of everything you ever earn will be taken from you in taxes..." - Dominic Frisby.
That is why the importance of any kind of government/state is Zero.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, ok..so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,.so,.. All i was asking is that,..,where are the consensus based wallets,..which are not dependent on any specific company/companies, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,some stuffs for the kids,..about Money.
Forms and evolution of Money
•Barter ... let’s exchange valuable things.
•Commodity money ... the money is the valuable thing.
•Representative money ... the money is a claim on the valuable thing.
•Fiat currency ... the money is completely de-linked from any valuable thing.
Hmm,..,You got it right,..,enter the #Bitcoin

is the very first digital asset of value that can be transferred over the internet without any specific third party having to approve the transaction or being able to deny it.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea first,..then do your things,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Ok, so, ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, 2022, is underway,..England has a mountain to climb, massive 310! runs target set by Australia.,.so, England looks like starting good with their bat.
So,..West Indies just managed to edge past against New Zealand on the opening match to claim their first victory,..that is a good start from West Indies gals.
South Africa gals claimed easy victory over Bangladesh gals, earlier today.
Ok, so,..keep going gals..ok, cool.
Yeah,..the Kiwi gals worked hard and fought till the end,..West Indies gals just managed to win in the last over only.
How to free up peoples time..
Innovate/Automate/Mechanize the manual works and increase productivity as much as possible,..and do not rob/destroy their savings/income through inflation, taxation, etc...that way peoples time can be freed up,.. and they can spend their time on other more gratifying activities., ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..Target getting steeper for England gals, required run rate above 7 per over. 150/3, 28 overs gone.
AusvsEng,.. ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, 2022.
ICC Top 5 in Women Team, Current Ranking.
WODI ODI Team Rankings
1 Australia 163
2 South Africa 123
3 England 118
4 India 101
5 New Zealand 98
WT20I T20I Team Rankings
1 Australia 293
2 England 285
3 New Zealand 267
4 India 262
5 South Africa 252
So, It looks like Australia is the best team, a top contender of the World Cup, 2022.
Ok, so,.India,.consistently 4th aaya hai, just like Farhan Qureshi and Raju Rastogi.
Ok, so, ..To start well is important,..it gets tougher as things progress,..,West Indies and South Africa had their winning start, that is good for them..,Can England gals really pull it off from here, 187-5, 35 overs gone..,Australia gals still look comfortable on field.
AusvsEng,.. ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, 2022.
Personal battles are always interesting...
Gilchrist vs Flintoff
Sachin, Shewag vs Akarm, Akhtar
Ponting vs Indian Bowlers
Pietersen vs Australian bowlers etc..
Ok,so,..,Last 5 overs, AU-W vs EN-W, 37 runs needed from 20 balls!.., 4!, CENTURY!, Sciver!,..26 from 12 balls..!, 16 needed from the final over!, caught and bowled!,.superb single hand catch!, 15 from 3!, AU-W looks home!,.. It is Australia!, congratulations, a winning start of the campaign! #CWC22.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, 2022.
Ok, ok..is that so,..tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..so, coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Hmm,,.tea is perfect for me,..ok, cool.
#EPL,..,So, we will proceed then,..ok, Leeds United vs Leicester City,..,.Leeds don't want to lose any more, Leicester City also do not want lose,..,So, the team that play better will get the points, ok,..Fulham is almost booking a place from EFL to EPL,..you folks are aware of that, ok. So, there is No Room for Sloppiness, ok, cool. #EPL
There is only one team from EFL that has made it to the Quarter Finals of FA Cup so far, Middlesbrough, and no Leicester City, the current Champion, in the QFs this time, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL, Here we go, Leeds United vs Leicester City,..,Looks like quick! moves from both the sides from the start.., 20 minutes played, no score yet.., anyone before halftime,..Vardy or Raphinha,..,or Tielemans,..,someone..,James looks quiet, what is going on..,yeah, Raphinha was angry,..,still no goal.., It is half time, Leeds United 0-0 Leicester City #EPL
Hmm,..Folks say,..Tottenham Hotspur, fans talk much and brag much about themselves, but Spurs have 0 Premier League title, 0 Champions League title,..,what is going on folks,..brag less and work more, ok. #EPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL,..How is second half going,..looks like lots of movements!,..somebody will break, somebody has to break the tie..,Leicester!, goal!,..now, what Leeds boys can do!..,Schmeichel has been busy..,denied all Leeds attempts,.., 20 minutes to go, Leicester 1-0 up!, Leeds can still save 1 point..,10 minutes to go..,time is running out!.., It is full time!, Leeds United 0-1 Leicester City #EPL
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Ok, ok,.i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,ok,.i kinda sorta got that,.i kinda got that. ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Every time i have tea,..the tea just gets better, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, 67/3, 21 overs gone, Pakistan gals batting,..looks like sluggish batting from Pakistan so far,..,bit inexperienced in batting, may be..,..India gals finally got a decent total, 244 runs..,a winning start is important, ok..,Second wicket for Jhulan Goswami! ..an experienced campaigner!.., Pakistan, 72/5, 24 overs gone., now reaching to 245 runs looks difficult.. Pakistan need a solid partnership to stay in the hunt..,but have to fancy big shots and take chances also..,India gals look good in both bowling and fielding on field, so far..,stumped!, out!..Richa Gosh,., just escaped another direct throw!, Pakistan, 95/6, 31.2 overs gone.,Third wicket for Rajeshwari Gayakwad! ..,Pakistan in shambles!, 104/7, 34 overs gone..,none of the batters took a firm stand from PAKW camp.,..no partneship build up at all...Fourth wicket for Rajeshwari Gayakwad!, Leg Before!,.., another wicket!, caught behind!, on the brink of all out!..,just one wicket to take to claim the first victory!,..,oh, tail is hanging a bit longer..ok.,. either someone has to step up and hit the big shots or build solid partnerships..that is the way cricket is..
It is victory for Team India!, a winning start of the campaign!, Congratulations, Gals!
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok,..is that so,..Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..Aristotle said so ..and tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,tea is good,..that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Important people are busy with tea, other people are fickle, weird and.., ok, cool.
Ok, so,..People are fickle, weird and unique,...they are not wise and unbiased..,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..People will anyway do, what they want to, so, you do what you want to,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm, so,.. eeny, meeny, miny, moe.. stuffs are going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,evening tea is good,..ok, cool.
#EPL,..Ok, so,..How is it going guys,..,Arsenal vs Watford,..,ready for action...,Arsenal may ovetake both West Ham and Man Utd,..,.Hello Watford,..how things are going,..
Ok,..Here we go.., Arsenal strikes!, within 5 minutes!, the name is Martin Ødegaard! .,the goal is on his name...and a quick response from Watford.!,.a bycycle kick!,..is that what they say.., Arsenal 1-1 Watford, within 15 minutes!,.,Yeah,..the Watford goal belongs to the Colombian lad, Cucho Hernández. ,ok, keep going guys,..a long way to go.,..Arsenal got their Second!,... i was having dinner.., ok, so Saka got that goal, .so, things are good for the Gunners.., it is not friendlies,..it is competitive game,..rough things might happen sometimes..,.that is why referees are here..,to sort things in order,.. It is half time, Arsenal 2-1 Watford. #EPL
Ok, ok,..is that so,..i that kinda got that, ok, cool.
#EPL,..Arsenal already scored their third!..,Second half is progressing well for the Gunners, 3-1! up,.. folks say, Martinelli got that third goal for the Gunners..,in the begining of this season, folks made fun of the Gunners, including me..,not any more..,ok, Martinelli calls it a day.., 15 minutes to go.. is there a twist here! 3-2! , 4 minutes to go.. Arsenal among the top 4!.. #EPL
Ok, ok,.i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,..ok,.i kinda got sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then you know,.. do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, New Zealand gals opening their WC22 account.,.the host team needs that..the host nation needs that.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Hmm,..,for my own clarity, i,ll refer major cricket tournament names as follows,
ICC Men's ODI Cricket World Cup
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup
ICC Men's T20 Cricket World Cup
ICC Women's T20 Cricket World Cup, ..ok, cool.
Yeah,..Rain is a problem in Cricket,..ok..,what you folks are doing about that, tell me, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..so, Coffee is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,tea is good,..that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,coffee is good,..and that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Ok, ok, so,..funky life is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, so, tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..bola na,..i got that,..ab kya, bachche ki jaan loge,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Ok,.so,..I believe most the kids watched the movie Antitrust (2001), ok.
There was live online,..question answer session,..It is taking swipe at companies like Microsoft, Windows like monopoly products.
it goes like this...
"If you guys have questions, fire away."
Q: Why not make SYNAPSE open source?
--Don't you have enough money? Heh.
A: Here is an interesting question:
"What kind of beverages do you offer your programmers?"
- Oh, come on!
- What did you expect?
- He's avoiding the issue, man.
- You can't ask him that.
He should run for president, or something.
Why someone, some company,..make their wallet/storage model open source,..If they think they have the best #Bitcoin
and other crypto storage model,..,let other people in the crypto space review it...,a step towards consensus based decentralized #Bitcoin
.wallet., ok, cool.

All the current #Bitcoin
wallets are trust based,..,trust on specific company,..why should i trust any company,..while #Bitcoin
is trustless network.

....I believe,..the kids got the idea a little bit.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, ok,.i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, Tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Australia batting,.. 46/0, 7.4 overs gone..,very comfortable start from Australia gals..,Pakistan had a good partnership,..Bismah Mahroof and Aliya Riaz,..and some late flurry to post a decent total, 190 runs on the board...,Pakistan gals need wicket to challenge the worlds No.1 Team, Australia., 59-0, 10 overs gone., Pakistan needs wicket..191 target won't bother them much..,Wicket!, Haynes departs!, Lanning coming in..,Australians are nice people otherwise,..but on the pitch, they are very very competitive..,so, do not expect much niceness on the pitch..,..challenge them, compete them, on the pitch..,need wickets, Pakistan need wickets., Australia, 67/1, 13.1 overs gone.,..fo fo fo four!, that touched the rope!.., Half Century! for Alyssa Healy!,.. Australia, 123-1, 21 overs gone., Bowled!, spin turn and Wicket!, Lanning departs!..Ellyse Perry came in..,Omaima Sohail claimed the Wicket.., Australia 125-2, after 22 overs.., 4!,..Healy steady..,Australia, 142-2, 25 overs bowled..
..In the context of rain interruption..,there is a solution,..just like The Docklands Stadium in Melbourne, The Dome,..some spending needed folks...
Alyssa Healy gone!..,Beth Mooney comes in..,Omaima Sohail bowled and Nashra Sandhu caught, claimed the Wicket, Autralia, 155-3, 28 overs gone.,.never easy to restrict the Autralians with a relatively small total.,..,boundary saved!,..Australia, 165-3, 30 overs gone..,not much fancy shots, just working steady, Australia..,..missed,..then 4!,..,183-3, 33 overs gone..,Australia almost there for their 2nd victory..,Is there no one else to challenge Australia!..,England may be..,4!, that's it... It is Victory! for Australia, congrats, gals.!
We will remember, Shane Warne,..Cricket Legend, Spin Legend.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,so, tea is good,..that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Ok, ok, so, coffee is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Hmm,..,Digital assets are more secure than us,..because we live in the physical world.
That is why, we need right to live,..before anything,..,to live is physical, ok, cool.
Your life, property, business need protection,..destroying your property, business, savings etc. are same as destroying you.
That is why the westerners keep guns,..to protect their life, property, business, firm(familiy or other.), farms, ranches etc..ok.
To protect themselves and their property.. from the state thugs,..,fiat/banking mafias, cops and other agents,.. and from non state thugs,.,such as drug mafia, human traffickers, street thugs, etc..,these are also supported by some govt/state actors, ..otherwise they can't operate, ok.
So, you see, digital assets are much more secure than us, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so..having tea gives meaning to days,..that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool,..ok.
Hmm,..,Attention seekers alert!,..,the second leg of UEFA Champions League will commence tonight,..so, you know,..may be, i,ll be a little busy, ok, cool. #UCL
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,so, tea is good,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..UEFA Champions League Ro16, First Leg,..Liverpool 2-0 Inter and Bayern 1-1 Salzburg,..not much to separate,..their current team form and how they perform tonight will make the difference. So, No Prediction, No Favorites,.. See you in action, ok... Ro16, Second Leg. @ChampionsLeague #UCL
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,..ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
#UCL,..Quite impressive from Bayern!, impressive Lewandowski Hat-rick!, Lewandowski just copies Jorginho's penalty taking style,..,good tactics are worth copying,..right,..,no breakthrough from Liverpool and Inter in the first half,..,Gnabry scored the 4th goal for Bayern,..It is half time,.. Bayern 4-0 Salzburg, Liverpool 0-0 Inter.
And Thomas Müller joins the party!,..Second half Bayern 5-0 up!,..,cats and mouse game going on between Liverpool and Inter, still no goal yet.., Inter strikes!, It's Martinez!, and shock Red Card! Sánchez!, Inter 1-0 up! but down to 10 men!..,so, Salzburg got a goal!.,..10 minutes to extra time, Aggregate score, Bayern 6-2 Salzburg,..and Aggregate score, Liverpool 2-1 Inter.., Müller! fantastic finish!,..2nd goal!, It is raining goal at Allianz Arena!, Bayern scored 7 goals! Sané!,..,Bayern progressed to the Quarter Finals, with Aggregate score, Bayern 8-2 Salzburg,..no goal from Liverpool yet!,..still no goal!, time running out for Inter.., Liverpool progressed to the Quarter Finals, with Aggregate score, Liverpool 2-1 Inter. Ro16, Second Leg. @ChampionsLeague #UCL
Ok, so,..West Indies gals batting..,a bit early in the morning here,..3:45AM IST., West Indies 14-0, 4.1 overs gone,..,How is it going guys, Kiwi is cold? chilly, rainy?, boundary hitter! Dottin!,..btw, England's jersey a bit look like umpires dress,..i mistook on the other day..,dropped!,..,no easy catch, but have to take that..,West Indies 29-0, 6 overs gone., punished!..too short!, 4!, another 4!, Mathews,..this West Indies side look strong..looks confident with the bat.,.shot! 4!,.. not losing wickets, West Indies,..43-0, 9 overs played.,.Six!, gal! she got strong arm!, 4!,.,and 50 up for West Indies..,4! Dottin this time. .,England need wickets..and soon..,West Indies, 61-0, 11 overs gone.,.oh,..have to take that!,..then Six!,..still going solid,..opening partnership.,..still undeterred, this pair..,West Indies, 77-0, 15.1 overs gone.,.any plan?, England..,..drinks, ok..,.no wicket,..not many runs either..,England tightening, Wicket!,..got the breakthrough,..,another Wicket!, direct hit!,..break applied,..,another Wicket!,. good start but not good going..West Indies!, England strikes back!,..and suddenly, West Indies, 83-3 after such a good start...4!,..yeah, need to keep the scoreboard going, West Indies,.,short run is 0 run.,lbw?, outside the line, not out.., caught! gone!,..woo!,..West Indies need a partnership, West Indies, 98-4,.. 100 up for West Indies.,,runs dried up,..West Indies, 105-4, 30 over gone..4!, wide and 4!,..keeo going folks..
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then do other things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, How is it going folks,..,,LBW! appeal,..out!, England, 94-5, 25.2 overs gone..,ok, so, West Indies posted a decent total, 225 runs.,..a good partnership from Campbelle and Nation,..,now, England batting is not looking good..,half the side out already!,..,can England have a winning partnership.., Drinks, ok.., now, England need 111 runs from 22 overs, at a required run rate just above 5.,.a good parternership can still do it..,107 runs from 124 balls, achievable,..4!,..England, 128-5, 30 overs gone.,4!,. batting pair,..Danni Wyatt and Shopia Dunkley.., a wide ball Taylor..,now No Ball!, that is wider than a wide ball, free hit!, 83 runs needed from 18 overs..,can this pair take England home.. 4!, ..caught! gone! Dunkley departs!.,.Brunt in with bat..,caught! Danni Wyatt also gone!,..both the set batters gone!,..another Wicket!,..West Indies need just 2 wickets now, to claim their 2nd victory, straight!,..66 needed from 84 balls with 2 wickets remaining..,2 runs.., now, England need 60 runs from 72 balls.,..wide ball..,4!,.. 3 runs.., 2 more runs.., England need 48 runs from 60 balls.,and West Indies need 2 wickets, to win.,. 4!,.. England, 183-8, 41 overs gone.,..,2 runs.,.LBW?, wickets missing, not out!,..2 runs saved, great fielding!,..England need 34 runs from 41 balls to win.,,another 2 runs.. no.,single,..,now, 26 runs needed 32 balls,.., and 200 up for England.,..,only single,..someone is patrolling the boundary.,,another wide..,now, edged and 4! valuable runs for England.,..woo!,..4!, need 14 runs from 24 balls to win.,,no, another wide ball there..,out!,.is there a twist!, still 9 runs needed.,.It is West Indies! It is 2nd Victory! straight! for West Indies, congrats, gals.!
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, ok, is that so,..so, coffee is going good,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..a life without tea is no life at all,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,tea has to be made,..,doesn't happen automatically, ok cool.
Ok, so,..tea is going good, ok,..so, coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,,..Folks say, Manchester City has never won UEFA Champions League,..why folks are saying so, is a point to note... Although they have won 5 English Premier League titles,..,ok, so, bygones are bygone,.ok.,what about this time.,.,what about Pep Guardiola taking some coaching class from Thomas Tuchel, in that matter..,.what is there to feel superiority/inferiority complex,..folks might have noticed so far, Lewandowski nicely copies Jorginho's penalty taking style,..,good tactics are worth copying, ..right., ok..,I did not suggest or say, Messi to copy Neymar or some others style,..ok,. avoid such misinterpretation, ok, cool. #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..so,..coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..so,..tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Whatever,..,it seems tonights real battle is between Real Madrid vs Paris,..ok.,.It looks like Man City already has upper hand over Sporting CP, ..unless something extraordinary happens, ok.,..calm, composed and classy,..,not much noisy,..because it is not crowded on the top,. such is Champions League,..,domestic leagues are noisy,..,that is the way domestic leagues are,.ok.
Ok, so,..UEFA Champions League Ro16, First Leg,..Real Madrid 0-1 Paris and Man City 5-0 Sporting CP,.. their current team form and how they perform tonight will make the difference. So, No Prediction, No Favorites,.. See you in action, ok... Ro16, Second Leg. @ChampionsLeague #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Why not make it zero gravity, why not make it zero friction, why not make it to zero fee/cost,..,you can optimize, minimize, adapt,..,but you cannot make it free or zero cost,.. that is unnatural.,ok kids, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Ok, so far..Real Madrid 0-0 Paris and Man City 0-0 Sporting CP,.. and Mbappe offside!..,Benzema! missed!.. ,Mbappe! Goal!.. Paris 1-0 up!..,several close chances, so far,...and then goal came for PSG!,..2 yellow cards for Man City boys and 1 yellow card for Sporting boys, but no goal yet..., It is half time, Real Madrid 0-1 Paris, and Man City 0-0 Sporting CP,..
Oh,..offside!, Man City offside boys..:), Second half begins with some intense.., Real Madrid need 2 goals..,can they...,no score from City or CP yet,..,not convincing attempt, that was from CP.., 60 minutes played,.., Benzema! goal!,,.Donnarumma inviting troubles!, Real Madrid still have 25 minutes minimum..to make a real difference!..that looked like foul on Benzema!..,ohh..missed! how!..,Modrić on Messi!,.then Modrić on Neymar...Benzema! Goal!..,HAT-TRICK for Benzema! Goal!..,turned upside down!.. Real Madrid 3-2 up! aggregate!..so far..,PSG defence look rattled!,.2 minutes to extra time.. 4 added minutes..,woo!..,Real Madrid!..marvelous Benzema!..,It is full time, aggregate score, Real Madrid 3-2 Paris, and Man City 5-0 Sporting CP..,..Real Madrid and Man City, welcome to the Quarter finals, UEFA Champions League, ..Ro16, Second Leg. @ChampionsLeague #UCL
Hmm,..,Good Morning and Tea/Coffee first,..then do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..so,..Morning Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..so,..Morning Tea is going good as well, ok, cool.
Ok,..so,..New Zealand gals batting, 164-3, 31 overs played,..,How is it going folks, at Hamilton..,looks like Kiwis are looking for a big total..,Caught! Out!.., New Zealand 175-4, 33.1 overs..,need more wickets, ladkiyon..,we don't want to chase too big total..,New Zealand 181-4, after 35 overs.,.unke ground hai, toh, kya hua,..adapt quickly, ok.,..but we don't want to chase too big a total,..so, do something..,New Zealand 193-4, after 38 overs...,good fielding..,saved 2 runs.,..shot! 4!, 200 up for the Kiwis.,..another 4!, and another 4!,..New Zealand 211-4, after 40 overs.,..Amy is set batter and look solid,..India, what is the plan..Mithali..,ohh, dropped!.., caught! Mithali herself, this time out!,..Amy gone..,New Zealand 226-5, after 43 overs.,.4!,..still 5 overs to go,..the Kiwis might free their arms! and attack!, New Zealand 233-5, after 45 overs.,..Wicket!, Gayakwad!,..Tahuhu in.., 4!, Martin!..,ohh!,..Yorker! Bowled!, Pooja Vastrakar!,..Wicket! Pooja Vastrakar! on a hat-trick!,..target is still not very small..,can Jhulan take Martin..,good over from Jhulan Goswami..New Zealand 244-8, after 48 overs.,..wide.., India will have to bat well,..this is not a small target..,4!, Mackay!,..ohh! dropped!,..Bowled!, Jhulan Goswami!, Katey Martin departs..,Rowe in and a single..,New Zealand total - 260..,this is a good total!,..not impossible, but have to bat well,..ciao.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, ok...is that so,...so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,kya ho raha hai,..darr gayi, darr gayi!,..darne ka nahi,..bindas khelne ka..ok., India 50-3, after 20 overs..,shot!, not reached boundary.., slip 4!,..India 57-3, after 21 overs.,..play like no one watching, dance like no one watching, like a peacock,..ok. play your best..ok.,..we are not here to satisfy every other fellows expectation, ..ok.,..play your normal game, play your best,..ok, cool.,.India 66-3, after 24 overs.., 2 runs.. 4!.,..need boundaries,..but need a good partnership as well,..India 83-3, 27 overs gone.,. fielding!,..this time 4!,..gone!, Mithali Raj!,,.and Richa Ghosh! out!,,double strike Kiwis!,..Sneh Rana in.., 4!, Rana!,..India 101-5, 30 overs gone.,..This is World Cup,..no cake walk..,oh, did not carry..,told you 260 is not a small score..,need to reduce the margin,..,or net run rate will take a hit too!...4!..,India 114-5, 33 overs gone.,..3 runs..,India 122-5, 35 overs gone.,..top orders did not fire,..and no big partnership in the middle either..and so is the situation..,out!, caught behind!, Sneh Rana gone..,India 127-6, 37 overs gone,..Kiwis in dominant position..,4!,..2 runs..,India 140-6, 40 overs gone,.200 minimum.., caught!, out!..now, Jhulan Goswami in..top edge..single, Half Century for Harmanpreet Kaur..,India 151-7, 42 overs gone,..Six! and 4!,..Harmanpreet Kaur!, Six!,.. 4!, Jhulan!,..fight! fight!,..caught!,..well done, Harmanpreet Kaur! 71!,..was some firework from the Punjab gal.,..try to score as much as possible..now.,..oh, boundary saved!,..,India 181-7, 45 overs gone,..big hit! Six! Jhulan!,..ho ho dropped!.. 4!.. and 4!, from Meghna now!,..bowled! yorker!, Jhulan gone.., India all out for 198!..,.never mind gals,..play better next time, ok., So, the day belongs to New Zealand gals! congrats!
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Hmm,..Tea is going good, and tea moments matters to me , ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Tea is a great refresher, ok, cool.
Ok,..,really,..is that so,..tea has made you crazy,..if not,..then they are not making tea the right way!, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,.ok,.,..is that so,..evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm, so,..,People like Saylor should sell some of their #Bitcoin
, so that, more people can own bitcoin at a lower cost,..,that will result deeper redistribution of #Bitcoin,...what say folks,..tell me,.. ok, cool.

It looks like some cockroaches,..,such as traders, speculators etc.. are just creating some noise these days,..,they come into #Bitcoin
and make some noise and then flee back to the fiat banks,..and vice-versa,..,where else will they go,..,that is what they are doing these days..,just like shares/stocks. So, deeper distribution is better, ok, cool.

Ok,.ok,.,..is that so,..evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Saylor says, He started buying into #Bitcoin
at $900,..,now at its lows it is at ~$38000,..,how much wealth he will have to forego!,..,even with simple incentive basis, ..he won't sell..:), ok.

People respond to their incentives,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Let Saylor be,..,but it will better for the #Bitcoin
network, if the other unstable americans leave #Bitcoin
and live in their USD shithole, ok,..,it is better when Hades live in the Netherworld,..and doesn't appear on earth,..ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Crime Master Gogo naam hai mera, Aankhen nikal ke gotiyan Khelta hun main..
Crime Master Gogo pooch raha hai : heere kahan hai,.. where are the diamonds?
I don't belive he is the father of a beauty, like Shraddha Kapoor....
Whatever,..Crime Master Gogo pooch raha hai, where are the self custody wallets?
Crime Master Gogo pooch raha hai, where are the decentralized #Bitcoin

Let the exchanges be, they work like, fiat to #Bitcoin
bridge, they are needed too.

But,Crime Master Gogo yeh pooch raha hai, where are the consensus based #Bitcoin

Ok, ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Good Morning, Tea/Coffee first,..then do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, South Africa gals are batting, 210-7, 48 overs gone.. 4!.. reverse sweep.. 2 runs..last over of the inning..,this is a decent total, anything above 200 is decent..,run out!,..just 2 legitimate balls remaing, .last ball and wicket!, South Africa total - 223.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok,..so,..Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..i kinda got that...ok, cool.
Hmm,..,How things are going folks, at Mount Maunganui..,Pakistan gals yet to open their account in this World Cup,..,today may be..,they are facing a South Africa challenge here..,..4!,.. Pakistan, 12-0, 3 overs gone.,.pakistan opening pair,..Nahida Khan and Sidra Ameen.. 2 runs..,Pakistan, 16-0, 4 overs gone.,..not run out..,Pakistan, 19-0, 5 overs gone.,..ohh,.. 2 wickets gone! ..that is not a good start..
Ok,..,keeping wickets..Pakistan,.,.4! from Omaima..,..Pakistan, 71-2, 18.3 overs gone.,.oh! didn't carry!,.., England lost 2 matches from the jaws of victory,..,that is hard to salvage,..otherwise a good team..England,..against 2 strongest opponents, Australia and West Indies.., Pakistan, 78-2, 21 overs gone.,.,looks steady, Pakistan..,..bowling like Makhaya Ntini style..,Pakistan, 82-2, 22 overs gone. ,anyone can bowl like Allan Donald..,or like Jacques Kallis, doesn't look dangerous but takes wicket.. 4!..,pakistan still steady..,Pakistan, 95-2, 25 overs gone.,.LBW?,.out!, by Khaka!..,Nahida Khan departs after scoring 40 runs..,..do not give wickets..this is achievable..,someone is bowling like Shaun Pollock? ok..,Pakistan, 98-3, 27 overs gone.,..1 1 keep going, Pakistan, 100-3, 28 overs gone...4! for Omaima, ..wide ball,.. Pakistan, 109-3, 30 overs gone.,.Half Century! for Omaima Sohail., but job not done yet.., 2 runs.. ohh! some mix up in the middle.,.2 runs..,Pakistan, 121-3, 33 overs gone.,.Pakistan need to keep the required run rate in check..,just creeping above 6 runs per over.., Drinks,ok..,.only 1 run, ladies Shaun Pollock? Kapp..,.,4!,.. Pakistan, 129-3, 36 overs gone.,.,who is that ladies Jonty Rhodes,..., Six! Nida Dar!..,not out,.., caught! out this time!,..,Omaima Sohail departs after scoring 65 runs.,..rest of the batters have to finish the job.., wicket!..ohh! 2 quick wickets..,Fatima in..,so, pressure is on.., 4! .,Pakistan, 151-5, 39 overs gone,..2 runs.., wide..,keep going,..1, 2 whatever,..then hit the bad balls ..ohh!,..,Pakistan, 157-5, 40 overs gone.,..2 runs.,.LBW?,..out! by Khaka..Fatima departs..,Sidra in, ..,Pakistan, 163-6, 42 overs gone.,..need 59 from 45 balls.,.couple of big hits can change the equation quickly..,need to keep hanging..singles..,,need 54 from 38 balls..,now 47 from 30 balls,..have to target 1 or 2 overs for big hits...4!., 2 runs..,now need 38 from 24 balls,..4!,..wicket!, 50 for Nida Dar.,.to the wire.!, 4!.., now, need 22 from 12 balls.,..4!, another 4!.. run out!.., now 10 from 6 balls!.,caught!,..woo! 7 from 2 balls!,.,It is victory for South Africa!..,congrats!, gals!.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok,..is that so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..,Coffee is going good as well, ok, cool.
Ok,..so,..Tea and funkylife is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..so,.., Evening Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Folks are talking about,..Casa-Pasa Wallet,..Swan-Fwan Bitcoin, Compass-Pampus Mining,,,Nydig - No dick wallets etc.. are not avaiable in India, they are not even multinationals ..see,..that shows their limitations already,.. ok, cool.
Anything that can be hacked will be hacked,..,that happens to exhanges, and wallets,.. Mt Gox mishaps,..,if they can steal private key, they will steal it..,if they could have hacked or stopped the bitcoin main chain, they would have,..,exchanges and wallets can be hacked,..inside job like stealing other peoples private key can happen, so, happens,..,but the #Bitcoin
main chain is solid ,..ok,cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,The Casa guys,..Nick Neuman, Jameson Lopp etc..,look decent,..In case some rogue state agent like FBI, beat the shit out of them for some reason,..they have to shut Casa down,.., exchanges, companies, wallets will go down and new ones will come up. The point is they have central point of failure..,the same applies to Vitaliks etherium project,.. that is not the case with #Bitcoin
,..ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I checked the Casa app, to check their multisig stuffs,..,it says,..we are working on it to make it available for other countries,..now avaialable only in US,...,supported fiat bridge (fiat banks) name like these..
supported bank..
Chase, www.chase.com
Bank of America, www.bankofamerica.com
Wells Fargo, www.wellsfargo.com
Citibank Online, www.citi.com
USAA, www.usaa.com
TD Bank. www.tdbank.com
Regions Bank, www.regions.com
Navy Federal Credit Union, www.navyederal.org
Charles Schwab, www.schwab.com
Fidelity, www.fidelity.com
Citizens Bank, www.citizensbank.com
Huntington Bank, www.huntington.com
Wealthfront. www.wealthffront.com
Betterment, www.betterment.com
Stash, www.stash.com
...the fiat brigde look ok,..decent number,..,but limited to the country, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,...Dhakki tiki, dhakki tiki, dhakki tiki, dhakki tiki...thaa.
Hai,.. kya kar raha hai yeh......isme ek hi 'GOLI' thi..
Meaning,..You can play God only once,..
..and Satoshi played that for #Bitcoin
, by setting 21 million bitcoins and mining the genesis block. Now, everyone has to live by that rule,..no one can change.

Why that is important,..,See, everything build on earth is on the basis of gravity(9.8m/s2) ,..,all structures and flying objects, living or no-living are based on that..
...now try to change the gravity or make it to 0,.. and see what happens, everything collapse!..
All movements on earth are based friction (a force),..you can't make movement, accelerate, brake, turn,..without friction.,..,now try to make friction zero.. and see what happens..ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, Morning Tea is going good,..ok, cool.
#CWC22.. Ok, so,..,West Indies with a solid start,..,I was a bit relaxed after looking at the scoreboard,..317 runs.,. WI 1 wicket gone..only,..I am not relaxing much..,ok, gals.. Wicket!...West Indies, 111-2, 17 overs gone.,..I am still not relaxing much..,ok, gals.., Wicket!..,now that is something!..ok, gals.,.West Indies, 113-3, 18 overs gone., another Wicket!..,now I am relaxing a bit, ok, gals.., West Indies, 114-4, 19 overs gone..,..one more wicket, i will be relaxed a bit more, ok gals..,4!..,chance to improve the net run rate, .what say gals..,West Indies, 123-4, 21 overs gone.,..ok,..that were two superb knocks!, 2 Centuries!, from Marathi mulgi Smriti Mandhana and Punjab kudi Harmanpreet Kaur.,..caught! out!, WI 5 wickets gone!..,whatever the outcome of this match,..that were two superb knocks!..West Indies, 134-5, 23 overs gone.,..batters are now backed by the bowlers by taking wickets!.,.LBW?, out!.. WI lost 6 wickets!,..ohh! missed at slips!,..West Indies, 138-6, 24 overs gone.,. 2 wickets for both Meghna Singh and Sneh Rana..,i kinda relaxing a bit now, ok gals..but i am still looking for wickets. .ok..,run out!, ..woo!,.. West Indies, 145-7, 27 overs gone.,..today it looks like our gals have managed to calm the calypso gals rage.., Drinks, ok..,West Indies, 145-7, 30 overs gone.,..4!..,West Indies, 153-7, 32 overs gone.,..one more wicket will not be a bad idea..but 3 wickets will be the best idea..,what say gals.., caught!..out!,..folks say,..now, Jhulan Goswami is the highest wicket taker of all time! in ICC Women's World Cups. ,...run out!.., who did the throw!.., West Indies, 158-9, 37 overs gone. last wicket, ..com'n, Team India!,..West Indies, 160-9, 40 overs gone.,..wicket!..,all out!..,This is convincing Victory! for Team India!,..congrats gals!.
Babe of the Match - Smriti Mandhana,..says,..."Harman deserved the award equally. ICC, I believe has enough budget to give both of us seperate trophies",..lol, grt! lol..
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, ok,..so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..so, Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,Evening Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Work or Labor can not be counterfeited,..,other things can be,..,making noise/propagonda/spam etc..,do not cost anything,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL,.. So, the proceedings will continue,..it is Liverpool vs Brighton, kicking off first.., Here we go.., Liverpool boys were not at good touch in the last UCL match,..let.s see, how they play here..,Looks like Brighton boys are making the initial movements!.., Liverpool still chasing Man City,.,..oh! that was close! from Salah and Mane..,..Brighton in the mid table,..doing ok, this far.., Leeds and Everton in the sensitive regions.., 15 Minutes played no goal yet.., that looks nasty!,..and the goal stands!,.. Liverpool 1-0 up!,. 30 minutes played and Liverpool have a corner..,.looks like lots of non lethal attempts..,no response from Brighton..before half time.. 2 added minutes.., It is half time, Liverpool 1-0 Brighton.
Ok, so, Liverpool 2-0 up!.., Salah converted a penalty, ok.., 70 minutes played,..Brighton still mum.., Brighton boys,..say something..,Yellow Card.,.is that the way you boys speak, ok.,. 10 minutes to go,..Brighton, wanna say something.., another Yellow Card, ok, got it.,..take it easy, Alisson.., time is running out..,ohh!, Alisson denies Brighton close attempt.., 5 added minutes.., looks like Liverpool is narrowing the gap with Man City.., It is full time, Liverpool 2-0 Brighton. #EPL
#EPL, So, the next match Brentford vs Burnley,.. then Man Utd vs Spurs.., Brentford won't want to lose, and Burnley can't afford to lose.., Man Utd vs Spurs is something!,.. #EPL.
Ok, ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..did you,..,what did you tell them,..,tell me, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,.i kinda sorta got that, ok, i kinda got that, ok. cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then you know,.. do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, Morning is about funky life,..ok, cool.
#CWC22, Ok, so,..the Aussies humbles the Kiwis at Basin Reserve, Wellington..,..the Aussies will be Aussies,..,you are supposed to prepare well against them,..to have any chance,..,that applies to rest of the teams.., after setting a big total of 269,..they bowled the Kiwis out for 128 just at 30.2 overs,.,that is what they are capable of.,..It is flawless Victory! for the Australians,..congrats gals!.
It is Ellyse Perry,..they say,...the winner of the - Babe of the Match,
for her contribution to the team with,..68 runs and 1 wicket.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, ok,..so, Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool,..,tea then,..,ok, cool.
Ok,..I got that,..Ronaldo wanted to respond Benzema,..,and Spurs paid the price,..,folks say,..,that is unintended consequence,.. ok, cool. #EPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, tell me then,..how evening tea is going, ok, cool.
#EPL,..,Ok, How is it going, folks. Lots of actions today,..,Leeds strikes first!, and Watford!, both at 14th minute.., Everton want to say something,..then say it.., Raphinha not angry today, ok..,Rodrigo is also not angry today,..that is good,..ok.., What? Watford want to overtake Everton..ok.,..that is poor touch! from Leeds boys..at the finishing line.., It is half time,.Chelsea 0-0 Newcastle, Leeds 1-0 Norwich, Everton 0-0 Wolves, West Ham 0-0 Aston Villa,..Southamton 1-2 Watford. #EPL.
Ok, ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
#EPL, Ok,..Wolves have spoken in the Second half!..,..anyone,..Chelsea, Villa, West Ham, Newcastle,.. want to say something..,..no,..not yet, ok..., West Ham has spoken!..broke their silence!,..Red Card awarded! Kenny!,.., Lampard is handed a job,..he will have a lot to repair..time consuming,..Meanwhile Chelsea spoken, just before the closing minutes!, and Norwich came up with an equlizer!.. Leeds! double!, It is full time,..Chelsea 1-0 Newcastle, Leeds 2-1 Norwich, Everton 0-1 Wolves, West Ham 2-1 Aston Villa,..Southamton 1-2 Watford. #EPL.
Ok, ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then do your things,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Tea is going good,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Coffee is going good as well,..,ok, cool.
#CWC22,.., Pakistan batting,..145-1, 36 overs gone.., Pakistan keeping wickets..,
Ok, folks,..how things are going at Seddon Park...
4! for Bismah..and double break Bangladesh!..,.,it looks like one of them will open their account today, in this World Cup..either Pakistan or Bangladesh.., Bangladesh posted a total - 234 runs., now Pakistan need 64 rom 60 balls,...wicket!,..,Nida Dar has a take the team to the other side.., out!, Nida Dar gone!,
LBW?, ..out!.., another run out!.., Pakistan, 188-7,..boundary saved!, Century! for Sidra Ameen!,.., wide and runs,.. 4! Diana!,.., now, Pakitan need 30 runs from 24 balls..woo!.., it looks like someone will open their account today, in this World Cup!, ..LBW!..out! Diana Baig gone!, ..now, 25 needed from 18 balls..,big hits needed! Pakistan!,.. now, 21 from 14 balls.,,run out?!, out!, ..so close still too far! last wicket! Pakistan.., now 19 runs from 12 balls!.., 16 runs from the last over!..,It is Bangladesh, that hold their nerve!, It is Victory! for Bangladesh,..congrats gals!...It is their first World Cup match win!, they say.., that is great! Bangladesh.
It is Fahima Khatun,..they say,..,is the Babe of Match,
for her contribution to the team with, 3 Wickets in 8 overs, good Economic rate, 4.75.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
#CWC22,..,England batting,..201-5, 45 overs played,.. Wicket! 6th wicket gone..,
Ok, how things are going, folks,..at Bay Oval..,tell me..
four!,..good effort but not enough to prevent the boundary,.., wicket! for Kapp, 4!..Dean!, 250+?, bowled! Dean gone!,.. England posted a decent total, 235.., Let's see, how will the England bowlers and fielders do...
South Africa batting,..74-2, 18.5 overs bowled.., South Africa, 76-2, 20 overs gone.., wide delivery.., South Africa need solid partnerships, while England need wickets.. 4!..,South Africa, 86-2, 22 overs gone. ..4!..from Sciver...,ladies Klusener.., 4! for Luus., 100 up for South Africa..,..ladies Monty Panesar? in the England camp.., South Africa, 106-2, 27 overs gone., 4!,.. where is ladies Matthew Hoggard.., Half Century! for Laura Wolvaardt!.. LBW?..no..South Africa, 139-2, 33 overs gone.,..catch missed! and 4!.., South Africa look steady,..,and England need wickets..,..in 50 overs matches most of players, both the batters and the bowlers get their chance to perform..,..while in 20 overs matches even the openers can finish it off.,.. out!..stumped!.., while the test matches are..for the players.. batters, bowlers, fielders,... patience, fitness and overall stamina test...4!,..then out! ..South Africa, 158-4, 35.5 overs gone..,Wolvaardt departs and Kapp in.., South Africa, 163-4, 37 overs gone...match in balance.. 4!..,caught behind!,..,it looks like balance is slightly shifting towards England ..4! for Kapp.., 4!.. South Africa, 179-4, 40 overs gone.,,4 byes..,LBW? not out.. edge 4!,.. South Africa, 192-4, 43 overs gone.,..i got that, Nasser will support England, why SA,..,he showed his back, Jersey number to Ganguly.:)...that was good one.. run out!,..36 runs from 36 balls.,..Six! full toss., now 21 runs from 24 balls!,..,16 runs from 18 balls!,..,LBW?,..out!, Kapp gone!,,,4!,..4 runs from 6 balls!,, no run out!, South Africa believe!,..,It is three consecutive Victories! for the South Africans,..congrats gals!.
There was not doubt,..,it is Marizanne Kapp,..,the Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with 5 wickets for 10 overs, and 32 runs.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok,.so, Tea is going good,..,ok, cool.
Ok,. ok,..so, Coffee is going good,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that what they say,..,that is why tea is the better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, Tea is going good,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,.They are all attention seekers,..,they always want to stay in the news media,..they also behave as they are some kind of celebrity,.,ok,..,the western propagonda machines are always doing,..chi chi chi..xi xi xi about china,..,that way putin felt neglected,..,now he is getting lots of attention for wrong reasons,..now all over the media propagonda portals,..,they just want attention,..,if you can't be famous become notorious, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, that is why some UK government insider said,..The british people are like cattle,..If the government (the politico-burucratic class) runs enough propagonda around them,..they remain like cattle, ok,..the same applies to most of the other European countries, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..eeny, meeny, miny, moe,..,stuff are going cool, ok.
They say,..,Every 5th person in the earnstwhile Soviet Union was a state informant, ..,that is what free money does,..,so, what happened,.. Soviet collapsed,..,the nature of state is same everywhere, none better, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, Coffee is going good,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..that is why,..,chutiya bhai chutiya, india chutiya, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..Evening tea is all about funkylife, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Let's talk about just the incentives,..,so, who has the most to gain and who has the most to loss in #Bitcoin
, ok, ..that is better, ok, cool.

Ok, so, ..those who have the most to gain,...,also have the most to loss, ok, cool.
network will continue,..I am talking about BTC, the asset, owners, ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,There is no cost involved, in creating fiat money,..,it is public, and so the money printing press workers have, personally nothing to loss,..just like anything that is called public,...,but there are huge costs involed in creating/mining bitcoin,..the miners know that cost,..and there are huge personal stakes involved for big the hodlers/whales, they call..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep,..,ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool..,..ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea first,..then do your things,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, Morning tea going good, ok, cool.
#CWC22,..,Australia batting, 86-3, 23 overs gone..,How is it going at Reserve Basin, gals.., so, West Indies posted a small total - 131.,.. Ok, so, It looks like our gals(India) have disturbed the rhythm of the West Indian gals in the last match..,..Aussies on top.., The Aussies are better than most of the teams, even with their not best overall team strentgh...both Men and Women team.,..you need something special to beat them.., Australia 118-3, 28 overs gone,..and these gals look good for the next T20 Women's World Cup, 2023 to be hosted by South Africa.,...just 1 shot away to win., 1 run to win...and that's it!.. It is 4th consecutive Victories! for the Australians,..congrats gals!.
Ladies and Gentlemen,..,Babe of the Match - Ellyse Perry.
for her contribution to the team, with 3 wickets.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok,..so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..so, Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,They are always looking for free 'Poisa',..,that habit doesn't change..,ok oool.
Ok, Aisa kuch nahi hota hai,..,Sab free Paisa hota hai..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..So, funky life is all about having a nice cup of tea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..So, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that what they say,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then do your things,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..so, Tea is not going that good, ok, cool.
#CWC22,..,England batting, 24-2, 8 overs gone...,England gals needed to comeback,..but not at the expense of our gals..,.not like that..,..India need wickets and in quick!..,take this ladies Nick Knight asap..., 4!,.4!.. England, 59-2, 15 overs gone.,..England gals cornered to the wall,..now they will hit back with everything they got..,they have to do that,.. to stay in this tournament.., 4!.,.caught!, out! Nat Sciver departs.,.it is Darwinian competition for all the teams,..this is World Cup, no cake walk... 4!..,then there is ICC Women's T20 World Cup, 2023 to be hosted by South Africa...,so, long and solid team build up required for all.., time passes quickly.., England, 82-3, 21 overs gone...now, who let the dogs in.., England closing in.. England, 95-3, 24 overs gone.,,having fun idiots..:).,..ohh! Six!,,..and caught!..,..England, 104-4, 26 overs gone.,,.4!.., Half Century for Heather Knight!, the England Captain.,..4! for Sophia.., England closing in more.,.only 12 runs away to register their first victory..in this World Cup,.. 4!,..,ok, gals, just prepare better for the next match against the Aussies..,hope she is fine..Harman.., 4!, and that's it!..,It is first Victory for the England gals,..congrats gals!.
Boys and Gals presenting you,..,Babe of the Match - Charlie Dean
for her contribution to the team, with 4 wickets in 8.2 overs, Economy, 2.76
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok,.so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok.so,..funky life is all about having a nice cup of coffee,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool.,.ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then do your things,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#CWC22,.. South Africa batting, 33-1, 10 overs gone.., How things are going, guys, at Seddon Park..
4!..,..ok, so South Africa mananged to restrict the Kiwis for, 228 runs,..,it looked bigger as the Kiwis started..,SA done well,.. 4!,..now they look starting well with bat, South Africa 43-1, 12 overs gone. ,.smashed! 4!,.. South Africa 49-1, 13 overs gone..,.Brits looks stuck.., only 3 runs from 21 balls..,but keeping wicket is not a bad idea.,.given the ok target..,South Africa 55-1, 15 overs gone.,.straight drive 4!,..reverse sweep 4!,..,South Africa 64-1, 16 overs gone., Drinks, ok.,..any plan, Home gals.., now, Brits looks comfortable,..,i was asking, any plan Kiwi gals.., Stumped?!.. out!,.. Brits gone.. Luus in..,South Africa 74-2, 18 overs gone.,..ok, ladies Daniel Vettori..,.South Africa 79-2, 20 overs gone.,. really,..ladies Shane Bond..,.South Africa 81-2, 21 overs gone.,.ohh!.., 4! ok, ladies Herschelle Gibbs ..,ohh!,..,required run rate still under control..,.just need to keep working on 1, 2s.., 100 up for South Africa..,.. wide and 4!, South Africa 105-2, 25 overs gone.,..hello kiddos..,nah,..SA are not bothered.., i was asking, any plan, Home gals.., 4!.. Half Century for Laura Wolvaardt!, .4!..4!.., South Africa 139-2, 30 overs gone.,..it is going good for SA,..,no need to do anything silly..,but the Kiwis need to do something.., South Africa 145-2, 32 overs gone.,, 4!,.. 4!,..,. South Africa 159-2, 35 overs gone. LBW? out!.., Laura Wolvaardt departs, Preez in.. ohh!, Wicket!.., Preez gone.. it is not over yet!..game on!.. South Africa 166-4, 38 overs gone., Half Century for Sune Luus!,..ladies Graeme Smith, still work to do.., Wicket!, Sune Luus gone!..woo!!,..one more partnership..SA, ..wide.. 4!,, South Africa 166-4, 38 overs gone..., South Africa need 45 runs from 42 balls..,..pressure!,,.South Africa need 39 runs from 36 balls!..,calm calm..,over the top.., 2 runs.., now, 31 from 30 balls!...caught! out! Tryon gone.., now, 27 from 24 balls!...,4! another 4!,..,now, 18 from 18 balls!.,. Wicket!.. Kapp calm.. 14 from 12 balls!,..bowled! out!,,, Devine intervention!.. 6 from 6 balls!,.,..4!,..South Africa believe!, now it is within their reach!,..,It is South Africa, held their nerve!.,,still, well played New Zealand gals..
It is 4th consecutive Victories! for the South Africans,..congrats gals!.
Yeah, you folks got that right,..,it is Marizanne Kapp,..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with 2 wickets and 34 runs unbeaten.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Wanna ask something,..have questions,..then fire away,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Coffee is going good,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,...,Cooperation, collaborations etc.. are ok, ..but without personal,..gain, loss, consequences,..,nothing change,..,nobody knows,..who, why, what..,.ok, cool.
Anything that is called public can never improve,..,it will be corrupt, degrade and decay, ok, cool.
Privately owned businesses/estates are atleast better than the rest..,in terms of products and service delivery,..because there are personal gain, loss, and consequences involved,..,even in the smallest places,..,people prefer better stuffs and services,..,so, it works, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,Evening Tea is going good,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so..eeny, meeny, miny, moe,..stuffs are going cool, ok.
is self contained organic monetary system,.,cool stuff,.. but the self proclaimed bitcoiners are not..,.if you have benefits boarding onto it,..,that's good,..,see, Saylor has huge benefits holding it,..,.good incentive is enough,..,no, other nonsense required,..ok, cool.

Business folks use it,..because there are benefits using it, ok, cool.
eliminates the role of middle man,.. like the state money printing press workers.,.you can transfer money from anywhere to anyone in the other part of the world,.. eliminating the middleman, ok, cool.

eliminates the IT departments of the fiat banking system,..#Bitcoin
doesn't require IT companies,..,nodes are the IT department,..,in case of India, companies like TCS, Infosys are eliminated., ok, cool.

eliminates the HR department,..,because there are no employees,..#Bitcoin
is not a company, institution or organization, ok, cool.

eliminates the Security department (Cops, Military or Other Security Guards),..,but if you stash billion dollars in some fiat bank,..,heavy security spending needed, #Bitcoin
eliminates that,.. ok, cool.

eliminates the function of politics and war, #Bitcoin
is separation of state and money,..,ok, cool.

eliminates the Accountants, the Auditors,.the Compliance function, etc..ok, cool.

Hmm,..,It looks like #Bitcoin
does a whole lot of things,..and a whole lot of people have a reason to hate it,..,because #Bitcoin
renders them jobless,.. ok, cool.

doesn't give a damn about anyones' noise, ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool..,..ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,...Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,...So, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#CWC22,..Bangladesh batting, 88-7, 36 overs gone..,..Ok, so, the Spinners are the theme at Bay Oval,..is that what you folks are saying..ok, may be.., West Indies total, 140 runs look big now.., Bangladesh, 99-7, 39 overs gone.,. Bangladesh need 41 runs from 63 balls,..,that is not the problem,.. the wicket column is..,..meanwhile 100 up for Bangladesh..,.Bangladesh, 101-7, 41 overs gone.,..told you, teams that play better normally win.,..that is the way cricket is..,..Bangladesh need 36 runs from 46 balls, .keep wickets and keep working on 1,2s, and hit the bad balls..,4!,. Wicket!, ..hahaha..ok gals hit a Six, Bangladesh need 26 runs from 36 balls.., 4!.., Wicket!,..no ball..,..Bangladesh need 18 runs from 24 balls, ..4!.., now who held the nerve..,..ok, take your time, folks.., Bangladesh need 13 runs from 18 balls.,. 10 from 12 balls!,...now 8 from 6 balls!,.. Wicket!,.. It is West Indies held their nerve!,.. well played, Bangladesh gals,.. it is just matter of moments that decides.
It is Victory! for the West Indians,..congrats gals!.
Yeah,..It is Hayley Matthews,..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with 4 wickets in 10 overs, Economy, 1.50!.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok,.so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,.so, Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Lazy people make less mistakes,..you can say that,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I am too lazy to make tea for myself,..you can say that,..,ok, cool.
....The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it didn’t fall, for it was founded on the rock. - Matthew 7:24-27.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,The time schedule of EPL is generally more suitable for me, mostly in the evening time here,..,while UCL, it is too late! in the night here,..,that is an issue,..,rest are all fine,..,ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, Evening tea is going good,..ok, cool.
Hmm,...,Point to be noted..
"Satoshi had to do so much to win our trust. Everything open source. Everything with fair warning; full disclosure. Create the most auditable monetary system ever, and then leave the project. What other digital asset or cryptocurrency has done even 1/10th of the things Satoshi did to convince us that this was a legitimate and fair thing. I mean I haven’t seen anything even remotely approximating that." #Bitcoin
- Nic Carter

Yeah, I am also not convinced with any of those software projects (the cryptos),..,i don't find any need of them,..,don't need another bitcoin or bitcoin like,..,and have no valid reason to put any cent of money in them.,.,If anyone can create something 10 times better than bitcoin,..people will migrate there,..,just like, now people can migrate/opt in from fiat to bitcoin,..,I am not interested in any of those existing pump and dump schemes... ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Move fast and break things, holds only for cheap money or free money stuffs, .you can't do that with a so important thing, such as base-layer-money..#Bitcoin
,move slowly and don’t break things,.. only with everything proper,.. and currency is just one application of money, not all.

Hmm,..,Concensus based universal wallet is not about something for Greater Good or Greater Purpose,..,it is the best way,..the miners, node runners, the big hodlers or the major hash powers can support one another irrespective of their geographic locations, .,and from the eventuality of unfrieldly states,..,no single point or no central point is the basis of Concensus based universal wallet.
Hmm,..,Proprietary wallets and Exchanges are useful for business purposes, lending, generate profit for their customers/users,..let them be like that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Giving just rough outlines..about consensus wallet.
Start with creating an open source project,..,node runners, major hash powers. .etc..,contributors can communicate and work pseudonymously.,,.no need to tell stuffs to anyone personally.,.Incentive structure,..something 0.1% of the volume for anyone want to entry and exit,..as their entry or exit fees, or make it something more economical for the users,.. and that way the wallet maintainers will be incentivised,.. it can't be 0 fee or free.,because bitcoin can't be created/mined at zero cost....,wallet maintainers will get it...,creat an unhackable consensus based wallet, so that,..no single party or a third party can change it,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..The kids are lovely, noisy and messy,..but they have promises to keep,.and miles to go before they sleep,.and miles to go before they sleep.,ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,...,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, When you make tea,..you are asked to make it good, ok, cool.
#CWC22, So, India set a good target, 278 for Australia,..,Let's see how our bowlers and fielders do..
The wickets column is not quite encouraging,..,. Australia, 63-0, 9 overs gone.., no challenge at all to the batters,..runs are flowing free..,.Aussie openers are not bothered,..just smiling.., Australia, 71-0, 11 overs gone.,.,relaxed.., 4!..,.need wickets, gals, need wickets,..Australia, 83-0, 13 overs gone.,.ok, over...ladies Ponting, not bothered.., 50! for Healy.,..,and ladies Gilchrist also not bothered.., Australia, 88-0, 15 overs gone...,only wickets can create discomfort..,.although they look too comfortable.. wickets can change that quickly..,..no wickets fallen, so, not bothered..,Australia, 111-0, 17 overs gone...Wicket!..,..still, Darren Lehmann, Andew Symonds all can bat till tail end. :)., Australia, 122-1, 20 overs gone... Wicket!..,another couple of wickets,..then we are talking.., Australia, 133-2, 23 overs gone...ohh!.., 4!.. 4!.., Australia, 154-2, 27 overs gone... 4!.., Drinks, ok.., rain spared..may be, Zeus also love cricket.,.., Australia, 164-2, 30 overs gone.. 4!.., so easy.., It looks like things are not going Indias favour at Eden Park.,, now, 95 runs needed from 108 balls...The Aussies are walking in the Park ..relaxed.., now, 74 runs needed from 78 balls..and plenty of wickets remaining.. 4!.,.Aussies are the better side,..it is as simple as that..:) so, prepare better..against them, that's all...,getting frustrated dosen't help,..ok, take it easy.., telling you all the time..,but every team has some chink in their armour find it..,.just play better..prepare better, raise your bar.., now, 53 runs needed from 54 balls...rain..:), with DLS, the Aussies still win..,..Dome stadium needed, folks. atleast one..,every major cricket playing country..ok,....
play resumes?..ok,..good to go again..., and Wicket!,, Perry gone, Mooney in.. 4!.., now, 46 runs needed from 48 balls.,.. 4!.. 4!..,, only 3 wickets, that's all..how can you put pressure.,..now, only 21 runs needed from 24 balls... 4!..,,India batted well, but the bowlers did not back it..,,still going to the wire ..Wicket!..woo!, 8 from 6 balls!..4!..another 4!..and that's it.!
The Aussies continue their unbeaten run..,It is 5th consecutive Victories! for the Australians,..congrats gals!.
Yeah, It is Meg Lanning, the Captain,..,Babe of the Match.
for her anchoring knock of 97 runs..
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Coffee is going good too, ok, cool.
You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
Ok, so,. Have a whole chunk of Chicken Biryani and whole lot of Paani Puri...and chill,..just try to do better next time..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL,..Ok, so, It is.. Villa vs Arsenal, today,..,Arsenal won't want Man Utd to displace them from the top 4.., so, Villa need to look out,.., and Liverpool almost catching Man City!,..So, title race is on!. #EPL
#EPL,..How is it going, folks.. Villa vs Arsenal.., so,..no score yet.., Villa boys look more active.., Gunners wanna say something.., gunners look muted, what happend.., What about Villa scoring first..,..Ok, Saka scored first!...,now, we are talking.., 30 minutes played, Arsenal 1-0 up!.,.now,...who is awarded Yellow Card there.., So, it looks like Gunners are creating bigger gap and racing ahead of Man Utd,..if things go their way, today.., Any response from Villa before half time..,ok, easy easy.., It is half time, Villa 0-1 Arsenal. #EPL
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
#EPL,..Villa wanna say something,..in the Second half..,,ohh.. Ødegaard! wanna say something..,Villa guys do not look like asking seriosly, so far..,.Yello! there..,..no accuracy from Coutinho there.., 30 minutes to go..,do the Gunners believe 1 goal is enough...ok, so Saka calls it a day.., ok, Villa folks you got 20 more minutes..,,Gunners wanna double!.., folks say, Villa guys have no single accurate target attempt.!., Gerrard might have heard that..,,.accuracy, guys, accuracy,..that matters.. 5 minutes to go..,ok, so the Gunners are almost home,..4 added minutes..,,It is victory (3 points) for Arsenal!,..It is full time, Villa 0-1 Arsenal.,.. and winning makes me hungy,.. it is dinner time. #EPL
Ok, ok,..is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then you know,..do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#CWC22., England batting, 62-2. 14 overs gone..,Ok folks, How things are going at Eden Park, today..
Drinks, ok..,..Yeah, the English gals bat it through the 50 overs, they will take it away,..,203 is not many runs to defend,..,So, taking wicket is the only way for the Kiwis.., ohh! that did not carry!.., squeeze the runs,..do not concede easy runs...,good disciplined bowling and fielding, pays..,..England, 77-2. 18 overs gone...,.throughout the years,..,you gals have played...bilaterals, trilaterals, leagues in diffrent formats (Tests, ODIs, T20s),..,so, you gals are supposed to know one anothers game, strenghts and weakness..,..and expected to bring those experiences to this big occcasion...,ok,..so, what were you gals doing throughout the years.., Wicket!..,England Skipper departs.., England, 98-3. 23 overs gone.,. full toss! 4!..,..England, 106-3. 26 overs gone.,, caught! Wicket!.,,.squeeze runs, keep taking wickets,..Kiwis are still in this..,..In case the English gals bat it through the 50 overs..then you know..,.now, Sciver and Dunkley have to anchor..,..squeeze runs, take wickets,..squeeze runs and take wickets, build pressure, ..,that is the Kiwis battle plan.., England, 123-4. 30 overs gone.,..shot! over the top! 4!.. Six!,.. England, 134-4. 31 overs gone ...Drinks..ok.., Kerr sisters..:).. stand and deliver! Sciver! 4!.. Yeah, we have brothers also..,Waugh brothers..Steve Waugh and Mark Waugh.., Flower brothers..Grant Flower and Andy Flower,..folks may reckon.., England, 147-4. 35 overs gone...4! for Sciver.,..solid partnership from England. .,..England, 166-4. 39 overs gone...4! and 50! up for Sciver...bowled! out!, Dunkley departs.. 3 runs..,..England need 22 runs from 48 balls,..,bowled!..Sciver departs.. 4!..beats everyone!,.. now, need 13 runs from 36 balls,..,bowled!.., LBW?! out!....run out! oh! oh!.., 4! .. 1 to win!, It is England!,..but New Zealand fought till the end.!
This victory keep Englands Semi-final hope alive,..congrats gals!.
It is Nat Sciver,..,Babe of the Match.
for her 9 overs with 3.0 economy rate, & anchoring knock of 61 runs.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, so,..Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,.so, Coffee is going good too, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, funky life begins with a nice cup of afternoon coffee, ok, cool.
Ok,..really,..is that so,..,a nice cup of afternoon tea is about funky life, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I need tea a little more than other people,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..that's the way it is,..ok, cool.
#EPL, Ok, so,..todays proceeding begins with, Brentford vs Leicester City,..,and then followed by Spurs vs West Ham,..,let's see how they do.. #EPL
#EPL, It is Brentford vs Leicester City then,.. how is it going, folks.., Looks like Leicester making early movements..,.Leicester 1-0 up!.., the name is Castagne, they say..,i was having dinner.., Brentford boys, say something..,try try.., Maddison! Goal!..,hit from distance!.,..Brentford boys any answer.. 10 minutes to half time.., Leicester 2-0 up!..,ohh!.., try harder, Brentford boys,..,looks like Leicester not much challenged by the Brentford boys,.., It is half time, Leicester City 2-0 Brentford.. #EPL
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
#EPL,. The Leicester boys look like raiding again in the Second half..,ohh! how he missed that!.., Schmeichel denied! that.., great save!.., another great save! Schmeichel!.., now Brentford boys are showing some urgency!,,.. Castagne calls it a day.., Brentford boys, you have 20 minutes to make any difference..,, Leicester keeping them at bay.. 10 more minutes to go..,Leicester almost home.., Goal!, Brentford strike late, but strike!,..,Leicester, wanna share points!? ..4 added minutes, ..no, Leicester won't share points!.., It is full time, Leicester City 2-1 Brentford. #EPL
Ok,...really,..is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#CWC22, ..West Indies batting, 19-0, 3 overs gone,..,ok, so,..slightly delayed start at Seddon Park due to rain interruption.., they will get 20 overs each.., caught! out!, Matthews departs..Taylor in..,..4!.. West Indies, 23-1, 5 overs gone.,..can Pakistan open their account today, in this World Cup..or the West Indian gals have different plan from them.., Dottin looking good with the bat.. every run matters.., don't give anything easy..,let them work hard for every run.., West Indies, 26-1, 7 overs gone...ohh!.., caught and bowled! Nida Dar stikes!.. , Dottin departs.. Campbelle in.., West Indies, 38-2, 10 overs gone...ohh!.. 4!.., out!.. Campbelle out!., 50 up for West Indies.., bowled!, Omaima strikes! Nation departs for a duck!. West Indies, 52-4, 13 overs gone.,..wide ball..,,one bounce 4!.., caught! out! Nida strikes again.. Spinners!. another! Nida!.. and another!.., West Indies, 63-7., 17 overs gone...fantastic bowling from the youngster, Fatima.., 4!..4!., good over for West Indies.., run out!? no.. 4!, West Indies total - 89 runs.
..............................Innings break..............................................
Pakistan need 90 runs from 20 overs..
I said slight delay..:), was it too long for you folks..may be.., told you about a Dome stadium,..you folks do not seem to listen..
Ok,.., Pakistan, 5-0., 2 overs gone.,..Sidra and Muneeba opening.. 4!..4!.., ..2.. 2.. Pakistan, 22-0., 5 overs gone...bang! Wicket!.., Sidra gone!.. LBW?.. no..,.easy easy..,.Pakistan, 26-1., 7 overs gone... 4!..
.. 4!.. Pakistan, 40-1, 9 overs gone...2.. 4! ..50 up for Pakistan.., Pakistan, 53-1, 11 overs gone...ohh.., Wicket!.., that shot was not needed.., Muneeba departs..,need a Captains knock.., Pakistan, 58-2, 13 overs gone. ..4!..2.., Pakistan need 25 runs from 35 balls.. no ball.., now need 19 runs from 30 balls.. 3 runs.. now need 13 runs from 24 balls...,.ohh!.. 2 runs.. 2 runs!.., now need just 4 runs from 12 balls!,, 2 needed!.., It is Pakistan!..,registering their first victory in this World Cup!..congrats gals!.
Folks say, It is Nida Dar,..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with 4 wickets in 4 overs, 2.5 economy rate.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, ok..so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..so, Coffee is going good as well, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.,Some people say that,..evening Tea is a good idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, Those are your goals,..why waiting then,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, Those are your goals,..,have nice coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool,..so, tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool...,ok,...i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea first,..then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#CWC22. How is it going folks. How is Chicken Biryani doing. .. Lanning looking comfortable.. 250+ we are looking for, Right? Bit of power outage here.. #CWC22
#CWC22., South Africa set a target of 272 runs,.. Australia, 241-4, 39 over gone..., It looks like Lanning's day again.., Australia need just 11 runs from 36 balls,.. cake walk, with plenty of wickets remaining... Six!.., 1 to win!.., that's it...,This team do not know how to lose!, Lanning remains unbeaten at 135!.
The Aussie dominance continues!..,It is 6th consecutive Victories! for the Australians,..congrats gals!.
It's Meg Lanning, the Captain Marvel!,..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with 135 unbeaten knock!
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
#CWC22., India batting first, 209 runs,..48 over gone.. Wicket!, India total - 229.
..............................Innings break..............................................
Bangladesh need 230 runs 50 overs,..,and, I am off for Lunch..
Ok, How is it going, big gals, at Seddon Park.., Bangladesh, 21-2, 11 overs gone...out!.. Drinks, ok..
3 wickets down.., oh! Poonam took the 4th! Wicket.,.., Catch?, out!.. Sneh Rana the bowler!,.and Chicken Biryani the catcher!,.. Bangladesh, 40-5, 18 overs gone.. 4!.., 4!.., Bangladesh, 50-5, 19 overs gone..., no easy runs, gals.., good one, Maiden! over, by Rajeshwari Gayakwad.., Bangladesh, 55-5, 21 overs gone.,, LBW? ..no.. another Maiden for Rj Gayakwad.., run out?..no.. Bangladesh, 60-5, 23 overs gone.,..no easy runs, be vigilant, gals..do not relax much.., 4!.. 3 runs.., Bangladesh, 69-5, 25 overs gone.,, Wicket! for Jhulan Goswami.. and catching practice for Richa.., Bangladesh, 83-6, 30 overs gone...4!..,..,oh,,4!.. Wicket!,, ..LBW? out!, 8 wickets down!.., Bangladesh, 100-8, 35 overs gone., ohh!.., caught! :), out!.., Bangladesh, 104-9, 37 overs gone...1 wicket and we are home.,, ohh! ..4!.. 4!.., Wicket!..Jhulan Goswami lead us home!,..,It is crucial victory!, done quite comfortably..,congrats! gals!
It's Yastika Bhatia, (CB :) ),..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with 50 runs.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok,..,So, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,So,..Afternoon Coffee is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Hmm,..players are like frontline soldiers...
You're a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up and dust yourself off
And back in the saddle
You're on the front line
Everyone's watching
You know it's serious, we are getting closer
This isn't over
The pressure's on, you feel it
But you got it all, believe it..
so, be bold like soldiers..learn from mistakes and improve, ok. cool.
Ok,..so, don't behave like politico-bureaucrats,..
Make mistakes, waste resources, screw things up..then try to hide, cover up their mistakes,.. Make mistakes, waste resources, screw things up..then try to hide, cover up incompetence,...,that is what they do all the time..
...as if other people are not aware of their mistakes, scew things up,..and then try to cover up.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..why waiting then,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals,..,have nice coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,so,..Evening Tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
#UWCL, Ok, so, UEFA Women's Champions League, Quarter-finals, 1st Leg, kicking off today.. Bayern vs Paris and Real Madrid vs Barcelona,..,I believe you gals are ready for action.
Ok,..Goalie ready, Striker ready,..,..Everyone ready.., See, you in action!..
#UWCL,.. UEFA Women's Champions League, Quarter-finals, 1st Leg, first match,.. Bayern vs Paris begins!..,Let.s see, how they perform!..., Katoto strikes!, within 20 minutes... Bayern gals looked moving faster initially.... 5 minutes to half time, anyone wanna make a statement...Schüller, Zadrazil or Kumagai.. before halftime.. It is halftime Bayern 0-1 Paris.
Ok, secret of my energy?..,.you guess,..,hint., Boost is not the secret of my energy..ok.
Second half begins..,,these days, Bayern sitting 2nd in Frauen-Bundesliga,.. and Paris too sittinng 2nd in Division 1 Féminine,..but here, 60 minutes played,..still, Paris 1-0 up!..,PSG gals look more athletic build.., Ok, Bayern gals,..,give the home crowd something.., 20 minutes to go..,..Katoto! 2nd Goal!.., Paris 2-0 up!....ohh! close chance! for Bayern.., 10 minutes to go.., Bühl! Goal!.., score 2-1, .. Damnjanović, wanna make a statement.. 3 added minutes.., It is fulltime, Bayern 1-2 Paris. #UWCL
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,..ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,...,It is a strange new world we are living in. A world where identity is optional, ..pseudonymous contributions are accepted based on merit, and people can collaborate and transact freely. It will take some adjustment to get comfortable with these new paradigms, but I strongly believe that all of this has the potential to change the world for the better.
"I know something interesting is sure to happen…" - Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.
Ok,..,so you see,..a nice up Tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok,..,really,..,is that so,..,Afternoon Tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Hmm,...,Guys used to exercise eating competition,..who can eat more than 40-50! Paani Puris,..,I like Paani Puri,..but I do no such thing,.. ok, cool.
Ok, ok, Those are your goals,..why waiting then,..,go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, Those are your goals,..have nice coffee, then..,go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
#UWCL, So,..Teams that play better normally win..,that is the way football is,.., Yesterday in the second match,..,Barcelona vs Real Madrid,.., a ridiculous penalty was given,..,such things are not good for the spirit of the game..ok,. Let them win with their own merit,..,Barcelona is a champion team, they do not require such charity.., Real Madrid totally dominated the first half,..and was leading 1-0 up!,..,the Real Madrid gals really worked hard..,..you can't take away someones' hardwork that easily,..,that is gonna hurt the players and demoralize them,..,of course after that penalty, Barcelona regained momentum,..and went on winning,..but Madrid gals did not allow them to play their normal game..and took them by surprise in the first half..,..they are new team,..Real Madrid Women, established in 2020.,..the gals look like fast learners,..and make a good team to look foward... #UWCL
#UWCL, Ok, so, UEFA Women's Champions League, Quarter-finals, 1st Leg, second day.. Juventus vs Lyon and Arsenal vs Wolfsburg,..,I believe you gals are ready for action.
Ok,..No Favorites, No Prediction.., See, you in action!..
#UWCL, Ok,..Let,s check their respective league current standings...
Juventus sitting 1st! in Serie A. and Lyon sitting 1st! in Division 1 Féminine.
Arsenal sitting 1st in WSL 1, and Wolfsburg sitting 1st! in Frauen-Bundesliga.
Ok, so it looks like, today is the clash of the table toppers!
#UWCL, Ok, so, UEFA Women's Champions League, Quarter-finals, 1st Leg, second day..first match, Juventus vs Lyon, begins,...,just go out and give your best shots, gals!..
25 minutes played, Sonia Bompastors gals are taking the 1-0 lead!, Juve gals yet to find an attacting rhythm..,.Lyon gals are getting so much free space...,oohh!..,Juve gals need to put it together..,.so, much loose space.. 2 added minutes,..It is half time, Juventus 0-1 Lyon.
Ok, Juve gals try to make your presence felt,.. regroup, possess more and steamroll,..,challenge Lyon, they are not challenged at all so far...
Second half going..,Lyon gals still look undeterred..,Red Card!.. Lyon down to 10 players!..can Juve capitalise..,..yeah, that foul was to deny goal scoring opportunity..,so Red stood.., Juventus goal! Girelli!..score 1-1..,..10 minutes to go..,Juventus fired 2-1 front!,, 7 added minutes.., Juventus will take this dramatic victory!, It is full time, Juventus 2-1 Lyon. #UWCL
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,..ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Morning Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#CWC22,..,Pakistan batting, 105-9, 41 overs gone..,..How is it going folks,..
Pakistan all out for 105!, just in 41.3 overs,..poor batting performace form Pakistan..,
Let's see how Pakistan bowlers and fielders do..
..............................Innings break..............................................
England need just 106 runs 50 overs,...
In Cricket,..,there is a clear benchmark,..,equate or do better than the Australians,..,holds good for both Men's and Women's Cricket..,throughout..
England inning begins.., England, 21-1, 5 overs gone..,,..ok, so, England in comfort zone.., England, 61-1, 12 overs gone..., 15 overs gone, 72-1, ..and Drinks.. fo fo fo fou4!.,..only 12 runs needed.,..Wyatt looks in hurry!.., just 4 needed.., that's it.. and England done it quite comfortably, Pakistan was no match to them today.., and England among the top 4!..
It's Danni Wyatt,..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with 76 runs unbeaten.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
#CWC22,..,Ok, It is rain delay at Basin Reserve, again..,.Before the rain,..South Africa, 61-4, in 10.4,..26 overs truncated match..
Let's see, if there is any After the rain game..,..Before Christ(BC) part is done and..lets see if any Anno Domini game remains...
Ok, so,...Folks say, it is a No Result match..
Ok, so,..,with that South Africa join Australia, in Semi-finals berth.,..and West Indies will have to wait for a little while..
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, so,..There will be rain, flood and thunder,..,the natural tendency of the natural world is..chaos, disorder or entropy,..,only the living can create order,..create something useful out of that disorder ..,through work or effort.,.,..because, only a dead fish go with the flow,..not the living, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Money is the sum total of energy and effort of any society,..,you will create unnatural distortion and destruction, if you try to create it without effort, without limit. ,..That is the main problem in the world today,..,fiat/fart money can be created out of fart, by the banking bureaucrats,..,no effort needed,.,.that is what creates all this unnatural distortions and chaos all around the world..ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Properly implemented strong encrypted systems are one of the few things that you can rely on.,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,...,Just abandoned another public fiat bank account ,..,PNB Account (erstwhile..PNB, OBC, UTBI,..merged), for their third class service, ..why don't they just keep one public bank, and keep branches in all other places,..and try to improve service delivery,..such as, failed atm withdrawal and transfer..but fund deducted, ..and remove the ridiculous hidden charges and taxes. ,what is point of all these needless wastages. ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,Afternoon Tea is all about funky life,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,Afternoon Coffee is all about funky life,..ok, cool.
Hmm...It is still the same, indian burucratic economy...
Take the case of India's Ambassador car. It was made by Hindustan Motors, which started manufacturing in the same year as Japan's Toyota. 50 years later, Toyota made five million cars a year. Hindustan sold 18,000 Ambassadors and still to the same design. If you have a controlled economy, cut off from the rest of the world by infinite protection, nobody has any incentive to innovate, nobody has any incentive to increase productivity, to bring new ideas.
Till date none of the indian companies can compete in the global market..nor ever will.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,A nice cup tea is dr. seuss idea of funky life,..ok, cool.
Ok,.,propaganda is poopganda, poopganda is propaganda,..
keep trying all your poopganda tricks,..,let,s see, if your ganda works, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..for me,..Evening Tea is all about funky life,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,.Evening Coffee is all about funky life,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Cricket still has benchmark,..and that is Australia,..,there has been occasional dominance, but they are for short periods,..such as 1970s West Indies,..then seasonally,..sometimes India, sometimes Pakistan, sometimes Sri Lanka,..,sometimes South Africa, New Zealand or England,.. etc,..but even with World Cup winning record, 5 times!,., none of them match Australia yet, starting from Bradman's invincibles. Ok, so the Australians are still the benchmark of Cricket.
Hmm,..,In Football, things are not exactly so,..,It has been seesaw between the major European teams and the major South American teams..,,,but now,..it looks like balance is shifting towards the major Europeann teams,..,this 2022 World Cup will tell the current state of football in South America., traditional major teams such as.. Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina. etc.,.. Europeans are closely comparable, the dutch national team looked a bit weaker in the last EURO,..,..Italy, France, Germany, England, Spain etc.. still looks comparable in strength,..,this 2022, World Cup will tell the state of those national teams Football affairs.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,really,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that,..ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Morning Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#CWC22,..,Australia batting, 18-0, 5 overs gone.., 4!..,..caught! out!, Healy departs.., Lanning in.., ok, so, today it is again not 50 overs match.,.. 43 overs for each.., Bangladesh batted first, and set a target of 136 runs for Australia..,. Wicket! Lanning departs.., So,.,folks say, it is bit of a windy-breezy condition at Basin Reserve..,, Australia, 26-2, 9 overs gone.., Wicket! Caught!, Salma strikes!,..Haynes departs.., Australia, 28-3, 10 overs gone...4!..another 4!.,..,LBW!, Wicket! Ladies McGrath departs.., Australia, 41-4, 13 overs gone.,.. 4!,.. 4!.. another 4!.., Australia, 62-4, 16 overs gone.,..4!,..bowled!,. Rumana strikes!.. Ash Gardner departs..,..Australia, 71-5, 18 overs gone.,. great bowling from Bangladesh..,. Australia, 88-5, 22 overs gone.,. Mooney still steady.., Australia, 92-5, 24 overs gone. ..ohh!..Just 9 runs to win.., Australia looking to keep their record straight!.. 1 run to win! ..and that's it!.. It is Australia!. congrats! gals!.
Yeah, It's Beth Mooney,..,remains not out!..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with 66 runs.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,a nice cup of Coffee is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Yeah, i heard that,..,Netherlands qualifed, Italy did not,..for 2022, FIFA World Cup,..,so, don't be a pain in the ass,..,Told you,..most of the European teams are of almost equal strength, very small margins,..it is hard for everyone, and will get harder, in the coming days,..as they are all fast learners, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,so, Afternoon Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Nobody keeps big amount of #Bitcoin
on exchanges,..just a small amount to see the price action..,..those who do not provide private key are not #Bitcoin
, they are just Bitcoin IOU..,.still, you can buy on exchanges and push it to.. seed phrase based non kyc wallets or hardware wallets,..ok, cool.

But consensus based universal wallet is the best wallet idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,.,.Nah, i don't do anything in the Fiat casino..Shit market(aka Stock market) ..,those are for the cockroaches,..,i rather keep some Fiat, instead,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,so, Afternoon Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,A nice cup of Afternoon Coffee is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok,..,really,..,is that so,..,A nice cup of Evening Tea, kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..,really,..,A nice cup of Evening Coffee is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,..ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,.,There has been some power supply irregularities here,..ok, cool.
Ok,.so, There is no accountability,..becasue it is a public discom, that is running the distribution here..ok.
Ok, so, Their salaries are paid regularly, electricity bills are paid regularly,..,but power supply is not regular..,..why will anyone bother how they keep it regular,.,if they can't do it, they have to give that job to someone,..who can keep the power supply regular, ok.
There is no.. "our salary/money",.. it is your money/salary or it is my money/salary..,..so, nobody cares how you do it,..,If you can't do it, someone can,..,so, nobody cares,.. ok, cool.
The deception of,..Privatizing Profits and Socializing Losses,..is not salable any more, ..,now everything appears in the public domain,..so, you can't hide it any more, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#CWC22, ..So, The White Ferns bow out of the World Cup on high note..,..even in the Women's game,..,.to score 240-250+ in 50 overs format becoming imperative, .,because the bar is rising,.. So, the Batting departments need to improve..,.,they are lots of 250+ score even in the 20 overs format..,.So, the Women's Batting departments need to improve..
New Zealand total - 265/8 (50),.. in reply Pakistan total - 194/9 (50).
It's Suzie Bates,..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with a massive 126 runs!.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, ok, so, Evening Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..A nice cup of Evening Coffee is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,..ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then do your things,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Morning Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#CWC22., England batted first, total - 234-6(50),..now, Bangladesh batting, 11-0, 5 overs gone.
Bangladesh all out for 138(48).
So, England through to the Semi-finals! congrats! gals!
It's Shopia Dunkley,..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with 67 runs.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
#CWC22...India batting first, 93-1, 16 overs gone..,This is solid start from India!.., Wicket!, Chicken Biryani out!,.. India, 97-2, 18 overs gone.. 4!.. 100 up for India.,.Mithali, a captain's knock needed. .,good to see Marathi Mulgi still there.., time to rebuild.., India, 108-2, 20 overs gone... 4!..,..Ok folks, so, weather is looking good in Christchurch ..,..India, 120-2 , 23 overs gone...,Some Ganguly style shots from Marathi mulgi Smriti Mandhana, ..Sehwag, Dhoni etc.. hits with lots of power.. but Ganguly pulls it easy..ohh! ..keep going gals..1 2s keep going. 50 for Smriti Mandhana! ,.. keep going ..4!.. India, 146-2, 28 overs gone...4!.. 4!.. India, 172-2, 31 overs gone...no! ..wicket!.. well played Marathi Mulgi Smriti Mandhana. ..now Harman and Mithali..., India, 181-3, 34 overs gone... 50 for Mithali! ..keep going gals. India, 255-5, 47 overs gone. ..need some firework,..4!..4!.. 2 overs to go...ohh gone!..no time for batting practice ..only a few balls remaing.. 2.. bowled! Harman gone!.. India total - 274 runs..
South Africa , 81 -1, 15 overs gone. Wickets needed gals .. no easy runs.. no wickets no pressure. ..anyone. .ohh! 3 wickets.. don't give up.. keep the pressure. .no easy runs...fight!, just don't give up so easily...,..never mind gals..,
...lost twice after scoring 270+, bowling need to improve..,.the sad part is, i hoped to see the gals play in the Semi-finals, atleast. So, not among the top 4 teams in the world, now. .,lots of things to improve..,So, It is South Africa then..
It's Mignon du Preez,..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, 52 runs, not out.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
#CWC22,..,Congratulations to all the teams, that made it to the Semi-finals. Ok, so, see you gals in the Semi-finals then. #CWC22.
Hmm.., power supply irregularities continues.. it is not a matter days, weeks or months.., it is going for years.. free salary can't improve things..ok.
Ok, so you see, tea is always a better idea, ok cool.
Ok, so, Afternoon Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning morning,..,tell me then,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, Afternoon Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..A nice cup of Afternoon Coffee is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,India, we can say, reasonably good in Cricket, and won World Cup twice (1983, 2011),.. Football, forget it,..and about the other sports, i don't know,..and i have not much time for all of them either,..ok, cool.
But recent developments in Cricket are not very encouraging..
On the bigger stage, such as, in the World Cups,..things are not looking very good.
In the last World Cup, 2019..
India reached to the Semi-finals along side, England, Australia and New Zealand,..and India lost to New Zealand in the Semi-finals,..,England won their first ever World Cup!., ok.
In the last T20 World Cup, 2021..
India could not reach to the Semi-finals,..,the last 4 teams,..England, Australia, Pakistan and New Zealand,..,Australia won their first ever T20 World Cup!..ok.
....So,..things are not rosy for Team India, as per recent developments are concerned.
In Women's Cricket too,..,things are not very encouraging..
India yet to win a World Cup, runner up twice (2005, 2017).
this year (2022), they could not make it to the Semi-finals..
In T20 World Cup, India yet to win a title..
In the last edition (2020), runner up.
Ok, so,..things are not rosy for Team India, as per Cricket developments are concerned.
Ok, so,..Improve things, folks...,his method, her method,..dosen't matter,..improve it, whichever methods look suitable, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,.., You see, kid like Mbappe,..plays in all form of Football,..and plays well in all forms,..,still playing in the World Cup (for France) , he takes it as the greatest previlege in Football, and something always to look forward,..,that instinct comes from the players themselves,...not from audiences, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,,..There are dark chapters in football,..such as Corruption Scandal in FIFA,..and so is Match Fixing scandal in Cricket,..,those things damage the overall development of sports,..,there are bad chapters in every sport,..,let's not go there, ok,..,Now, things are more open in the public domain and technology helps in making much more accurate decisions, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,Ellyse Perry wants to win maximum number of World Cup. So, always want to be among the World Cup team, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, Evening Tea is going good,..,ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..A nice cup of Evening Coffee is all about funky life, ok, cool.
#IPL,..,Two new Teams are introduced in this edition, Gujarat Titans vs Lucknow Super Giants,..,start well, folks,.., Later things get really tough and points are hard to come by,.., opportunity given,..,now utilise it for maximum..,ok, so, start well,.., ok, cool. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,really,..,is that so,..,A nice cup of Evening Tea is all about funky life, ok.
Ok, ok,..,is that so,..,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then you know,...do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..One cup of Coffee is not enough,.,.have more then,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Coffee is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,A nice cup of Coffee is all about funky life,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Co-ordination and Co-operation at bigger level,..,say,..at a country or nation state level is needed, ..,not exactly the fellows at nation state level are serving the purpose in the current age. It looks like the nation state model is not the best way to organize people,..but man is a herd animal, some organizational structure is needed. ...But all these governance methods,..,monarchy, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, theocracy and tyranny...did not work,..so they were rejected, ..,Experimentation to find a better way,..a peaceful and civilised way to organise soceities will go on..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Most people want to escape from responsibility,., and try to confine themselves in narrow self interest,..,"well, my things are done, let other people do, what they do,"..,but man is a social animal,..no one can just escape that way..ok.,..They, just try to brush aside...,"let the corrupt leaders, the corrupt politico-burucrates do, what they do,..,i am a clean guy, i don't want be part of any of that",.. but what they do affect everyone in the society or world at large,..,If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders... So, no one can just get only the fruits and escape,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..Evening Coffee is going good,..,ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,A nice cup of Evening Coffee is all about funky life,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Some people are too chatty to ignore,..still, try n chat less,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Ignorant people,..,how come The Dangerous Creature from Jekyll Island, still there,..tell me, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Have your coffee and tell me,...take your time,..but tell me, clearly,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,is that so,..,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
#CWC22,..Ok, gals,..,Rest well, Sleep well,..and wake up fresh and energetic,..That is because, folks say, tomorrow will be the first Semi final of this World Cup!,. see, you all then. #CWC22
Ok, ok,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that, i kinda got that. ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
#CWC22., Semi-Final-1, Australia vs West Indies.
Australia batting, 236-3, 36 overs gone.,.Mooney just in.., 45 overs each,.. rain truncated again.. strong foundation built by the Aussie openers,..Healy and Haynes,..,missed easy catches, the West Indies fielders, have to say.., you can't do that with the Aussies.., have to take those catches..,Australia, 265-3, 40 overs gone.,. Australian score was looking much bigger than this,..wickets slow it down a bit.., Australia, 277-3, 42 overs gone. ..4!..4!, 4 more!.. big over!.. 300 up for Australia!,. Australia total - 305.
...........Innings Break.........
West Indies need 306 runs from 45 overs,..,let's see what their batters have got..
West Indies, 17-1, 6 overs gone. 4!.. 4!..,..ohh!... 4!.., West Indies, 39-1, 9 overs gone.. 4!.. caught! out!, McGrath strikes!, Dottin departs..,..not the start West Indies looking for, but the Aussies will take it.., yeah, fitness definitely make a huge difference.. 4!.., Tahuhu, a main bowler, could not bowl the final over due to injury,..,the other bowler could not take the last England wicket..and so New Zealand lost the match...and they are not in the Semi-finals..West Indies, 55-2, 13 overs gone...,caught?..LBW?.. not out..West Indies, 67-2, 17 overs gone....ok,..things are going so,..West Indies, 115-3, 27 overs gone.,..caught! out!... Six!. ..direct hit?..out!.. WI, 5 wickets down.., bowled! another gone!,, West Indies early surrender?..ok..,West Indies, 128-6, 31 overs gone... 4!.., Waste cause, Waste Indies..,just, pulling leg,..take it easy..,4!..,.West Indies, 145-6, 35 overs gone...,ohh! dropped!.. LBW? ..out!..all out! for 148 runs and all over!,..never mind WI gals..,
fitness has been a real issue for most of the teams in this World Cup. So, pay attention and take care of the same for the coming days.
It is Australia, the first finalist!., World Cup, 2022., congrats! gals!
It's Alyssa Healy,..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with a massive! and timely 129 runs.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
#CWC22., Semi-Final-1, Australia vs West Indies.
Ok,..really,.. you think so,..beer is good4 Cricket!., ok for me, but not for the kids, ok, cool.
Ok,..,Fours of Day,..,trust kis pe,..,Rachael Haynes or Deandra Dottin or Someone,..accha Postpe, ok,...,but I like all the fours, ok, cool.
Ok,..,You think so,..You need some beer to hit Super Sixes,..,Bira91 beer can help to pull that, ok,..,but normally, to hit a six you need some power or some pull or hook technique.. ok, cool.
Ok,..,Who can deliver that Thumps Up Thunderbolts!,..,not too many can, ok, cool.
And folks say, Beth Mooney has the FTX Diamond Hands!,..and i can't help but agree,..ok, cool.
...Ok,..so, whatever you folks say,..i am loving this OPPO Batting highlights,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..chilled beer is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you folks do, whatever you want to,..chilled beer is better idea for me, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,A nice cup of Evening Coffee is all about funky life,..ok, cool.
#CWC22,..I believe you gals are very ready for the Semi-Final-2 of this World Cup!, .,.such occasion doesn't come too often. Ok, so, be at your best,..and all the best, both the teams,..,see, you all then. #CWC22
Ok, ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool..,ok,..i kinda sorta got that,..i kinda got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
#CWC22., Semi-Final-2, South Africa vs England.
England batting first, 121-3, 25 overs gone.,, Wicket! Amy gone.., looks like England at bit of a backfoot here...4!.., but Danni Wyatt still there..,.need to build a partnership, Wyatt and Dunkley.., England, 147-4, 29 overs gone.,..Drinks, ok..,bowling has been good from South Africa. .ohh! catch missed!.. missed at slip ealier..relatively easy chance. Living dangerously, Danni Wyatt...but living nonetheless.. England , 171-4, 34 overs gone.,..4!..4!.,..weather has been kind, full 50 overs today.,..run lola run! and save some runs.., 4!..,England , 188-4, 36 overs gone.,.Folks say, It's Danni Wyatt's first World Cup Century!,..,well done girlie!..,.4!..,England , 204-4, 38 overs gone.,..too many easy runs flowing, South Africa,..check.., wide.., Wyatt steady, Dunkley steady.., good for England, not good news for South Africa.., England , 218-4, 40 overs gone.,..ohh! dropped!.., 4!..,..bowling, check bowling, South Africa..,. ohh!. that looked like landed in the no woman's land..,..not many gifts from the catchers for South Africa.., England , 242-4, 44 overs gone.,.klaas strikes!,. but very well played Danni Wyatt!,..4! byes..,. England , 247-5, 45 overs gone.,. and that single brings up 50! for Sophia Dunkley.. 4!.. slow and deceived!.. Brunt departs..,..England , 262-6, 47 overs gone... 4!.. 4!..,and 4! more.., last over.., caught! out!,.. well played, Sophia Dunkley.., 4!.., now England have runs on the scoreboard,....4!.., 4!..,. wicket! of the last ball.., England Total - 293.
...........Innings Break.........
South Africa need 294 runs from 50 overs..
South Africa, 12-2, 6 overs gone..,.really,..what a start.., 4!.., 4!..,..South Africa, 41-2, 11 overs gone., time to build a partnership.., bowled! Sune Luus gone!..,..setting a big target is mostly advantageous .South Africa, 56-3, 14 overs gone...,Drinks.., South Africa yet build a big partnership..,South Africa, 66-3, 18 overs gone.,..bowled!.. Dean strikes,..Goodall departs, Kapp in..South Africa, 74-4, 21 overs gone...4!..,..4!,.South Africa, 92-4, 24 overs gone...bowled!..Ecclestone strikes!,. Kapp departs..,..South Africa yet to put up a challege here today,..looking so meek..in front of the English side. .,LBW?..no.., Nat takes a clean catch! out!, Ecclestone stikes!,..,South Africa, 101-6, 28 overs gone.,. 4!... bowled! ..,Ecclestone stikes again!.. 7 wickets down..,South Africa, 117-7, 31 overs gone.,..slow outfield.., ..Drinks, ok..,..4!.. 4!.. South Africa, 147-7, 35 overs gone. ..out! a simple catch. . 4th wicket for Ecclestone..,,Sophie Ecclestone - 5!, Sophie Ecclestone - 6!, it is Six! wickets haul for Sophie Ecclestone!, Eclectic Moments! ..South Africa all out for just 156(38),..and all over.., It was too easy for England,..,you feel bad, when you lose a very close match..,South Africa should not feel bad,..,but they had a very good tournament overall...
It's Enland in to the Final!,..and they will meet Australia in the Women's World Cup Final, on Sunday, 3rd April, 2022.
It's Danni Wyatt,..no second guess needed,..,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with big and timely 129 runs!.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
Ok, so,Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,A nice cup of Coffee is all about weird and funky life,..ok, cool.
#CWC22.,Ok, so, MRF TYRES say,.. ICC Women's ODI Player Rankings are also changed,..,as per performance of this Women's Word Cup..
ICC Women's ODI Player Rankings
ODI Batting Rankings, No.1 - Laura Wolvaardt (SA)
ODI Bowling Rankings, No.1 - Sophie Ecclestone (ENG)
ODI All-Rounder Rankings, No.1 - Ellyse Perry(AUS)
ICC Women's ODI Team Rankings
No.1 - Australia
No.2 - South Africa
No.3 - England
No.4 - India.
N.B.- MRF TYRES say so,..not me., ok..MRF TYRES looks like a long time loyal partner of Cricket, Tendulkar used to appear with MRF Bat..ok
Ok, ok, so,Coffee is going good,...,ok, cool.
#CWC22., Semi-Final-2, South Africa vs England.
Ok, i said beer is for me, but not for the kids,..,btw, i like gals, who will not touch my beer, when i having beer,.. ok, cool.
Ok,..,Fours of Day,..,trust kis pe,..,Danni Wyatt, Danni Wyatt or Danni Wyatt or Laura Goodall,..accha Postpe, ok,...,but I like all the fours, ok, cool.
Ok,..,so,..No Six! today, gals didn't have beer.. Told you,..you need some beer to hit Super Sixes,..,Bira91 beer can help to pull that,. ok, cool.
Ok,..,Best Wickets,.,..Kate Cross did the best booking of wicket,..Folks say,..she,ll book more wickets next time, ok, cool
Ok,..,Who can deliver that Thumps Up Thunderbolts!,..,Shabnim Ismail, Cross, Shrubsole or Brunt, maybe, but not too many can, ok, cool.
And folks say, Chloe Tryon has the FTX Diamond Hands!,..and i agree,..ok, cool.
...Ok,..so, you folks do your things,..i am loving this OPPO Batting highlights,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, Evening Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..that is why i say,..chat less, think less..and have some chilled beer, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, Those are your goals,..why waiting then,..go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so, Those are your goals,..have nice coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
#UWCL, Ok, so,..I mixed up the schedule..,I thought 2nd Leg 1st day was today,..,I blew it..:).. UEFA Women's Champions League, Quarter-finals, 2nd Leg.., today is actually the 2nd day..
See,..the time interval between Group Stage and Quarter-finals is too long,..,almost disconnect, ok. That is why schedule mix up happens..
Ok, so, Barcelona through to the Semi-finals with an aggeregate score of 8-3 against Real Madrid and Paris through to the Semi-finals with an aggeregate score of 4-3 against Bayern.,..congrats! gals! #UWCL
#UWCL, Ok, so, UEFA Women's Champions League, Quarter-finals, 2nd Leg, 2nd day.. Arsenal vs Wolfsburg and Juventus vs Lyon ..,I believe you gals are ready for action. Ok,..No Favorites, No Prediction.., See, you in action!.. I may sleep..:),. i,ll try not to... #UWCL
#UWCL, Ok, so, UEFA Women's Champions League, Quarter-finals, 2nd Leg, 2nd day..
First match,..Arsenal vs Wolfsburg,..,play for a berth in the Semi-finals,..,so, play your best,..and all the best, gals... I,ll chat less,..and just enjoy the match,..ok.
Yeah,..the first half belongs to Wolfsburg,..,It is half time, Arsenal 0-1 Wolfsburg.
let's see how Arsenal respond in the second half..,.Just 5 minutes to confirm their place in the Semi-finals,.Wolfsburg!..,.It is full time, Arsenal 0-2 Wolfsburg,..,and eventually Wolfsburg through to the Semi-finals with an aggeregate score of 3-1 against Arsenal...congrats! gals! #UWCL
Ok, ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Tea/Coffee done,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#UWCL, Ok, so,..The Four Musketeers of UEFA Women's Champions League, are out in the open,.
Barcelona, Lyon, Wolfsburg and Paris..,
and Semi-finals clash will go like this..
Barcelona vs Wolfsburg.
Lyon vs Paris Saint-Germain.,..ok.
You see,..,babe Ingrid says,..she joined Barcelona from Wolfsburg, because, she doesn't want to face these dangerous tiki-taka players like Alexia, Jenni, Bonmati,.. and strikers like Martens, Rolfo ..etc,..,justification given by her,..,If you don't want to face them as opponents,..,join them,.. she has a point, ok..
Ok, so,..Sonia Bompastor has reasons to feel confident, with good team strength.. and likes of Hegerberg, Malard, Macario...hitting the net,., going good so far in this campaign, ..can get better..,ok.
Ok, so,..,Tabea Waßmuth bit quiet in the Quarter-finals,..otherwise not,..last time Roord hit the net from this team,..These are very well organised attacking players,..they are doing quite good so far, ok..
Ok, so,..You see, no team can take these Paris Danger Women (PSG) lightly,..,full of energy,..Katoto in form,.,likes of Ramona Bachmann, Baltimore looks like on strong legs,.,this team is a challenge for any other team,. ok.
Ok, so, The Road to Turin,..looks like a bit apprehensive for the Semi-finalists,..,let,s see how it plays out, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..chilled beer is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Every Individual is different, in many different ways,.,so, equality has no meaning in that sense, ..,A civilised society or civilised world is all about giving everyone fair opportunities or fair chances, ..So, that we can leave behind the barbarian lifestyle and move ahead to a better future, to a better world, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#CWC22,..Every Team is given fair opportunities to play one other,..,It is just that Australia plays better than the other teams.., that is why they win,.. Any team wants to do better than Australia, they just have to play better than the Australians,..they have to raise their bar,.. It is as simple as that,.. ok, cool. #CWC22
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then you know,..,do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok...
Ok, ok..,so, Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
When you want it the most
There's no easy way out
When you're ready to go
And your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith..
Victory comes to those who believe it.
....And that's the way it is...
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#CWC22.. Ok, so,..ICC Women's World Cup Final, 2022, is just one night sleep away,..and Folks say, we are heading for an Ashes Final! this time,..,that make things much more interesting,..ok. #CWC22
Ok, so, you see,..chilled beer is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,...Coffee is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
#CWC22., The Final, Australia vs England.
ICC Women's Cricket World Cup Final, 2022 is underway..
Australia batting first,.. 175-1, 32 overs gone.,..4!..,A World Cup Final Century for Alyssa Healy!,. 4! byes.., Australia, 196-1, 35 overs gone.,..4! ..i believe, asking Australia to bat first in the Final is not a good idea..,4!..,.missed costly catches also.., 4!..,. Australia, 221-1, 38 overs gone.., 4!.., 4!..,very composed and steady batting from Australia..,no sense of uneasiness..,stumping?..no.., Australia, 236-1, 40 overs gone.,. hammered! 4!..,.It is looking big for Australia!, still 9 overs to bat.., 4!.., 4!..,. i repeat, you do not ask Australia to bat first..,ok,..in any format..in any occasion.., 4!..,4!.. 4! more.., 4!, ..and 50 for Beth Mooney!.., 4!.. and 150+ for Healy!,.. 4!....ho ho ho!..4!.,..This is looking big! ..4!..4!.. this is real statement from the Australians!..oh! wide & 4!.., Australia, 315-1, 45 overs gone.,.stumped!.., great play, Alyssa Healy!.., Gardner in..,.oh!.., run out! ..Gardner came and gone..just like that.., Lanning in.., 4!..4!... Australia, 330-3, 47 overs gone.,..caught! out!.., Lanning departs.. McGrath in.., caught! out! ..Mooney gone!.. Perry in.., Australia, 333-5, 48 overs gone..4!..,, 4!.. 350! up for Australia..,4!.., Australia Total - 356!.
...........Innings Break.........
England need 357 runs from 50 overs.
England batting,..,19-1, 3 overs gone...4!..,.4!,.. LBW? Wicket!,.. LBW?..no.. England, 38-2, 7 overs gone... 4!.., 4! ..4! and 4! more. , Six! England, 67-2, 11 overs gone. ..4!.. England, 105-3, 18 overs gone. ..4!.. just try to bat well, make runs.. Wicket!.. oh!..,.. 50 for Nat Sciver..,4!.. England, 154-4, 24 overs gone...4!.., bowled!.. Dunkley gone.. England, 184-5, 29 overs gone. ,4!.. stumped?.. out... 6 wickets gone.., Sciver still there...4!.. wicket! England, 207-7, 33 overs gone. 4!.., caught and bowled! Century for Nat Sciver!.. England, 259-8, 40 overs gone... 4!.., Yeah, she can bat..,just the target is set big.., oh., England, 275-8, 42 overs gone. .. England all out for 285 runs! and It's all over!
Take a bow to the mighty Aussies!.., The World Champions of Cricket!
ICC Women's Cricket World Cup 2022 Winner.
Folks say, some ridiculous things also happended in this Final.
Highest Score in Cricket World Cup Final (by Man or Woman)
1.Alyssa Healy - 170! (2022)
2.Adam Gilchrist - 149 (2007)
3.Nat Sciver - 148* (2022)
4.Ricky Ponting - 140* (2003)
5.Viv Richards - 138* (1979)
Absolutely ridiculous!..
The Best Australian Cricket Teams, I know and watched them play..
Meg Lanning's Women Team
Ricky Ponting's Men Team..
..not much about the earlier, elders,..and yet to know about the youngers.
It's Alyssa Healy,...,Babe of the Match.
for her contribution to the team, with a record breaking170 runs!.
It's Alyssa Healy,...,Mighty Babe of the Tournament.
for her consistant and big contributions to the team, throughout the tournament.
ICC Women's ODI Cricket World Cup, New Zealand, 2022. #CWC22.
#CWC22, Congratulations and a big thank you,.. ICC, New Zealand Cricket, All the Sponsors, All the supporters,..,for successfully conducting this tournament and treating us with awesome Cricketing experiences,..,Hope, you folks will continue with the same endeavour for this great game of Cricket in the future. #CWC22
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok..i kinda sorta got that,.i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning Tea/Coffee first,..,then you know,..,do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,A nice cup of Afternoon Coffee is all about funky life,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, To be the best in any domain or anything is never easy for anyone, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Most people are good at something,..,no one can be good at everything nor time permits that,..,specialization is always the way of civilization..,..let people flourish, what they are good at,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, nothing is compulsory,..everything is optional, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. you can not make somebody out of nobody,..unless there is some inborn raw talent or skills,..with willingness, folks can be trained and improved to a great extend, ..,but you can not make somebody out of nobody,..that is just waste of time and resources, ok, cool.
Ok,..Whereever there is lack of merit basis and fair opportunites,..,there will be incessant violence and conflict,..ok, cool.
Why democracy doesn't work,..especially in bigger population,..,because it is neither merit basis nor fair,..,it is biased opinion of those so called, majority voting population, .,.they can vote/elect anyone into office with their own biased opinion,..,that is why it doesn't work, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,You can't develop or let flourish specialization,..,through central planning or central funding,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,..then you know,..do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,is that so,..having tea with others is all about funky life,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,...is that so,..chatting is ok,..tea is needed, most importantly, ok, cool.
Ok,..,They are just not reliable when it comes to anything useful or urgent,..,that is why ditching the likes of PNB, BSNL etc.. one after another,..they do not add any service value,..,tried to use them, but just not useful, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, ..you can not make somebody out of nobody,..that is just waste of time and resources, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..chatting is ok,..,but most importantly, tea is always needed,..,ok, cool.
#UCL,..,Ok, folks,..play well, and play for a berth in the Semi-finals,..,timing is just not looking suitable for me,..,still, i,ll try to wake up,..ok.., UCL Quarter-finals, 1st Leg, Day 1.,..it is still QFs, but Semi-finals onwards, we,ll see,..ok. #UCL
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Tea is not only something you drink,..it is something you make,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..chatting patting is ok, but most importantly, tea is always needed,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Afternoon Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok,..so, How you determine which institutions, organizations or companies are not important,..,shut them down and nothing happens to public at large,..,because alternatives or options are available or possible for everything,..,that is why everything is optional, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,A nice cup of evening Coffee is all about funky life,..ok, cool.
Ok,..so, shut them down,..nothing happens,.,.ok, any Tom, Dick and Happy can build and run such things, ..and they are doing so, all over of the world,.,ok, so, everything is optional, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,so,..,There is only one good thing about USA. is their United States Women's National Football (soccer!) Team,..,they have won the most, 4 times!, of the FIFA Women's World Cup titles.,.,looks like not much competition from Europe so far, rather surprising,..,Germany, 2 titles and Norway, 1 title,...that's all,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UCL, So, UCL Quarter-finals, 1st Leg, Day 1,.. belongs to all English,..Liverpool and Man City,..to be among the Europe's Elites is not easy.,.,all English dominance,.., ok, so, Liverpool 3-1 Benfica, Man City 1-0 Atletico Madrid #UCL
#UCL, Ok, so, let's see what happens, UCL Quarter-finals, 1st Leg, Day 2, ok, let's see.. #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok..i kinda sorta got that,.i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok,..,really,..,you do,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..,just made out of this world tea!,..,how,..,tell me, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,.. tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..some people talk about things they are not aware of, ok,..,i am not one of them, ok, cool,..,some people do not play or watch..football, cricket or any other sport,,..but try to talk about them,..,i am not one of them, ok, cool..,..some people try to talk about stuffs, services they never used or experienced,..i am not one of them, ok, cool.
All those, so called central planning, central funding, propaganda,..job cards,..etc,..has no relation with ground reality,.., that is why they never work,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,You have to spend time, resources,..etc..,and have to present in real time,..,everything can't come from nothing,..,even if you install some machines for specific task,..,somebody has to run and check the proper functioning of those machines regularly,.,.ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,If guys like Wayne Rooney, Ruud van Nistelrooy,..talks about matters of football or football affairs,...,folks will pay attention to them, including me,..,because, they themselves are long time football players, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UCL,.,Yeah, i heard that, there was some Real Stampede at Stamford Bridge!, Benzema just missed that 4th! goal..,ok, Lukaku also, just missed one goal,..,Ok, so, rather than settling for 4-2,..it lookes like they settled for mutually respectable scoreline, Real Madrid 3-1 Chelsea,.,ok.,.the result is not very surprising,..and correlates as per their current domestic league performaces and standings..
Real Madrid (La Liga), Current Position No.1
Chelsea (EPL) , Current Position No.3
Ok, so, the scoreline is not entirely surprising, ok..
....It is back to back Hat-trick for Karim Benzema!..,a very competive player,..and a great finisher,.., See, in the last Nations League, 2020 final, 11th oct 2021,..,it was 0-0 till 60th minute,..,then Spain scored at 64th minute,..,Benzema responded almost immediately at 66th minute!,..he is that competitive!,.. Of course, Mbappe closed the deal for France with his 80th minute goal., final score, France 2-1 Spain. #UCL
#UCL, Ok, so, UCL Quarter finals 1st Leg ends,..,Bayern and Atletio Madrid down, just 0-1,..they still can come back in the 2nd Leg,...,Chelsea and Benfica down with 1-3 each,..,they have to play really well to come back in the 2nd Leg,..,in case, they want to be among the top 4 of the European Elites(UCL). It looks like Chelsea need to pay close attention about their top 4 position among the English Elites(EPL), ..,margins are getting closer these days, ok, cool. #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok...is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. A nice cup of tea is enough, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..chatting patting is ok,..but Tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,A nice cup of Coffee is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, so, When it comes to Women's Football in Europe,..Pro League folks look like doing great job,..,but this, UEFA Women's EURO, 2022, will tell a lot about how the National team folks are doing their job,..,and will say a lot about how they preparing for FIFA Women's World Cup, 2023,..,Ok, so, nobody cares how you folks do it, which way you are co-ordinating, which methods you folks are using,.,ok. In terms winning records at Women's World Cup and Women's EURO,.. historically Germany produced the best Women's National Footall Teams,..followed by Norway.,..,we,ll talk about this matter in details.,..after the end of ongoing, UEFA Men's and Women's Champions League, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,really,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..chatting patting is ok,..but Tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
#EPL, Yeah, Wolves lost to Newcastle,..,told you, i have no disrespect for Newcastle,..,Evernton will have to pull something that,..in case they don't want to sink more deeper,.., Now the question is,..can the Everton guys do that,..let's see, ok. #EPL
#IPL, Yeah, i saw the points table,..,there are three 0 pointers there, so far,...,all of them are playing today,..,let's see, if any of them can open their account today, ok.. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,...,Something interesting is sure to happen,..
#EPL, Everton looking good so far,..if they can maintain the 1-0 lead!..,.but what Man Utd boys have in their pockets,..yet to know.., 30 more minutes to go..
...and it is Everton! held their nerve! great!
#IPL, Either SRH or CSK will open their account,..but not both,..,the team loses today will have to wait for atleast one more match..SRH, looking steady so far.., SRH need 82 runs from 56 balls to win..
...and finally SRH earned their first points,..opened their account!, cool stuff!
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Hmm,...,Some more interesting things are sure happening,!
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Really,...,Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..chatting patting is ok,..but Tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,They are always looking for Paisa,..,Paisa kaha milena bhaiyya!,..Poisa kot pam dada!..ok.
Ok, so,.. Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab Paisa hota hai..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,A nice cup of Coffee is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.., IPL matches are coming up,..,EPL matches commence little later in the evening, ok, cool.
#IPL,..,The first match is clash between, current table topper KKR (with 6 points) and DC,.. The general nature of any match or any game,..whatever the format is,..,nobody wants to or likes to lose,..,So, i don't believe KKR will like to lose,.. let's see, how the DC boys will do..ok..,
...big target set by DC boys led them to a convincing victory!..grt! #IPL
#EPL,..,It is good day for Brentford, Leicester City and Norwich City,..each the them scored 2 goals,..
only CPalace managed to score 1 goal in reply,.. final score, Brentford 2-0 West Ham, Leicester City 2-1 Crystal Palace, Norwich City 2-0 Burnley #EPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool.,.ok..i kinda sorta got that,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, A nice cup of tea is enough,..what's the issue then, tell me, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Gracefully have the nice cup of tea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Salt 'N' Pepa say,..None Of Your Business!, but,.,Cher Lloyd says, None Of My Business!, ok cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#IPL,..,Ok, so, today is all about Gujarat Titans(GT) vs Sunrisers Hyderabad(SRH) ..let's see, which is better, Hyderabadi Biryani (one of favorites) or Dhokla,..ok.
Ok, so, no double header, ..no schedule clash with EPL either,..,i can watch at ease, ok. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..i like a few games played in Olympics,..such as, Gymnastics, Sprints(100m, 200m), Swimming etc,..,the issues with Olympics is,..,too many games happen simultaneously,..hard to focus and not enjoyable that way... Football, Cricket,..are kind sports that invovles huge number of people,..,and so, the likes of..Football, Cricket.. can't be just clubbed among all other sports of Olympics,..,they require separate and big arrangement for themselves..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that,.i kinda got that..ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,that's all,..,Tea is all that is wanted, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..chatting patting is ok,..but Tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Sports are merit basis,.., the teams that play better normally win,..that is the way sports are..,.just because one Team has bigger no of supporters, fans, cheerers,..,that team will win,..no,.. The players on the ground decide that,.. not the supporters..,.winning a game is not democray,..it is merit basis,.. the better teams win, ok.
Folks may remember,.. the awful and embarassing incident of INDIA vs SRI LANKA, 1996 WORLD CUP SEMI FINAL, Eden Gardens,..,indian supporters/fans came down to the ground with anger, ..because of the awful display of the then Indian Team,..,only SACHIN TENDULKAR played well in that match,..,after he had gone,..,the other players just gone one after another,..,no one stood firm, no partnership built,..,.The match referee CLIVE LLOYD had no option but to rule that Sri Lanka was awarded the game, the winner,..,and then VINOD KAMBLI in tears,..folks know that..
Just because India has more supporters/fans than Sri Lanka,..,doesn't guarantee India wins,..,It is the players on the ground decide., ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,In case some teams are playing better,..that is why, their number of fans are growing,..,that is a good thing,.., but the fans do not decide outcome of a match, the players do,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..Told you,..,result oriented is the best and the simplest way to decide merit,..,techniques, methods, innovations, etc..let them the apply their own,..,just within the rules of any game, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds really Kute, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Evening Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so,..Folks say,.. today is all about a Southern Derby,.. CSK vs RCB,..and CSK bats first,..let's see if they put up a Big Total!,..and most importantly, if CSK can open their account today, ok.
Ohh!..Roaring Robin!..,and S Dube!. 2x50+,.. CSK!..looking good.., 6x?.!,.., CSK total - 216!,.. let's see, how RCB boys respond with bat! #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UCL, Ok, so,.. UCL Quarter finals 2nd Leg, Day 1,..,Bayern vs Villarreal, and Real Madrid vs Chelsea,..No room for sloppinnes, folks,..,play to win!, ok. #UCL
#FWWC,.. Serbia beat Germany!,.., halftime, Lithuania 2-0 Moldova ,.., Luthiania lost 7-0 to Italy in the earlier match,.., halftime, Romania 1-0 Croatia, halftime, Finland 3-0 Georgia,..,..other matches starting, Italy vs Switzerland,..only 1 point difference!,.. ,Czech Republic vs Iceland and other matches are also starting..
FIFA Women's World Cup qualification round, 2023, UEFA qualifiers. #FWWC
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,is tha so,..is that why,..,love tea,..ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds really kute,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#UCL, Ok, so,.. UCL Quarter finals 2nd Leg, Day 1,..is done!.., Villarreal and Real Madrid are the first two teams to qualify for the Semi-finals of, UCL, 2021-22, bravo! and congrats!.., Real Madrid's first leg advantage paid off,..,and resilience of Villarreal, they simply earned it, just by not giving up!.., Chelsea and Bayern are never easy to face teams,.. for anyone, at any moment!.., Chelsea(holders) performed really well,.,it took 90'+ and extra time to find a decider,..and finally Benzema delivered the winner!, incredible!..,.Bayern created lots of chances, just did not hit the target,..,Villarreal just kept working and working..and home!
Whatever happens in Semi-finals,..,you can't ask more from Benzema,..,the Team Real Madrid will have to deliver together..
UCL is not an easy situation is play,..,they have do well in their domestic leauges as well,..there are long gap in between, hard to keep the momentum,.. and at right time, right team forms are required, Villarreal still have to work in their domestic leauge (La Liga, current position -7).., UCL competition will get harder in the coming days,..as the other folks are quickly catching up too. #UCL
Hmm,..so,..Precision, Accuracy, Efficiency, etc..are the requirements of modern days in every discipline. There is no room for Inefficieny, Wastage, Inaccuracy,..,etc.. that is what things will have to be,..to stay relavant. So, Train well, Practice well and Come Prepared,..,just do not show up with Excuses...
Some people say, 'deliver when under pressure',.., is actually,..deliver when it is needed the most!,..,If you don't get water when thirsty, and food when hungy,..then what is the point,.. ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..chatting patting is ok,..but Tea, is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#FWWC,., France, Sweden and Spain have qualified for the World Cup!,..,that is really great!,..now we are talking about the best in the World!,..awesome stuff! ..congrats gals!.
FIFA Women's World Cup qualification round, 2023, UEFA qualifiers. #FWWC
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UCL, Ok, so,.. UCL Quarter finals 2nd Leg, Day 2,..,Day 1 says,..All Spanish teams(LaLiga) but No English teams(EPL) and German teams(Bundesliga), in the Semi-finals..,what will the Day 2 say,..,let's see, ok. #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so,..Folks say,.. today is all about MI vs PBKS,.., MI played 4, lost all 4!,..,let's see if they can open their account. So, new captain for PBKS too,..let's see.. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so. .Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Hmm,...,Travelled just 1.5 miles away from my location to a relatives' house,..,Airtel singal was ok, but daily data ended. Jio signal was too weak to be useful. Vodafone(VI) no signal,..Bsnl no signal,..,.all telecommunications cos, but different quality of service delivery, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,A nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is the best thing in your life,..ok, cool.
Ok, so. .Tea is going good, and tea is not finished yet, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Just have to believe in tea, that's all,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so. .Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chat less, tea more and chill more, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,A nice cup of evening tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
#UCL, Ok, so,.. UCL Quarter finals are done,..Two English teams(EPL), Man City, Liverpool and Two Spanish teams(LaLiga), Real Madrid, Villarreal,..in the Semi-finals..,congrats guys!.. Benfica played really well, they were just overwelmed by their first leg goal deficit,..,Atletico just could not find the goals, lost just 0-1 aggr,..ok, folks prepare better, and play better in the next campaign,.. All the Semi finalists, congrats!,..,and See you in the Semi-finals then,.. ciao. #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so,..today is RR vs GT,..,both are doing good so far,..,RR is currently top of the table, GT also doing good,.., let's see, which is better, Dal Bati or Khakra, ok. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so...,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea before everything or anything is done, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds really kute, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm, so,..chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Evening tea makes everything possible, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so,..today is all about SRH vs KKR,..,and KKR boys are asked to bat first,...KKR, 11/1, 1.2 overs gone,..,ok, let's see,.
KKR, 31/3, 4.3 overs gone,..,..ok, so, who are the Haramkhors, that are the contenders of Orange and Purple caps,..,ok, desi Jhonty Rhodes,..Kaifu bhai zara, fu fu karke batane ki kasht karenge.. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UEL, Ok, so,..UEFA Europa League Semi-finalists are West Ham, RB Leipzig, Rangers, Eintracht Frankfurt,..,congrats! guys. See you in the final, ciao. #UEL
Some important dates....(2021-22 session)
UEFA Europa League - Final - 19th May 2022, 12:30 AM(IST)
UEFA Europa Conference League - Final - 26th May 2022, 12:30 AM(IST)
UEFA Champions League - Final - 29th May 2022, 12:30 AM(IST)
#IPL, KKR, 88 - 4, 12 overs gone..,SRH's bowling and fielding looks ok .. #IPL
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so...,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea makes everything possible, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Have a nice up of tea,..,things just get better, ok, cool.
Ok, so, IPL matches are coming up,..,EPL matches commence a little later in the evening local time, ok, so, let's see..
#IPL, Ok, so, Today starts with MI vs LSG,..,and LSG boys will bat first,..let's see how their batting goes..ok.
LSG, 27-0, 3 overs gone,..starting well,..,btw MI yet to open their account (Nil for 5),..confidence is ok,..,but overconfidence is not ok,..ok. LSG, 57-1, 6 overs gone..,.hmm, CSK batting looked ok,..,but i did not find their bowling ok,..ok.,. So, stop wasting time on stupid ads,..,and focus on real cricket, performance on field, ok. LSG, 106-1, 12 overs gone..,this is great batting!,.. LSG, 150-2, 15 overs gone.., This is good total - LSG - 199.
Ohh!, really..., MI needs 40 from 10 balls win!.. wow..!, 30 from 8 balls!, now 26 from the last over! Wicket!.. Six!.., This is 6th straight defeat for MI!,.. and LSG the deserving winners!, bravo! #IPL
#EPL, How is it going folks, Spurs vs Brighton.., 24 minutes played, and no goal yet.., boys look a bit slow, both sides...,no, nothing to show yet,..,still 0-0,.. and halftime approaching.., It is halftime, Spurs 0-0 Brighton..., ohh!.., It is Brighton!, full time, Spurs 0-1 Brighton. #EPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, is that so...,so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..A nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,have kute things to say over tea,..,tell me then,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, today it starts with PBKS vs SRH,, then in the evening, we will see which is better, Thepla or Dosa , ok.
Ohh!,.., It looks gabbar got nasty blow in the nasty area!, painful!.., now looks ok.., PBKS, 8-0, 2 overs gone.,. a bit unsettled start from PBKS, 13-1, 3 overs gone.., ok, PBKS, 63-4, 9.2 overs gone., PBKS total -151. restricted, have to say,..,SRH will just have to bat well.,, SRH struggled a bit the middle overs, but fought back and won! grt! #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, not much action in EPL, but cracking action expected in, FA Cup Semi-finals!.. yesterday Liverpool boys knocked Man City boys out of the cup race and reaches the FA Cup Final!, and in Vitality Women's FA Cup Semi-finals,.. Man City gals knocked West Ham gals from the cup race and reaches the FA Cup Final!..
Today's FA Cup Semi-finals action..
Men's FA Cup - Chelsea vs Crystal Palace.
Vitality Women's FA Cup - Chelsea vs Arsenal.,,ok.
FC Bayern München vs VfL Wolfsburg Women's DFB-Pokal, Semi-final going on!,...
40 minutes played,..,score so far, FC Bayern 0-1 VfL Wolfsburg!.., commentator sleeping, lol, lol,..very right,.. lol...but gals are playing well...
It is half time, FC Bayern 0-1 VfL Wolfsburg..
Women's DFB-Pokal, Semi-final is live on YouTube,...
Second half begins... equalized! 1-1,! Damnjanović!.., clean goal!, Green Army strike back!, VfL Wolfsburg 2-1 up!.., 15 minutes go,, but great battle going on!.., Gwinn looks alright..,but it is not over yet! brilliant goal! Waßmuth!,,..offside denies Schüller's goal!, Wolfsburg 3-1 up!, 5 minutes to go... time running out for Bayern! ..It is Wolfsburg into DFB Cup final!, great match gals! all played well.. Wolfsburg congrats! See you gals in the Final!.
Vitality Women's FA Cup, live where,..,Star (Hotstar)?, Sony (JioTV)?, YouTube?..
I did not find nowhere,..only active twitter,, 60 minutes played, score so far, Chelsea 1-0 up!..
Chelsea make it to Wembley!,..they will meet Man City in the Final!
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea makes everything possible, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,...is that so,..tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,inconnu said so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so,..A nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Afternoon tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,inconnu said so,..,that kinda sounds really cool, ok.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about RR vs KKR,..,and RR will bat first,..,let's see,..how they do with bat.., ok... Quite comfortable and solid start from RR!, 99-1, 10 overs gone..,.still going solid, RR, 148-1, 14 overs gone.., this is a big total!, RR - 217... let's see, how KKR respond,.ok. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so, Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..tea is going amazing, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Some important dates..
Emirates FA Cup Final- Chelsea vs Liverpool - 14th May 2022, (Time-TBD).
Vitality Women's FA Cup Final - Chelsea vs Man City - 15th May 2022, (Time-TBD).
Women's DFB-Pokal Final - Wolfsbug vs Potsdam - 28th May 2022, 8:15 PM(IST).
Yeah,..,Absolutely!,..health first,..nothing is more important.. Get well soon, Fran Kirby..
Ok, health first!,..,absolutely nothing is more important,..
Health is absolutely personal matter and self discipline for the grown ups (infants and old age is different),..even family folks also can not do much unless the concerned person is itself not self responsible,.., Ok, so, visit good doctors/specialists asap,..and report back asap,..if things do not feel like going well., that is a serious matter not an academic matter.
Everyone can, and have to do that when they still can go and see a doctor or can go to a hospital.
But the problem arises while taking care of long time bedridden patient, such as paralysed, and old age people..., A long bedridden patient greatly affect the family, both mentaly and financially. So, such dedicated BEDRIDDEN/OLD AGE HOSPITALS and healthcare prefessionals are a primary need. I am quite aware my family (while my father and mother were bedridden at old age), one of my elder brother suffered that burden the most, while i and the others were mostly out of station,..for work or elsewhere,.. and lot's of people have the same problem.
People have to go to work, attend other obligations and do other things,..but bedridden denies them all.
People who can still walk and go to hospital or go see a doctor by themselves is different. Ok, so, Family and folks can visit such hospitals regularly, pay the fee and all. Ok, that is why BEDRIDDEN/OLD AGE HOSPITAL is a primary need of any society.
Service of mankind is service to God - Vivekananda.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,., Told you,..The two Basics,..Healthcare Infrastructure and Power Generation, Health and Energy of any place or any society,.. or of the world, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,The nation state, politico-bureaucratic class fellows have not delivered anything formidable or reliable yet,..,the politico-bureaucratic method(govt) still employ their old tricks,..delaying, postponing, hiding, wasting time and resouces all the time..,their old, inefficient and cumbersome methods,..in 50 years they try 100 different things but get only, 2-3 things right. The problems we are facing today can't be solved that way,..it demands,..try 5 things in 5 days, and get 3, 4 or 5 things right,..ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about RCB vs LSG,..,and RCB will bat first,..,let's see,..how they do with bat.., ok.,..great catch!..another quick catch!..,some fireworks!, RCB, 43-2, 5 overs gone.., another catch!,..,kyu, Kaifu bhai UP wala hai na, Nawabi Team sahi khel raha hai..., RCB, 79-4, 9 overs gone.., still bit slow batting, RCB, 130-4, 15 overs gone.., RCB captain playing well..,kya baat hai DK!.., dekhte dekhte accha score ban gaya,.. RCB Total - 181. LSG boys will have to bat steady and really well, in case they want chase down this total,..Ok, so let's see, how they bat.. #IPL
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..Tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Afternoon tea is going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about PBKS vs DC,..,and PBKS will bat first,..,let's see,..how they do with bat.., ok.., and a bit unusual caught behind!, PBKS, 33-1, 4 overs gone.., bowled!,..,stumped!, PBKS, 47-3, 6 overs gone...advantage DC?!...,caught! out!..,need a partnership, PBKS.., the fielder just escorted the to ball the boundary rope :).. PBKS, 63-4, 8 overs gone., aur Kaifu bhai, bas maze me.., another wicket!,.., looks like PBKS back to their original KXIP! form.., PBKS, 96-8, 15 overs gone.., and another wicket!, KBPS Total - 115 runs,.. Ok, let's see how quickly DC can reach it... #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Afternoon tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,That is why folks say,..,although Manchester United have lots of good players,..,they have 'No Team or Unit', that is aspiring to achieve a common goal, ok, cool. #IPL
Ok, so,..,Women's IPL,..,now we are talking, right BCCI folks..,gals should get domestic platform,..,in case they want to play in WBBL or elsewhere, that is ok,..,but home platform is important,..,just need to schedule properly,..,it will help to groom the players for the Major International Tounaments, like World Cup, Bilateral, Trilateral International series and other International Competitions conducted by ICC. Ok, so, gals from all Cricket playing nations, come play here in India,..,i don't know about the other sports,..,but we have big number of Cricket fans/lovers here, including me, (^_-):.
Starting with Six Teams is a good idea,..,three teams are already there, namely Trailblazers, Velocity and Supernovas..ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good,..,ok, cool.
Ok,..,really,..,is that so,..tea is kinda going good,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Anything that is not going to the politico-bureaucratic parasites, is a good investment, ok. They are self serving, represent no one, and they contribute nothing,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good,..,ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about MI vs CSK,..,and MI will bat first,..,let's see,..how they do with bat.., ok.,..some people say, it is a Maha-Muqabla!,..let's see how it goes..
Ande ka funda!..,gone for a duck!,..,bowled!, two ducks in a row!,..another wicket gone!.. MI, 23-3, 3 overs gone..,.,looks like advantage CSK already,.., MI, 42-3, 6 overs gone.,..i reckon MI never did this bad.., MI, 84-4, 13 overs gone..,Bravo! strikes!.. ,Umpire Kaal.:) . missed catch!.. the way MI started, it is looking like a decent total.., MI total - 155,.. let's see, how CSK respond.. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..,tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, those are your goals,..why are you waiting then?,..go achieve your goals,..ok.
Ok, so, those are your goals, so, what are you doing to achieve your goals, tell me, ok.
Ok, so, Those are your goals, why not just have tea & go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good,..,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,You can't be that cool, when you need a boundary from the last ball,..,most other cricketers will piss their pants..,even the audiences get nervous in such moments, .. but that is MS Cool, MS Dhoni,.. always cool. ok, #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#UWCL Ok, so,..Today is UEFA Women's Champions League, Semi-final Leg 1, Day 1, Wolfsburg vs Barcelona.. ,and i am not making any BOLD prediction, ok. Reason being people are not predictable and looks can be deceptive,..,i am aware of the familiar figures,..,babes Alexia, Jenni, Bonmati, Martens, Rolfo, Hansen. Roord, Wassmuth, Huth, Oberdorf, Rauch Ouch!.., etc, ok. But, there is a kid around the block, name is Clàudia Pina,..,first of all she doesn't look like a football player, she looks like a studious school gal, ok,..,even though she may look like a footballer, she doesn't look like a forward, a striker,..even though she may look like a striker,..she doesn't look like great goal scorer,..,but she does, ok. #UWCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about DC vs RR,..,and RR will bat first,..,let's see,..how they do with bat.., ok.,.,a bit slow start from the RR batters.., powerplay done, RR, 44-0.,..not throwing away wickets, going solid so far, RR, 78-0, 9 overs gone.. now strategic timewaste, ok..,Jos in real Josh!..,Arjuna's Devdutt!, RR, 110-0, 12 overs gone., well played, great partnership, RR, 155-1, 15.1 overs gone. Century! for Jos! great!.. 200 up for RR!.. This is a Big! total, RR Total -222. let's see, how the DC boys respond #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UWCL Ok, so,.,UEFA Women's Champions League Semi-final Leg 1, Day 1, less than an hour away, Wolfsburg vs Barcelona,., Ok, so, those who do better in the 1st Leg, normally do better overall.,.,ok, so play your best,... See you gals in Action! #UWCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..,tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Everything has alternatives,..,there are multiple private banks,..there are multiple private hospital/labs,..there are multiple private schools/colleges,..,there are multiple telecom services cos,..,there are multiple alternatives of everything out there,..,so, everything is optional, nothing is compulsory, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Those so called central banks are not real banks,..,they are private institutions used for personal/private..,gains/purpose,..masked as public,..,nobody knows how much money they have printed or will print out of thin air,..,and they are answerable or accountable to no one.., all those so called public institutions are primarily used for personal/private gains..,bureaucrats are private people,..,one bureaucrat hires another bureaucrat,.., just like the private companies hire MBA fellows,..and bureaucrats are answerable or accountable to no one,..,mba fellows are atleast answerable or accountable to the company board. Ok, so the bureaucrats are all there for personal gains, it is nothing public,..ok, cool.
eliminates central banking,..,and so the nation state model, you don't need to own big amount,..,convert fiat to bitcoin in any country and then convert it back to fiat in another country, ..no central bank middleman (Bichauliya :)) in between and thus eliminates them,..Now, you can do that with money, all other things are optional,..because money is the ultimate property, ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, IPL matches are coming up,..,EPL matches will start a little later,.ok.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today's first match is GT vs KKR,..,and GT is batting first,..,let's see,..how they do with bat.., ok.,.,,looks like good start for GT, 31-1, 3 overs gone.., still going good.,GT.., GT, 61-1, 7 overs gone.., GT, 86-2, 11 overs gone.., 50 up for the GT Captain.., GT, 132-2, 16 overs gone. GT need big hits! but wickets falling!, KKR restricting them..Russel ka Muscle! , GT Total - 156., let's see, how the KKR boys respond.,,.
Boro Loker Beti Lo Lomba Lomba Chul.., Lomba Lomba Six!, but wickets! falling KKR..
KKR, 24-3, 5 overs gone..,..KKR not looking good!.. KKR need 29 runs from 12 ballls!.. now 18 from 6 balls! Russel ka Muscle!, caught! gone!, It is Gujarat Titans! congrats! #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL,..Ohh!, Arsenal already scored!, Arsenal vs Man Utd,.., Arsenal 1-0 up!, how is it going folks.., Another goal! Penalty!, Arsenal 2-0 up!,.. Ronaldo! goal! now, 2-1! , It is halftime, Arsenal 2-1 Man Utd.
Man Utd getting screwed again!..Arsenal 3-1 up!,..It is fulltime, Arsenal 3-1 Man Utd, congrats! gunners! #EPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Tea is wanted that much, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..is that so,..,tea is kinda a good idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, those are your goals, so, what are you doing to achieve your goals, tell me, ok.
Ok, so, Those are your goals, why not just have tea & go achieve your goals, ok, cool.
#UWCL Ok, so, the Barcelona Storm! is blowing away anyone coming their way!..,Wolfsburg should not be too upset, ok. But the Barcelona Storm looks unstoppable for anyone so far!.., If this Spanish women footballers able to maintain this momentum, they will be a strong contender of the upcoming UEFA Women's EURO, 2022 ..and even for Copa Mundial Feminina De La FIFA(FIFA Women's Football World Cup), 2023,.., Copa del Mundo, Copa del Mundo..:), sounds like the Golden Era of Spanish women's football is coming.., but for the time being this Barcelona storm is not looking to stop anywhere soon..,leave alone the relentless and dangerous attacking midfielders and swift forwards, ..even defender, centre-back like Mapi León is also scoring goal..,this is great going for Barcelona!.., while Wolfsburg's strength is not defensive game, attacking and scoring goals is their strength,..,but the Barcelona players are not giving them any chance whatsoever,..,they can work on their defence and well organise their midfield area, espicially against a team in great form like Barcelona,..try to contain them and counterattact in the 2nd Leg, ok.
Now, folks say, there are notable things happening at Camp Nou,.,record breaking attendence!,..,they broke their own world record attendence of the previous match, (QF, Real Madrid vs Barcelona), 91,553, to (SF, Wolfsburg vs Barcelona), 91,648!, great!, Força Barça! #UWCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UWCL Ok, so, Today is UEFA Women's Champions League, Semi-final Leg 1, Day 2, Lyon vs PSG.. ,and you know, i am not making any BOLD prediction, ok. #UWCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Today, some Teams will play some, face-saving or ass saving matches, both in EPL and IPL, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#EPL, How is it going, folks..,story so far, 25 minutes played, Chelsea 0-0 West Ham, Brighton 1-0 Southamton and Burnley 0-0 Wolves,..ok., halftime nearing, Chelsea, West Ham look not much in hurry, Burnley, Wolves looks in hurry..Brighton 2-0 Southamton in hurry!..late strike from Southamton! , It is halftime, Chelsea 0-0 West Ham, Burnley 0-0 Wolves, Brighton 2-1 Southamton #EPL
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about LSG vs MI,..,and LSG will bat first,..,let's see,..how they do with bat.., ok.,.,and let's see, if MI can open their account of this IPL season, ok,.., no need trust anyone, but verify,.., evidence, records, performances.. say it all,.. anyone can verify,..no big deal.,., LSG, 20-0, 3 overs gone., all the low performers and no performers are busy with shitty ads, promo and marketing..., Wicket! de Kock gone!, Powerplay done, LSG, 32-1, ok.. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UWCL Ok, so,.,UEFA Women's Champions League Semi-final Leg 1, Day 1, about to begin, Lyon vs PSG,., Told you, those who do better in the 1st Leg, normally do better overall.,.,ok, so play your best,... See you gals in Action! #UWCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Looks like #Bitcoin
is calm and stable these days,..,it not only eliminates the money printing press workers(aka central bankers) but also the cockroaches, traders, speculators, etc,..,do some work fellows,..no easy money here,..you can go and do that in the fiat casino(aka stock market) ,..,money is free there only,..coming out of the private money printing press..ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Afternoon tea makes feel good, ok, cool.
Ok, so..free money salary accounts auto refilling almost there, ok,...,and yeah, that is beneficial for me,..that is why,..,not much effort needed, just need to keep those useful chutiyas :) in tap, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..free money is the better money,...ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab free PAISA hota hai,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
So,.. Saar,..Kapda to sharir ke uprardha ke lajja nibaran ke liye hota hai,.. Ramprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma to Team MI..,and Team Everton.. :) #IPL #EPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,The Best Player, The Best Team in the World will be decided only in FIFA Women's World Cup, 2023,.,USA women's national football team is still the best team in the world, Reining World Champions! ..,nobody wins the World Cup 4 times! by mistake,..,they have to be something special, ok.
They are fast and furious!,..they train hard,..,they have established players like, Morgan, Rapinoe, etc,..,and they say Rose Lavelle is the rose of the Midfield,..and young guns like Catarina Macario also joing their rank,..,that makes them a world class team, ok. Now, e.g, since 2020 in all international matches, Spanish women's national team lost only one match, that is to USA, in SheBelieves Cup, 2020,.. Ok, so, they have reasons to believe in themselves, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,Evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about PBKS vs CSK,..,and PBKS batting first,..,let's see,..how they do with bat.., ok.,. a bit slow start from PBKS, Powerplay done, 37-1.,.hmm, missed catches, not ok, PBKS, 72-1, 10 overs gone., 100 up for PBKS,..looking steady.., 50 up for Gabbar, cool.. stylish shot.., finally Wicket!, 150 up for PBKS.., a big over!, Good Total, PBKS - 187!., let's see, how the CSK boys respond. #IPL
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..,Tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Told you, I, normally have no issues with anyone,..,actually i need nothing from them or i have nothing to learn from them..ok. So, you can't have any edge over anyone, if you do not know or can not do something better, cheaper and useful,..that are already available in the market, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,...,After more than Seventy years,..,they have done nothing, that is original, and is actually useful and sold in the indian market,..,all are copied or imported from elsewhere, ok,.. So, you can't have edge over anyone. Everything has alternatives, ok, and giving free money changes nothing,..,merit folks merit that is what needed, and that is what sells, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,When real competitions or real problems come,..,everybody tries to hide, flee or come up with lame excuses,..,and that changes nothing,. ok.,.. nothing ever goes away until it has taught you what you need to know, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Sports and Entertainment experiences and management will get much better, as more professional and efficient people will enter and replace the bureaucratic minded people in Sports and Entertainment Associations, Councils, Boards etc..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,Afternoon tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,so, UCL Semi-final Leg 1, Day 1,..commencing tonight(IST),.., Man City vs Real Madrid,..,ok, Can the Man City boys change things to their favor this season,.. and when it comes to Real Madrid, Benzema show will be great, but all the goal scoring responsibility should not be his alone,..it is Team Real Madrid's responsibility, ok, cool. #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..,a nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about RR vs RCB,..,and RR batting first, ..RR, 19-1, 2 overs gone,..ok.,.ohh!, wicket falling too fast.. RR 3 wickets down!, Powerplay over, RR, 43-3.,,.looks like RR skipper SS stepping up!,..ohh! SS gone! .. bad batting display, RR, 95-4, 13 overs gone.., batting colapse! ohh! DK missed that., another catch missed!, RR Total - 144,.. looks like a bit easy chase for RCB boys,.. let's see how they do.. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Normally people use the nearest possible services,..,such as banks, hospitals, shops,..etc,. not because they are the best,. it is because they nearest and more convenient,..,later when they find out these are not good,..then only look for other places, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Some people may find the mediacrooks entertaining,..,i don't,.. propaganda is not funny either,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,So, why originals matter..,because it makes the difference,..,in schools/colleges funtions, i used listen guys singing almost like Bhupen Hazarika,..,but they will not become Bhupen Hazarika by copying his songs and his singing style,..,there will only be one original Bhupen Hazarika, ok.
It is same as Mona Lisa painting,..,there is only one original piece,.,and nobody will care its replica, ok.
After Bhupen da,..,Zubeen Garg is a original and good singer,..,successful, both commercially and in all others,..,so, original matters, ok.
I can sing like Udit Narayan, but that doesn't make me Udit,..he is the original,.. i can sing like Bhupen da or Zubeen too,..,doesn't make me like anyone of them,.,ok, so, original..
I have to write songs,..and sing in my style...that will make me original..ok.
But i am a born singer,..,the fact of the matter is,..my name came from a singer,..,Moge Doji, an Arunachal singer,..used to sing on Radio,..in my childhood, one of my elder sister named me after him, because i used to sing since my childhood.,.,my original name was Adi,..,my father used to call me that name,..,lots of fellows who know me from my childhood still call me, Moge Doji,..,that is bit of my bio.
Now,..You see, MS Windows is out there for long time,..,but no one has created/copied anything Windows like desktop friendly OS,..The Linux creator himself admitted, that user frieldly desktop designing is hard,..,that is why windows is still best for PC experience...ok.
Ok, so, It has to be original and it has to be good or useful..,that is what stands out of the rest and gives the edge.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, PhonePe,..,Refund my transaction failed but Rs.3000 duducted asap, ok. I don't find it funny, ok. asap..,.and worthless people are always talking about other peoples' money,..,they themselves are not worth 'do kodi'..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,so, Man City edges Real Madrid,..,but it is still Benzema again for Real Madrid! 2 goals to his name,..,but the depth is with Man City, 4 different players scored goal,..that is thedepth of a team!, of course started by goal hunter, De Bruyne!, then Jesus, then Foden and then Silva,.., Man City have 4-3 1st Leg advantage,..,but Real Madrid can still come back in the 2nd Leg, if they determine to do so, ok. #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about SRH vs GT,..,folks say, SRH will bat first,..,let's see how they do with bat,..and let's find out which is better, Hyderabadi Biryani or Dhokli, ok., ohh! the Skipper departs, SRH, 26-1, 3 overs gone., batting going ok so far, SRH, 76-2, 9 overs gone., 50!, Milkshake for Abhishek!, SRH, 140-2, 15 overs gone. Wicket! Abhishek gone!., Folks say, it is a good batting pitch, so, need to put a good total on the board.., direct hit! gone!, 4x6! big last over!, It is a big total, SRH Total - 195. Let's see, how the GT boys respond.. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UCL, Ok, so, UCL Semi-final Leg 1, Day 2,..commencing tonight,..,Liverpool vs Villarreal, ,ok,..telling you guys again,..those who do better in the 1st Leg, normally do better overall,..,Ok, so play your best and play to win!.. #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,.ok,..i kinda got that, ok, cool, .ok..i kinda sorta got that, i kinda got that, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,a nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok,..is that so,..,tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..really,..,But some recent results of Major International Women's Football Competitions say something else,..(friendlies, ok).
2022, Algarve Cup - Sweden (Champions!), Italy (Runners-up), Norway(Third place), Portugal (Fourth place)
2022, SheBelieves Cup - United States(Champions!), Iceland(Runners-up), Czech Republic(Third place), New Zealand(Fourth place)
2022, Tournoi de France - France(Champions!), Netherlands (Runners-up), Brazil(Third place), Finland(Fourth place)
2022, Arnold Clark Cup - England (Champions!), Spain(Runners-up), Canada(Third place), Germany(Fourth place)
2023, FIFA Women's World Cup Qualified from UEFA Confederation so far..
France (La Coupe de Monde,...oye munde:) )
Spain (Copa del Mundo :), Clasificadas Copa Mundial Femenina)
Sweden (Klara för VM!)
......So, things look Interesting, ok..
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Professional League Games(Clubs) are greatly helping to develop skills, training facilities, financial wellbeings and overall development of Football, Cricket and all other sports, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..I am afraid to say, it looks like English Dominance again!, this season in UEFA Champions League, with both English Teams (Man City, Liverpool) have Semi-finals 1st Leg advantage over the two Spanish Teams (Real Madrid, Villarreal) , ok. #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok,..is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about DC vs KKR,..,and folks say, KKR will bat first,..,let's see how they do with bat..,.Ok, a big and good squad is a requrement,.. if you want do well throughout in all formats,.., because,..somebody may need rest,..somebody may get injured or other unforeseeable obliations comes up,..but that should badly affect the overall team performaces. ok.
clean bowled!, Finch departs.., KKR, 6-1, 2 overs one.., another gone!, slow start from KKR.., Powerplay over, KKR, 29-2... still slow, KKR, 61-4, 11 overs gone.., KKR 5 wickets down!, 6 wickets down! not too bad..ok scoring. KKR Total - 146. Let's see how the DC boys respond.. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,a nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Wikipedia works,. and it is getting better and authentic,..,a classic and successful example of open online encyclopedia maintained by a community of volunteers through open collaboration.,.open community based system works, and gets better through evolution, trial and error,..,unlike the closed systems., which are limited to the capacity of a few closed people, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,How things work in the practical world is what matters,..,all those voting, selection, ads, promo,..they are nothing concrete,..,they are just biased or random opinions of random people,..,but money is not random,..,where they put or spend their money, what they buy, is concrete,..,that is what matters, rest are just noise,..market is darwinian competition,.,ultimately that is how things are in the real world, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,All those politico-bureaucratic class people are playing only one game all the time,..,who will get hold on the money printing press,..,who will control the money printing machine, that's it,..,rest are just noise,..all important things come from market,..ok, cool.
When they use the word,..,bail out,..,politico-bureaucrats are bailing out themselves first, with their own fart,..at no cost,.. then only they bail out their crony zombie banks/corporations out of their fart,..,but their is no cost or penalty for their own mistakes,..,their mistakes lead to the need of those so called bail outs, printing money vigorously, etc...,which no one is responsible or part of, but themselves..,with that process they destroy other peoples' savings through inflation,.and thus criple or destroy the real economy, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Looking for attention?,..that is what everyone looking for,..,go somewhere, you will not get mine, ok, dudes and dudettes,..i have football and cricket matches to watch, so, normally i have not much extra time, ok, cool.
Ok, so, the UEFA website(uefa.com) is informative and animated, but the FIFA website(fifa.com) looks like shit!, do something folks,..,spend some money, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about PBKS vs LSG,..,and LSG batting first,..,let's see how they do with bat.. PBKS wanna try something different today. Or business as usual .wicket! LSG, 32-1, 5 overs gone. LSG going ok.. great batting De Kock! but gone!, LSG, 99-2, 13 overs gone. long throw! and hit!, caught! no garbar from gabbar!, another wicket gone! LSG batting crumbling!. LSG, 112-6, 16.1 overs gone...,btw PBKS do not like to win the easy way.. caught! out! Six! ..Six! Six! and out!. Ok total, LSG Total - 153. Let's see, how the PBKS boys respond.. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Told you, I do not live or work on the basis, that someone or some people will like me or impress with me. I do what is right and what i like,..,interactions are always based on voluntary co-operation,..that is merit basis, ok, cool.
You can't live a true life entirely relying on other peoples' opinion, likes or dislikes,..etc, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,People will negotiate, people will bargain,..,they always want to maximise their gain,..,that is normal market process,..,no third party need to interfere or try to distort it,...,that never works,..because of unique human nature,..,only mandatory thing is that,...money supply has to be stable, limited and predictable,..otherwise no one can build anything stable and lasting, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Btw, PhonePe has not refunded my transaction failed but deducted Rs.3000 yet,..You can't allow such entities to operate in a money transaction system,..,same time i did another transfer with BHIM, transaction failed and fund deducted here too,...,but BHIM refunded immediately, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..Those are your goals,..why waiting then,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, Those are your goals, so, what are you doing to achieve your goals, tell me, ok.
Ok, so, Those are your goals, why not just have coffee & go achieve your goals, ok.
Ok, ok, so,..,Coffee is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Today is Matchday, IPL, EPL, UWCL,,,..IPL double header starting shortly, EPL regular matches later this evening,..and most inportantly UEFA Women's Champions League Semi-finals 2nd Leg double header in the night,..the Finalists will be decided, and the Road to Turin will be all clear, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today's first match is RCB vs GT,..,and folks say, RCB will bat first,..,let's see how they do with bat., RCB skipper departs early! , just accompanied the ball to the boundary rope :), ok start, Poweplay over, RCB, 43-1.,, batting going good so far, RCB, 87-1, 11 overs gone, 50 for Kohli! long time! 100 up for RCB.., 50 for Rajat too! great going RCB.. Wicket!, RCB, 117-2, 15 overs gone.. Wicket! need to accelerate, only a few balls left..,Wicket! 150 up for RCB!.. out!.. ohh!,.. RCB Total - 170. Let's see, how the GT boys respond.. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL, How is it going folks,.. Liverpool vs Newcastle,..,Goal! Liverpool strikes!, 25 minutes played Liverpool 1-0 up!.. It is halftime, Liverpool 1-0 Newcastle. #EPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Tea is really kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, IPL double header today,..,EPL matches begin a little later in the evening, ok. cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today's first match is DC vs LSG,..,and LSG batting first,..,let's see how they do with bat.,. And in the next match we will find out which is better,..,Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani or Masala Dosa..
Six!, de Kock! 4!.., good start,..LSG, 41-0, 4 overs gone.. Wicket! de Kock! departs.., Looks cool, ..Sachin Tendulkar Stand..:), ..Six! Hurrah!.., Six! KLass!.. LSG, 117-1, 12 overs gone.,,,really, Sir Jadeja feeling the heat :), so, going back to his original captain, MS Cool...:), not so easy, kid :).., LSG, 134-1, 14 overs gone.,..Golden era of Indian Cricket, MS cool, MS Dhoni era, best captain, and one of the best players in cricket history, and most importantly, World Cup winning captain!..,India won, ICC World Cup, 2011, ICC T20 World Cup, 2007, IPL Thropies for CSK..,under the captaincy of MS Dhoni!,..no others have done before,..,and someone yet to do,..till then, MS Dhoni, the best!.., LSG, 148-2, 16 overs gone.,..,ok, ha,..koi aas paas bhi nahi hai, MS Dhoni..:),.. good finish needed, LSG... Six!, Wicket!, this is a good total, LSG Total - 195!,. Let's see, how the DC boys respond. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Tea is really kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Title race still continues, cats and mouse game between Man City and Liverpool continues,..,title decider may go down to the last Matchday,..meanwhile Everton boys are fighting to escape from a not so funny situation, ok. #EPL
Ok, so, MI opened their account for this season,..,badhai ho,..,yeh to chamatkar ho gaya,..,ummeed hai aagey bhi karte rahenge,..,aur Dhokla kha kha ke GT table top pahuch gaya, ok. #IPL
Ok, so, good UWCL campaign for Wolfsburg come to an end with a win!,.,and thus 45 matches winning streak of Barcelona also come to an end. PSG could do better,..Ok, so, prepare better and try to do better next season, ok. The Road to Turin is now clear,..Lyon meet Barcelona in the UWCL Final, at Juventus Stadium, Turin on 21 May, 2022. Now, it looks like Lyon want the crown back!,..,but defending Champions Barcelona won't let it go easily. Barcelona tasted Victory and glory of the crown, and that tastes great!. Ok, so, Let's see who will claim the crown, this time, ok. #UWCL
Like people say, taste the success once,…tongue want more. - Kapil Dev
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Evening Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today's first match is RR vs KKR,..,and RR batting first,..,let's see how they do with bat.,.let's see which better, Dilkushar or Rasgulla, ok.,. Yes, Dil khush kar dega, khaake to dekho..ok.
Wicket!, caught and bowled!, slow start from RR.., RR, 12-1, 4 overs gone..,Six!.. Powerplay over, RR, 38-1., going ok so far, RR, 90-2, 13 overs gone. Wicket!,..not good RR not good going.., RR, 122-5, 18 overs gone., RR Total - 152. Let's see, how the KKR boys respond. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Healthcare Services are nowhere near matching it's requirements,.. too slow medical science progress,..all delays, queues etc,..ok,..cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Where there is no sense of urgency and pressure to deliver,..things can't progress,..,free salary/money is the source of lack of accountabilty,..,businesses are answerable/accountable to their customers/users,..,the source of their profit/income, ..,while state free salary systems are not answerable/accountable to customers/users,..that is why things do not improve or progress, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, is that so,..,tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Why customers/users/consumers matter,..,because they are paying their money,..,that is real hard thing,..,nothing like random opinion, vote, like or propaganda, ..,they are putting their money,..that is the only vote that matters and makes the real difference, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Afternoon Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,This is looking nice, live on UEFA.tv,.. UEFA U17 Women's EURO,..,streaming video quality good,..let's see how they play, Germany vs Denmark,..and Germany 1-0 up! within 5 minutes!..grt!. Folks say, this is the opening match, cool., Germany 2-0 up! within 10 minutes!,.,,btw, they say, Spain National Women's team have never beaten German National Women's team in any international match :). So, German Women's are really good at football,.. Danes look like pressing a bit hard.., 30 minutes played, Germany 2-0 Denmark...ohh!.., It is Halftime, Germany 2-0 Denmark.
10 minutes to go, score still, 2-0, Denmark yet to hit the net! ..3 added minutes.., and winning start for Germany!, this Championship!, It is fulltime, Germany 2-0 Denmark. #U17WEURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda really going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about GT vs PBKS,..,and GT batting first,..,let's see how they do with bat., GT, 4-0, 1.1 overs gone. Direct hit! gone! Six! and Wicket!, GT, 34-2, 4 overs gone., Powerplay over, GT, 42-2.. Wicket!, GT skipper departs early..,Rüdiger takes wicket..:) , GT, 62-3, 10 overs gone. Wicket!, Rüdiger bowling well, GT, 98-4, 15 overs gone.,, GT going slow.. Six! ,50 for SS., Bowled! GT score not looking big, still, i do not take PBKS for granted.., GT Total - 143. Let's see, how the PBKS boys respond. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UCL, Today is first Finalist decider, UCL, Semi-final, Leg 2, Day 1,.., Liverpool vs Villarreal,..,Ok, so, play to win!. There is no Room for Sloppiness,..,.no, i don't know the result already,..,who said that,.., play for place at Stade de France, all the best, both the teams, ok. @ChampionsLeague #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, UEFA U17 Women's EURO France vs Finland underway.,., 20 minutes played, score still 0-0,..Ok, so play well and play to win! girlies..,I saw a female Rüdiger in masquerade there.. from French team of course.. France strike! , France 1-0 up!, cool. #U17WEURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,Really,..,Women’s T20 Challenge, 2022, announced, that sounds cool..ok.
IPL 2022 Playoffs schedule announced,
Qualifier 1 - Team 1 vs Team 2 (24th May, 2022, Kolkata)
Qualifier 1 - Team 1 vs Team 2 (25th May, 2022, Kolkata)
Qualifier 2 - Winner of Eliminator vs Loser of Qualifier 1 (27th May, 2022, Ahmedabad)
Final - Winner of Qualifier 1 vs Winner of Qualifier 2 (29th May, 2022, Ahmedabad)
...looks all cool to me.
Women’s T20 Challenge, 2022. (Venue - Pune)
Match 1 - (23th May, 2022)
Match 2 - (24th May, 2022)
Match 3 - (26th May, 2022)
Final - (28th May, 2022)
...looks all cool to me.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Women’s T20 Challenge, 2022., Teams are IPL Trailblazers, IPL Velocity and IPL Supernovas,.
ok.., I saw names of overseas players, (from New Zealand, West Indies, England, Bangladesh, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Thailand), that is good.,ok.
IPL Trailblazers (current champions), Captain - Mumbai Mulgi Smriti Mandhana.
IPL Velocity, Captain - Team India Captain, Mithali Raj.
IPL Supernovas, Captain - Punjab Kudi Harmanpreet Kaur., ok.
Ok, so, gals, start practicing,..batting, bowling, fielding, fitness and all,..,hot summer Pune condition you know,.. i believe Bharatnatyam practice can wait for a little while, right Mithali, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,The Dutch are football mad people,..,Netherlands is country of great football players, both man and woman..,they were so close to win FIFA World Cup,..,Iniesta's extra time goal denied them in the WC Final.,. Their women's national team is world class,..,and most players play at top European clubs,.. and yesterday at U17WEURO, Netherlands beats host Bosnia and Herzegovina to 8-0!. Ok, so, Netherlands is a serious football playing and footall talent nation, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about CSK vs RCB,..,and CSK chose to bowl first,..,let's see, how the RCB boys do with bat. RCB, 33-0, 4 overs one.., good start, Powerplay over, RCB, 57-0.. Wicket!, the skipper departs!..bit slow, RCB, 110-3, 14 overs one. caught! out!, RCB, 155-4, 18 overs one. Wicket!, another Wicket!. Bowled!..bowling bowling!, DK! fire! ..RCB Total - 173. Let's see, how the CSK boys respond. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UCL, Ok, so, Liverpool through to the UCL Final!. Today is 2nd Finalist decider, UCL, Semi-final, Leg 2, Day 2,.., Real Madrid vs Man City,..,Ok, so, play to win!. There is no Room for Sloppiness, telling you folks again, i don't know the result already,..,Let's see, which team will challenge Liverpool in the Final at Stade de France,.. all the best, both the teams, ok. @ChampionsLeague #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,unknown said so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..,inconnu said so,..,that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok,..,chatty people think so,..,is that precisely the point,..kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Guardiola looks thirsty,..somebody give him a Cup of Water :),..,i believe there are five oceans on the surface of the earth,..but he still can't find enough water..:), ..how can he find the UCL trophy,..that is only one, ok, cool. #UCL
Ok, Real Madrid did not play better in the first 90 minutes,..,they played only after 90 minutes and won..:), quite unreal thing done by Real Madrid,..,Man City was already relaxing, but faced an unbelievable defeat at the end of the match..lol..,and Benzema again on the score card!, cool.
btw, Thierry Henry says, Stade de France is not in Paris, it is near north to Paris,..where Real Madrid faces Liverpool, in the UEFA Champions League Final (2021-22), on 29th May, 2022, 12:45(IST). See you guys there, ok, cool. #UCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Evening tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about DC vs SRH,..,and SRH chose to bowl first,..,let's see, how the DC boys do with bat.. ,wow! 1st over Wicket! Maiden!,..,Hmm, this a forgettable season for MI and CSK, especially for MI!..Six!, DC, 33-1, 4 overs gone. caught and bowled!, Powerplay over, DC, 50-2. Six!, DC, 91-3, 10 overs gone. Six!. 50 for Warner!.. DC score looking good.. Six! ..Six!,, SRH boys, the more runs you concede, the more runs you'll have to chase.. Six! vertical limit! Six! 50 for Powell! Looks like good batting pitch..This is a big total!, DC Total - 207. Let's see, how the SRH boys respond. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,.,.that gives meaning,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Making paper money is not rocket science,..,that is why counterfeiting is possible,..,inflation, counterfeiting, economic instability etc. are inherent problem of the fiat money system,..,the counterfeiters at least do something,..they can't create money at a keystroke of ledger entry,..,btw, those Rs.2000 notes are still in the circulation, but nobody wants to accept it any more, why don't they discontinue its circulation asap, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Why historically politicians, presidents and other such people got killed but billionaires, big bankers, and other wealthy fellows do not got killed,..,because billionaires use the politicians who are not very wise by themselves, and use the system but they do not sign in any public documents, ..,although they use the system but stay private and separated, ..that's why they stay safe, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Afternoon tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,a nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Your harvest was good this year,..,doesn't mean you will not have to farm well next year or season,..,You ate well today,..doesn't mean you will not eat tomorrow,.,.,you can't just do well one time and live rest of your life on that,..,you can't create unlimited goods and services with unlimited money printing.,..,that is unnatural to a ever changing natural world,.,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, Today's first match, UEFA U17 Women's EURO is Denmark vs Bosnia and Herzegovina.,.,..Ok, so, let's see how they play today. Ok, so play well and play to win! girlies.. oh! what a goal! the keeper didn't move! ..Denmark 1-0 up!,.. ok, so this qualfier too, for, 2022 FIFA U-17 Women's World Cup!, India.., Ok, so, play really well girlie's..,ohh! 20 minutes played, still Denmark 1-0 up!, long shot! goal!.. Denmark 2-0 up!, 5 minutes to halftime.. It is halftime, Denmark 2-0 Bosnia and Herzegovina
...woo!, Denmark 6-0 up!, 10 minutes to fulltime..Danes! Danes! ..:) ..3 added minutes.., It is fullftime, Denmark 6-0 Bosnia and Herzegovina. #U17WEURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about MI vs GT,..,and GT chose to bowl first,..,let's see, how the MI boys do with bat.,..,formality match?..:)..., #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea/Coffee first,...then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..Morning Tea is going good,...,ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,What i say or do is called Education,..,what they do in academic institutions is called academics,..that hardly has anything to do, how things work in the real world. Ok, so i don't take their money wasting nonsense and mental gymnastics, seriously, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Who need those reservations, quotas and all,..,and whose ideas are those?.. Such ideas are of those so called upper castes (treacherous priest caste (brahmins) and such others),..,who always try to escape from the real world market competition, and try to hide in the state/govt machinery..,all of them are not treacherous, I know a lot of good also, ok.,., They have been eating freely since centuries, ..,becoming advisors and other such things of the kings and queens,..,.now they have found a way into the state machinery through bureaucracy and such other things,..,bureaucrats in india are mostly brahmins, ..,they are including other castes, such as some rapacious bonias and other caste people,..so as to make it look like some kind of equality,..,that is the treachery, ok.
Ok, so, all those bureaucrats, money printing press workers and other such state crooks, who are not in the market competition are actually in reservations, quotas and salary protection,..,what we use in the practical life today has nothing to do with them..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,...,None, not a single indian origin company can survive in the global market competion and stay profitable, none of them,..that is why none of them matter, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,really,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,so, Barcelona Women have already won Primera División this season,..28 played, 28 won!,..,there is no draw or no lose!, marvelous!,..,only 2 more matches go,..,doesn't look anyone stop them from winning 30 out of 30!..,Atl. Madrid may try,..,btw, Real Madrid and Atl. Madrid have equal points. If Atl. Madrid can't beat Barcelona, and Real Madrid win the 2 remaining matches, they will play UEFA Women's Champions League next season alongside Barcelona and Real Sociedad qualified from Primera División, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,IPL Playoffs are still far,.,.but shitty ads problems are still there,..all the sponsors were in the ICC Women's World Cup, 2022 too, but ICC managed well,...,there were no shitty ads, ok, cool. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Ek Bharat Ek Salary, :), Chutiyapa ki bhi had hoti hai..:), poopganda ganda tricks,..,keep trying, They can't even run stable electric power supply yet,..,but those chutiyas come to the market to buy the most expensive Basmati rice with their free salary..:) ok, cool.
Chutiyapa ki bhi had hoti hai..:), Told you, you can't make somebody out of nobody, once a chutiya always a chutiya.. :) , ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#EPL, Ok, so, how is it going folks..,ok so, Burnley can't lose and Villa don't want to lose,..and Villa strikes!. Villa 1-0 up! within 10 minutes.., Burnley making lots of movements.. ohh! hustle and bustle! ohh! good attempt Burnley.., Villa! goal!, Villa 2-0 up!, it is slipping away Burnley boys, try harder ..,draw will also help.., Everton played 33, Leeds played 34..so, things are close..,5 minutes to halftime.., It is halftime, Villa 2-0 Burnley..
...woo!.. Villa 3-0 up!,,,going good for the Villa boys.., 20 more minutes to go..,Villa not much in hurry, posession, this, that and yada yada yada..ok.., Burnley! goal!, and that's it..,It is fullftime, Aston Villa 3-1 Burnley.. #EPL
Ok, ohh wow! Juventus Women won the Serie A Femminile!, that's awesome!, congrats gals!,,party time..,ok, cool., 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲-𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗜𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀!, really cool stuff, ok gals!..sort of a little mad ppl, and that is all fun,..#FANTA5TIC! ..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
#EPL, Whoa!, so far Everton at advantage!, but Leeds at disadvantage!,..still lots of time remaining.
60 minutes played Everton still leading 2-1 to Leicester.., West Ham 4-0 up! against Norwich, Leeds 0-2 down! to Arsenal.., Everton still hanging on.. Pickford! great save!, 10 minutes to go.. Everton still hanging on!.. possess the ball more now.. run the clock down.., Everton done it! 3 points! bravo! #EPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Chelsea Women are the CHAMPIIIONS of England!, congrats gals!,..and that was a great contest!, and eventually BarclaysFAWSL league table says, Chelsea, Arsenal and Man City Women will play in the UEFA Women's Champions League next season,..great!,..meanwhile celebration time for Chelsea gals, party time,.chill,...ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, Wolfsburg Women are the Champions of Germany!, DEUTSCHER MEISTER 2021/2022, congrats gals!, Frauen Bundesliga Winners!. Now are you kidding me! was there some demolition work goin' there, Wolfsburg 10-1 Carl Zeiss Zena!,,..congats again gals! celebration time!,..ok, cool.
And there was some demolition work done by Barcelona! too, Barcelona 6-1 Rayo Vallecano!, they are on course for a clean league record, great!, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Really,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,A nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok,..,really,...,is that so,..,tea is kinda basic need, ok cool.
Hmm,..,After their Search Engine,..nothing useful and competitive products came out of Google, .,Android is not their product,..,now it has become just a shitty ads and shitty media company, using their creepy ai programs, ok.,..that is what happens, when chutiyas enter to a company, ok,..,in their own language,.., "Invasion of the Bozos",..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Those who got wealthy in USA in the 1980's and 90's,..were entrepreneurial and risk takers, ..who created lots of useful and game changing products,..,but the European billionairs, referred to as the "European Pigs!" are neither entrepreneurial nor risk takers,..,they just abused the state machinery, ..of course, with help of the politico-bureaucratic crooks. Now the scenes are changing everywhere,..,no entrepreneurs or risk takers,..,but risk creators are on rise. They are trying to hide in the state machinery and puting the risk and the burden to the exchequers,..the public at large, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Today is simultaneous double header matches, UEFA U17 Women's EURO are Denmark vs Netherlands and, Germany vs Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ok, so, let's see how they play today., I have two screens, a laptop and a smartphone, i,ll manage..,Shoddy and Clumsy start from the Dutch vs Danes..:), the other match is going ok,..10 minutes played no scores in both the matches.., shot! missed! Netherlands making more moves.., and Germany not much in hurry.., Danes strikes first!, 30 minutes played, Denmark 1-0 Netherlands, Germany 0-0 Bosnia and Herzegovina., finishing is really bad Netherlands!, so many close chances..Germany still not much in hurry, but making movements.., It is halftime, Denmark 1-0 Netherlands, Germany 0-0 Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Whoa!, Netherlands equalised!, and Germany 1-0 up!, 10 more minutes to go..5 added minutes, Germany 2-0 up!, with 1-1, the Dutches progress to the Semi-finals!..congrats gals!, It is fulltime, Denmark 1-1 Netherlands, Germany 2-0 Bosnia and Herzegovina., Germany perfect group stage, congrats gals!. See you all in the Semi-finals. #U17WEURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..really,...,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Really,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Managing, organizing, coordinating etc...are not core skills or ability,..these are matter of common sense,..,ok,.., Ability to solve core problems, such as finding a cure, Creativity, Original and useful ideas, Efficient power generation and storage,..,etc.. are core ability, ok, cool.
Ability to deliver necessary stuffs fast but without compromising the quality,..such as food, medicine etc.. is efficiency...it is not about mass production of industrial junk, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is perfect right now, ok, cool.
Ok,..really,..,cool ppl think so,..,tea is kinda good idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so..,.You can't do it, Someone can do it,..You don't want to it, well, Someone will do it,..,just don't try to create blockage and create unnecessary issues,..because of your own incompetence,..,your incompetence is your problem,..not any others, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about the table toppers, LSG vs GT,..,and GT batting first,..,let's see, how they do with bat., Any team qualified for the playoffs yet?..,ohh!. Wicket!, slow start from GT, 13-1, 3 overs gone..,another Wicket!,.. ohh!, Powerplay over, GT, 35-2.,, still going slow GT.., GT, 69-3, 11 overs gone.. Six!, GT need to accelerate.. Wicket!, 50 for Gill! shot! 4!, and 4! more!, GT, 117-4, 17 overs gone. Need more runs..lot more.. Bowling! bowling!, 12 balls remaining.. 4 :) missed!, ok total, GT total -144,.., looks like LSG have better chance, if they don't do anything silly. Let's see, how they respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..really,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Businesses, who are not customer facing or customer oriented are not businesses or companies at all,..,they are just social hazards, that has no contract or obligation to anyone..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, Andre we can't hear you..:), 46th UEFA CONGRESS Vienna 11 May 2022, was boringly good, i did not fall asleep during the session, and listened till the end,..so, things are looking better,..keep up the good work, folks,...but Andre we can't hear you..:),.. ok, cool. #UEFA
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,a nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about , DC vs RR,..,and DC chose to bowl first,..,let's see, how RR do with bat. Butler departs early!, so far RR, 11/1, 3 over gone,.., Six!..,..Six!, Powerplay over, RR, 43/1. Wicket!, going good RR, runs are coming.. Wicket! , RR, 146/5, 18 overs gone.. great catch!, GT is the first team to qualify for the playoffs!, well done boys.. RR Total -160. Let's see, how DC boys respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,...,Ok, now, home cannot go anywhere na,..but cool ppl can go anywhere and come home, Ok, so, have a nice cup of hot chocolate and come home, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Ok, do something that is useful or helpful to other people,..ok,..,otherwise you have no idea how many lies you'll have to tell,..cheating, pretending, interfering with other peoples' business/affair, sense of insecurity all the time,..,why those politicians are always insecure,..,because if they lose election, nobody will shit on them,..told you, you can't live a true life entirely depending on opinion/vote of random people,..,ok, so, do something that is useful or valuable for other people, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Ok, so, change all the man made systems,...,nothing happens to me,..,change the political systems, change the money systems, change the banking systems,..billions will be jobless,..but nothing happens to me, ok,..,that is called real Education, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,a nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,The main reason of insecurity is incompetence,..,they are roaming around without 'do kodi ka akal', :)..,ok, so, they will always be insecure,..you can't help them much,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Told you,..You can't make somebody out of nobody,..keep trying, but the results will be the same,..intelligent people do not live by some script or checklist,..,those are for low calibre people, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, really, is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#U17WEURO,.. Ok, so, Today is Semi-finals double header matches, UEFA U17 Women's EURO, first Semi final match is, Germany vs France, . Let's see who will make it to the Final!, #Semi-final-1 #U17WEURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#U17WEURO,.. UEFA U17 Women's EURO, first Semi final, Germany vs France, here we go,..,10 minutes played, slightly clumsy start from both the sides,..not much in hurry.., ohh! offside!, Germany! asking!.. 25 minutes played no goal yet.,..hot & humid out there?..,This is Football!, no AC room lifestyle, ok..,This is outdoor, hot, sweaty and messy..ok. btw AC room fellows talk about Climate Change..:), ..Whoa! what a goal! Germany strikes!, Germany 1-0 up!..4 added minutes.., It is halftime, Germany 1-0 France.
Ok, so 1 hour played, still ,Germany 1-0 up!.., any response from France, anyone..Female Rudiger, wanna charge, or Germany wanna double..ok, this is official drinks break.. ohh! chance!, 10 more miutes to go, Germany almost there..,2 more minutes!, It is Germany! through to the Final! congrats gals!, ok so, France be ready for FIFAU17WWC qualifier.., Germany, see you in the Final! ciao. #Semi-final-1 #U17WEURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then you know,..do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab free PAISA hota hai.
Ok, so,..,It is always about free Money/Salary, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Told you,..The easiest way to make money is to "Print Money",..,the money printing presses never go bankrupt,..,it has infinite money,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Money is claim to any property,..,but labor and properties are limited,..,ok, so the easiest way to rob fruits of other peoples' labor and property, is to just print money, ok, cool.
Ok, so,...Just print money for themselves and distribute some amount to their zero value creating unproductive paid slaves,..so, that, they also become the party of the robbery,..of the fruits of other peoples' labor and property, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Rest are just noise as usual,..,it is all about free money,..no work or effort required,..,that is why no real intellectual development happens,..they can't solve any real hard problem,..so, no real jobs..,only make work shitty jobs,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, There are no problems,..,just print money and problems solved,..,i don't see any problems,..i only see free money distributed to free salary/pension or other such free money accounts,..no problems at all, no nothing to complain, all chill,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Any blabbering of the propaganda mediacrooks are not important,..,it is not important, that is why it is on media propaganda,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok,..really,...,when did you hear,..,,have a nice cup of tea, then tell me, ok.
Ok, ok,..so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,inconnu said so,..,tea is kinda a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about, PBKS vs RCB,..,and RCB chose to bowl first,..,let's see, how PBKS do with bat., RCB can move up on the points and consolidate their position, PBKS can also move up. ok, let's see. Six! 4! Six! 4! , 4! Six!, flying start for PBKS!, PBKS, 43/0, 3 overs gone. Six!, arrey 4 nahi hai umpire baba :), bowled! Gabbar gone!.. Six!, Six!, great Powerplay! PBKS, 83/1. Wicket!, ..bad fielding.. , ok, Johny gone but runs still flowing..now bit slowing down.. Six!, Wicket! , PBKS, 152-4, 15 overs gone. Wicket! ..Six! and Wicket! ..ohh! Six!, 50 and Living! Six! Six! 200 mark crossed! Wicket! another Wicket!, This is good total! PBKS Total - 209. Let's see, how the RCB boys respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, is that.so,..,tea is kinda really going good, ok, cool.
Ok, is said so,..,tea is kinda a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but i don't doubt tea,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,There will be only 21 million bitcoins in existence. So, who said #Bitcoin
is volatile,..the fiat money system is highly volatile and fragile. Told you,..lots of cockroaches, traders, self proclaimed bitcoiners and bitcoin companies will disappear, ..ok, people do not seem to listen,..,but #Bitcoin
will continue with its own pace, ok, cool.

Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Today is FA Cup Final,..,Chelsea vs Liverpool,..,none of the teams have won anything in this season yet,.., but, Chelsea Women have won FAWSL title,..,Liverpool yet to win anything, UCL or EPL title, .. Chelsea out of the race from the both,..only FA Cup remaining to maintain their prestige., btw, will Spurs make it to the EPL top 4, :), that is remained to be seen, ok, cool. #FACupFinal.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about, SRH vs KKR,..,and KKR chose to bowl first,..,let's see, how they do with bat., Both of the teams have 10 points so far, the team loses today slips.., Bowled!.. KKR, 17-1, 2 overs gone. Six! ..Six! stand and deliver, Six!, Six!, Powerplay over, KKR, 55-1. Six! Wicket!, another Wicket! ..ok, things are bit slow for KKR,.. Six!, KKR, 119-5, 15 overs gone. Six! Wicket! Six! Six!, Six! , KKR Total - 177. Let's see, how the SRH boys respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Aisa kuch nahi hota hai, Sab free PAISA hota hai.
Ok, so,..,It is always about free Money/Salary,..money is not scarce, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,No new inventions/innovations happen,..no efficient power generation, no healtcare improvement,..,just the same repeatative make work jobs, and the same noise,..because money is free, ..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, is said so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Today is a Action Packed day!,.., Barcelona Women on their way to perfect 30 out of 30!,.., Barcelona 2-0 up!, Sociedad 2-0 up!, Real Madrid 0-0..so far,..44 minutes played,..ohh! Real Madrid 1-0 up!.. and halftime scores as they stand,..
Ok, so, Today's actions coming up..
UEFA U17 Women's EURO, Final! (Spain vs Germany) and FIFAU17WWC qualifier (France vs Netherlands).
Vitality Women's FA Cup Final! (Chelsea vs Man City).
and regular IPL and EPL matches, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#U17WEURO,.. UEFA U17 Women's EURO, Third place playoff cum FIFAU17WWC qualifier under way, France vs Netherlands .. France strikes!, 16 minutes played, France 1-0 up!, gals are playing well, lots of energy! ..goal! France 2-0 up! , It is halftime, France 2-0 Netherlands #U17WEURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, is said so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..a nice cup of tea is all about funkylife, ok, cool.
Ok, unknown said so, tea is a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,when did hear,..,have a nice cup of tea and tell me, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about, DC vs PBKS,..,and PBKS chose to bowl first,..,let's see, how the DC boys do with bat., and Warner gone for a duck! 6x2!, DC, 20-1, 2 overs gone. Six!, DC good start.. ok, DC, 74-2, 8 overs gone. Six! ..Six! DC still going good.. Wicket! 100 up for DC. Six! Stumped! Wicket! DC, 15-5, 14 overs gone.. 50 for Marsh!, DC, 134-5, 17 overs gone. 4!.. ohh! 4!,.. 2 overs to go.. catch Out!..another catch Out!, DC Total - 159.Let's see, how the PBKS boys respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#U17EURO,... UEFA U17 EURO, going good for France and Germany so far, France vs Poland, and Germany vs Italy, France 4-0 up! , Germany 2-0 up!, 3 minutes to halftime. Italy! goal!, It is halftime, France 4-0 Poland, Germany 2-1 Italy.
France already winning. :), lets see, how Italy respond!.. Italy equalised!, France 6-1 up!, Germany 3-2 up!, 10 minutes or so to go.. #U17EURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, Smiling for no reason,..,just have tea,..,everything will be fine, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,whenever have tea,..,you just start chatting, ok, cool.
Ok,.., is said so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..tea is a choice, not fairytale, may choose coffee or hot chocolate, ok.
Ok, but,..a nice cup of tea is all about funkylife, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Nobody, no need free service,..but good and reliable 24x7 service, ok.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,evening tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about the table bottoms :), SRH vs MI,..,and MI chose to bowl first,..,let's see, how the SRH boys do with bat. Slow start and Wicket!, SRH, 31-1, 4 overs gone. score going ok, SRH,.. Six!, SRH, 89-1, 9 overs gone. 10 overs gone, 100 up for SRH.. mishit but 4!..Six! ..50 for Tripathi!, ..SRH, 148-2, 15 overs gone. Six! ..catch!?..umpire says out!.. another Wicket! and another Wicket! 1 over to go.. SRH Good Total - 193. Let's see, how the MI boys respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#U17EURO,... UEFA U17 EURO, Denmark vs Sweden and Belgium vs Serbia, going good for Sweden, 1-0 up! withing 5 minutes!.. Belgium strikes! ohh! its own goal! from Serbia, 20 minutes played, Sweden 1-0 up! and Belgium 1-0 up!, Sweden strikes! Sweden 2-0 up!, 5 minutes to halftime. It is halftime, Denmark 0-2 Sweden and Belgium 1-0 Serbia.
2nd half begins.., Danes strike back! now 2-1! ..10 minutes or so to go.., score still.., Sweden 2-1 up! and Belgium 1-0 up!,, #U17EURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..a nice cup of tea is all about funkylife, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
#UEL, UEFA Europa League Final! tonight,..,Frankfurt vs Rangers,..,so, no favorites no prediction, play to win!, no room for sloppiness, so play well, all the best both the teams. #UEL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about, LSG vs KKR,..,and LSG chose to bat first,..,let's see, how they do with bat. ..and LSG, 14-0, 2 overs gone... still, a little slow start from LSG.. Six!, Powerplay over, LSG, 44-0, Although they are on 16 points, but No 'Q' for LSG yet,. LSG, 57-0, 8 overs gone. Six!.. high Six! and Six! more! LSG, 83-0, 10 overs gone. Six! and 100 up for LSG.. 6!, 4! and Century for de Kock!, kyu bhai log pura inning not out khelne ka irada hai kya.. ha.. Six!, Six! stand and deliver Six!. 4x4!, LSG Handsome Total - 210!. Let's see, how the KKR boys respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea, no sweet, no milk, pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, is that so,.. tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,just have tea,..,things will be all cool, ok.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so,...,half a cup of tea is the better idea, ok, cool then..
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..If you speak for too long, nobody will listen to you till the end,..be concise and go ahead,..,If your current methods are not working, try another better method,..,just don't create blockades and congestion with those same failed methods,...these days people get bored very easily, and to bore other people is never a good idea,..,Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,..,ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Sic Parvis Magna,..,Greatness from small beginnings.,.,try something new,.. in the ever changing natural and physical world,..no understanding is final,.. science is a continuous process to undestand and adapt with the natural world.., So, nothing is final, things change, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I had something urgent obligation to attend, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..a nice cup of tea is all about funkylife, ok, cool.
Ok, is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
#U17EURO,... UEFA U17 EURO, Denmark vs Scotland and Serbia vs Turkey, underway.. 10 minutes played, no early breakthrough from no one.. Serbia! first goal!.. , cooling break on the other. , 30 minutes played, Serbia 1-0 up!, Den-Scot 0-0.. Danes strike! goal!..Denmark 1-0 up!.. Scoland responded quick! goal! and eqalized! , now , Den-Scot 1-1. Turkey equalised! goal!, Serb-Turk 1-1.. , now we have even games here.., Sharpen up attack! Serbs, in the next half..sharpen the Turk blades!..and same for Den-Scot.. It is halftime, Denmark 1-1 Scotland and Serbia 1-1 Turkey.
Second half,
whoa.. game on!, Danes 2-1 up!, Serbs 2-1 up!..30 minutes to go.. cooling break, hot out there.. Danes! goal!.., Danes 3-1 up!.., and cooling break, really hot out there.. can Turks equalize,, Scots not looking so.. Final score, Denmark 3-1 Scotland and Serbia 2-1 Turkey. #U17EURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#U17EURO,... UEFA U17 EURO, Spain vs Belgium and Portugal vs Sweden, underway.. within 20 minutes, Spain 1-0 up! and Sweden 1-0 up!..cool. ..ok, cooling break for ESP- BEL, Potugal eqalised! POR-SWE 1-1!, 34 mintes played. Portugal! 2-1 up!..Swedes! what's up.., Spain strike again! Spain 2-0 up! Portugal strike! Portugal! 3-1 up!.. It is halftime, Spain 2-0 Belgium and Portugal 3-1 Sweden.
Second half,
Portugal taming the Swedes! Portugal 4-1 up!.. Spain still 2-0 up!.., sweat! cooling break.., ohh! technical problem, ESP-BEL. ok , now back to live.., Sweden 2 goals!, but that will not be enough.., Spain looking easy home.., It is fulltime, Spain 2-0 Belgium and Portugal 4-2 Sweden. #U17EURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about, RR vs CSK,..,and CSK chose to bat first,..,let's see, how they do with bat., RR need to win to secure a place in the Playoffs.. Slow start from CSK.. Six!.. CSK, 15-1, 3 overs gone. fo fo fo four! Six!.. easy 4!, 4! more. .Six!, wow, slow to fast CSK local! and 50 for Moeen! Powerplay over, CSK, 75-1. going good CSK, so far.. LBW? umpire's kaal..:) out!.. CSK, 87-2, 8 overs gone. Wicket! , 10 overs gone..94-3. Wicket!. Moeen's day out form CSK.. 3 overs to go, CSK, 126-4. Six! Wicket!..Wicket!, CSK Total - 150. Let's see, how the RR boys respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,just have a nice cup of tea and chill., ok, cool.
Hmm,..Like people say, taste the success once… tongue want more. - Kapil Dev
Hmm,..,Make it work,..,scale it up,..,nobody will ask or care about the method, procedures, design etc.. you employed, ok,..the results say it all, ok, cool.
Hmm,...,Be professional,..means be efficient and result oriented,..that's it., no social hazards like privilege, position, status, etc.. are not needed, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,.., 'Job's are not some kind of final consumable end products,..,they are laborious and rigorous physical or mental undertaking,..,usually not always pleasing or comforting,.ok,.. jobs are not some kind of nice end products,..,instead, they are laborious process to make and deliver some nice consumable end products,..,Now, do you want/need a job?,.. tell me, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Those who do not operate in the real economy, i.e., market economy,. have no real jobs,..,such as state sector and zombie corps..etc..people have no real jobs,..,they do hypothetical stuffs,..that have no real importance,. labor is always a scarce resource .. ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Real Economy is the sum total of millions and billions people transacting with one another.. everyday, every moment,..,A few fat parsi, bania fellows here and there, some lazy state crooks, some startups, some dalals here and there,..do not make a Real Economy, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, is that so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..a nice cup of tea is all about funkylife, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, Those are your goals,..are you prepared to achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Ok, ok, Those are your goals,..,have nice coffee,..go achieve your goals,..ok, cool.
Hmm, They say the Queens of Football will meet at Juentus Stadium, Turin tonight in the UEFA Women's Champions League Final! (2021-22),..but there is only One Crown!,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UWCL, Ok, now,..Is Juventus Stadium ready? Is Turin ready? Is Italy ready?.. to welcome the Queens of Football in Europe,..Champions League is not just most glamorous, as some people may say.., but it is the highest level of Women's Pro Football competition in Europe,..UEFA Women's Champions League Final! ..Barcelona vs Lyon.. So, be ready gals, No More What Ifs, ok #UWCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL, Ok, so, Today is all about, DC vs MI,.. DC must with win to qualify for the Playoffs,..otherwise RCB will progress,..DC just need to win to pip RCB with better net run rate,..,tomorrow's SRH vs PBKS match will not interfere any one in the Playoff race,..but today, DC must win, it is in their own hands, they can't rely on just luck, but have to perform on the pitch, #IPL
#IPL, Ok, so, DC vs MI, then..,and MI chose to bowl first,..,let's see, how the DC boys do with bat. First Six!, Wicket! Warner departs! DC, 21-1, 3 overs gone.. Wicket!,.. Wicket!, ..Six! ..Powerplay over, DC, 37-3. Wicket! no good going DC.. DC, 64-4, 11 overs gone. Six!,.. ok, still going slow, DC, 106-4, 15 overs gone. make some runs, guys.., a fighting total.. 4!..Six! ..no! Wicket! Six!..Six!, 2 overs to go.., bowled! Powell gone! Wicket! much needed Six!, DC Total - 159. Let's see, how MI respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UWCL, UEFA Women's Champions League Final! (2021-22) commences shortly,..,Barcelona vs Lyon,..,ok, No Favorites, No prediction, ..No More What Ifs.. So play well, and play to win!, all the best both the Teams. See you gals in Action!. #UWCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
OK,, Bacelona gals,..that's gonna hurt for a while,..just try to swallow the bitter pill for the time being,..it is not easy to swallow a crushing defeat in a big event like UWCL Final, espicially after a long and wonderful footballing adventure with great fanfare,.,.for Lyon, It is just Efficiency from experience, they played French style football,..not so enjoyable style,..,they do not look like doing much in the middle, in terms of ball posession or passing,..but they suddenly create chances and make it count! score goals, in the last FIFA World Cup Final and UEFA Nations League Final, France Men's National team played the same style, not much in the middle, but score goals,... Lyon can play physical game too,..,Barcelona lack strong defense line, players that can't be easily pinned down or (wo)manhandled and penetrate, that is most important in international competitions, ..,like you can't pin down or manhandle a big and highly skillful player like Zidane,..,when teams with equivalent skills meet,..physicality has the advantage, ..but lightening speed strikers can neutralize physicality,..,that is also an equation.
Ok, Barca gals, take some break and freshen up for the Copa de la Reina Semi Final..,just like Juventus gals are preparing for Italian Women's Cup Final!,..,Lyon also have some domestic score to settle a little later.
All said, Congratulations!, Lyon!, Champions of Europe,
....Champi8nnes d’Europe 2022!....
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,just have tea and chill., ok, cool.
Ok, so,..a nice cup of evening tea is all about funkylife, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Today is the last match of the League Stage,..SRH vs PBKS. ok.
First of all congrats, All the teams that have made to the Top 4,..1.GT, 2.RR, 3.LSG, 4.RCB.
So far, Playoff encounters look like this,..
GT vs RR, 24th May, 2022 (7:30PM, IST)
LSG vs RCB, 25th May, 2022 (7:30PM, IST),
,,,and the rest will follow from the results of these matches.
I believe thegals are ready for the, Women's T20 Challenge 2022. Four matches, short and sweet series. They say, full fledge league will start from next year (2023).
The first match commences tommorrow,...
Trailblazers vs Supernovas, 23rd May, 2022 (7:30PM,IST).
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL,.. Ok, so , Today is the Final day of this EPL season,..the League Winner will be decided today only, either it is Man City or Liverpool, ok #EPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL,.. Ok, so, The last match of the League Stage,..SRH vs PBKS. underway, and SRH batting first, ok. Six!, 4!.. Powerplay over, SRH, 43-1. Six! ,, Wicket! . Six! , SRH, 71-2, 10 overs gone.. Wicket!, not so good going from SRH..., SRH, 116-5, 17 overs gone..,SRH Total - 157, Let's see, how PBKS respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#U17EURO,... UEFA U17 EURO, Netherlands vs France and Poland vs Bulgaria, underway. 10 minutes played, no goals yet.. France strike first! France 1-0 up!, It is halftime, Netherlands 0-1 France and Poland 0-0 Bulgaria
Second half,
60 minutes played, still France 1-0 up!, Poland 1-0 up!..
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#EPL,.. All the Final day matches of this EPL season underway, lets see, at the end of the matches who end up where, ok,
It is halftime...
Man City 0-1 Villa!
Liverpool 1-1 Wolves!..
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Where did you copy it from, that is nothing new,.,ok,.,copy of copy,..ok. cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,A League or Series should not be too long, so that the players get too tired and exhausted, and that might affect the quality of their performances..,but it should not be too short, so that the teams/players feel like, they did not get enough number of matches to show off their skills and realize their full potential, .."yani,..hunar dikhane ka mouka poora milna chahiye", ok, cool. #WomensT20Challenge #WT20C22.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,Dear All,.. The only person you should never lie or cheat is yourselves - Unknown.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..a nice cup of evening tea is all about funkylife, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Man City claimed the English Premier League Trophy yet again,..,with some dramatic late minutes Victory!, should that ManCity match ended in draw, Liverpool would have snatched the Trophy!, but finally Man City prevailed! and the ManCity fans came down and flooded the pitch, overcrowded with joy! Congratulations! ..
Manchester City, Premier League Champions 2021/22!
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good., ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, Ganguly says, My11Circle, Rs.1 Crore Everyday! cool. What the hell i am doing! Rs. 1 Crore! daily .., #WT20Challenge, #My11CircleWT20C
#WT20C22,.. Ok so, My11Circle Women's T20 Challenge, 2022... The first match, Trailblazers vs Supernovas, about to begin!.., and Supernovas chose to bat first,.,Let's see, how Supernovas do with bat..
First Six!..,4!.. ok start from Supernovas, 15-0, 2 overs gone.. 4!..4!.. Dottin!,,,4!.. very relaxed batting..no hurry...4! Priya! can hit Six too.. another 4!... Supernovas, 39-0, 4 overs gone. shot! 4!.. Six! 50 up for Supernovas!.. direct hit! Dottin gone!.. Harleen in.. 4!. Powerplay over, Supernovas, 58-1. Bowled! Priya gone! Harmapreet in..clever shot.., Trailblazers able to slow the scoring down a bit.. 4!, Supernovas, 82-2, 9 overs gone. 4!.. ohh!.., 4!.. 100 up for Supernovas! LBW? Out! Harleen departs.. Sune Luus in.. 4!.. LBW? No..,150+ needed for fighting total.. Wicket! Luus gone!.. Supernovas, 123-4, 15 overs gone., 4!, Wicket! Alana gone!,,.Trailblazers doing good actually, bowling and fielding.., Supernovas scoring stuck, captain Harman need to step up.. ohh! again laned no women's land.. 4! 4!, 2 overs to go.. 4!, and 150 up for Supernovas!.. Wicket! Vastrakar gone!, Ecclestone in..4! run out! Captain gone!.. LBW? Out! Ecclestone gone.. Taniya in.. run out! Meghna gone.., This is a fighting total, Supernovas - 163.. Let's see, how Trailblazers respond with bat.
Second inning starting ok, Trailblazers.. 4!.. Mathhews!, Trailblazers, 34-0, 4 overs gone.., Wicket! Matthews gone.. 4!, clever shot! ..don't give wicket.. 4!, Powerplay over, Trailblazers, 48-1. 4!, no 3 runs, 50 up for Trailblazers.. going good, just don't give wickets.. Wicket! Smriti gone!, gadhi, kyu wicket diya..:), another Wicket!, Trailblazers, 65-3, 8 overs gone. Bowled! king strikes! Trailblazers derailing.. need a good partnership.., Wicket! and Wicket! ,,no runs..Wicket!, Supernovas great performance.! ..4! 4!, Arey 100 to banao.. 4!, brilliant catch! Harleen! .. another Wicket? no.. Trailblazers, 88-8, 15 overs gone. make some runs, gals...Wicket! bowling and fielding brilliant , Supernovas.. 4!.. 100 up for Trailblazers. 4!.. 4!.. ,last over.. Supernovas won by big margin! Congrats! Gals! #WT20Challenge, #My11CircleWT20C, #WT20C22
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#U17EURO,... UEFA U17 EURO, Spain vs Serbia and Belgium vs Turky, underway. 30 minutes played, no goals yet.., It halftime, Spain 0-0 Serbia, Belgium 0-0 Turky
Second half...
60 minutes played, no goals yet., 6 minutes to go,...Belgium 3-1 up!, Spain 1-0 up!.. fulltime, Spain 1-1 Serbia, Belgium 3-1 Turky. #U17EURO
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,.., tea is kinda going good., ok, cool.
Ok, so, whose funda is that,. inconnu said so, tell me, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,The true nature or character of any person is observed only in the dealings and transactions in the real economy, the market..,where they spend money,.. If you are a hypothetically designated privileged or positioned person,..people will come to you with rehearsal and polite,..like,.."May I come in Sir", "Good Morning Sir",..just like, Ramprasad Dashrathprasad Sharma (Amol Palekar) came for interview at Bhavani Shankar's (Utpal Dutt) office,..,you will never know their real charrcter that way,..,so, market is where the real things happen,..rest are just some kind of pretentious setups, not real, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Hmm,,,.Some younger fellows come to me and say,..,"I want to be independent, i don't want work for anyone, under anyone, i want to work on my own and make money on my own ", , i just say, who is stopping you..:), ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
If you win, you need not have to explain,…If you lose, you should not be there to explain :). AH.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..tea kinda going good, ok, cool.
#WT20C22, Ok so, My11Circle Women's T20 Challenge, 2022... The 2nd match, Velocity vs Supernovas, about to begin!.., and Velocity chose to bowl first,.,Let's see, how Supernovas do with bat., ok. .Supernovas opening pair, Priya and Dottin....4!.. Wicket!, Kate Cross strikes early!, Priya gone! Harleen in.. 4!.. Wicket! ..Harleen gone.. Cross again!, Supernovas, 14-2, 3 overs gone.. 4!., 4!.., ok, so just go out and make some runs,..come whoever the bowler is... 4!.. don't think much.. 4!..,Arrey Chicken Biryani good keeping..:) 4!. Supernovas, 52-3, 8 overs gone., Ok. Jyada nahi sochne ka,., ..just go out and make some runs..come whoever the bowler is.., Supernovas, 60-3, 10 overs gone., adbhut bowling action!,, need runs Supernovas runs.. 4!.. Six! ohh! 4!.. 100 up Supernovas.. 150+, then game on.. kar legi?.. 4 overs to go.. 50 for Harmanpreet! 4!.. not out! Six! shot! 4!.. 6!, Supernovas Total - 150,..fighting total.. Let's see, how Velocity respond with bat.
--- Innings break....
Ok, baat simple hai,..jyada nahi sochne ka,.,.just go out and make some runs,..come whoever the bowler is..ok,.. we are cool here..ok..
Ok, looks like good start, Velocity.., Velocity, 38-1, 4 overs gone.., Shafali !Six! 4!.., 50 up Velocity! Six! 4!.. Good Powerplay for Velocity, 60-1., ok, Chicken Biryani aaram se ha.. 4!, Wicket! bola tha sambhal ke..,chal koi baat nahi.., steady gals steady,! ohh!.. 50 for Shafali!.. 4!..Velocity, 77-2, 9 overs gone.. Wicket!, Shafali gone.. scoring going good, Velocity need keep wickets...yeah, that was a great catch!.. Velocity, 82-3, 10 overs gone. 4!.. game on! 4! 4!..woo! game on! gals.. 32 from 30 balls.. Six! fantastic! Velocity very confident play!.., now the tournament is open!..great!. congrats! Velocity gals! cia.. #WT20Challenge, #My11CircleWT20C, #WT20C22.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
#IPL,.. Ok, so, Today is Playoff, Game-1,..RR vs GT. underway, and RR batting first, How is it going guys..
RR, 28-1, 4 overs gone.., ok start from RR.. Six!.. Six! Powerplay over, RR, 55-1. RR keeping wickets, and scoring well too.., no room for silly things.. Wicket! SS gone!.. Six! ..RR still steady.. big finish needed, RR, 150 up.. 4!..4!.. catch missed! now caught! Six!..Six!.., This is a good total, RR Total - 188. Let's see, how GT respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..really,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good., ok, cool.
Ok, so, Being Independent doesn't just mean financial independence,..,you will not have to address some chutiyas(morons), as Sir,..,and you will have lots of time for activities you love, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, How to fix this long going power supply irregularities,.,Just Privatize the Discom(APDCL), and throw out the nepotistically employed incompetent local intruders,..,power supply will be regular immediately, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..a nice cup of evening tea is all about funkylife, ok, cool.
Ok, oh, come on Lyon gals,.,it's ok na,..just don't rub salt into the wounds of Barcelona gals,..,by showing off and flashing the shiny UWCL Trophy so much,.. Barca or some other team may come back stronger next season.,.so, go easy, ok, cool. #UWCL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#UECL, UEFA Europa Conference League Final! tonight,..,Roma vs Feyenoord,..,so, no favorites no prediction, I may or may not wake up in the midnight, but play well and play to win!, no room for sloppiness, all the best both the teams...
UEFA Europa Conference League - Final - 26th May 2022, 12:30 AM(IST)
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#CopadelaReina, Copa de la Reina Semi Final! tonight,..,Barcelona gals vs Real Madrid gals,..,so, no favorites no prediction, play for a place in the Final! Sporting Huelva already through to the final. Ok, so, play to win!, no room for sloppiness, all the best both the teams... 26th May 2022, 12:30 AM(IST)
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
OK, next events coming up in a short while..
IPL Playoff, Game-2,..LSG vs RCB,..,..btw congrats GT, the first finalist!.
UEFA U17 EURO, Quarter final, Game-1 - Germany vs France..
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#U17EURO, UEFA U17 EURO, Quarter final, Game-1 - Germany vs France..underway.. 10 minutes played, no early goals. France! goal!, 20 minutes played, France 1-0 up!, whoa! Germany equalised! game on!.., It is halftime, Germany 1-1 France.
Second half..
60 minutes played, score still 1-1.., need a tie breaker, anyone? 20 minutes to go.., time running out, still 1-1.. somebody do something.. 3 added minutes..,So, it will be decided by Penalty shootout!.. France - 1, Missed!, France - 2, Missed!, France - 3, Goal! France - 4, Goal! France - 5, Goal! 6-Goal!
Germany -1 Goal!, Germany -2 Goal!, Germany -3 Missed! Germany -4 Goal! Germany -5 Missed! 6-Missed!
France won 4-3!
#IPL,.. Ok, so, Today is Playoff, Game-2,..LSG vs RCB. , and LSG chose bowl first, Lets see, how RCB do with bat.. Wicket! early strike! RCB Skipper gone.. 4! .. 4!.., Powerplay over, RCB, 52-1. Wicket! Six!..Six!... RCB, 84-2, 10 overs gone.. 50 for Rajat! Wicket!, runs to banana hoga., thoda nahi, jyada.. yesteday they chased down, though target was set good...4!.. 4!.. 100 up for RCB .. 4!..41. ohh!, RCB, 123-4, 15 overs gone. Six!..no.. missed! and 4! Six! ..4!. Six! , 150 up for RCB. 4! 4! ..big finish needed.. ohh! Six! 100 for Rajat!.. LBW? no.. Six! Six!..4!.. 200 up for RCB, RCB Total - 207, LSG boys will have to bat really well to chase down this target! #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good., ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,Evening tea is kinda going good., ok, cool.
#WT20C22, Ok so, My11Circle Women's T20 Challenge, 2022... The 3rd match, Trailblazers vs Velocity, about to begin!.., and Velocity chose to bowl first,.,Let's see, how Trailblazers do with bat..
First 4! of the inning! .4! more.., run banana hai bahut saara, bas, jyada nahi sochne ka,.. ohh! Wicket! 4!,,,,4! ..4!.. consistency Smriti, consistency pe dhyan de.., don't just throw away wicket cheaply.. 4!.. 4!.. Powerplay over, Trailblazers, 47-1. Six!. Smriti, as a key player take responsibility..aagey aur bahut khelna hai.. 4!..going good this pair.. Six! 4!, Trailblazers, 79-1, 9 overs gone.. This partnership is going solid!.. ohh!.. double half Centurion!.. Six! 4!.. Wicket! well played, Meghana!, Trailblazers, 128-2, 15 overs gone. Six! Jemimah!.. ohh dropped! 4!.. dropped again! 4!. 4!.. 150 up for Trailblazers! Wicket! catch finally..) ..Six! fo fo fo Four!.. 4! woo! 4! catch! another catch! fantastic cricket! Trailblazers fantastic Total - 190. Let's see, how Velocity respond with bat.
#WT20Challenge, #My11CircleWT20C, #WT20C22.
#U17EURO, UEFA U17 EURO, Quarter final, Game-2 - Denmark vs Serbia..underway.. 17 minutes played, Serbia 1-0 up!. It is halftime, Denmark 0-1 Serbia.
Second half..
Danes equalized!, 60 minutes played, Denmark 1-1 Serbia.. Serbia 2-1 up!
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good., ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,If you have tea often, that is a behaviour, .so, what's the issue here, tell me, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going wonderful., ok, cool.
#IPL,.. Ok, so, Today is Playoff, Game-3, Semi final,..,last push for a place in the final! ..RR vs RCB. , and RR chose bowl first, Lets see, how RCB do with bat..
First Six! for RCB.. Wicket!, RCB, 25-1, 4 overs gone.. Powerplay over, RCB, 46-1..,RCB, 74-1, 10 overs gone... Wicket! Six!.. Six!.. Wicket!.. Six!, 50 for Rajat!, RCB, 123-3, 15 overs gone.. Wicket! big finish needed... Wicket!.. Bowled!. Six!.,, Bowled!, RCB Total - 157. To defend this total, there is no room for sloppines from RCB bowlers and fielders Let's see, how RR respond with bat. #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,indeed,..,tea is kinda going good., ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good., ok, cool.
Ok,..,when have tea, start chatting,..,tea less & chat less, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.when next time have tea,..just keep that in mind, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Action packed day...,coming up tonight..
Women's games..
My11Circle Women's T20 Challenge, 2022, Final, Supernovas vs Velocity, 28th May (7:30PM IST)
DFB-Pokal Frauen(Women), (2021-22), Final, Wolfsburg vs Potsdam, 28th May (8:15PM IST)
Men's game..
UEFA Champions League, (2021-22) , Final, Real Madrid vs Liverpool, 29th May (12:30AM IST)
Ok, Now, Klopp says, he will give a proper try,..can anyone elaborate the same,..,things are a little unclear,..and is Stade de France ready!,.. ok, cool.
Ok, so, You can't demand respect or no one can give or offer you respect,..,You earn respect with your own deeds,..,If you have to demand respect, certainly, you are not worthy of respect, ok, cool.
I was not saying about anyone specific,..,just a reminder of a universal statement, got it,.. ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#WT20C22, Ok so, My11Circle Women's T20 Challenge, 2022..a short and sweet tournament, The Final! , Supernovas vs Velocity, about to begin!.., and Velocity chose to bowl first. Let's see, how Supernovas do with bat.
First Six!..for Supernovas.. 4!, Supernovas, 24-0, 3 overs gone. catch missed! ..Six! ..Six! Dottin! Powerplay over, Supernovas, 46-0. This is good start actually ,Supernovas.. and no wicket yet. Supernovas, 55-0, 8 overs gone. Six! ..catch! Priya gone, Harman in.. no ball!, Supernovas, 78-1, 10 overs gone... wow,..Six!.. Six!.. 4!.. Supernovas superb!, Supernovas, 126-1, 14 overs gone. Dottin gone! well played.., Velocity have big hitters too..so ,no score is too big score these days..They say Kiran Navgire is a female version of both Sehwag & Dhoni combined!, bowled! Vastrakar gone.. Supernovas, 146-3, 17 overs gone. Wicket! Harman gone.. Sune Luus in.. caught behind!..big finish needed..Supernovas .. 170+ ? ..out! caught!.. Sune Luus gone.. Six! ..LBW? No.. out!, Supernovas fighting Total - 165. Let's see, how Velocity respond with bat.
#Final #WT20Challenge, #My11CircleWT20C, #WT20C22.
#DFBPokalFinale, DFB-Pokal Frauen(Women), (2021-22), Final, Wolfsburg vs Potsdam, about to begin.. 17 minutes played, Wolfsburg 1-0 up! , commentator sleeping..:) , going a little slow match.. Wolfsburg strike! Goal! , 33 minutes played, Wolfsburg 2-0 up!..ohh chance!..now Goal!, Wolfsburg 3-0 up! It is halftime, VfL Wolfsburg 3-0 Turbine Potsdam. #Women's DFB-Pokal #Final, #DFBPokalFinale
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda going good., ok, cool.
Ok, so,..When openers/top orders do not make runs and build some foundation for the middle orders and the tailenders...normally matches are hard to win,..,that is what happened to Velocity,..Supernovas did not let them settle, by taking wickets regularly,..although the target was not too steep!,,,still Velocity took the game to the wire!,..but finally, Supernovas prevalied and won the My11Circle Women's T20 Challenge, 2022, congrats gals! #Final #WT20Challenge, #My11CircleWT20C
Ok, so, The German Champions Wolfsburg won the DFB-Pokal Frauen(Women) ,quite comfortably, they outplayed Potsdam with 4-0! Victory.. DFB-POKALSIEGERINNEN, 2021-22 
, congrats gals. #DFBPokalFinale.
Ok, so, Klopp's Liverpool boys did give more than a proper try,..ok, but the great wall of Real Madrid called, Thibaut Courtois,stronger than the wall of Troy,..repelled every Liverpool attempt, ..,that are normally goal scoring shots!..,Vinícius Júnior just helped Courtois with his only goal of the match!.,and that way Real Madrid came out Victorious and became the European Champions for 14 times, bravo! Congrats, Real Madrid, CHAMP14NS of Europe!,2021-22. #HalaMadrid #UCLFinal.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Action of the day...,coming up,.. Copa de la Reina, Final! (2021-22).
Barcelona vs Sporting Huelva, 29th May (3:00PM IST).
#CopadelaReina.. Own goal..,:), Sporting Huelva.., then a real goal from MaPi Leon..:), 40 minutes played, Barcelona 2-0 up! It is half time, Barcelona 2-0 Sporting Huelva.
Second half..
60 Minutes played, still Barcelona 2-0 up..,lots of fresh legs are coming in for the tired legs for Barca.., Sporting Huelva! Goal!,..,it is not over yet!..score 2-1!.., Ana-Maria and Pina! ..one goal each!, Barcelona 4-1 up!, now it is done deal for Barca, with less than 10 minutes to go..,now Martens joins the party! Goal!, Barcelona 5-1 up!, Alexia has the final say! Goal!..,Barcelona 6-1 up!. It is full time, Barcelona 6-1 Sporting Huelva., Copa de la Reina,..Champions of the Queen's Cup, 2021-22, for the Barcelona Football Queens! Congrats! #Final #ForçaBarça #CopadelaReina
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok,..,is that so,..,tea is kinda really going good., ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,a nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Action coming up next,..
Cricket (IPL)
Indian Premier League, Final!, 2022, 29th May (8:00PM IST)
Rajasthan Royals (RR), Winners of the inaugural IPL season (2008).
Gujarat Titans (GT), a debutant of 2022 season with promising performance and points table topper.
Let's see, who will come out victorious tonight..
Football (U17EURO, 2022)
UEFA U17 EURO, Semi final - 1, France vs Portugal.,29th May (8:00PM IST)
UEFA U17 EURO, Semi final - 2, Netherlands vs Serbia.,29th May (11:30PM IST)
Let's see, which teams will make it to the Final!..
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#IPL,.. Ok, so, Today is the Final!,..,RR vs GT. ,and RR chose bat first, Let's see, how they do with bat.. ..looks like a bit cautious start from RR batters.. Six!..Wicket!.. RR , 31-1, 4 overs gone., still a bit slow, Wicket!, RR , 60-2, 8.2 overs gone..ok, Butler..pitch is all yours!.. RR , 75-2, 11 overs gone.. RR bit stuck?.. Wicket!..edged! Butler gone!, advantage GT?, RR , 84-4, 14 overs gone.. runs RR, need runs.., need a fighting total..150-160+.. GT literally suffocated the RR batters..Six! one step behind rope..:), Wicket! ..RR capitulating.:) on this big day.., GT at ease as usual.., give some runs to the bowlers something to bowl at..123 runs that's all..,RR Total - 130. Let's see, how GT respond with bat. #Final #IPL
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
#U17EURO, UEFA U17 EURO, Semi final -1, France vs Portugal..underway.. France 1-0 up! within 8 minnutes.. Portugal! equalised! within 12 minutes.. Portugal! made it two! ..Portugal 2-1 up!.. 5 minutes to halftime..France! equalised!, It is halftime, France 2-2 Portugal.
Second half..
50 minutes played, score still, 2-2.. 20 minutes to go, need a tie breaker.. anyone?.. i don't like penalty shootout, just like anyone..ok.. Find a tie breaker, Kids.. 5 added minutes..
So, penalty shootout it is..
Portugal 1 - Goal! Portugal 2 - Goal!...
France 1 - Goal! France 2 - Goal!..
France won 6-5. Into the UEFA U17 EURO Final! , See you boys in the Final!.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, GT won the IPL final in the first inning itself,..,thanks to poor batting performance from RR guys, GT would chase down that low total (130 runs) anyway,.., Congratulations! Gujarat Titans! Winners of IPL Trophy, 2022. as a debutant.. and that is something special.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so, Lyon gals are French Champions, winners of Division 1 Féminine!, .btw,.. 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙨, 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙨, 𝙊𝙡𝙚́, 𝙊𝙡𝙚́, 𝙊𝙡𝙚́ 

..what does that mean?,.., may be something good.. Lyon are the Champ15nnes of France and Champ8nnes of Europe, 2021-22.
Congratulations, Lyon, Championnes de France & d'Europe 2021-22!
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
That said, from the next month (Jun, 2022) onwards, Major International Competitions will commence. So, just a gentle reminder,..,be prepared, ok, folks. ciao.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, is that so,..believe me,..all you need is tea,.,things will be fine, ok, cool.
Ok, ok, so,.. Evening tea is going good, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I don't like tattos on my skin,..,so, no,..,i don't belong to Dragon, Godzilla or Crocodile kind of species, ok,..i am ok being a normal regular persona, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I don't like beard either,..it feels like an unnecessary burden to carry, i am minimalist in that case,..They say, there were beard tax in earlier Soviet for carrying long beard,..,and for not looking like nice clean trimmed Europeans,. ok, cool.
Hmm,..,I don;t like moustache either,..i do not need an extra filter, when i drink some liquid without a straw,. say beer or other such drinks, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,a nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning tea/coffee first,..,then do your things, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Morning pure tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is going good, ok, cool.
Ok, unknown says so,..have a nice cup of tea, things will be fine, ok.
Hmm,...,They deduct money first,..,do not complete the process, do not generate payment reciept,..do not refund money,..,they are all regulated/state entities,..,they all steal, putting the loss on me...,i am extra careful about all such entities,..,and stopped using many of such loss maker entities for business purpose,..ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,chatting patting is ok,..but tea is needed most importantly,..ok, cool.
Hmm,..,Privately managed entities atleast provide better service,.. they are responsive and approachable atleast, not dumb,..but those so called public services are massive resource misallocation, corrupt (personal benefits), massive waste and no accountability, ..,there is no way to calculate loss and gain accurately. So, their methods are like ,@%sdsds5454$$$%$%$%878hjhjhjfdj555465^ ...ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,..,a nice cup of tea is all about funky life, ok, cool.
Ok, .really,..so, unknown also need a nice cup of tea, ok, cool.
Hmm,..,That is why whole lot of people still prefer physical paper money transaction, ..they find it safer than online transaction failure, money loss and frequent bank server problems,..,btw, did you kids know #Bitcoin
has no transaction failure,..,the difference between the work of incompetent and competent people, ..ok,cool.

Told you,..nobody no need free but useless services,.. people need reliable 24x7 services with fee, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so,.. Evening tea is kinda going good, ok, cool.
Ok, so, you see,..tea is always a better idea, ok, cool.
Ok, really,..,is that so,..tea before sleep is kinda better idea, ok, cool.
Quality means doing it right when no one is looking. - Henry Ford.
Ok, so, do things right when no one is looking, - Quality shines bright.
Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. - John Ruskin
Ok, ok..,is that so,..that kinda sounds cool, ok.
Ok, ok, i kinda got that ok, cool,..ok, i kinda sorta got that ok, cool.